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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2018-07-03 02:03

Piscine C++ - d02

Resistance is Futile

codingacademyb koala@epitech.eu

Abstract: This document is the subject for d02



II Exercise 0 4

III Exercise 1 8

IV Exercise 2 12

V Exercise 3 14

VI Exercise 4 17

VII Exercise 5 19


Chapter I



◦ If you only complete half of the exercises because you’re having trouble, that’s

fine and somehow expected. However, if you only complete half of the exercises

because you’re lazy and go back home at 2PM, you WILL have (bad) surprises.

Don’t take that chance.

◦ Any function implemented in a header or unprotected header will land you a

0 to the exercise.

◦ All classes must include a constructor and a destructor.

◦ Any output will be written on the standard output and will be followed by a

newline unless specified otherwise.

◦ Required filenames must be STRICTLY respected, as well as names of classes

and member functions / methods.

◦ Please remember that you’ve stopped using C and actually started C++.

Therefore, the following functions are FORBIDDEN, and using them will mean

your work is worth the grade of -42:

∗ *alloc

∗ *printf

∗ free

◦ Most of the time, class-related file will always be named NAME_OF_THE_CLASS.hh

and NAME_OF_THE_CLASS.cpp (if need be).

◦ The directory in which you’ll submit your work are ex00, ex01,...,exN

◦ Any usage of friend will land you a -42, no questions asked .


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

◦ Please take some time to read the examples, as they can require elements

unspecified by the subject itself.

◦ You will have to submit a lot of classes in the following examples, but most

of them are VERY short if you write them in a clever way. So, raise your

lazyness-shield and get to work !

◦ Please read ALL the exercise requirements before actually starting it.

◦ THINK. Please.


◦ The moulinette will use the flags -W -Wall -Werror to compile your code.

◦ To avoid any compilation problem with the moulinette, include any necessary

file in your headers (*.hh files).

◦ Please do note that no function main must exist within your code. We will

use our own main function to compile and test your code.

◦ Remember : we’re writing C++ now, so the compiler is g++ !

◦ We can add modifications to this subject up to 4 hours before the time of your

submission. Please regularly refresh this document !

◦ The repositories for your submissions are named as follow: (piscine_cpp_d02)/exN

(N being the exercise number, of course).


Chapter II

Exercise 0

Exercise : 00 points : 4

Welcome to the Federation ! Creation of Starfleet

Turn-in directory: (piscine_cpp_d02)/ex00

Compiler: g++ Compilation flags: -Wall -Wextra -Werror

Makefile: No Rules: n/a

Files to turn in : Federation.hh, Federation.cpp, Warpsystem.hh,


Remarks : n/a

Forbidden functions : *alloc, free, *printf

The United Planets Federation is an alliance of people able to travel through space.

They all possess the distorsion speed - or warp - technology (allowing them to travel

through subspace) and all share common values.

Starfleet is an organisation closely linked to the Federation. Its primary mission is to

harvest as much informations as possible about the Universe (and life and everything).

The fleet also has a defensive purpose (which explains why all their vessels prepped and

armed), which can turn offensive if necessary.

You will therefore create the Federation namespace, which will contain all the element

that will allow the Federation to exist.

Starfleet is also a namespace, existing within Federation . It will contain a class

named Ship , which will be used to create spaceships.

Each Ship will have the following attributes:

int _length;

int _width;

std::string _name;

short _maxWarp;

They will all be given during the Ship ’s construction, and can never be modified later


The constructor will have the following prototype:


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

1 Ship(int length, int width, std::string name, short maxWarp)

When created, each Ship will display on the standard output:

1 The ship USS [NAME] has been finished. It is [LENGTH] m in length and [WIDTH]

m in width.

2 It can go to Warp [MAXWARP]!

(You will of course replace [NAME] , [LENGTH] , [WIDTH] et [MAXWARP] by the

appropriate values)

Each Ship requires a complicated system to navigate through space, that you will

have to provide. Since this system is not entitled to the Federation’s Ships , you must

create a new namespace called WarpSystem .

This namespace will house the class QuantumReactor . The QuantumReactor has only

one attribute:

bool _stability;

which will not be provided during the object’s construction, but will be True by default.

