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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2018-09-20 03:47


Operating Systems

Assignment 2 - Thread Pools and Dispatch Queues

Worth 8%

final date 21st of September, 2018, 9:30pm


A problem with using large numbers of threads in a program is the cost in time and memory of

repeatedly creating and destroying threads. One way to minimise the cost of using threads is via one

or more thread pools. The idea is to create a number of threads your application may use and store

them in a pool allocating a thread to a subtask from this pool on demand and returning the thread to

the pool when the task is completed. This way the penalty for creating threads is only paid once and

threads stay inactive in the pool until they are associated with a new subtask or until the thread pool

is dismantled.

One way such pools can be controlled is based on dispatch queues. These are queues on to which

tasks are added. The tasks are then processed either concurrently or serially depending on the type

of queue and how the tasks are added to them. In this assignment you have to implement a small

subset of such a system. Dispatching is the process of selecting a task to run and starting it running

by allocating it a thread from a thread pool. Generally tasks can either be blocks (anonymous

functions) or normal functions. In this assignment tasks for dispatching will be C functions.

Basic Idea

Rather than having to create threads and deal with them in order to use the multicore environments

of modern computers it makes sense to have a library which does this for us in such a way that

efficient use is made of all cores and yet our code doesn’t have to change whether there is one

processor in a system or sixty-four.

Of course because you are creating this library you will have to create threads and deal with them

but it should make programming using this library easier.

Types of Queues

There are two types of queues to implement for this assignment, serial queues and concurrent

queues. A serial queue dispatches a task and waits for the task to complete before selecting and

dispatching the next task. Obviously serial queues don’t provide concurrency between the tasks in

the same queue as only one task runs at a time but they do provide concurrency between the tasks in

the queue and tasks running on other queues (and the main thread of the application).

Concurrent queues dispatch tasks in the order they are added to the queue but they also allow tasks

from the same queue to run concurrently. Each concurrent queue has at least 2 threads associated

with it (a small thread pool) and as soon as a thread becomes available because it has finished

executing its current task, a new task can be dispatched on it from the front of the queue. In this

assignment you can create as many concurrent queues as you like.

All tasks on both serial and concurrent queues are dispatched in a FIFO fashion.

Splitting a Program up into Distinct Tasks

Even though dispatch queues can solve some problems of dealing with concurrency on multiple

cores they still require the programmer to split the program into mostly independent tasks. All tasks

on a concurrent dispatch queue must be able to operate safely in parallel. If you need to synchronize

the activity of several tasks you would normally schedule those tasks on a serial dispatch queue.

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Two Types of Dispatching

Regardless of the type of queue it is also possible to add tasks to a dispatch queue either

synchronously or asynchronously. If a task is added to a dispatch queue synchronously the call to

add the task does not return until the task which was added to the queue has completed. If a task is

added to a dispatch queue asynchronously the call to add the task returns almost immediately and

the calling thread may run in parallel to the task itself. The normal way of adding a task to a queue

is the asynchronous method.

Waiting for tasks

If a task was scheduled asynchronously there may be a time when some thread (e.g. the main thread

of the program) needs to wait for all the tasks submitted to a dispatch queue to complete. An

obvious example here would be when the program waits until all tasks begun in the program have

completed before the program terminates. Waiting for a dispatch queue to complete should work

both for serial and concurrent tasks. For this assignment if further tasks are added to a dispatch

queue after a thread has waited for that queue to complete those new tasks are ignored. Something

to think about: is there a race condition here?

How Many Threads?

In such a system the number of active threads in the system could vary according to the number of

cores in the machine and the load on the cores. Using some of the same techniques as were used by

batch systems to keep processor usage levels high, more threads can be scheduled to carry out tasks

when the load level drops and fewer threads used if the cores are being used at close to 100% load.

The load level is not just a local function associated with one particular program, it is a global value

determined by all of the work being done on the computer.

In this assignment you do not have to concern yourself with the load level of the cores. In fact you

should simply allocate the same number of threads to each concurrent dispatch queue as there are

cores or processors in the system. The first task of this assignment is to write a short C program

which runs on Linux in the labs and prints out the number of cores on the machine the program is

running on.

This program should be called num_cores.c and it should be compiled, executed and produce

output as shown below:

gcc num_cores.c -o num_cores


This machine has 2 cores.

Because some architectures use hyper-threading the operating system may see 4 processors when

only 2 cores are present. Your program should report as the number of cores the same number as

shown by the Gnome System Monitor program.

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In the dispatchQueue.h file you will find some types defined. You must use these types in your

program. You may extend the types by adding extra fields or attributes. You may also add your own

types (in fact you will probably have to).

You must use locks or semaphores (or both) to control the concurrency in your solutions. man -k

mutex, man -k pthread, and man -k sem will give you more than you need to know.

In the dispatchQueue.c file you must implement the following functions. None of these

functions return error results because you should print an error message and then exit the program if

an error occurs.

dispatch_queue_t *dispatch_queue_create(queue_type_t queueType)

Creates a dispatch queue, probably setting up any associated threads and a linked list to be used by

the added tasks. The queueType is either CONCURRENT or SERIAL.

