Assignment 3
• Submit the complete project including source code and database files.
• Put all files into a single zip-file named “” and submit via
• Deadline:1 Apr by23:59.
• Please note that the graders are advised to check all submissions for plagiarism. Assignments
need to be solved individually (no group work).
• If you have questions about the assignment or need help with it, the best approach is to ask a
tutor during one of the lab sessions (it is recommended to visit all lab sessions).
• Use (Java) comments to explain your code. Missing or insufficient comments lead to mark
Implementing Student Assessment Portal using Servlets, JSP, and Database
Marking Scheme: 1 mark for comments,1 mark for code style, 8 marks for code
• Please create GUIs in JSP
• The servlet should be used to get requests for processing some information in the server
• It is advised to create separate packages for different roles (as illustrated below) for handling
relevant functionality
In this assignment, you will develop a project that we refer to as “Student Assessment System”. This
system will consist of a typical scenario of a University Management System. We can conceptualize
this application from the perspective of different stakeholders. We have three major roles in this
system, i.e., Students, Teachers, and Admins. This system should have a proper authentication
system. Therefore, you need to provide a Login Screen for the users. All roles will have separate
dashboards. Below you can find the list of functionalities you need to provide to each role:
Admins will have a dashboard where they have the option to:
a. Create new users (students or teachers) and set all relevant information e.g, username,
password, name, phone etc.
b. Create new courses and set all relevant information e.g, course ID, course name, semester
You should create an admin user directly in the database.
1- Students will have the option to log in to the system using their username and password.
2- On successful login, students will see the courses the are enrolled in. If the student is not enrolled
in any course, there should be an option where the student can see a list of all available courses
and register for a particular course.
3- After successful enrollment, when the students click on a course, they should be able to see their
assessment marks, in each activity marked by the instructor in that course.
1- Teachers will have the option to log in to the system using their username and password.
2- On successful login, teachers will see the list of assigned courses. If no course is assigned, there
should be an option where they can see a list of all available courses and register to teach a
particular course.
3- When the teacher selects a course, the system displays a list of students enrolled in that course.
4- When the teacher selects a student, the system allows to enter marks for assessments for the
selected student and in the selected course
• There should be three assessments: 1 quiz, 1 assignment, and 1 final exam.
The database can have 4 tables.
User Table
It contains information about the users e.g., unique user ID, password, first name, last name,
phone, role (student or teacher) etc.
Course Table
It contains information about the courses e.g., unique course ID, course name, semester etc.
User Course Table
It contains information about which users are associated with which courses. e.g., unique ID, user
ID, course ID
Assessment Table
It contains marks for quiz, assignment and final exam for each student in each course
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