CS100 Homework 4 (Fall Semester2018)
Due time: 11:59pm, December 6,2018
Homework 4 comprises 3 problems. Important notes:
The templates for all problems have been submitted to your gitlab project repositories. It is
crucial that you take them as astarting point,they already implement the entire I/O
functionality plus a substantial part of the interfaces. The sections that you should modify
are clearly marked.
As in the previous homework, we will use OJ for grading for unified compilation andtesting.
However, pleasebeware the rules of using OJ! Do not abuse OJ, you should submit your
solution no more than 30 times,and theshortest interval between two submissionsis 2
minutes. As in the previous homework, any violations of these rules will leadto a
(cumulative!) reductionof 10% of the total score. It is implicit that you should compile and
test your code locally on your machine before you startsubmitting your solution to OJ.
Pleasealso beware thenaming rule. You shouldchange your name in OJ under settings to
your real Chinese name.No exceptions will be made this time! Please review the related
posts on Piazza!
The test examples are also uploaded toyour gitlab accounts. For convenient testing, you
may forward thetest examples to your binary such that std::cin will directlyread from
the file. For example, suppose you callyour binary main, and you want to test the output of
2.in. In your bash, simply type
./main < 2.in
Problem 3 may reuse the code from problem 2, so if you correctly solve problem 2, it will be
of great help for problem 3 as you may simply copy-paste the code for the template matrix.
All problems are to beimplemented in a single file that can be copy-pasted to OJ.
This homework depends at leaston the C++-standard C++11, so please use a recent
compiler. The standard may haveto be provided to the compiler, as in
g++ -std=c++11 -stdlib=libc++ solution3.cpp -o main
Homework 4 /Problem1
Problem1 introduces a datastructure which we denote a HyperVector. The idea of the
HyperVector is to provide the benefits of a vector (which is efficient random-access to the
data, i.e. efficient look-up ofany element of the vector), while at the sametime providing than a list, which is a computational complexityfor
operations thatremainslargelyindependent of the overall number of elements stored in
the container. For thepurposeof problem 1, the design is kept very simple,and only the
push-back functionalityis implemented.The HyperVectormay hence be explained as
The data is internallystored using a std::vector< std::vector<T>* >,whereT is
a template parameter. In other words, it is a vector of vector-pointers.
The internal vectors represent bucketsof dataand areallocated on demand.These buckets
may at most hold VALUES_PER_BUCKET elements. This spaceis reserved as a new bucket
is installed
When pushing back a new element into the hyper-vector,the element will beadded to the
currentbucket if it isnot yetfull, respectively added to a new bucket ifthere is no data in
the container yet, or the previous bucket is full.
This functionality prevents the actualdata ofthe container from ever being copied around
due to insufficient contiguous memory space, data does in fact not have to be contiguous in
memory. On the other hand, efficient random access is still given, as an index into the hypervector
can easily be transformed into an external and internal bucket index (notably by
dividing by VALUES_PER_BUCKET, and considering the quotient and remainder or this
As seenin class, having a container that permits random accessallows for the application of
the efficient std::sort algorithm. The latter however depends on the availability of STL
random-access iteratorsinto the elements of the container. An implementation of
HyperVector is already provided, your task is to implement the random-access iterator for
the hyper-vector, called HyperVectorIterator.
Hint: Your iterator needs to inherit from the STL iterator
std::iterator< std::random_access_iterator_tag, T >
and it needs toimplement the followinginterface:
T & operator*();
T & operator->();
T & operator[](int n);
HyperVectorIterator<T> & operator++();
HyperVectorIterator<T> operator++(int);
HyperVectorIterator<T> & operator--();
HyperVectorIterator<T> operator--(int);
HyperVectorIterator<T> & operator+=( int n );
HyperVectorIterator<T> & operator-=( int n );
HyperVectorIterator<T> & operator+=( const
HyperVectorIterator<T> & that );
HyperVectorIterator<T> & operator-=( const
HyperVectorIterator<T> & that );
HyperVectorIterator<T> operator+( int n ) const;
HyperVectorIterator<T> operator-( int n ) const;
int operator+( const HyperVectorIterator<T> & that ) const;
int operator-( const HyperVectorIterator<T> & that ) const;
bool operator== ( const HyperVectorIterator<T> & that ) const;
bool operator!= ( const HyperVectorIterator<T> & that ) const;
bool operator< ( const HyperVectorIterator<T> & that ) const;
bool operator> ( const HyperVectorIterator<T> & that ) const;
bool operator<= ( const HyperVectorIterator<T> & that ) const;
bool operator>= ( const HyperVectorIterator<T> & that ) const;
Part ofthe homework task is tohave a good intuition about what these functionsare
supposed to do,and research online if in doubt. The implementation is testedthrougha
main function that is already provided.It simply readsan arbitrary number of random real and pushes them back into a hyper-vector. It then calls the
sorting algorithm, and finally prints the sorted elements back to the console.
Input description: Files containing are
alreadyprovided. For local testing youmay forward them to std::cin bysimply running
./main < 1.in
Ouput description: The program simply outputs the sorted numbers to the console. Each
number is followed by awhite-space, and the last whitespace is followed by and end-of-line
character. The I/O functions are pre-implemented, so you shouldnot encounterany here.
