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日期:2018-10-04 09:35

COMP20003 Algorithms and Data Structures

Second (Spring) Semester 2018

[Assignment 2]

Solving Puzzle Games Optimally:

Graph Search

Handed out: Wednesday, 3 of October

Due: 12:00 Noon, Wednesday, 17 of October


The purpose of this assignment is for you to:

Increase your proficiency in C programming, your dexterity with efficient memory allocation and

your algorithmic thinking, through programming a search algorithm over Graphs.

Practice your ability to understand new algorithms based on those already taught in class.

Gain experience with applications of graphs and graph algorithms to create an AI solver for a


Foster your capability to understand a scientific paper and implement its ideas (optional).

Assignment description

In this programming assignment you’ll be expected to build a solver for the 15–puzzle https://en.


The 15–puzzle

These puzzles consist in assembling an image or some geometrical patterns, which has been decomposed

into a number of sliding tiles. We can consider each tile to be identified by a number, so we can

represent the initial state of the puzzle with the following diagram:

1 2

3 4 8 5

14 15 13

9 10 11 12

7 6


where B is a blank space. A puzzle solution is a sequence of moves which achieves the following state

B 1 3 2

4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15

subject to the constraint that we can only swap positions of the blank tile with some adjacent one.

For instance, in the initial state depicted above, the only valid moves would be:

1. Swap positions of tile 9 and blank B.

2. Swap positions of tile 14 and blank B.

Each possible configuration of the puzzle is called a state. The 15-puzzle Graph G = hV, Ei is implicitly

defined. The vertex set V is defined as all the possible puzzle configurations (states), and the edges

E connecting two vertexes are defined by the legal movements, also called actions or operators.


Your solver should contain the implementation of the following search algorithm:

1. Iterative Deepening A(IDA?)

The algorithm follows the Depth-First Search search strategy and can be easily implemented as a

recursive function.

IDA? has two parts:

1. The main loop, initializes the thresholds B and B0 first. If no solution is found the search is

triggered again but with an updated B = B0


2. The recursive function that implements the bounded Depth-First Search.

In this assignment IDA?

is guaranteed to find the optimal solution. In general, IDA?

returns optimal

solutions as long as the heuristic function is a lower bound on the true optimal solution length (see

next section for more information on the heuristic used in this assignment).

Definitions and Comments about the Pseudocode

The pseudocode assumes that you have a Node data structure – for variables and containing the fields s for the state, g(n) for the cost of the path up to s from the initial state,

and f(n) for the evaluation function. Note that the notation n

.g stands for the value of g

function of node n

Node - The data structure representing a possible path in the search. A node may have children

nodes (corresponding to its possible successor states), a parent node (corresponding to the node

from where the current node has been generated), and an operator index (recording which

operator or action has been applied to generate the node, e.x. move blank left, right, up or


Successor State - A successor state s

0 of state s is the resulting state of applying an action a.

Generated Nodes - Nodes that have been created within the search. If you imagine the search

algorithm building a tree, these are all the nodes of the tree.

Expanded Nodes - Nodes for which its children have been generated. Here, it corresponds to

the nodes that haven’t been pruned by the threshold, or in terms of the search tree would be

the internal nodes of the tree.

Pruning - Evaluation of the path quality (node) and deciding whether we should not explore

it further given a function f(n) to evaluate and a threshold.

A(s) is a function that returns the actions applicable in a given state s. In 15-puzzle it may be

between 2 and 4 actions.

The function f(a, s) returns the state resulting of applying action a in state s.

To print the cost of the solution found, you should look at g(n) for node n = r in the


h(s) implements the heuristic function, taking as an argument the state s.

Note that a node n is pruned only if f(n) is strictly bigger than the threshold B.

Note that in 15-puzzle the cost function of applying any action a in any state s is c(a, s) = 1.


1 B ← h(s0)

2 repeat

3 B0 ← ∞

4 n.s ← s0

5 n.g ← 0

6 r ← IDA(n, B, B0)

7 if r = nil

8 then B ← B0

9 until r 6= nil

10 return r.g

Figure 1: Main search loop. s0 stands for the initial configuration.

IDA(n, B, B0)

1 for a ∈ A(n.s)

2 do n.s ← f(a, n.s)

3 n.g ← n.g + 1

4 n.f ← n.g + h(n.s)

5 if n.f > B

6 then B0 ← min(n.f, B0

7 else

8 if h(n.s) = 0

9 then return n

10 r ← IDA?(n, B, B0)

11 if r 6= nil

12 then return r

13 return nil

Figure 2: Recursive function implementing IDA?

