CPSC 457: Assignment 2 1
CPSC 457 Spring 2018 - Assignment 2
Due date: Sunday, June 3, 2018 at 11:59pm.
Individual assignment. No group work allowed.
Weight: 6% of the final grade.
Q1 - Written question (4 marks)
A. Define “DMA”.
B. Define “multiprogramming”.
C. Explain whether multiprogramming is practical on a computer that does not have DMA?
Q2 - Written question (3 marks)
A. Describe how a wrapped system call, e.g. read() in libc, invokes the actual system call
in the kernel.
B. Is it essential that a wrapper of a system call is named the same as the underlying system
Q3 - Written question (4 marks)
A. Is it possible for a process to go from blocking state to running state?
B. What about going from ready state to blocking state?
For both parts: if you answer “yes”, describe an example, if you answer “no”, describe why not.
Q4 - Written question (3 marks)
What is a context switch? Describe the actions taken, including the information to be
saved/restored, during a context switch?
Q5 - Programming question (10 marks)
Write a bash shell script “scan.sh” that takes two arguments:
1. suffix – a string
2. N – a positive integer
Your shell script will recursively scan the current directory for all files ending with the given
suffix, then sort the files by their size, and then print the the filenames of the largest N files to the
standard output, followed by the sum of their sizes. Each file reported should be followed by the
size of the file in bytes. If the total number of files found is less then N, report all files. The listed
files should be sorted by the size, in descending order.
Sample output:
$ scan.sh jpg 5
./face.jpg 88374
CPSC 457: Assignment 2 2
./a/b/school-jpg 88339
./a/tree.jpg 38883
./b/housejpg 3001
./a/b/jpg 233
Total size: 218830
You may consult the manual pages for one or more of the following utilities:
find, sort, head, awk
You may use pipes "|" to feed the output of one utility program into another utility
program as input.
You can assume there will be no spaces in any of the filenames or directory names.
Q6 - Programming question (15 marks)
Implement Q5 in C or C++, and name your program “scan.c” or “scan.cpp”. Your C/C++
program can make a one time use of the system() or popen() functions to invoke an external
command to get the recursive list of files in the current directory. All other operations must be
performed in C/C++, such as:
determining the file size,
filtering filenames based on the extension,
calculating the sum.
You may find it useful to use the following functions:
system() to find all files recursively in a directory, and save them to a text file, e.g.
system("find . –type f > temp.txt");
popen() to find all files recursively, and read the results directly, e.g.
FILE * fp = popen("find . –type f", "r");
stat() to determine the size of the file;
qsort() for C or std::sort() for C++, for sorting purposes.
You may assume that:
the total number of files in the directory will be less than 1000, and
the maximum pathname length of any file will be less than 512.
The output of your C/C++ program should be identical to the output of your bash script from Q5.
Q7 – Written question (3 marks)
Run "strace -c" and "time" on your bash script from Q5 and your C/C++ program from Q6
and compare the results. Include the output of the above commands in your report, and explain
why the results are different.
CPSC 457: Assignment 2 3
Q8 – Programming question (10 marks)
Write a multi-threaded solution for computing the sum of a large array of integers. Your
program, “sum.c” or “sum.cpp”, will take two arguments from the command line. The first
argument is the name of the file containing the integers (one number per line) to be read into the
array, and the second argument, T, is the number of threads to be created. You may assume that
the input contains N integers where N ≤ 1,000,000 and the number of threads is always smaller
than or equal to the number of integers in the file, i.e. T ≤ N.
Your program will divide the array into T groups of roughly equal size:
the first (N % T) groups will contain (N / T + 1) number of elements;
the remaining groups will contain (N / T) elements.
For example, given T=2 and the array [4,7,3,5,98,23,53], the first group contains [4,7,3,5] and the
second group contains [98,23,53]. Each thread will compute the sum of the integers in one of the
groups.Your program should display the sum of the integers assigned to each thread and finally
the overall sum. The expected output for the above example is as follows, assuming the numbers
are provided in input.txt:
$./sum input.txt 2
Thread 1: 19
Thread 2: 174
Sum = 193
The numbers after the word “Thread” in each line are the thread IDs. During the marking session
your TAs will run your code on different input files and with different thread numbers, so it is
important that your program accepts command-line arguments instead of hardcoded input file
name and the number T.
You should submit 4 files for this assignment:
Answers to the written questions combined into a single file, called either report.txt
or report.pdf. Do not use any other file formats.
Your solutions to Q5, Q6 and Q8 in a files called scan.sh, scan.c, sum.c.
Since D2L will be configured to accept only a single file, you will need to submit an archive, eg.
assignment2.tgz. To create such an archive, you could use a command similar to this:
tar czvf assignment2.tgz report.pdf scan.sh scan.c sum.c
General information about all assignments:
1. All assignments are due on the date listed on the assignment. Late assignments or
components of assignments will not be accepted for marking without approval for an
extension beforehand. What you have submitted in D2L as of the due date is what will be
2. Extensions may be granted for reasonable cases, but only by the course instructor, and only
with the receipt of the appropriate documentation (e.g. a doctor's note). Typical examples of
reasonable cases for an extension include: illness or a death in the family. Cases where
CPSC 457: Assignment 2 4
extensions will not be granted include situations that are typical of student life, such as having
multiple due dates, work commitments, etc. Forgetting to hand in your assignment on time is
not a valid reason for getting an extension.
3. After you submit your work to D2L, make sure that you check the content of your
submission. It's your responsibility to do this, so make sure that you submit your assignment
with enough time before it is due so that you can double-check your upload, and possibly reupload
the assignment.
4. All assignments should include contact information, including full name, student ID and
tutorial section, at the very top of each file submitted.
5. Assignments must reflect individual work. Group work is not allowed in this class nor can
you copy the work of others. For further information on plagiarism, cheating and other
academic misconduct, check the information at this link:
6. You can and should submit many times before the due date. D2L will simply overwrite
previous submissions with newer ones. It’s better to submit incomplete work for a chance of
getting partial marks, than not to submit anything.
7. Only one file can be submitted per assignment. If you need to submit multiple files, you can
put them into a single container. The container types supported will be ZIP and TAR. No
other formats will be accepted.
8. Assignments will be marked by your TAs. If you have questions about assignment marking,
contact your TA first. If you still have questions after you have talked to your TA then you
can contact your instructor.
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