Homework 4/ Problem 2
Problem2 is about the implementation of a template matrix class. The classshouldheavily
rely onoperators to enable convenient encodingof arithmetic operations (see main
function in thetemplate for examples). The exact interface is as follows:
Matrix( int rs, int cs, T val = 0 );
virtual ~Matrix();
Matrix<T> & resize( int rs, int cs, T val = 0 );
T & operator()( int r, int c );
const T & operator()( int r, int c ) const;
size_t rows() const;
size_t cols() const;
Matrix<T> block( int r, int c, int h, int w ) const;
Matrix<T> & setBlock( int r, int c, int h, int w, T & val );
Matrix<T> & setBlock( int r, int c, const Matrix<T> & val );
Matrix<T> & setIdentity();
Matrix<T> & setConstant( const T & val );
Matrix<T> & setZero();
Matrix<T> transpose() const;
Matrix<T> & transposeInPlace();
Matrix<T> operator+ ( const Matrix<T> & op ) const;
Matrix<T> & operator+=( const Matrix<T> & op );
Matrix<T> operator- ( const Matrix<T> & op ) const;
Matrix<T> & operator-=( const Matrix<T> & op );
Matrix<T> operator* ( const T & op ) const;
Matrix<T> operator* ( const Matrix<T> & op ) const;
Matrix<T> & operator*=( const T & op );
Matrix<T> hadamard ( const Matrix<T> & op ) const;
T sum() const;
Part ofthe homework isto prove an intuitive understanding of what theabove function are
supposed to do.The matrix implementation will be tested in a pre-implementedmain
function that implements a fixed sequence of arithmetic operations testing a large part of
the interface for correct functionality. It reads in a random matrix from the console number of rows and columns are to be provided, and finishing
with further lines eachone containing the realnumbersof that row in the matrix. Theresult
of the arithmetic operations isagain output onthe console.
Input description: Files containing random numbers similar to the ones employed by OJ are
alreadyprovided. The first line of thefile contains the number of rows andcolumnsin the
matrix.For local testing you may forward them to std::cin by simply running
./main < 1.in
Ouput description: The program simply outputs the matrix results of the operations onto
the console. The results are printed row-by-rowfor each matrix. Each numberis followed by
a white-space, and the last whitespace behind that lastnumber in the row is followed by an
end-of-line character. The I/O functions are pre-implemented, so you shouldnot encounter
any problems here. No empty lines are inserted between the matrices.
Homework 4/ Problem 3
Problem3 consists of implementing a hyper-threaded kernel-convolution.Kernel
convolutions are important in several domains of computer science, suchas machine
learning (deep learning, CNNs,
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Convolutional_neural_network ) orimageprocessing
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kernel_(image_processing) ). In general terms,the operation
consists of generating an output matrixfrom a given input matrix of similarsize. Let orc be
the value of the element in rowr and column c in the output matrix. Itis given as a result of
convolving the values around the same element in the input matrix A with a small kernel
matrix K. Let (2h+1) and (2w+1) be the height and widthof the kernel. The value of an
elementin the output matrix isthen given as follows:
"# = "+,-.,#+/-0
.12:4, 012:4/
where arc denotes the element of the input A inrow r and column c. The operation may
also berewritten in terms of an element-wise matrix multiplication (also called the
Hadamard product):
where sum() is a function that returns the sum of all the elements of the matrix parameter,
* denotes the Hadamard product,and A(x,y,h,w) denotes the sub-block ofA with top-left
corner located at (x,y) and size hxw.
Your tasks: Adda generic template matrix classto holdthe input and output matrices, as
well asthe kernel itself. The main function isalreadyimplemented, and itreads the input
matrix from the console, along with an integer denotinga kernel-type.Depending on this
integer, a certain kernel is then initialized (pre-coded). The main functionalso defines an
output matrix of the same size than theinput matrix. It finally starts four threads which
computethe elements ofthe output matrix according to the above equation.Each thread
notablytakes care of 25 % of the output matrix. Each thread isprovided anindividual
instance of
struct KernelApplicationJob {
Matrix<float> * src;
Matrix<float> * K;
Matrix<float> * dst;
size_t threadIndex;
size_t numberThreads;
which passes the required information to the thread (the input/src matrix,the kernel
matrix,and theoutput matrix/dst matrix). It furthermore communicates the number of
threads, and a thread-index. The part of the image thatis being dealt with in eachparticular
thread should notably be chosen as afunction of the thread-index. The thread function to
be implemented has the signature
void kernelApplicationThread( KernelApplicationJob & my_job );
Note: The output matrixcontains a margin of width h orw for which values can notbe
computed since the corresponding field from theinput matrix would exceed theimage
region.These values are simplyset to 0! (Beware however that h and w can bedifferent for
each kernel).
Input description: Files containing random matrices similar to the ones employed by OJ are
alreadyprovided. The first line contains the number ofrows, columns, and the type of the
kernel to be applied (anumber between 0 and 5). For local testing you may forward the prearranged
files to std::cin by simply running
./main < 1.in
Ouputdescription: The program simplyoutputsthe matrix results after theconvolution
onto the console. The results are printed row-by-row for each matrix. Each number is
followed by a white-space, and the lastwhitespace behind that last number inthe rowis
followed by andend-of-line character. The I/O functions are pre-implemented,so you
should not encounter any problems here.
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