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日期:2023-04-14 08:08

Faculty of



FIT3152 Data analytics – 2023: Assignment 1

Your task • Analyse the country level predictors of pro-social behaviours to reduce the

spread of COVID-19 during the early stages of the pandemic.

• This is an individual assignment.

Value • This assignment is worth 25% of your total marks for the unit.

• It has 40 marks in total.



• 8 – 10 A4 pages (for your report) + extra pages as appendix (for your R script

and clustering table).

• Font size 11 or 12pt, single spacing

Due Date 11.55pm Monday 17th April 2023

Submission • Submit a single PDF file and single video file on Moodle.

• Use the naming convention: FirstnameSecondnameID.{pdf, mp4, mov etc.}

• Turnitin will be used for similarity checking of all written submissions.


AI Use

• In this assessment, you must not use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to

generate any materials or content in relation to the assessment task.



• 10% (4 mark) deduction per calendar day for up to one week.

• Submissions more than 7 calendar days after the due date will receive a

mark of zero (0) and no assessment feedback will be provided.


Address each of the research questions below and report the results of your analysis and your

interpretation of those results.

You are expected to include at least one high quality multivariate graphic summarising key results.

You may also include other simpler graphs and tables. Report any assumptions you’ve made in

modelling and include your R code as an appendix. Your R code must be machine readable text as

the university requires all student submissions to be processed by plagiarism detection software.

There are two options for compiling your written report:

(1) You can create your report using any word processor with your R code pasted in as machine readable text as an appendix, and save as a pdf, or

(2) As an R Markup document that contains the R code with the discussion/text interleaved. Render

this as an HTML file and save as a pdf.

Your video report should be less than 100MB in size. You may need to reduce the resolution of your

original recording to achieve this. Use a standard file format such as .mp4, or mov for submission.


It is expected that you will use R for your data analysis and graphics and tables. You are free to use

any R packages you need but must document these in your report and include in your R code. You

may use other software, such as Excel, to create the table of clustering data for Question 3(a).



During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers surveyed participants around the

globe. A baseline study was conducted with the aim of identifying the most important predictors of

pro-social COVID-19 behaviours, that is, actions that would reduce the spread of the virus. You can

read a more detailed description of the research and results in Van Lissa (2022), see references.

The aim of this assignment is to understand country-level differences in predictors of pro-social

behaviours, reported by participants as: “I am willing to:

• help others who suffer from coronavirus.” (c19ProSo01)

• make donations to help others that suffer from coronavirus.” (c19ProSo02)

• protect vulnerable groups from coronavirus even at my own expense.” (c19ProSo03)

• make personal sacrifices to prevent the spread of coronavirus.” (c19ProSo04)

Your task is to analyse the baseline survey data overall, with a focus on the country you have been

assigned. You may make use of any additional data you require to answer the following questions.

1. Descriptive analysis and pre-processing. (6 Marks)

(a) Describe the data overall, including things such as dimension, data types, distribution of

numerical attributes, variety of non-numerical (text) attributes, missing values, and anything

else of interest or relevance.

(b) Comment on any pre-processing or data manipulation required for the following analysis.

2. Focus country vs all other countries as a group. (12 Marks)

(a) Identify your focus country from the accompanying list (FocusCountryByID.pdf). How do

participant responses for your focus country differ from the other countries in the survey as

a group?

(b) How well do participant responses (attributes) predict pro-social attitudes

(c19ProSo01,2,3 and 4) for your focus country? Which attributes seem to be the

best predictors? Explain your reasoning.

(c) Repeat Question 2(b) for the other countries as a group. Which attributes are the

strongest predictors? How do these attributes compare to those of your focus country?

3. Focus country vs cluster of similar countries. (10 Marks)

(a) Using several social, economic, health, political or other indicators, identify between 3

and 7 countries (in the baseline data) that are similar to your focus country using clustering.

Van Lissa (2022) refers to several indicators you might consider, among others. Some of

these are listed in the references, but these are not exhaustive. State the indicators used and

describe how you calculated/identified similar countries. Copy and paste the table of values

you used for your clustering into your report as an Appendix.

(b) How well do participant responses predict pro-social attitudes (c19ProSo01,2,3

and 4) for this cluster of similar countries? Which attributes are the strongest predictors?

How do these attributes compare to those of your focus country? Comment on the similarity

and/or difference between your results for this question and Question 2(c). That is, does the


group of all other countries 2(c), or the cluster of similar countries 3(b) give a better match

to the important attributes for predicting pro-social attitudes in your focus country? Discuss.

