BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
Case Specification:
Computer-Based Assessment Microsoft
Office Assignment
Excel 2016
This specification document is a companion document to the Assessment Guideline.
The Excel template of the expected worksheets are available on the BISM7202 Blackboard
site. The Excel template provided must be used as the basis for the assignment.
You may change the visual formatting (correct typographical errors, change colour, fonts,
data format presentation, column widths, etc) to provide a professional finished product,
but nothing else. For example, do not change the workbook’s structure or cell locations
(except when you are asked to do so).
This assignment requires you to complete an Excel workbook file using Microsoft Excel 2016
/ Microsoft Excel 365 based on the specification in this document. The Excel workbook
contains several sheets you should develop. These sheets are described as follows.
Background and Scenario
An innovative, fairly new, company called Gary’s Green Grocers to Go (GGG2G) has been
set up that provides a door-to-door vegetable delivery service to the inner-city suburbs of
Brisbane. GGG2G is set up as a franchise, which means that there is a ‘head’ franchisor with
several franchisees who operate ‘under license’ from the franchisor. GGG2G has four
franchisees in Brisbane. Each franchisee is a local vegetable shop.
As a franchisee of GGG2G, they are licenced to deliver fresh vegetables by the box to homes
and businesses in nearby suburbs (their ‘franchise area’). Over its two years of operation,
GGG2G has built up a trustworthy reputation among its customer base. GGG2G customers
receive a ‘set vegetable’ box of in-season vegetables each week via their membership
subscription program. The length of membership varies in terms of 13, 26, or 52 weeks, and
subscription fees vary by membership terms.
Winona Trescott, the owner of GGG2G, has asked you to develop a spreadsheet that will help
refine the franchise area and lower the distance travelled. Winona is very environmentally
conscious and does not want to damage the planet to deliver vegetables. She wants you to:
(1) Develop a schedule of employee salary costs according to her specifications;
(2) Complete the workbook analysing the business franchise areas to determine a
reallocation of franchise areas by distance from the store;
(3) Undertake a scenario analysis for obtaining loans for a proposed capital expansion;
(4) Provide some business-focussed comments to Winona relating to the process of
undertaking the preceding analysis.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
List of Sheets in Excel Workbook
When submitted, your final solution will have the following sheets:
Document Control
Current Franchise Distribution
Franchise Redistribution
Answer Report
Pivot Table
Pivot Chart
Capital Expansion
Scenario Summary
Comments to Winona
Sheets in italics need to be created by you as they are not in the template file.
Document Control Sheet
Hint: Cells with a light shaded green background require you to enter a value or a
formula in them, or take some action with them. Cells with a yellow background are to
be populated by either the Solver or Scenario Manager tools.
First enter your details: Student name and student number.
In addition, list any assumptions that you have made when you developed your assignment.
The assumptions allow examiners to understand your work in context. You should use these
assumptions to resolve any ambiguities you might identify in this Case Specification.
The assumptions you make must be logical and consistent with the scenario provided in this
Case Specification.
If you do not make any assumptions, please leave this section empty.
Constant Sheet
This sheet contains all the lookup tables that you will need to use in the assignment. When
using lookup tables in your formulas from the Constant sheet, make sure they are
accessed using appropriate named ranges.
There are 9 lookup tables or values contained in this Constant Sheet. You are to complete
these as directed below.
Employee Salary Table
Employees are paid at different rates based on their job title. Each job comes with a different
employer superannuation percentage rate. The details of the different job descriptions are
presented below.
You are required to complete the data entry of the table in the workbook.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
Table 1: Employee Salary Table for 2018-19
Job Title Annual
Pool Rate
Accountant $75,854 15% 0.25%
Operation Manager $60,461 12% 0.25%
Owner $113,496 20% 5%
Delivery Service Manager $65,070 12.5% 2%
IT Manager $77,255 11.5% 0.25%
Franchisee Manager $90,457 14% 1%
Senior Delivery Service Manager $70,480 9.5% 3%
All employees receive a sales commission. The commission received is determined by the
employee’s Commission Pool Rate, which is multiplied by the store’s Commission Pool to
determine Commission. The Commission Pool is determined by the Commission Pool
Percentage. Currently, the Commission Pool Percentage is 3%.
