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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2019-02-10 11:08

ENGGEN 131 – Summer School – 2019

C Programming Project

Deadline: 1:00pm, Monday 18th February

Correctness: 90 marks

Code style: 10 marks

Worth: 14% of your final grade

No late submissions accepted

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 2 - C Project


Welcome to the final project for the ENGGEN131 course!

You have ten tasks to solve. For each task there is a problem description, and you must write

one function to solve that problem. You may, of course, define other functions which these

required functions call upon (such functions are often called “helper” functions).

Do your very best, but don’t worry if you cannot complete every function. You will get credit

for every task that you solve.

This must be addressed somewhere so we may as well get it out of the way – this is an

individual project. You do not need to complete all of the tasks, but the tasks you do complete

should be an accurate reflection of your capability. You may discuss ideas in general with other

students, but writing code must be done by yourself. No exceptions. You must not give any

other student a copy of your code in any form – and you must not receive code from any other

student in any form. There are absolutely NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. Immediate course

failure, as well as University disciplinary action, will result.

Please follow this advice while working on this project – the penalties for plagiarism (which

include your name being recorded on the misconduct register for the duration of your degree,

and/or a period of suspension from Engineering) are simply not worth the risk.

Acceptable Unacceptable

Describing problems you are having to someone else,

without revealing any code you have written

Asking for advice on how to solve a problem, where the

advice received is general in nature and does not include

any code

Discussing with a friend, away from a computer, ideas or

general approaches for the algorithms that you plan to

implement (but not working on the code together)

Drawing diagrams that are illustrative of the approach

you are planning to take to solve a particular problem

(but not writing source code with someone else)

Working at a computer

with another student

Writing code on paper or at

a computer, and sharing

that code in any way with

anyone else

Giving or receiving any

amount of code from

anyone else in any form

Code sharing = NO

The rules are simple - write the code yourself!

OK, now, on with the project…

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 3 - C Project

Understanding the project files

There are three files that you will be working with when you are developing your solutions to the

project tasks. The most important of these three files is summer_2019.c. This is the source file

that you will submit for marking. Please note the following:

summer_2019.c is a source file that ONLY CONTAINS FUNCTION DEFINITIONS

there is no main() function defined in summer_2019.c (and you must not add one)

a separate program, test_summer_2019.c, containing a main() function has been

provided to you to help you test the function definitions you write in summer_2019.c

The diagram below illustrates the relationship between the three files.

The blue shaded regions in the above diagram indicate where you should write code when you

are working on the project. There are three simple rules to keep in mind:

You MUST NOT write any code in summer_2019.h (the header file)

You MUST write implementations for the functions defined in summer_2019.c

You SHOULD write additional test code in test_summer_2019.c to thoroughly test the

code you write in summer_2019.c

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 4 - C Project

Getting started

To begin, download the file called ProjectResources.zip from Canvas. There are three files in

this archive:

summer_2019.c This is the source file that you will ultimately submit. In this source file

you will find the ten functions that you should complete. Initially each

function contains an incorrect implementation which you should delete

and then correct. You may add other functions to this source file as you

need. You must not place a main() function in this source file. This

is the only file that you will submit for marking.

summer_2019.h This is the header file that contains the prototype declarations for the ten

functions you have to write. You must not edit this header file in any

way. Both source files (summer_2019.c and test_summer_2019.c)

include this header file, and the automated marking program will use the

provided definition of summer_2019.h. Modifying this header file in

any way will be an error.

test_ summer_2019.c This is the source file that contains the main() function. This file has

been provided to you to help you test the functions that you write. In

this file, you should create some example inputs and then call the

functions that you have defined inside the summer_2019.c source file.

Some simple examples have been included in this file to show you how

this can be done.

Place these three source files in an empty folder.

You might like to start by looking at the summer_2019.c source file. In this source file you will

find ten function definitions, however they are all implemented incorrectly. The prototype

declarations are as follows:

int SecondsBetween(int minuteA, int secondA, int minuteB,

int secondB);

double Volume(int radius);

int AppleBoxesNeeded(int numStudents, int lastDayOfWeek,

int remainingApples, int applesPerBox);

int PrimeBelow(int upper);

int SumInRange(int *values, int numValues, int low, int high);

void PositionOfMaximum(int *values, int rows, int cols, int *row,

int *col);

void Capitalise(char *phrase);

int CountDistinct(int *values, int numValues);

int ApprovedArea(Square squares[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE], int numSquares);

void Squash(char *word, int maximum);

You need to modify and correct the definitions of these ten functions. You may add additional

function definitions (i.e. “helper” functions) in this file.