You must also provide a member function isStable , which will verify the stability of

the QuantumReactor , as well as a member function setStability which can modify


bool isStable();

void setStability(bool);

WarpSystem will also contain a Core class, with a single attribute:

QuantumReactor *_coreReactor;

It will be provided during the object’s construction. A member function checkReactor()

will allow access to the reactor (it will therefore return a pointer on the QuantumReactor


The Ship class will then have a member function setupCore , which will take a

pointer on a Core as its parameter, and won’t return anything. This member function

will stock a Core in your Ship , and will display on the standard output :

1 USS [NAME]: The core is set.

The Ship will also have a checkCore function, with no parameter, which displays on

the standard output :

1 USS [NAME]: The core is [STABILITY] at the time.


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

( STABILITY must be replaced by stable for True , and by unstable for False )

It will also be possible to create Ship objects that do not belong to the Starfleet

. These objects will have the same functions and attributes, but the building process will

be different. An independent ship has a maximal speed of 1. On its creation, it displays

the following text:

1 The independant ship [NAME] just finished its construction. It is [LENGTH] m

in length and [WIDTH] m in width.

The other functions will display some different stuff, as you will see in the example.


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

The following code must compile and print out what follows:

1 int main(void)

2 {

3 Federation::Starfleet::Ship UssKreog(289, 132, "Kreog", 6);

4 Federation::Ship Independant(150, 230, "Greok");

5 WarpSystem::QuantumReactor QR;

6 WarpSystem::QuantumReactor QR2;

7 WarpSystem::Core core(&QR);

8 WarpSystem::Core core2(&QR2);





13 UssKreog.setupCore(&core);

14 UssKreog.checkCore();

15 Independant.setupCore(&core2);

16 Independant.checkCore();


18 QR.setStability(false);

19 QR2.setStability(false);

20 UssKreog.checkCore();

21 Independant.checkCore();

22 return 0;

23 }

Output :

1 belga@riva ex00$ g++ -W -Wall -Werror *.cpp

2 belga@riva ex00$ ./a.out | cat -e

3 The ship USS Kreog has been finished. It is 289 m in length and 132 m in width


4 It can go to Warp 6!$

5 The independant ship Greok just finished its construction. It is 150 m in

length and 230 m in width.$

6 USS Kreog: The core is set.$

7 USS Kreog: The core is stable at the time.$

8 Greok: The core is set.$

9 Greok: The core is stable at the time.$

10 USS Kreog: The core is unstable at the time.$

11 Greok: The core is unstable at the time.$

12 belga@riva ex00$


Chapter III

Exercise 1

Exercise : 01 points : 4

Every ship needs a captain...

Except the Borgs.

Turn-in directory: (piscine_cpp_d02)/ex01

Compiler: g++ Compilation flags: -Wall -Wextra -Werror

Makefile: No Rules: n/a

Files to turn in : Federation.hh, Federation.cpp, Warpsystem.hh,

Warpsystem.cpp, Borg.hh, Borg.cpp

Remarks : n/a

Forbidden functions : None

You will reuse the files Federation and Warpsystem from the previous exercise.

The universe is a big place. Spreading their influence from the Delta quadrant, the

Borgs are a dangerous race, and possess and incredible technology, thanks to their power

of assimilation.

You will create a namespace Borg, housing a class Ship . The Borg’s Ship s are

different from the Federaration’s in many aspects.

First, they have the form of a cube. They thus have no width and height, but a single

side length. They have no name either.

They attributes will be:

int _side;

short _maxWarp;

The Borg vessels are built on an unic model, their side is 300 meters long, and their

maximum speed is Warp 9. These informations are not given during construction. When

a Borg Ship is built, he displays on the standard ouput:

1 We are the Borgs. Lower your shields and surrender yourselves unconditionally.

2 Your biological characteristics and technologies will be assimilated.


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

3 Resistance is futile.

A Borg vessel does not display anything when installing a Core . Upon its verification

however, they will display:

1 Everything is in order. // if _stability is true.


1 Critical failure imminent. // if _stability is false.

Starfleet will need outstanding crewmen and captain to face this threat. You will

create a class Captain inside the Starfleet namespace with the following attributes


std::string _name; //given during construction

int _age; //not given during construction

As well as the methods allowing consultation of the name, age, and a way to modify said

age: std::string getName(); int getAge(); void setAge(int);

You will also modify the Starfleet ’s Ship class, so that it can accept a captain.

You will stock a pointer on a Captain , that can be modified using the following method:

1 void promote(Captain*);

Which will display:

1 [CAPTAIN NAME]: I’m glad to be the captain of the USS [SHIP NAME].

(You will of course replace the names by the appropriate values).