. If a solution is found, it returns the node r,

otherwise returns NIL.


The heuristic that you will be using to prune the search space is the Sum of Manhattan Distances,

which is defined as follows:

h(s) = X

id(ti, ti) (1)

where ti

is the position of the ith tile and ti is the position where this tile should be. Positions aregiven by 2–component vectors ti = (x, y). Manhattan distance is easily computedd(ti, ti) = |x ? x?| + |y ? y?| (2)

For the initial state depicted above, the heuristic computation would be, starting from the upper left


h(s) = 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 27 (3)note that we don’t take into account the (mis)placement of the blank space.This heuristic is proved to be admissible, i.e. h(s) is always lower or equal to the optimal distanceh

(s) to the objective configuration from a any state s, for the 15–puzzle, being a useful heuristic to

search for optimal solutions.

Deliverables, evaluation and delivery rules

Deliverable 1 – Solver source code

Just look for the base code in LMS. Understand the code and write your own code in the section

where you see the comment: FILL WITH YOUR CODE.

You are expected to hand in the source code for your solver, written in C. Obviously, your source code

is expected to compile and execute flawlessly using the following makefile command: make generating

an executable called 15puzzle. Remember to compile using the optimization flag gcc -O3 for doing

your experiments, it will run twice faster than compiling with the debugging flag gcc -g.

In order to test your solver, you can use the following 15–puzzle instances

N Initial State s0 h(s0) Cost Nodes

1 14 13 15 7 11 12 9 5 6 0 2 1 4 8 10 3 41 57 276M

2 13 5 4 10 9 12 8 14 2 3 7 1 0 15 11 6 43 55 15M

3 14 7 8 2 13 11 10 4 9 12 5 0 3 6 1 15 41 59 565M

4 5 12 10 7 15 11 14 0 8 2 1 13 3 4 9 6 42 56 62M

14 7 6 8 1 11 5 14 10 3 4 9 13 15 2 0 12 41 59 1369M

88 15 2 12 11 14 13 9 5 1 3 8 7 0 10 6 4 43 65 6009M

where N is a unique ID from a test set of 100 initial states, s0 is the initial state (first number

corresponds with the tile placed in the upper left corner and zero represents the blank space), h(s0)

is the value of the heuristic for the initial state, Cost is the optimal cost of the problem, and Nodes

is the number of nodes for which their children are generated (it’s a rough figure, your mileage might

vary slightly depending on your implementation).

Your IDA?

implementation will be required to find solutions of the same quality. With the data of

the table you’ll be able to asses the correctness of your implementation: it has to compute the exact

same values for h(s0) and cost, with roughly a similar amount of Nodes.


Your solver has to read the initial configuration from a file with the same format as it appears

in the table, that is, a single line, containing a sorted list of indexes separated by a blank space. For

example, instance N = 1 from the table would be:

14 13 15 7 11 12 9 5 6 0 2 1 4 8 10 3


Assuming we have a file called “1.puzzle” containting a single line with the configuration of instance

N = 1 from the table, we will call our solver by running the following command:

./15puzzle 1.puzzle

and it will print into the stdout the following information:

1. Initial state of the puzzle.

2. h(s0) heuristic estimate for the initial state.

3. Thresholds the search have used to solve the problem.

4. Number of moves of the optimal solution.

5. Number of generated nodes.

6. Number of expanded nodes.

7. Number of expanded nodes per second.

8. Total Search Time, in seconds.

For example, the output of our solver ./15puzzle 1.puzzle for instance N = 1 is:

Initial State:

14 13 15 7

11 12 9 5

6 0 2 1

4 8 10 3

Initial Estimate = 41

Threshold = 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57

Solution = 57

Generated = 499,911,606

Expanded = 253,079,561

Time (seconds) = 5.12

Expanded/Second = 49,082,100

Deliverable 2 – Experimentation

Besides handing in the solver source code, you’re required to provide a table, for your implementation

of the algorithm and each of the problems in the table above, which accounts for

1. ID N of the Initial state of the puzzle.

2. h(s0) heuristic estimate for the initial state.

3. Thresholds the search have used to solve the problem.

4. Number of moves of the optimal solution.

5. Number of generated nodes.

6. Number of expanded nodes.

7. Number of expanded nodes per second.

8. Total Search Time, in seconds.

(optional) Explain concisely any improvements you made to speed up the algorithm in terms of number

of expanded nodes per second, as well as any improvements you implemented suggested by the paper

to reduce the number of expanded nodes.


