CSC474 - Homework 1, part 3∗
Assigned September 13th, 2018; Due 11:59pm on September 25th, 2018
Prof. Brad Reaves
Note: This homework assignment is worth 100 points.
1 RSA {30 points}
(a) {5 points} Prof. Pedantic generates an RSA keypair, consisting of a public key he, ni and a
private key hd, ni. He saves the large (2048-bit) prime factors p and q used to compute n (i.e.,
n = pq) as well as his public key he, ni. Ever forgetful, he forgets to save his private key hd, ni.
D’oh! Will Prof. Pedantic be able to recover and re-generate his private key? That is, can he
learn d given the information that he recorded? Why or why not?
(b) {10 points} Prof. Pedantic decides to create a variant of RSA, which he calls RASP (the P
is for Pedantic). In RASP, the private key exponent d is computed as d = e
−1 mod n (the
modular inverse of the public key exponent e, modulo n), as opposed to d = e
−1 mod Φ(n).
The encryption and decryption functions also differ between RSA and RASP, but knowing
what these functions are isn’t important for this question.
What major security flaw does RASP’s key generation algorithm introduce?1
(c) {5 points} Prof. Pedantic gives you (securely) his RSA public key:
K+ = he = 13, n = 77i
What is the corresponding ciphertext for the plaintext message M = 2, encrypted with
Prof. Pedantic’s public key? Show your work.
(d) {5 points} Given his public key he = 13, n = 77i, what is Prof. Pedantic’s private key?
(e) {5 points} Why were you able to answer the previous question?!? That is, is RSA broken? If
it isn’t broken, then why were you able to derive his private key from his public key?
∗Last revised on August 27, 2018.
1Note that the notation a = b
−1 mod q is equivalent to ab mod q = 1. Both reflect the fact that a and b are
modular inverses under modulo q.
2 PayMe! {10 points}
Hoping to become the next dotcom millionaire, Prof. Pedantic decides to create an online money
payment service similar to PayPal. His service, PayMe!, allows users to transfer money to other
users of the system.
To ensure that no fraudulent activity takes places, the PayMe! service stores the public key of each
user. (You should assume that the sharing of the public key is secure; that is, the server has each
user’s correct public key.)
If Alice (“A”) wishes to give X dollars to Bob (“B”), she sends the following message to the PayMe!
service (“S”):
A → S : A, B, X, n, SigA− (X|n)
where n is a nonce, A− is Alice’s private key, and SigK− (M) denotes a digital signature over M
computed using the private key K−.
(a) {5 points} What is a nonce, and why does Prof. Pedantic include one in his protocol? Does it
prevent any type of attack?
(b) {5 points} Explain how an active adversary can exploit a weakness in Prof. Pedantic’s protocol
to steal money from an honest user, Alice.
3 PompousPassTM {10 points}
Prof. Pedantic believes he has a come up with a simple way of performing authentication. His
system, PompousPassTM, uses RSA signatures. Let Idx and P wx respectively be the username and
password for user x, and (x
+, x−) be the public/private keypair associated with user x. Assume
that the server S knows the user’s username (Idx), password (P wx), and his public key (x
+). To
authenticate to the server, x sends:
x → S : Idx, r, Sigx−(Idx|P wx|r)
where r is a nonce.
The server decrypts the message using x’s public key, and authentication proceeds iff (1) the
transmitted password matches the password stored in the server’s database and (2) the nonce is
(a) {4 points} Is this system secure? Why or why not?
(b) {6 points} Assuming that the parties share no keys other than their public keys, provide a
revised protocol that better protects the client’s password.
4 A Less Simple, Encrypted P2P Instant Messenger {40 points}
For this programming assignment, you will modify your (or our) encrypted P2P instant messenger
from HW1, Part II.
Rather than input confidentiality and authenticity keys on the command-line, the IM clients will
use the Diffie Hellman (DH) protocol to agree on a single ephemeral confidentiality key, which will
be used for the duration of the exchange. Unlike HW1, Part II, using a MAC is not required for
this assignment. However, to simplify the assignment, you may use the protocol from HW1, Part
II that includes a MAC, and either a) use the same key for both (not secure), or b) derive separate
confidentiality and integrity keys (e.g., hash the shared secret with SHA256/SHA512 and use half
for AES and half for HMAC).
As before, your program should encrypt messages using AES-128 (or AES-256) in CBC mode. IVs
should be generated randomly.
To obtain the correct size confidentiality key, take a hash of the key shared via DH and use the
appropriate number of bits from that hash as your AES key.