For example, a store might make $5,000,000 in revenue. $150,000, or 3% of that revenue, is
placed into the Commission Pool. A Delivery Service Manager with 2% Commission Pool
Rate would receive 2% of $150,000 as sales commission, or $3,000, as a commission.
Commission Pool Percentage
The Commission Pool Percentage is 3%. It is used to calculate the Revenue Pool and the
commissions paid according to each employee’s Commission Pool (determined by Job Title).
You are required to complete the data entry of the table in the workbook.
Annual Tax Table
Tax is withheld using the following tax rates for 2018-19. This information has been entered
for you in the Constants Sheet.
Table 2: Australian Taxable Income Table for 2018-19
Taxable Income Tax on this Income
$0 - $18,200 Nil
$18,201 - $37,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200
$37,001 - $90,000 $3,572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37,000
$90,001 - $180,000 $20,797 plus 37c for each $1 over $90,000
$180,001 and over $54,097 plus 45c for each $1 over $180,000
Note: The above rates do not include the Medicare levy of 2%.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
Employee Superannuation Contribution Table
Employees at GGG2G have collectively agreed to contribute a percentage of their annual
salary to their superannuation fund based on their age at the beginning of the financial year as
a post-tax contribution (‘non-concessional contributions’).
You are required to complete the data entry of the table in the workbook.
o Employees aged 30 and over have elected to contribute 3%.
o Employees aged 40 and over have elected to contribute 4%.
o Employees aged 50 and over have elected to contribute 4.5%.
o Employees aged 60 and over have elected to contribute 5%.
Note: In Australia, the financial year is for the period 1 July to 30 June, which is different to
the calendar year, which is for the period 1 January to 31 December.
Christmas Bonus Rates Table
Employees at GGG2G who have had extended service with the company are paid an annual
Christmas bonus at the end of each calendar year. You are required to complete the data
entry of the table in the workbook.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 1 year at the beginning of the
calendar year receive a 1.5% bonus on their annual salary.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 3 years at the beginning of the
calendar year receive a 2% bonus on their annual salary.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 5 years at the beginning of the
calendar year receive a 4% bonus on their annual salary.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 7 years at the beginning of the
calendar year receive a 5.25% bonus on their annual salary.
o Employees who have been employed for at least 10 years at the beginning of the
calendar year receive a 7% bonus on their annual salary.
Beginning of Calendar Year
Enter the first day of the 2018 calendar year (i.e., 01/01/2018).
You are required to complete the data entry of the table in the workbook.
Beginning of Financial Year
Enter the first day of the 2018/2019 financial year (i.e. 01/07/2018).
You are required to complete the data entry of the table in the workbook.
GGG2G Subscriptions Table
The subscription paid by customers varies according to the number of weeks they subscribe.
Customers pay $60 per week for a 13 week subscription, $55 per week for a 26 week
subscription, and $50 per week for a 52 week subscription. This information has been
entered for you in the Constants Sheet.
Distance Survey and Suburb Profile Table
Previously, franchise areas were allocated according to a rule of thumb (‘whatever worked’)
at the time the franchise was allocated. As GGG2G matures, Winona now wants to consider
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
allocating franchise areas on the basis of the average actual travel distance from the shop to
the suburbs that they service.
This table is central to those calculations.
Each row in this table is an inner-city suburb in Brisbane that is within 5kms or so of the
Brisbane CBD. The latitude and longitude of an ‘average’ (centroid) point for each suburb is
provided. You are to use this information to determine distance for franchise areas.
Each row also indicates the number of households and prospective subscribers to the GGG2G
service in these Brisbane suburbs to each subscription type (13, 26, or 52). This information
is derived from extensive and, according to Winona, infallible, market research1
. A
prospective subscriber is the likely maximum number of GGG2G subscribers in the suburb
indicated by market research. The role of prospective subscribers versus actual subscribers
is discussed below in the Current Franchise Distribution section.
Each column in this table represents the four (4) current franchisee stores in Brisbane
(Milton, South Brisbane, Brisbane City, and Herston).