Assignment marks will be divided into four different components.

1. IDA?


2. Manhattan heuristic (2)

3. Experimentation (2)

4. Code Style (1)

Please note that you should be ready to answer any question we might have on the details of your

assignment solution by e–mail, or even attending a brief interview with me, in order to clarify any

doubts we might have.

Extra Mark

An extra mark can be earned if you implement any (1 at least) of the optimizations described in the

the section Improved Admissible Heuristics of the article http://www.aaai.org/Papers/

AAAI/1996/AAAI96-178.pdf written by the founder of IDA? Richard Korf.

If you do any of the optimizations for the extra marks, please report and discuss it in your experimentation.

Delivery rules

You will need to make two submissions for this assignment:

Your C code files (including your Makefile) will be submitted through the LMS page for this

subject: Assignments → Assignment 2 → Assignment 2: Code.

Your experiments report file will be submitted through the LMS page for this subject: Assignments

→ Assignment 2 → Assignment 2: Experimentation. This file can be of any format, e.g.

.pdf, text or other.

This double submissions process is being used because the program files need to be tested under UNIX,

and the presence of non-text experiment files can interfere with the submit and verify process.

Program files submitted (Code)

Submit the program files for your assignment and your Makefile.

If you wish to submit any scripts or code used to generate input data, you may, although this is not

required. Just be sure to submit all your files at the same time.

Your programs must compile and run correctly on the CIS machines. You may have developed your

program in another environment, but it still must run on the department machines at submission time.

For this reason, and because there are often small, but significant, differences between compilers, it is

suggested that if you are working in a different environment, you upload and test your code on the

department machines at reasonably frequent intervals.

A common reason for programs not to compile is that a file has been inadvertently omitted from the

submission. Please check your submission, and resubmit all files if necessary. .

Advice and Hints

1. Create an initial puzzle that you know can be solved with few steps, e.g. take the goal state and

just move the blank two positions. Your algorithm should be able to solve this problem quickly.

2. If you allocate memory for new nodes (Line 2 Fig 2), make sure to delete them as memory

leaks might take all the space of your RAM.

3. Once you’ve got a working version, if you want to speed up your code think carefully where

most of the computation goes. It’s a good excuse to practice the art of profiling your code

(understanding where most of the computation goes). Valgrind can be used for this purpose as

well. Check documentation about it in this link. Most likely the most expensive operations will

be computing the heuristic and generating new nodes. And just in case, we won’t give extra

marks or remove marks depending on your speed, but feel free to create a Piazza post with a

ladder of the fastest programs. Of course be honest and feel free to share your programming

tricks after the due date of the assignment.

4. Have in mind that some these problems might need – depending on hardware and implementation

– more than 30 minutes to be solved. In order to test your code, just come up with a couple

simple instances (simple as in “solutions requiring few moves”). You should be able to check by

hand the solutions for those problems and assess the soundness of your implementation.


This is an individual assignment. The work must be your own.

While you may discuss your program development, coding problems and experimentation with your

classmates, you must not share files, as this is considered plagiarism.

If you refer to published work in the discussion of your experiments, be sure to include

a citation to the publication or the web link.

“Borrowing” of someone else’s code without acknowledgement is plagiarism, e.x. taking

code from a book without acknowledgement. Plagiarism is considered a serious offense at the

University of Melbourne. You should read the University code on Academic Honesty and details on

plagiarism. Make sure you are not plagiarizing, intentionally or unintentionally.

You are also advised that there will be a C programming component (on paper, not on a computer) on

the final examination. Students who do not program their own assignments will be at a disadvantage

for this part of the examination.

Administrative issues

When is late? What do I do if I am late? The due date and time are printed on the front

of this document. The lateness policy is on the handout provided at the first lecture and also available

on the subject LMS page. If you decide to make a late submission, you should send an email

directly to the lecturer as soon as possible and he will provide instructions for making a late submission.

What are the marks and the marking criteria Recall that this project is worth 15% of your

final score. There is also a hurdle requirement: you must earn at least 15 marks out of a subtotal of

30 for the projects to pass this subject.

Finally Despite all these stern words, we are here to help! There is information about getting help

in this subject on the LMS pages. Frequently asked questions about the project will be answered in

the LMS discussion group.

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