You will create the class Ensign , which possess an attribute :

std::string _name;

There MUST only be one way to build the Ensign class :

1 Ensign(std::string name);

And the following calls must NOT be compilable :

1 Ensign Chekov;

2 Ensign Chekov = (std::string)’’Pavel Andreievich Chekov’’;


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

Unpon construction, the Ensign will display :

1 Ensign [NAME], awaiting orders.


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

The following code will compile and display :

1 int main(void)

2 {

3 Federation::Starfleet::Ship UssKreog(289, 132, ‘‘Kreog’’, 6);

4 Federation::Starfleet::Captain James(‘‘James T. Kirk’’);

5 Federation::Starfleet::Ensign Ensign(‘‘Pavel Chekov’’);

6 WarpSystem::QuantumReactor QR;

7 WarpSystem::QuantumReactor QR2;

8 WarpSystem::Core core(&QR);

9 WarpSystem::Core core2(&QR2);


11 UssKreog.setupCore(&core);

12 UssKreog.checkCore();

13 UssKreog.promote(&James);


15 Borg::Ship Cube;

16 Cube.setupCore(&core2);

17 Cube.checkCore();


19 return 0;

20 }

Sortie :

1 belga@riva ex_0$ g++ -W -Wall -Werror *.cpp

2 belga@riva ex_0$ ./a.out | cat -e

3 The ship USS Kreog has been finished. It is 289 m in length and 132 m in width


4 It can go to Warp 6!$

5 Ensign Pavel Chekov, awaiting orders.$

6 USS Kreog: The core is set.$

7 USS Kreog: The core is stable at the time.$

8 James T. Kirk: I’m glad to be the captain of the USS Kreog.$

9 We are the Borgs. Lower your shields and surrender yourselves unconditionally.


10 Your biological characteristics and technologies will be assimilated.$

11 Resistance is futile.$

12 Everything is in order.$


Chapter IV

Exercise 2

Exercise : 02 points : 4

Get on moving!

Turn-in directory: (piscine_cpp_d02)/ex02

Compiler: g++ Compilation flags: -Wall -Wextra -Werror

Makefile: No Rules: n/a

Files to turn in : Federation.hh, Federation.cpp, Warpsystem.hh,

Warpsystem.cpp, Borg.hh, Borg.cpp

Remarks : n/a

Forbidden functions : None

At some point, your Ships will need to move. You will modify your Ship classes

with the following attributes:

Destination _location;

Destination _home;

Destination is an enum which will be found in the file Destination.hh .

_home is set to :

EARTH // for Ships of Federation::Starfleet

VULCAN // for Ships of Federation

UNICOMPLEX // for Ships of Borg

During construction, _location = _home .

You will also add the following methods:

bool move(int warp, Destination d); // move _location to d

bool move(int warp); // move _location to _home

bool move(Destination d); // move _location to d

bool move(); // move _location to _home

The move methods return true if :

• warp <= _maxWarp


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

• d != _location

• QuantumReactor::_stability == true

and false otherwise. Of course, if the method does not return true, the Ship does not



Chapter V

Exercise 3

Exercise : 03 points : 4

This is war!

So i guess we need weapons. And shields

Turn-in directory: (piscine_cpp_d02)/ex03

Compiler: g++ Compilation flags: -Wall -Wextra -Werror

Makefile: No Rules: n/a

Files to turn in : Federation.hh, Federation.cpp, Warpsystem.hh,

Warpsystem.cpp, Borg.hh, Borg.cpp

Remarks : n/a

Forbidden functions : None

Now that the ships can move, they will need a way to attack and defend themselves.

You will provide to Starfleet ’s Ships these new attributes:

int _shield;

int _photonTorpedo;

As well as getters and setters:

int getShield();

void setShield(int);

int getTorpedo();

void setTorpedo(int);

During construction, _shield is initialized at 100. You will modify Starfleet::Ship

’s constructor so the following calls are possible:

Ship(int length, int width, std::string name, short maxWarp, int torpedo);


and produce the followins outputs:

1 The ship USS [name] has been finished. It is [length] m in length and [width]

m in width. It can go to Warp [maxWarp]! Weapons are set: [Torpedo]

torpedoes ready.


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

And if no information is given:

1 The ship USS Entreprise has been finished. It is 289 m in length and 132 m in

width. It can go to Warp 6! Weapons are set: 20 torpedoes ready.

Calling the constructor without parameters will give their default values to all the attributes,

as shown above.

You will also implement the following methods within the Starfleet ’s ships:

void fire(Borg::Ship*);

void fire(int torpedoes, Borg::Ship*);

Each call to the ’fire’ function will reduce of 1 or of torpedoes the number of _photonTorpedo

and will display:

1 [SHIPS NAME]: Firing on target. [TORPEDO] torpedoes remaining.

and removes 50 * torpedoes to the target’s _shield attribute. If the ship doesn’t

have torpedoes anymore:

1 [SHIP NAME]: No more torpedo to fire, [CAPTAIN NAME]!

Of course, you can’t fire more torpedoes than your ship currently owns. If you try anyway,

you should display the following message :

1 [SHIP NAME]: No enough torpedoes to fire, [CAPTAIN NAME]!