In this table, you are to calculate the distance from each franchisee store to each suburb using
the latitude and longitude. To do this, use the latitude and longitude of each location
according to the following formula:
Distance =ACOS(COS(RADIANS(90-Lat1)) *COS(RADIANS(90-Lat2))
+SIN(RADIANS(90-Lat1)) *SIN(RADIANS(90-Lat2)) *COS(RADIANS(Long1-Long2)))
In this formula, Lat1 and Long1 should be replaced with the cell reference to the latitude and
longitude of each suburb respectively, and Lat2 and Long2 should be replaced with the cell
reference to the latitude and longitude of each franchisee store respectively.
Note: The Shop Code at the top of this table relates each Shop Code to the suburb in
which it is located.
Hint: You may wish to check your calculations of distance between suburbs using
Google Maps to measure the distance between two points, or a site such as the one
provided by NASA:
Note: the distance between a franchisee store in a suburb and the suburb in which it is
located will be 0.
Format this table appropriately.
1 You protest to Winona that no market research is ever infallible. Winona tells you ‘Don’t you worry about
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
Employees Sheet
The employee sheet keeps track of GGG2G’s employees. Your first tasks are to:
Note: Please note that your formulas should be efficient. You can use a Lookup and
Reference function to achieve this.
(1) Insert a formula to retrieve the annual salary of the employee from the Constant
(2) Following this, insert formulas to calculate the employer and employee
superannuation contributions.
Note: Please note that employer superannuation is calculated from, but is not included
in, the employee’s annual salary i.e. superannuation is in addition to salary.
Hint: You will need to use the employee’s birthday in relation to the first day of the
financial year to calculate their employee superannuation contributions. You can
address this by using one of Excel’s Date & Time functions.
(3) Insert a formula to determine the commission staff earn in addition to their annual
salary and Christmas bonus. This is to be based on the current arrangements – so use
the revenue calculated in the Current Franchise Distribution sheet as a basis.
Hint: You cannot complete this calculation until you have completed the Current
Franchise Distribution sheet discussed in the next section. Use the Commission Pool
Percentage for GGG2G and the employee’s Commission Pool Rate to determine the
employee’s commission.
(4) Insert a formula to determine the Christmas bonus employees receive.
Hint: You will need to use the employee’s first working day in this formula. You can
address this by using one of Excel’s Date & Time functions.
(5) Using a formula calculate the annual tax withheld from employees based on their
Note: In your solution, assume that all employees pay the Medicare levy of 2% (that is,
assume all employees earn more than the threshold for low-income earners, and no
Medicare Levy Surcharge applies).
Hint: Use the Annual Tax Table to calculate Income Tax from all income figures. For
example, an employee whose salary is $75,854 who has a 0.25% Commission Pool Rate
for a store with $1,000,000 in sales and has been at the store for one year would receive
($75,854 + (0.0025 x 0.03 x $1,000,000) + (0.015 x $75,854)) = $77,066.81 in taxable
On this taxable income, the accountant would pay income tax of ($3,572 + ($77,066.81 –
37000) x 0.325) = $16,593.71. The Medicare Levy of 2% also applies and so Income Tax
& Medicare Levy would be $16,593.71 + ($77,066.81 x 0.02) = $18,135.05.
(6) Finally, insert a formula to determine the annual take home balance for each
employee – this is each employee’s total income less income tax paid less any
employee contributions to superannuation.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
Current Franchise Distribution Sheet
Currently, GGG2G stores are assigned suburbs as their franchise area (where they have
exclusive rights to provide GGG2G services) in an ad hoc manner. Winona does not like the
fairly random manner by which this allocation was made.
You are to model the Current Franchise Distribution and calculate the Total Distance’, and
‘Subscription Revenue’ for each store using the layout in this sheet. In doing so, calculate
the total distance, number of subscribers by each subscription, and revenue in this sheet for
all of GGG2G.
Hint: To do this last requirement, you need to add column totals for each column in
Current Franchise Distribution.
Subscription Revenue is the number of actual subscribers in each suburb according to the
assigned store multiplied by the subscription rate for each subscription type (13, 26, or 52
week subscriptions) by the average number of weeks in a year (52.182
Actual subscribers are different to prospective subscribers. A prospective subscriber is the
likely maximum number of GGG2G subscribers in the suburb indicated by market research.
