EEE101 C Programming and Software Engineering 1 – ASSESSMENT 2
Assessment Number 2
Contribution to Overall Marks 15%
Issue Date Monday, 22nd October, 2018 (Week 6)
Submission Deadline Monday, 5th November, 2018 at 09:00 (9am) (Week 8)
Assessment Overview
This assessment aims at testing some basic concepts of C programming in particular the use
of functions to produce basic modular program structures. It also reinforces the routine of
code development using the software development process (SDP) presented in Lecture 1 and
followed in Assessment 1. The five steps of the software development process you need to
follow are:
1. Problem statement: formulate the problem.
2. Analysis: determine the inputs, outputs, variables, etc
3. Design: define the list of steps (the algorithm) needed to solve the problem.
4. Implementation: the C code has to be submitted as a separate file. Just indicate here the
name of the file.
5. Testing: explain how you have tested and verified your C program.
Write a C Program that will allow you to play a user determined number of games of rock,
scissors, paper (石头, 剪刀, 布) against the computer. The game should ask for the players
name. The game should draw pictures of the rock the paper and the scissors to show what the
player and computer have selected. After the chosen number of games have been played, the
program should determine who won or if it was a draw and output the information on the
screen. The printing of each output selection and the generation of the computers selection
should each be carried out in separate functions (not in function main()). The final win lose or
draw result for the match can be determined and printed from either main() or another
This may initially appear very difficult, it is suggested that you first write down the steps that
the program needs to perform and in what order (sequence). You may find it helpful to
produce a flow chart and then think about how to do each part e.g:
Introduce the game
Ask for and obtain the players name
Ask for the number of games to be played
Ask for the players selection of rock paper or scissors
Generate the computers selection
Draw and state the selections on the screen then determine the winner or if it is a draw
…and so on
Consider that to repeat the game process for the number of games required you should use a
loop. Produce the program one step at a time e.g. firstly for a single game, then work out how
to create the loop. Work out how to display (draw) the outputs on the screen.
To make the screen pause for a number of milliseconds you can use the function Sleep();
where the should be a number in milliseconds (e.g. Sleep(3000) would pause the system
for 3 seconds). This function can be found in the windows.h header file. Alternatively, if you
would like to make the system wait till the user presses a key you can use system(“pause”);.
This function can be found in the stdlib.h header file.
Also, if you would like to clear anything that has been printed in the output window you can
use the function system(“cls”);. This function can be found in the stdlib.h header file
Example Code
To help you get started, a program for a guessing game is provided together with this
assessment, see character_game.c. The game involves two players choosing a secret character
and then the players taking turns to guess each other’s character. Note that this is only to offer
you ideas for writing your own program. You should not try to adapt the code to produce
your work, this would be more difficult than writing your own.
What should be submitted?
You should submit the followings:
1) A short report (up to a few pages of text) detailing:
a) SDP steps 1 to 3 in the report (Report + Specification + Analysis + Algorithm Design)
b) SDP step 4 (Implementation(35%) + Robustness(5%)): your C source code including
the comments. (40%). Do not paste the code into your report.
c) SDP step 5 in the report (testing): you will explain your testing methodology
including: what you wanted to test, how you have tested it and the outcome of your
tests. (20%). Note: you do not need to include screenshots of results.
Please refer to the file “EEE101 Marking Guidelines Assignment 2” on ICE for a
detailed marking scheme.
2) The report in Microsoft Word or pdf format and C source code of your implementation
should be zipped into a single file, i.e. the zip file will contain 2 files, one document and
one source code. (It is a good practice to include comments in your code stating the aim
of the program, what are the inputs, what are the outputs, which algorithm is used, who is
the author and so on.)
The naming of Report (.docx or .pdf), Source Code (.c) and Compressed file (.zip or .rar)
StudentID_LastName_FirstName_AssignmentNumber.docx or .pdf
StudentID_ AssignmentNumber.c or .rar
For example
Zipped together into:
How the work should be submitted?
Should be submitted electronically through ICE so that the marker can run your programs
during marking. Feedback and your grade will also be given through ICE.
Remember that you are responsible for ensuring that your C code will run in Visual Studio
2015 and that if it does not without documentary explanation you may get a 0 mark for your
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