You will add a method getCore in the class Federation::Ship . It doesn’t take

any parameter and returns a pointer on the Federation::Ship ’s Core .

The Borg vessels possess the following additional attributes:

int _shield; // vaut 100 lors de la construction.

int _weaponFrequency; // doit etre fourni a la construction

short _repair; // peut etre fourni. Sinon, vaut 3

As well as getters and setters:

int getShield();

void setShield(int);

int getWeaponFrequency();

void setWeaponFrequency(int);

short getRepair();

void setRepair(short);

The following call to the Borg::Ship ’s constructors must be valid:


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

Ship(int wF, short);

Ship(int wF);

You will provide the following methods:

void fire(Federation::Starfleet::Ship*); // enleve _weaponFrequency;

a l’attribut _shield de la cible.

void fire(Federation::Ship*); // rend le QuantumReactor de la cible


void repair(); // enleve une charge de _repair (si _repair > 0),

// remet _shield a 100.

The Borg::Ship ’s fire functions will have the following output:

1 Firing on target with [WEAPONFREQUENCY]GW frequency.

(While obviously replacing [WEAPONFREQUENCY] with the appropriate value...

The method repair will display the following output (if a reparation is possible):

1 Begin shield re-initialisation... Done. Awaiting further instructions.


1 Energy cells depleted, shield weakening.

You shouldn’t really need a main function to test your stuff at this point.


Chapter VI

Exercise 4

Exercise : 04 points : 4

Commanders, be ready

Create your fleet

Turn-in directory: (piscine_cpp_d02)/ex04

Compiler: g++ Compilation flags: -Wall -Wextra -Werror

Makefile: No Rules: n/a

Files to turn in : Admiral.hh, Admiral.cpp, BorgQueen.hh, BorgQueen.cpp

Remarks : n/a

Forbidden functions : None

Now that your fleets can move around and shoot at stuff, you will need a way to

command them.

Two classes will be needed to reach this goal. First, an Admiral class which belongs

to the namespace Starfleet (which exists, remember, in the namespace Federation

). This class will possess the following private attribute:

std::string _name; // given at constrution

When the constructor is called, it will display:

1 Admiral [NAME] ready for action.

The class will possess two public method pointers: One will point on the method move(Destination)

of the Ship class within Federation::Starfleet : movePtr ; The other will point

on the method fire(Borg::Ship*) of the same class: firePtr ; There will also be

two member functions with the following signatures:

void fire(Federation::Starfleet::Ship*, Borg::Ship*);

bool move(Federation::Starfleet::Ship*, Destination);

Upon calling the method fire , you will display the following message, followed by a

newline :


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

1 On order from Admiral [NAME]:

This should be displayed before calling fire .

You must not directly call the methods move or fire of Ship .

The class BorgQueen (within the Borg namespace) will herself possess three

public method pointers:

• movePtr , pointing on move(Destination) from the class Borg::Ship

• firePtr pointing on fire(Federation::Starfleet::Ship*) from the same


• destroyPtr pointing on fire(Federation::Ship*)

With three method which will use these pointers:

bool move(Borg::Ship*, Destination);

void fire(Borg::Ship*, Federation::Starfleet::Ship*);

void destroy(Borg::Ship*, Federation::Ship*);

The pointers of each member function will be initialized in the classes’ constructors.


Chapter VII

Exercise 5

Exercise : 05 points : 1

The kobayashi-maru exam

Turn-in directory: (piscine_cpp_d02)/ex05

Compiler: g++ Compilation flags: -Wall -Wextra -Werror

Makefile: No Rules: n/a

Files to turn in : Exam.hh, Exam.cpp

Remarks : n/a

Forbidden functions : None

You must write the Exam class in order for this code to compile:

1 int main(void)

2 {

3 Exam e = Exam(&Exam::cheat);

4 e.kobayashiMaru = &Exam::start;

5 (e.*e.kobayashiMaru)(3);

6 Exam::cheat = true;

7 if (e.isCheating())

8 (e.*e.kobayashiMaru)(4);

9 }

and output the following :

1 belga@riva ex_0$ g++ -W -Wall -Werror *.cpp

2 belga@riva ex_0$ ./a.out | cat -e

3 [The exam is starting]$

4 3 Klingon vessels appeared out of nowhere.$

5 they are fully armed and shielded$

6 This exam is hard... you lost again.$

7 [The exam is starting]$

8 4 Klingon vessels appeared out of nowhere.$

9 they are fully armed and shielded$


Piscine C++ - d02 Resistance is Futile

10 What the... someone changed the parameters of the exam !$


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