The actual number of subscribers is dependent on the number of prospective subscribers and
their distance from the nearest store. Prospective subscribers are identified in the Distance
Survey and Suburb Profile Table of the Constants sheet.
Actual subscribers is the number of prospective subscribers reduced by 20% for every 2
whole kilometres away (rounded down) from the nearest store until there are 0 actual
subscribers. For example, a suburb with 58 prospective subscribers that is 4.5 kilometres
away from the nearest store would have 35 actual subscribers. Mathematically, this can be
represented as (?? = 58 ? ?58 × ?4.5 2? × 0.2?). where a = actual subscribers.
Essentially – the further away prospective subscribers are from the store, the fewer actual
subscribers there will be.
Hint: Although subscribers may take up the service, or may drop the service, or change
subscription, you should assume that such changes cancel each other out – that is, you
may assume that the number of subscribers does not change over the twelve-month
period and all customers renew their subscription for the period (or, those that leave
are replaced by new customers).
You should complete the summary table of the revenue by store as indicated in the template.
The Revenue per Kilometre is the Total Revenue for all stores divided by Total Distance for
all stores.
The current assignment of suburbs to the franchisee is indicated in the template.
Hint: You will need to use some of Excel’s Lookup & Reference, Math & Trig, and
Logical functions in some of your formulas.
Hint: You will need to use one of Excel’s Logical functions to ensure a 0 value for any
suburb without an assigned shop code in this table.
2 This is calculated on the basis that there are on average, and taking into account leap years, 365.25 days each
year. 365.25/7=52.18 (rounded to two decimal places).
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
Franchise Redistribution Sheet
Winona wants to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase GGG2G’s environmental
credentials. Rather than the previous random arrangements, Winona wants to ensure that all
suburbs are serviced by the closest GGG2G store.
You are to use the Solver feature in this sheet to work out a possible redistribution of suburbs
between franchisees that redistributes these suburbs to franchisees to ensure that the total
distance of stores from the suburbs assigned to them is minimised.
For the Solver feature’s ‘variable area’, use the area highlighted in yellow on this sheet in the
template. These variables are binary (0 or 1) and are used to assign suburbs to stores. You
will need to use the Simplex LP Solving Method.
In this sheet, each row represents an inner-city suburb, and each column headed with a shop
code (Columns B, C, D & E) represents the assigned shop. In the intersecting cell of the shop
and the suburb, a 0 indicates that the shop is not assigned to the suburb, whereas a 1 indicates
that the shop is assigned to the suburb.
The key constraints are that each inner-city suburb should be assigned to one, and one only,
store. Further, the variable area (the yellow cells) are either 0 or 1 (i.e., binary). The solver
should be used to assign each suburb to its nearest store. The solver solution (i.e. original
values) in the template is the current franchise distribution.
Note: Please note that your formulas in this solution should be efficient. You can use a
Lookup and Reference function to achieve this.
To the right of the highlighted yellow area, identify the current shop code assigned to each
suburb name and also identify the newly assigned shop code assigned to each suburb name.
Using this code, identify the New Shop Location (i.e. the suburb of the assigned shop) in the
next column.
The Distance column is intended to show the distance between the currently-selected shop to
the assigned suburb (i.e. the cell in the yellow matrix with a ‘1’ in it). You should calculate
this using an efficient formula.
Hint: You used a Math & Trig function in tutorials that you can use to determine the
distance to the selected shop by considering both the ‘Distance to Shop Calculation
Matrix’ and the Franchise Redistribution Solver Table.
Then, identify the subscriber numbers (13, 26 and 52), and total revenue based on this
arrangement. Note that these actual subscriber numbers are calculated according to the same
formula outlined in the Current Franchise Distribution sheet (i.e. actual subscribers are a
function of the suburb’s prospective subscribers and the suburb’s distance from the new
assigned store). .
Hint: You will need to use some of Excel’s Lookup & Reference, Math & Trig, and
Logical functions in some of your formulas.
Calculate the total figures for these columns at the bottom of the table.
To easily identify the suburbs and franchisees that require changes, use conditional
formatting to highlight (background only) the suburb names in green (column A) for each
row if the assigned store stays the same, or highlight (background only) the suburb names in
orange (column A) if the assigned store changes.
