CS 115 Computer Simulation, Assignment #2 – Train Unloading Dock (again)
Due Tuesday, October 30 at beginning of class
In this assignment, you will write a simulation of a train unloading dock. The system being
modeled is exactly the same as that described in assignment 1, except this time you will write your
simulation in a special-purpose simulation language, CSIM. As with Assignment #1, it will be
tested for output correctness on the ICS openlab Linux computers.
The input and output specifications remain the same; I would like to be able to run your code
with various parameters and see the output myself. Output the same list of statistics at the end of
your simulation as specified in Assignment #1. You should use separate CSIM random number
streams for each of the four conceptual process streams (train arrivals, train unloading times,
remaining crew time, replacement crew travel time), and use the same input file specification as in
ass’t #1.
The grading guidelines (i.e., “pretty” source code, correct simulation, brief but thoughtful writeup
describing why you think your simulation works including various “sanity” tests) also remain
the same. The late penalty is the same, and you submit both on openlab (using the Unix “submit”
command as before) and on Gradescope.
In addition, you will compute two more statistics in (or at least from) your simulation(s):
a) Computer the 99% confidence interval for the mean time-in-system, based upon 100
runs of the simulation.
b) Compute the mean time-in-system to an accuracy of 1%, with 99% confidence. How
many runs did it take to compute this? (That is, keep re-running your simulation, each
time with a different seed, until your 99% confidence interval has a width which is less
than 1% of the value of the mean time-in-system.)
These statistics can be computed by hand by running your simulation many times, or, if you are
clever, it can all be done with a little extra coding inside CSIM. See the functions reset,
permanent_table, table_mean, report, report_table, and the part of the CSIM User Manual
discussing confidence intervals. If you do it this way, please ensure that the default action of your
simulation is to run on the command line just as the input specification was for Assignment #1—I
don’t want it to run 10 batches of runs when I type “./train 10 72000”. (On the other hand,
don’t think you’ve managed to skip having to learn the details of confidence intervals; I’m sure to
ask about it on the midterm.) Note also that if you do it this way, you might get different numbers
than if you do separate simulations and combine them by hand, because in the former case you
won’t start with an empty queue at the beginning of each batch, but in the latter you will.
In addition, you will use your simulation to answer the following questions:
1) At what average inter-arrival time does the system become overloaded? That is, leaving all
distributions the same except the train arrival rate, how small can the average inter-arrival
time be before the system becomes overloaded? How did you determine whether the
system was overloaded or not?
2) Does your system overload at the same rate of train arrivals as your first assignment? If it
does not, explain why not (which means that at least one of your simulations is wrong).
3) (Bonus 10%): Provide paper-and-pencil, analytical estimate of the maximum train arrival
rate (i.e., minimum average inter-arrival time), if all other values and distributions remain
as they are. How close does your analytical estimate agree with the simulated one(s)
above? If they disagree, why?
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