ECE 4122/6122 Advanced Programming Techniques
Short Exercise #1 Creating a Custom Type in C++
Assigned: Wednesday, September 5, 2018 Due: Friday, September 14, 2018
In this exercise you will be creating a custom 3-dimensional vector type made of 32 bit floats. Later we expand on
its capabilities with templates. You will not be provided with any skeleton code however you MUST follow the given
guidelines on folder structure and file naming in order to make it easier to grade. Points will be deducted if you do
not do this.
The main folder of your solution should be named se1 (note capitalization) and should follow the follwing structure :
vector3.h and will be where you implement your vector class. is where you will write code to
test your vector class and CMakeList.txt will be used to help build your solution. This assignment is short enough
where we won’t be submitting jobs to the cluster but will just be developing and debugging on the login node so there
is no .pbs file.
You will be making your custom vector3 type as a struct. Note that c++ supports classes and structs and the
only difference between the two, as far as the language is concerned, is that by default the members of a struct are
public while the members of a class are private by default. Otherwise they are equivalent. Since we’re going to make
the coordinates (x, y, z) of our vector public, we’ll use a struct.
You should start your vector3.h file like this :
struct Vector3 {
float x;
float y;
float z;
//methods go here
You now need to implement the following methods for your custom type :
Vector3() = default; //default constructor
Vector3(float xyz); //set x, y, and z to xyz
Vector3(float x, float y, float z); //set component by name
Vector3 operator+(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise add
Vector3 operator-(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise subtract
Vector3 operator*(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise multiplication
Vector3 operator/(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise division
Vector3 operator+(float rhs); //add rhs to each component
Vector3 operator-(float rhs); //subtract rhs from each component
Vector3 operator*(float rhs); //multiply each component by rhs
Vector3 operator/(float rhs); //divide each component by rhs
float operator|(const Vector3& rhs); // dot product
Vector3 operatorˆ(const Vector3& rhs); // cross product
Vector3& operator+=(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise add
Vector3& operator-=(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise subtract
Vector3& operator*=(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise multiplication
Vector3& operator/=(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise division
// Vector3++ and ++Vector3 rotate xyz to the right
// i.e. make x = z, y = x, z = y
// Make sure they function correctly ++v vs v++
Vector3& operator++();
Friday, September 14, 2018 – Short Exercise #1 2
Vector3 operator++(int __unused);
// Vector3-- and --Vector3 rotate xyz to the left
// i.e. make x = y, y = z, z = x
Vector3& operator--();
Vector3 operator--(int __unused);
bool operator==(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise equality
bool operator!=(const Vector3& rhs); //component-wise inequality
Your CMakeLists.txt file should contain the following :
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${SOURCE_FILES}
Your file should contain code you use to test your implementation to verify it is working correctly. We will
be using another when we test your solutions.
To build your solution, make sure you load the following modules on pace-ice
module load gcc/7.3.0
module load cmake/3.9.1
To test your implementation, create a build folder in your project directory :
From within your build folder, type cmake .. . Assuming this command completes successfully, your build folder
will contain a Makefile. Type make to build your project. All projects must compile without any warnings or errors
to receive full credit. To execute your program type ./se1 from within the build directory.
For submission, compress your solution into (NOT .TAR.GZ, or .RAR or anything else). zip is installed on
the login node. Submit via canvas.
GRAD STUDENTS ONLY : You must correctly mark the methods in Vector3 const if they do not change
the internals of the struct. You should assume operators arithmetic operators work as they would with int types.
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