Similarly, use conditional formatting to highlight (background only) the ‘New Shop Code
Assigned’ (Column H) cells for each row in orange if the assigned store changes.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
Save the results of Solver to a new answer sheet and restore the original values before
Note: It is important that you restore the original values after running the Solver
reports. Copy the original matrix values for the highlighted yellow section from the
original sheet if you overwrite these values in error.
Finally, you should complete the summary table of the revenue by store as indicated in the
template. Identify the suburb name of each shop code using a formula, and the remainder of
the summary table can be completed using database summation functions.
The Revenue per Kilometre figure is the Total Revenue of all stores divided by Total
Distance of all stores.
Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Sheets
You are also to create a professionally formatted Pivot Chart (considering the chart type, title,
colours, etc) as a Column Chart Type on its own worksheet that uses the Franchise
Redistribution Solver Table as a basis.
To do this you will need to create a Pivot Chart that creates a Pivot Table Sheet. You should
then move the Pivot Chart created on the Pivot Table sheet to its own worksheet.
Label the Pivot Table worksheet created in doing so as ‘Pivot Table’ and the chart worksheet
as ‘Pivot Chart’.
Hint: These worksheets do not exist in the template.
The pivot table will be edited through either the Pivot Table Fields or Pivot Chart Fields in
Set the Suburb Name as a filter on the Pivot Table so that the Pivot Chart can be modified to
focus on the selected suburbs according to the viewer’s wishes. The row labels of the Pivot
Table should be the four actual suburbs in which stores are located, and there should be three
columns that calculate the number of subscribers for each of the three subscription types for
each store.
The chart should show the shop location (i.e. the name of the suburb) and the number of
subscribers of each subscription level for each shop to allow them to be compared.
Submit this Pivot Chart with all data shown (i.e. all shops with all suburbs assigned to them
shown on the graph).
Capital Expansion Sheet
GGG2G is a growing business. Winona thinks it is time to expand their presence at the
Rocklea Fruit and Veggie3 Markets. This would allow her to acquire fruit and vegetables
directly and more cheaply, thus being able to provide more benefits to the franchisees and
thus bring the fruit and vegetable revolution to its natural conclusion.
Winona would like you to investigate several scenarios for a business loan to undertake this
expansion. The loan would be used to pay for the cost of capital works as well as compliance
costs in readying the site to address food safety regulations.
3 For those that don’t know, ‘veggie’ is the Australian vernacular for vegetable. Although sometimes it is used
to refer to Vegemite – that awful tasting Australian concoction of brewer’s yeast and nightmares. P.S. you do
NOT eat Vegemite like it’s Nutella.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
You are to use the Excel Scenario Manager to create a Scenario Summary for each of the
following scenarios:
Best Case: Cost of Works of $250,000, Compliance costs of $5,000, Interest rate of
4% and 12 monthly repayments each year over 7 years.
Worst Case: Cost of Works of $500,000, Compliance costs of $50,000, Interest Rate
of 8%, and fortnightly (26) repayments over 3 years.
Likely Case: Cost of Works of $350,000, Compliance costs of $25,000, Interest Rate
of 6% and 12 monthly repayments each year over 5 years.
Use the Scenario Manager to include a sheet on your Workbook that contains the Scenario
Summary. This is to summarise the three different scenarios.
Note: The cells in Column B of the Output Area are the Result Cells for the Scenario
You should add meaningful row labels to the scenario summary.
Hint: This means that you need to copy the labels in the Input Area and the Output
Area to the appropriate row in the Scenario Summary sheet.
To assist with the calculation, you must complete the Schedule of Repayments for all
payments identified in the scenario.
Note: This schedule extends from cell D5:H5 to as far as you need to go to
accommodate the full payment schedule for all scenarios considered.
The Principal is the opening balance for each payment period. The closing balance is the
amount left after the interest has been added to the loan and the payment made. The closing
balance of one payment period is the opening balance of the next payment period.
You should use two of Excel’s Financial functions, IPMT and PMT, to calculate the interest
payment for a given period and the payment for the loan amount respectively.
Hint: Be sure that your closing balance formula is calculated correctly (for example,
negative numbers are applied appropriately).