4. Video Presentation: (Submission Hurdle and 4 Marks)

Record a short presentation using your smart phone, Zoom, or similar method. Your

presentation should be approximately 5 minutes in length and summarise your main findings

for Sections 1 – 3, as well as describing how you conducted your research and any

assumptions made. Pay particular emphasis to your results in Questions 2(c) and 3(b)

5 Overall considerations (8 Marks)

This includes: the quality and clarity of your reasoning and assumptions; the strength of

support for your findings; the quality of your writing in general and communication of

results; the quality of your graphics throughout, including at least one high-quality

multivariate graphic; the quality of your R coding.


The data for this assignment is a reduced version of that collected for the PsyCorona baseline

study, Van Lissa et al. (2022). The filename is “PsyCoronaBaselineExtract.csv”. The data includes

ordinal data coded on a numerical scale. For this assignment assume it is reasonable to treat these

responses as numerical.

Create your individual data as follows:

rm(list = ls())

set.seed(12345678) # XXXXXXXX = your student ID

cvbase = read.csv("PsyCoronaBaselineExtract.csv")

cvbase <- cvbase[sample(nrow(cvbase), 40000), ] # 40000 rows

Locate your focus country using the accompanying document FocusCountryByID.pdf.

References and web links

C. J. Van Lissa, et al., (2022) Using machine learning to identify important predictors of COVID-19

infection prevention behaviors during the early phase of the pandemic. Patterns 3, 100482.


The World Bank Data Collections (and Governance Indicators)



Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)Data


Global Health Security Index: Reports and Data


World Health Organization



Data fields and brief descriptor (note AD = Agree/Disagree). See

BaselineCodebookExtract for full description.)

Concept Variable Name Label

Affect affAnx How did you feel over the last week? - Anxious

affCalm ...Calm

affContent ...Content

affBor ...Bored

affEnerg ...Energetic

affDepr ...Depressed

affExc ...Excited

affNerv ...Nervous

affExh ...Exhausted

affInsp ...Inspired

affRel ...Relaxed

Likelihood PLRAC19 How likely is it that... in the next few months? - You

will get infected with coronavirus.

PLRAEco … Your personal situation will get worse due to

economic consequences of coronavirus.

Societal Discontent disc01 AD - I fear that things will go wrong in society.

disc02 AD - I feel concerned when I think about the future of


disc03 AD - I am satisfied with society.

Job Insecurity jbInsec01 AD - Chances are, I will soon lose my job.

jbInsec02 AD - I am sure I can keep my job.

jbInsec03 AD - I feel insecure about the future of my job.

jbInsec04 AD - I already lost my job.

Employment Status employstatus_1 Which best describes your employment status during

the last week (multiple may apply)?-Employed,

working 1-24 hours per week

employstatus_2 … Employed, working 24-39 hours per week

employstatus_3 … Employed, working 40 or more hours per week

employstatus_4 … Not employed, looking for work

employstatus_5 … Not employed, not looking for work

employstatus_6 … Homemaker

employstatus_7 … Retired

employstatus_8 … Disabled, not able to work

employstatus_9 … Student

employstatus_10 … Volunteering

Perceived Financial


PFS01 AD - I am financially strained.

PFS02 AD - I often think about my current financial situation.

PFS03 AD - Due to my financial situation, I have difficulties

paying for my expenses.

Disempowerment fail01 AD - Not a lot is done for people like me in this


fail02 AD - If I compare people like me against other people

in this country, my group is worse off.


fail03 AD - Recent events in society have increased my

struggles in daily life.

Life Satisfaction happy In general, how happy would you say you are?

lifeSat In general, how satisfied are you with your life?

MLQ AD - "My life has a clear sense of purpose."

Corona Community

Injunctive norms

c19NormShould AD - "Right now, people in my area..."-...should self isolate and engage in social distancing.

c19NormDo AD - "Right now, people in my area..."-...do self isolate and engage in social distancing.

c19IsStrict To what extent is your community….-...developing

strict rules in response to the Coronavirus?

c19IsPunish ...punishing people who deviate from the rules that

have been put in place in response to the


c19IsOrg ...well organized in responding to the Coronavirus?

Trust in


trustGovCtry In general, how much do you trust the government of

your country to take the right measures to deal with

the coronavirus pandemic?

trustGovState In general, how much do you trust your community to

take the right measures to deal with the coronavirus


Gender gender What is your gender?

Age age What is your age?

Education edu What is your highest level of education?

Country Self


coded_country In which country do you currently live in?

Corona ProSocial


c19ProSo01 AD - "I am willing to..."-...help others who suffer from


c19ProSo02 AD - "I am willing to..."-...make donations to help

others that suffer from coronavirus.

c19ProSo03 AD - "I am willing to..."-...protect vulnerable groups

from coronavirus even at my own expense.

c19ProSo04 AD - "I am willing to..."-...make personal sacrifices to

prevent the spread of coronavirus.

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