OPRE 6369/MIS 6369.0w1, Fall 2024 Course Syllabus
Course Information
Course Number/Section OPRE6369.0w1
Course Title Supply Chain Software with SAP
Term Fall 2024
Course Pre-requisites, Co-requisites, and/or Other Restrictions
OPRE 6366 Supply Chain Management or permission of instructor
Course Description
Course Description: Supply Chain Software with SAP (3 semester credit hours) The course introduces planning and execution of supply chains with software such as SAP's S/4 HANA and Advanced Planning and Optimization (APO) with case discussions and lab exercises. Students also get exposure to the new GUI SAP Fiori. This software is used in lab exercises that provide students with hands-on, experiential learning. The focus is on the supply planning function of supply chain management. Topics include: fundamentals of ERP and SAP, master and transaction data, MRP, forecasting, supply and demand matching, and integration of ERP and APO modules. This course is intended for graduate students with interests in software-based supply chain management or digital supply chains. No SAP experience is required. (3-0)
Student Learning Objectives/Outcomes
Upon completion of this course students will be able to:
1. Explain the concept of a supply chains and explain their role in a global economy.
2. Navigate the SAP user interface to create, modify or access information related to supply chain management.
3. List the SAP R3 master data objects used in supply chain management.
4. Create the following SAP master data objects: 1) material master, 2) Bill of Material master, 3) Work Center master, 4) Routing master, 5) Vendor master, 6) Purchasing information record.
5. Explain the concept of Demand Management within a SAP environment and select an appropriate strategy for various demand fulfillment models.
6. Run the SAP MRP program and interpret the results.
7. Explain the essential elements of the SAP Core Interface (CIF) and Integration Models.
8. List the SAP APO master date objects used in supply chain management.
9. Create a forecast using SAP APO.
10. Release a forecast for supply network planning
11. Execute the heuristic algorithm in APO Supply Network Planning to perform. supply and demand matching and interpret the results.
Required Textbooks and Materials
Required Text
This text book was revised over the 2022 summer. The new edition is the 5th edition. The e-book is only available through download from the publisher’s web site.
To purchase access to the 5th edition of SAP SCM: visit
After your purchase, you will receive an email with a unique access code, which you will use in the following steps.
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1. Go to https://www.khpcontent.com/. In the First Time User (with access code) section, enter the Access Code provided below. Click the Next button.
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Write down your Password to ensure your success in entering the publication after the initial setup.
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6. Your Registration is complete! Click on the “Login to WebCOM” button to access your publication.
7. Now that you have created an account, you can log into the publication through the Sign In portion of the home page.
Required Other Materials
Harvard Business School Review Course Pack
Suggested Course Materials
Suggested Readings/Texts
· Instructor will provide a bibliography of suggested readings but all exam questions and problems will come from the required text.
Technical Requirements
In addition to a confident level of computer and Internet literacy, certain minimum technical requirements must be met to enable a successful learning experience. Please review the important technical requirements http://www.utdallas.edu/elearning/students/getting-started.html#techreqs on the Getting Started with eLearning webpage http://www.utdallas.edu/elearning/students/getting-started.html.
Course Access and Navigation
The course can be accessed using the UT Dallas NetID account at: https://elearning.utdallas.edu. Please see the course access and navigation http://www.utdallas.edu/elearning/students/getting-started.html#courseaccessandnav section of the site for more information.
To become familiar with the eLearning tool, please see the Student eLearning Tutorials http://www.utdallas.edu/elearning/students/eLearningTutorialsStudents.html.
UT Dallas provides eLearning technical support 24 hours a day/7 days a week. The eLearning Support Center http://www.utdallas.edu/elearninghelp services include a toll free telephone number for immediate assistance (1-866-588-3192), email request service, and an online chat service.
1 8/19-8/23 |
Instructor Intro Syllabus Review Unit 1 - Introduction to SAP |
Ch 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of Text book |
Syllabus Assessment Quiz Install SAP GUI |
8/25 |
2 8/26-8/30 |
Product Definition Process |
Ch 6, 7, 8 of Text book
SAP Navigation
Not to be submitted |
3 9/2-9/6 |
Appendix A
All Exercises from Chapter 12 of text Book |
Lab Ex 1 Lab Ex 2 |
9/8 9/15 |
4 9/9 - 9/13
Production Definition Process
White Papers Section of elearning
HBR Course Pack |
Business Case 1
Lab Ex 3 |
5 9/16-9/20 |
Routing Case in the White Papers Section of elearning |
Lab Ex 4 & 5
Business Case 2G |
9/28 |
6 9/23-9/27 |
7 9/30-10/4 |
Unit 7 – Material Requirements Planning Video – MRP at Wheeler Ambulance Business case 2 demo Lot Sizing demo Basic Scheduling demo |
8 10/7-10/11
Unit 10a - Introduction to SAP APO Unit 10b - SAP Core Interface (CIF) Unit 11 - APO Master Data Exam prep |
9 10/16-10/17 |
10/16-10/17 Online Honorlock |
Midterm Exam |
11 10/21-10/25 |
Unit 13 - Demand Planning basics Video – Forecasting at Hard Rock Café Unit 14a – APO Demand Planning
Submit DEP/GARD Case Study Review from Page 151 of Text book (Questions will be posted in elearning Announcement) |
Team DEP/GARD Case Study submission |
10/20 |
12 10/28-11/1 |
Unit 14b – Releasing the Demand Plan Unit 15a - Supply Network Planning |
APO Lab Ex 8 Lab Ex 9 |
11/3 11/10 |
13 11/4-11/8 |
Integrated Business Planning (IBP) Unit 15b - Supply Chain Engineer |
IBP Exercise |
11/24 |
14 11/11-11/15 |
IBP vs APO Unit 15c - SAP Implementation Methodology Team Madras Cements HBR Case Submission (Questions will be posted in elearning Announcement) |
HBR Course Pack |
11/17 |
15 11/18-11/22 |
AI Presentation (White Paper section) Blockchain presentation (White Paper section) Exam Prep |
11/25-11/29 |
16 12/2-12/6 |
12/5-12/6 online Honorlock |
Final Exam |
12/2-12/6 |
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