Hint: Your ‘Schedule of Repayments’ should display interest paid as positive numbers
and the payment amount as negative numbers.
As the scenarios vary in the number of payments, the length of the schedule will need to be
long enough to accommodate the highest number of repayments in the scenarios. The Best
Case scenario has 12 monthly repayments each year over 7 years = 84 rows, the Worst Case
scenario has 26 payments over 3 years = 78 rows, and the Likely Case scenario has 12
monthly payments each year over 5 years = 60 rows).
Hint: The last cell of your schedule should be exactly equal to $0.00 – that is, after your
last payment the closing balance should be zero.
You should professionally but simply format the Schedule of Repayments. This means that
all rows of the schedule that have values in them should have borders.
This also means that you should set your formulas so that the Schedule of Repayment does
not display rows when payments are finalised (i.e. no more rows after the closing balance
equals zero).
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
Note: Do not provide totals for the columns of the Schedule of Repayments as this
information will be displayed in the Output Area.
Hint: You can force rows not to display the results of functions by using the ‘If’
function in your formulas to set the cell value to “” if the final payment has been made.
You can also use Conditional Formatting using a Classic Formula so as to not show
borders of cells that have no values in them.
You will need to calculate the information in the Output Area using data calculated in the
Schedule of Repayments or entered in the Input Area.
From the Schedule of Repayments you can calculate the Repayment Amount for each
payment, the Total Value of Repayments Made to Repay the Loan, and Total Interest Paid
over Life of Loan. These three items should be calculated as positive, not negative, numbers.
Hint: The total value of repayments made to repay the loan less the total interest paid
over life of loan should equate to the initial Amount of Loan.
From the Input Area, you can calculate the Amount of Loan and Number of Payments.
Comments to Winona Sheet
In undertaking this extensive analytical exercise, there are two comments you wish to raise
with Winona. You must address the following two points:
1. Considering the results of your analysis in the Current Franchise Distribution and the
Franchise Redistribution sheet, identify and discuss a single weakness of the Excel
Model that relates to the business impact of the proposed redistribution.
You may discuss any weakness that relates to the actual Excel model developed or to
possible practical business problems that you identify with the proposed redistribution.
You must identify the weakness and answer why you think it is a weakness.
Hint: No more than a paragraph – say, 3 to 5 lines – is needed to identify the weakness
and why you think it is a weakness.
2. In the Current Franchise Distribution and the Franchise Redistribution sheets, you
calculated a ‘Revenue Per Kilometre’ figure. This is a business analytic that provides
information on the business. In seminars, we talked about several key techniques for data
analytics. Answer the following two questions:
a. Which of these techniques do you consider the ‘Revenue Per Kilometre’
business analytic to be? Give reasons for your answer (at least two reasons).
b. What does the difference between the Revenue per Kilometre for the Current
Franchise Distribution and the Franchise Redistribution mean?
Hint: See the techniques for data analysis discussed in Seminar 08 of Week 8 – as cited
from Professional Accountants in Business Committee. (2011). Predictive Business
Analytics: Improving Business Performance with Forward-Looking Measures:
International Federation of Accountants.
Hint: No more than a paragraph – say, 3 to 5 lines – is needed to identify the technique
discus the business analytic.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
Implementation Guidance, Formatting and Professionalism
You must use Microsoft Excel 2016 (or Microsoft Excel 365) for this assignment. Any of the
previous Microsoft Excel versions (e.g. Microsoft Excel 2007) might cause some
unnecessary problems. It is highly recommended that, prior to assignment submission, you
check that your solution works on the university machines if you have developed it on your
own machine.
Please develop your solution based on the provided files. In general, you are not allowed to
insert any other columns or tables. If you modify any existing features (excepted were
explicitly instructed), please specify and explain them in the assumption section on the
student details sheet. When you develop your solution, you should use (but are not limited to)
the functions and features you were taught in the tutorials. If you need functions or
techniques that are not addressed explicitly in tutorial exercises, you should explore your pretutorial
reading materials and preparation exercises or refer to the help component of Excel.
Aspects of the assignment have purposefully been designed to train and test a student’s selflearning
ability with a software application, and thus, has not been included directly in a
tutorial exercise.