Returns: A pointer to the created dispatch queue.


dispatch_queue_t *queue;

queue = dispatch_queue_create(CONCURRENT);

void dispatch_queue_destroy(dispatch_queue_t *queue)

Destroys the dispatch queue queue. All allocated memory and resources such as semaphores are

released and returned.


dispatch_queue_t *queue;


task_t *task_create(void (* work)(void *), void *param, char* name)

Creates a task. work is the function to be called when the task is executed, param is a pointer to

either a structure which holds all of the parameters for the work function to execute with or a single

parameter which the work function uses. If it is a single parameter it must either be a pointer or

something which can be cast to or from a pointer. The name is a string of up to 63 characters. This

is useful for debugging purposes.

Returns: A pointer to the created task.


void do_something(void *param) {

long value = (long)param;

printf(“The task was passed the value %ld.\n”, value);


task_t *task;

task = task_create(do_something, (void *)42, “do_something”);

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void task_destroy(task_t *task)

Destroys the task. Call this function as soon as a task has completed. All memory allocated to the

task should be returned.


task_t *task;


void dispatch_sync(dispatch_queue_t *queue, task_t *task)

Sends the task to the queue (which could be either CONCURRENT or SERIAL). This function does

not return to the calling thread until the task has been completed.


dispatch_queue_t *queue;

task_t *task;

dispatch_sync(queue, task);

void dispatch_async(dispatch_queue_t *queue, task_t *task)

Sends the task to the queue (which could be either CONCURRENT or SERIAL). This function

returns immediately, the task will be dispatched sometime in the future.


dispatch_queue_t *queue;

task_t *task;

dispatch_async(queue, task);

void dispatch_queue_wait(dispatch_queue_t *queue)

Waits (blocks) until all tasks on the queue have completed. If new tasks are added to the queue

after this is called they are ignored.


dispatch_queue_t *queue;


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void dispatch_for(dispatch_queue_t *queue, long number, void (*work)


Executes the work function number of times (in parallel if the queue is CONCURRENT). Each

iteration of the work function is passed an integer from 0 to number-1. The dispatch_for

function does not return until all iterations of the work function have completed.


void do_loop(long value) {

printf(“The task was passed the value %ld.\n”, value);


dispatch_queue_t *queue;

dispatch_for(queue, 100, do_loop);

/* This is sort of equivalent to:

for (long i = 0; i < 100; i++)


Except the do_loop calls can be done in parallel.


This is how you get your marks

There are test files and a make file you can use to test your code.

Zip all C source files together into a file called A2.zip. Do not include the test files but do include

your num_cores.c, dispatchQueue.c and dispatchQueue.h files along with any other

files you may have added (most people won’t have any more).

Put the answers to the questions into a plain text file or pdf called either A2Answers.txt or


Submit the zip file and the answers to the questions using the Canvas submission system

before 9:30pm on Friday the 21st of September.

The work you submit must be your own. Refer to the University’s academic honesty and plagiarism

information https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/students/forms-policies-and-guidelines/student-policiesand-guidelines/academic-integrity-copyright.html.

1. num_cores

prints the correct number of cores for the machine it is running on.

[1 mark]

2. test1


works correctly

[2 marks]


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test1 running

Safely dispatched


dispatch_queue_destroy returns the allocated resources

[1 mark]


task_destroy is called by the implementation and releases memory

[1 mark]

3. test2

works correctly – only get the mark if test1 worked correctly

[1 mark]


Safely dispatched

4. test3

works correctly

[2 marks]


Safely dispatched

test3 running

5. test4


works correctly

[2 marks]

Produces something like:

Safely dispatched

task "A"

task "B"

task "C"

task "D"

task "E"

task "F"

task "G"

task "H"

task "I"

task "J"

The counter is 4939859698

The order of the tasks may vary. The counter value will also vary but it should almost never

be 10,000,000,000.


Utilizes all cores

[2 marks]

Open system monitor before you run it and check that all CPUs go to 100%.

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6. test5


works correctly

[2 marks]


Safely dispatched

task "A"

task "B"

task "C"

task "D"

task "E"

task "F"

task "G"

task "H"

task "I"

task "J"

The counter is 10000000000

The tasks must be in this order and the counter must always equal 10,000,000,000.


Mostly utilizes only one core.

[1 mark]

Check by observing system monitor.


Implementation marks (applied if at least 2 of the previous tests passed)


Good identifiers [1 mark]


Consistently good indentation [1 mark]


Useful comments [1 mark]


No busy waits [1 mark]


No use of sleep to make synchronization work. [1 mark]


The marker will use an unspecified test - using a combination of the implemented functions.

[5 marks]



Explain how your implementation dispatches tasks from the dispatch queues. You must

describe how dispatching is done for both serial and concurrent dispatch queues. Give code

snippets from your solution as part of the explanation.

[5 marks]

2 marks for clarity (can the marker easily understand what you are saying).

2 marks for making sense.

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1 mark for including code snippets in the explanation.


The marker will use a test program similar to testFor but with more intensive


works correctly

Output should be something like (order may be different):

The number is 999999999

The number is 1000000000

The number is 999999998

The number is 999999997

The number is 999999996

The number is 999999995

The number is 999999994

The number is 999999993

The number is 999999992

The number is 999999991

[2 marks]

All cores should be used when running.



Using the time command, time running test4 and test5. Give the results and discuss them. Is

there anything unusual? Explain what you observe.

[3 marks]

1 mark for the results.

1 mark for comments.

1 mark for explanations.

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