Department of Informatics
King’s College London
Robotic Systems: 6CCS3ROS
1. Introduction
The Fanuc ARC Mate 120iB/10L is one of the two models of robot manipulators belonging
to the series ARC Mate 120iB. Both robots in the family are 6R manipulators with decoupled
architecture. The ARC Mate 120iB series is a modular construction, electric servo-driven
family of robots designed for precise, high-speed welding and cutting. Based on their simple
and reliable construction, the ARC Mate 120iB and ARC Mate 120iB/10L provide accurate
and consistent path performance necessary for welding and cutting applications.
The forward and inverse kinematics play an essential role in robot analysis and programming.
It is only through the solution of these two problems that the robot manipulator can be
programmed to move through a trajectory, interact with its surroundings and develop the
required task. The solution of the forward and inverse kinematics problems are especially
simplified when the robot features a decoupled architecture, like in the case of the ARC Mate
120iB/10L robot manipulator.
2. Aim
The aim of this course work is to solve the forward and inverse kinematics for the Fanuc
ARC Mate 120iB/10L robot manipulator using Matlab. These results should be confirmed
using the model for this robot available in the Robotics toolbox (RTB) for Matlab. In addition,
using the functions provided by this toolbox, a program will be created which will allow the
end effector of the robot model to move through various linear displacements. The
dimensions of the robot are provided in this course work sheet
3. Report
Write a report in which you:
Provide a diagram of the robot indicating each of the coordinate systems required for
the analysis. The DH parameters for the robot, using these coordinate systems, should
be listed.
Present the solution for the forward and inverse kinematics problems in symbolic
Provide the code for a Matlab program which is able to solve the forward kinematics
(the input are the values of the joint parameters and the output is the position and
orientation of the end effector) and a program which solves the inverse kinematics
(the input are the position and orientation of the end effector, the output are the values
for the joint parameters).
Prove that the solutions provided by these programs are correct for three different
inputs using the teach command of the RTB in Matlab. (NOTE: in this step consider
that the global coordinate system of the model from the toolbox can be different that
the one you chose).
Using the RTB provide the code for a Matlab program in which the end effector of the
robot manipulator undergoes the following movements starting from the home
position (x = 1.02m, y = 0, z = -1.06): a translation of 0.30 m in x, followed by a
translation of 0.70 m in y and, finally, a translation of 0.64 m in z. For this point use
either ikine() or ikine6s() functions from the RTB to compute the inverse
kinematics of the robot.
4. Report Requirement
The report should be well written and well presented.
o Very few typos/spelling/grammatical errors.
o Use proper figure labels and captions.
o Cite literature used as a basis of report.
o Present your findings in a logical and intelligent way.
The report should touch on the various aspects listed above.
The report should contain 15—20 pages of the main body of the report containing no
more than 10 figures. This page limit does not include title sheet, table of contents,
references or appendices. Additional figures may be presented in Appendices. Please
use Times New Roman, 12 pt. when preparing report, and use 1.5 line spacing.
5. Submission Deadline
28 February
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