The new header comment for generate_level() is:
* generate_level
* Generate the next level of the tree
* Pre-condition: the given tree and the given stack are
* validly defined, i.e. not NULL pointers
* Post-condition: an additional level of possible moves has
* been added to the given game tree and each
* tree node of the new level also has been
* pushed onto the stack. Each game state in
* the new level has a value calculated from
* the appropriate player's perspective (human
* if even numbered, computer if odd)
* Informally: generate the next level of the game tree
* param t GameTree to create a level below
* param k Stack of reachable but unexpanded game trees
The new header comment for build_game() is:
* build_game
* Generate the game tree in a depth-first manner
* Pre-condition: the given game tree and stack are validly
* defined (i.e. not NULL), and the given int
* value represents the desired depth of
* the tree
* Post-condition: if the given tree is empty then it is replaced
* with a new tree at level 0 comprising a new
* game (and this new tree is pushed onto the
* stack). If the given tree isn't empty, the
* game isn't over, and the tree is not already
* deep enough, if there are existing children,
* then these are traversed and all are pushed
* onto the stack. If (when) there are no
* children, an additional level of possible
* moves is added to the given game tree and each
* tree node of the new level also is pushed onto
* the stack. Finally, the next tree is
* determined by removing the top of the stack
* and the process continues (recursively) until
* the stack is empty
* Informally: generate the game tree from the current point
* in a depth-first manner until it is "d" levels
* deep or the game is over
* param t GameTree to build under
* param k Stack of reachable but unexpanded game trees
* param d desired depth (number of moves ahead) that game tree
* should be built to
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