FIT3179 Data Visualisation
Test 1 Sample Questions
Below are questions from tests of previous years. Test 1 of this year will not include questions consisting of text only, such as the first three questions below. However, these questions are still useful to understand the tested knowledge.
Some sample questions are multiple choice questions. Test 1 of this year will onlyinclude questions with a single correct answer.
The sample questions mainly focus on marks, channels, dataset types, attribute types and simple table idioms. However, you should also expect questions about data-ink ratio, chart junk, lying visualisation, storytelling, colour, visual hierarchy, typography, layout, as well as advanced idioms for table datasets, and idioms for networks and trees.
Answers to the sample questions can be found at the end of this document.
General concepts
1. Q: Which of the following terms is equivalent to marks in data visualisation?
A) Interaction primitives
B) Data semantic
C) Position and location
D) Colour channels
E) Geometry primitives
2. Q: Which of the following terms is equivalent to visual channels in data
A) Colour channels
B) Data semantic
C) Position and location
D) Retinal variables
E) Geometry primitives
3. Which of the following terms is equivalent to visual channels in data visualisation?
A) Colour channels
B) Hue, saturation and brightness
C) Position and location
D) Visual variables
E) Point, line, area
Colour channels
4. Select the main changes in the following colour scale
A) Colour hue
B) Colour saturation
C) Colour luminance
5. What is the colour channel used in the following visualisation? (hint: check the
legend on the right side of the visualisation).
A) Colour hue
B) Colour saturation
C) Colour luminance
Attribute type of a given attribute
6. Let’s consider a person’s bloodtype (A, AB, B, O, etc.) as an attribute of a medical
dataset. This attribute is best described as which one of the following?
A) categorical attribute
B) ordinal attribute
C) quantitative attribute
D) sequential attribute
E) diverging attribute
7. Let’s think about temperature measurements in Celsius degrees as an attribute of a
city dataset. This attribute is best described as which one of the following.
A) categorical attribute
B) ordinal attribute
C) quantitative attribute
D) sequential attribute
E) qualitative attribute
8. Let’s consider the price range (“below 50 dollars”, “50 to 100 dollars”, “100 to 200
dollars”, “above 200 dollars”) as an attribute of a clothes dataset. This attribute is best described as which one of the following?
A) categorical attribute
B) ordinal attribute
C) quantitative attribute
D) nominal attribute
E) diverging attribute
Given a dataset, select all attribute types.
The table below presents ten rows of a Victorian real estate dataset. The attributes include:
1) latitude
2) longitude
3) price of the property
4) type: house, apartment, townhouse, unit, etc.
5) bedroom: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5+ (“5+” means 5 or more bedrooms)
6) travel_time_to_MC: Travel time to Melbourne Central by train (in minutes).
7) dist_to_supermarket: Distance to the nearest supermarket (in meters)
8) Suburb
9) Postcode
9. Please select all the categorical (nominal) attributes
Note: Please select all correct answers.
A) lat
B) lng
C) Price
D) Type
E) Bedroom
F) Travel_time_to_MC
G) Dist_to_supermarket
H) Suburb
I) Postcode
10. Select all the ordinal attribute(s):
Note: Please select all correct answers.
A) lat
B) lng
C) Price
D) Type
E) Bedroom
F) Travel_time_to_MC
G) Dist_to_supermarket
H) Suburb
I) Postcode
11. Select all the quantitative attributes.
Note: Please select all correct answers.
A) Price
B) Type
C) Bedroom
D) Travel_time_to_MC
E) Dist_to_supermarket
F) Suburb
G) Postcode
Attribute types vs visual channels
12. Which one of the following attributes is NOT suitable to be encoded with the LENGTH visual channel?
A) The height attribute from a student dataset
B) The age attribute from a customer dataset
C) The nationality attribute from a student dataset
D) The land size attribute from a real estate dataset
13. Which one of the following attributes is NOT suitable to be presented using the COLOUR SATURATION visual channel?
A) The height attribute from a student dataset
B) The citizenship attribute from an employee dataset
C) The price attribute from a property dataset
D) The age attribute from a customer dataset
Channel ranking
14. Let’s think about visualising the property type attribute (house, unit, apartment,
etc.) in a real estate dataset. Select the most effective visual channel from below to encode this attribute.
A) Length
B) Shape
C) Area
D) Colour hue
E) Colour saturation
15. Let’s think about visualising a “birth rate” attribute in a country dataset. Select the
most effective visual channel from below to encode this attribute.
A) Length
B) Shape
C) Area
D) Colour luminance
E) Colour saturation
16. In visualisation design, “the most important attributes should be encoded with the most effective visual channels in order to be most noticeable, and then
decreasingly important attributes can be matched with less effective channels” (unit textbook by Tamara Munzner, 2014, p 101).
Suppose that we use a scatter plot (or bubble chart) to visualise the covid-19 dataset
below. Each point represents a country; the colour hue is used to represent “Continent”. The importance ranks of the attributes that we would like to visualise are: “Active (cases)” > “Deaths” > “Confirmed (cases)”.
Which of the following visualisation designs is the most effective?
A) Use x-axis to represent “Active cases”, y-axis to represent “Confirmed cases”, size (area) to represent “Deaths”
B) Use x-axis to represent “Confirmed cases”, y-axis to represent “Active cases”, size (area) to represent “Deaths”
C) Use x-axis to represent “Confirmed cases”, y-axis to represent “Deaths”, size (area) to represent “Active cases”
D) Use x-axis to represent “Active cases”, y-axis to represent “Deaths”, size (area) to represent “Confirmed cases”
Idiom vs attribute types
The table below presents ten rows of a Victorian real estate dataset. The attributes include:
1) latitude
2) longitude
3) price of the property
4) type: house, apartment, townhouse, unit, etc.