Your program should have the following command-line options:
DHEncryptedIM [-s|-c hostname]
where the -s argument indicates that the program should wait for an incoming TCP/IP connection
on port 9999; the -c argument (with its required hostname parameter) indicates that the program
should connect to the machine hostname (over TCP/IP on port 9999). Note that no keys should be
provided on the command-line; the confidentiality key should be negotiated through a DH exchange.
For example, you may run “DHEncryptedIM -s” on alice-HW1, and then start “DHEncryptedIM -c
netid-alice-HW1” on bob-HW1. Note that the instance with the -s option must be started before
the other instance.
Additional requirements and hints. Please make sure that your program conforms to the
• You must hardcode the DH parameters. Set g = 2 — that is, the generator should be two.
Use the following 1024-bit prime:
static unsigned char dh1024_p[]={
Without the C notation, this number in hex is
• Normal, unoptimized exponentiation (i.e., computing x
y by multiplying x by itself y times)
is too slow when dealing with large numbers. You’ll want to use an optimized exponentiation
technique, which you can read about at
• You must use a good, cryptographic source of randomness for the DH secrets (lowercase “a”
and “b” in the class notes). Do not use Python’s random.random or C’s rand() functions.
OpenSSL and PyCryptoDome have secure random number generators. You may also use
/dev/urandom (os.urandom() in Python). Use them.
• If you are using C, you will need to use a special library to handle large numbers: libgmp
( You’ll want to use libgmp’s exponentiation functions. Python
natively supports large numbers. To install libgmp on the VCL image, use the command
sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev. (The image resets each reservation, so you will need
to do this for each reservation.)
• You may write your program in Python or C. Please see the teaching staff if you would like to
use another programming language. For submissions done in C, we will ignore all submitted
executables (or byte code) and will compile your code from the submitted source files.
• You may only use libraries already installed in the VCL Ubuntu 16.04 base environment. The
one exception is you need to install libgmp (see above). Please post requests for additional
libraries to Piazza.
• You may not collaborate on this homework. This project should be done individually. You
may search the Internet for help, but you may not copy (either via copy-and-paste or manual
typing) code from another source. For this homework only, as an exception to this
rule, you may copy code for efficient exponentiation; however, you must properly
attribute that code (e.g., by citing a URL or some other source) as comments
in your source code. You may also use code from the textbook, or from the instructor or
• As with the first two assignments, to aid in automated testing/grading, do not provide a
prompt to the user, and only write received messages to standard out. We will be using automated
testing tools to evaluate your solutions, and printing additional messages or characters
makes such automation far more difficult.
• Your program should not take in any additional command-line options other those described
• Your program can terminate either when the user presses CTRL-C, or when end-of-file (EOF)
is received. To generate EOF from the terminal, press CTRL-D.
5 Man-in-the-Middle {10 points}
Briefly describe how an adversary, Eve, who is positioned between Alice and Bob, can perform
an active attack against the above DH-enabled encrypted IM program to learn the contents of all
messages exchanged between the two honest parties.
This portion of HW1 is worth 100 points. A non-comprehensive list of deductions for the programming
portion of this assignment is provided in Table 1.
We will award partial credit when possible and appropriate. To maximize opportunities for partial
credit, please rigorously comment your code. If we cannot understand what you intended, we
cannot award partial credit.
Description Deduction
Only included executables (no source code; applies to C) 40
Compilation / interpreter errors 25
Non-functioning DH 17
Use of unsecure randomness (e.g., rand() or random() class functions) 5
Crashes on invalid command-line arguments 1
Table 1: Grading rubric. Note that this grading rubric is not intended to be comprehensive. Deductions
listed in parts I and II of HW1 are not included here (for brevity); however, they still apply.
Submission Instructions
Submit your solution as a single tarball (tar.gz archive) using WolfWare. To upload your assignment,
navigate to the CSC474 course. Use the “Homework 1, Part III” assignment.
In the archive, include a single PDF or ASCII text document with your written answers. Writeups
submitted in Word, PowerPoint, Corel, RTF, Pages, and other non-PDF or ASCII
formats will not be accepted. Consider using LATEX to format your homework solutions. (For
a good primer on LATEX, see the Not So Short Introduction to LATEX.)
Don’t forget to answer Question 5!
Include in the archive the written responses, all source code, and the protocol description. If your
program is written in a C, please also provide compilation instructions.
Please post questions (especially requests for clarification) about this homework to Piazza.
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