GGG2G is operated in a professional manner and it is expected that your Excel workbook
will be used by other staff, and potentially updated in the future by others. Therefore, you
would be well advised to make your work of the highest quality (e.g. apply screen freezing to
long pages, use name references where appropriate, use lookup functions instead of nested ifs
where a data table exists, do not hardcode changeable data, use appropriate fonts and colours,
graph axes and titles, etc). Keep in mind, however, that your work will be judged primarily
on the quality of your solution, less on their appearance.
It is understandable that students talk with each other regularly, and discuss problems and
potential solutions. However, it is expected that the submitted assignment is a unique
document – all parts of the assignment are to be completed solely by the individual student.
The best practice to avoid misconduct is to not look at another student’s file and not show
your solution to another student. In case where an assignment is perceived to not be a
unique work, a loss of marks and other implications can result. For further information about
academic integrity, plagiarism and consequences, please visit
Consultation Sessions
To ensure that an equal and sufficient amount of time is allocated for every student who
attends consultation sessions regarding the practical aspects of BISM7202, the average
consultation time (during busy consultation times) will be limited to 5 minutes per student.
The main aim of this restriction during busy periods is to ensure equality to students and
minimise waiting time. However, in circumstances where no other students are waiting,
longer consultation times will be provided. Tutors have advised you of their consultation
times during tutorials – these details are also available on the BISM7202 Blackboard site
under “Contacts”.
Please note that course staff are not allowed to look at your assignment files to provide
feedback or answer questions. Questions regarding your assignment can be answered if they
are related to the understanding of the concepts and/or techniques of Excel.
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
For convenience, you may email the tutors with questions. Tutor email addresses have been
advised in tutorials and are available on the BISM7202 Blackboard site under “Contacts”.
Tutors will endeavour to respond to all questions within 2 business days.
Important Date
Submission Date: 17 September 2018 at 5:00pm.
Submitting your assignment
To be done through Blackboard Assignment Submission. Your Excel Workbook file MUST
be named in the format of BISM7202_StudentLastName_StudentID.xlsx. If your ID is
41724943 and your surname is Smith, the name of your files would be
Late Submissions
Students must fill in an Application for Extension of Assessment Due Date and provide
supporting documentation to Assessment, Examinations & Misconducts Coordinator
at least 24 hours prior to the submission date.
Your application must be submitted at the location and by the due date specified in Section
5.3 of the relevant Electronic Course Profile (ECP).
Supporting documentation such as a medical certificate, funeral notice etc. must be provided.
Scanned or photographed copies should be attached to your email.
For an application on medical grounds, the medical practitioner must not be a near relative or
close associate. Examples of near relatives are partner, child, brother, sister, parent. Examples
of close associates are close friends, neighbours and partners or children of colleagues.
Extension criteria are applied consistently for equity reasons.
You may discuss your situation with your course coordinator, but you still need to make a
formal extension request using this form.
Applications on medical grounds will be approved for the number of calendar days the
medical certificate indicates you were unfit for study. You are expected to act in a timely
manner and must make an appointment as soon as your condition impacts on your ability to
If you have a continuing condition you should contact Student Services to arrange a Student
Access Plan(Disability) [SAPD]. You must still submit the application form
Non-permissible circumstances
Extensions will not be granted where the School is not satisfied you took reasonable
measures to avoid the circumstances that contributed to you not submitting by the due date.
The following are not grounds for an extension:
holiday arrangements (including overseas travel);
misreading a due date;
social and leisure events;
moving house;
BISM7202 Information Systems for Management
Semester 2, 2018
pressure of work/competing deadlines;
computer issues.
The due dates for assignments must be adhered to and you are reminded to keep a copy of
your work, in case of lost assignments or disputes over grading.
You will incur penalties if your work is submitted late (i.e. after the due date and without an
approved extension).
Items (for which no extension has been granted) submitted after the due date and time, incur
a late submission penalty. The penalty is at the rate of 5% of the total available marks for that
particular piece of assessment, for each calendar day or part thereof that the item is overdue.
The penalty once calculated is deducted from the marks awarded for the assessment.
Assessment submitted more than 10 days after the due date will receive zero marks.
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