5) bedroom: 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5+ (“5+” means 5 or more bedrooms)
6) travel_time_to_MC: Travel time to Melbourne Central by train (in minutes).
7) dist_to_supermarket: Distance to the nearest supermarket (in meters)
8) Suburb
9) Postcode
17. Select a pair of attributes that is suitable to be visualised with a scatter plot.
A) Price and Type
B) Price and Bedroom
C) Price and Dist_to_supermarket
D) Price and Suburb
E) Price and Postcode
18. Select all the attributes that are suitable to be visualisedin a scatterplot matrix.
Note: Please select all correct answers.
A) price
B) type
C) travel_time_to_MC
D) dist_to_supermarket
E) Suburb
F) Postcode
19. Assume we visualise all the properties as dots on a map based on the latitude and
longitude attributes. Select all the magnitude channels that are suitable to encode the price attribute.
Note: Please select all correct answers.
A) Area
B) Colour saturation
C) Colour hue
D) Shape
E) Colour luminance
F) motion
Visual channels (easy)
20. Consider the following visualisation. What is the visual channel used to represent
the Accessibility Remoteness Index Australia (ARIA+) (2006)? Hint: check the legend on the left-bottom corner.
A) Area
B) Size
C) Position
D) Colour hue
E) Colour saturation
F) Colour luminance
Visual Channels (difficult)
21. The horizon graph idiom is a variation of the line chart idiom, which can visualise
time series data with much less space than line charts. The following graphs (Steps 1-4) present how a horizon graph is created.
Consider the final visualisation (Step 4) of this particular horizon graph. Select all the channels used in this visualisation.
Note: Please select all correct answers.
A) Length
B) Position
C) Area
D) Colour hue
E) Colour saturation and/or luminance
F) Shape
G) Texture
Step 1 - Create a line chart.
Step 2. Use variations in colour to make patterns and exceptions more visible.
Step 3. Display increases and decreases in value in a shared vertical space.
Step 4. Collapse the colour bands to display the values in less vertical space.
[Source: n.pdf]
Compare bar chart and population pyramid (difficult)
22. Which of the following statements are correct? Select all correct answers.
Note: Please select all correct answers.
A) This graph shows two attributes.
B) Gender is a nominal attribute, which is visualised with the colour hue channel.
C) The age bin (for example, “0–4”) is an ordered attribute that is shown with the position channel.
D) The marks used are lines and there are 20 million males in the age bin “45–49”.
23. Which of the following statements are correct? Select all correct answers.
Note: Please select all correct answers.
A) This graph shows two attributes.
B) Gender is a nominal attribute, which is visualised with both the colour hue channel and the “spatial region” channel.
C) The age bin (for example, “0–4”) is an ordered attribute that is shown with the position channel.
D) The marks used are lines and there are about 20 million people in the age bin “45–49”.
Compare bar chart and connected dot plot (difficult)
24. This visualisation shows a Gender Pay Gap dataset for the USA. Which of the
following statements are correct? Select all correct answers.
Note: Please select all correct answers.
A) This chart shows three categorical attributes, and one of these categorical attributes is shown with the colour hue channel.
B) The marks used for the quantitative attribute(s) are points and lines.
C) The salary of male accountants is about $65K higher than the salary of female accountants.
D) The horizontal line marks between the red and blue dots should be removed because they are distracting.
25. Which of the following is not a data attribute type?
A) Qualitative.
B) Ordinal.
C) Ratio.
D) Diverging.
E) Categorical.
26. Let’s think about the size of T-shirts (XS,S, M, L, XL, etc.) as a variable. This variable
is best described as which one of the following?
A) categorical attribute
B) ordinal attribute
C) quantitative attribute
D) numeric attribute
E) nominal attribute
27. Which of the following channels is the most effective to encode qualitative data
A) Length
B) Shape
C) Area
D) Colour hue
E) Colour saturation
28. The bubble chart below presents an overview of different countries in 2019. Each
bubble represents a country, and the visual encodings used in the graph include:
* x-axis position: income
* y-axis position: life expectancy
* area size: population
* colour hue: continent
* animation: year
Which of the following list all the attributes that are represented with magnitude channels in this visualisation?
A) income, life expectancy & population
B) income, life expectancy & continent
C) income & continent
D) population, continent & year
E) income, life expectancy
29. Consider the following bubble chart from Gapminder [link] which compares
different countries in a few aspects (population, life expectancy, etc.). Select all the channels used in this visualisation.
(+1 mark per correct channel identified, -1 mark per incorrect channel selected).
A) Length
B) Position
C) 1D Size
D) Colour hue
E) Colour Saturation
F) Colour luminance
G) Area
H) Shape
30. The following boxplot explores factors that may be associated with defaulting on
loan repayment. List all the channels used in this visualisation.
A) Length
B) Position
C) Area
D) 2D Size
E) Colour hue
F) Colour Saturation
G) Colour luminance
H) Shape
31. Which of the following statements is not true regarding line charts?
A) The line chart idiom is suitable to show how values develop over time.
B) You can use colours, line width and line dashes in a line chart to make your most important values stick out.
C) Using annotations might make your line chart more interesting to read.
D) A line chart is more effective to show how values differ in different categories compared to a (stacked) bar chart.
E) It is a good idea to show each line in a line chart with a distinctive colour.
32. What is an appropriate idiom for a table dataset with two quantitative value
A) Scatter plot
B) Bar chart
C) Pie Chart
D) Area Chart
E) Line chart
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