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 5 - C Project

Next, you should run the program in test_summer_2019.c. To do this, you will need to compile

both source files. For example, from the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt, you could


cl /W4 summer_2019.c test_summer_2019.c

Or, simply:

cl /W4 *.c

You should see no warning messages generated when the code compiles.

If you run the program, you will see that some test code has been provided for the first task of

the project. You should add additional tests for this first task, and create your own tests for all of

the other tasks in the project.

It is your responsibility to test the functions that you write carefully. Your functions should

produce the expected output for any set of input values.

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 6 - C Project

What to submit

You must not modify summer_2019.h, although you can modify test_summer_2019.c. You

will not be submitting either of these files.

You must only submit ONE source file – summer_2019.c – for this project. This source file

will be marked by a separate automated marking program which will call your functions with

many different inputs and check that they produce the correct outputs.


Part of the challenge of this project is to test your functions carefully with a range of different

inputs. It is very important that your functions will never cause the marking program to crash or

freeze regardless of the input. If the marking program halts, you cannot earn any marks for the

corresponding function. There are three common scenarios that will cause the program to crash

and which you must avoid:

Dividing by zero

Accessing memory that you shouldn’t (such as invalid array indices)

Infinite loops

Using functions from the standard library

The summer_2019.h header file already includes <stdio.h>, <stdlib.h> and <string.h>. You

may not use any other functions from the standard library. If you want some functionality, you

must code it!


Your submitted source file will be marked for style (use of commenting, consistent indentation,

good use of additional “helper” functions rather than placing all of the logic in the required

functions, etc.) Your code style will be assessed and marked by your lecturer.

For correctness, your submitted file will be marked by a program that calls your functions with

lots of different input values. This program will check that your function definitions return the

expected outputs for many possible inputs. Your mark will essentially be the total number of

these tests that are successful, across all ten tasks.

Some tasks are harder than others. If you are unable to complete a task, that is fine – just

complete the tasks that you are able to. However, please do not delete any of the ten functions

from the summer_2019.c source file. You can simply leave the initial code in the function

definition if you choose not to implement it. All ten required functions must be present in the

summer_2019.c file you submit for marking.

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 7 - C Project

Never crash

There is one thing that you must pay important attention to. Your functions must never cause the

testing program to crash. If they do, your will forfeit the marks for that task. This is your

responsibility to check. There are three common situations that you must avoid:

Never divide by zero

Never access any memory location that you shouldn’t (such as an invalid array access)

Never have an infinite loop that causes the program to halt

You must guard against these very carefully – regardless of the input values that are passed to

your functions. Think very carefully about every array access that you make. In particular, a

common error is forgetting to initialise a variable (in which case it will store a “garbage” value),

and then using that variable to access a particular index of an array. You cannot be sure what the

“garbage” value will be, and it may cause the program to crash.

Array allocation

If you need to declare an array in any of your function definitions, you can make use of this

constant from summer_2019.h:

#define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 500

You can assume that you functions will not need to deal with arrays that are larger than this size.


You will see in the template summer_2019.c source file that on the line above each function

definition there is a place-holder comment of the form: /* Your comment goes


You must replace these place-holders with your own comments, written in your own words. For

each function, you must briefly describe the problem that your function is trying to solve (in

some sense, this will be a paraphrasing and summarising of the project task description). You

must also briefly describe the algorithm that you used in your implementation for each task. You

need to communicate your ideas clearly - this is a very important skill. Other than this, try to

keep commenting within functions to a minimum.

Good luck!

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 8 - C Project

Task One: “It’s time!” (9 marks)

Write a function that is passed four integer inputs representing two different time periods (each

expressed as a number of minutes and seconds). The function should calculate and return the

difference between those two time periods (expressed as a number of seconds).

Function prototype declaration:

int SecondsBetween(int minuteA, int secondA,

int minuteB, int secondB)


You can assume that all four input values will be greater than or equal to 0.


int result1, result2, result3;

result1 = SecondsBetween(5, 45, 7, 35);

result2 = SecondsBetween(7, 35, 5, 45);

result3 = SecondsBetween(0, 0, 10, 0);

printf("%d %d %d \n", result1, result2, result3);

Expected output:

110 110 600

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 9 - C Project

Task Two: “Sphere” (9 marks)

Define a function called Volume() that is passed one integer input representing the radius of a

sphere. The function must return the volume of the sphere. The following formula gives the

volume of a sphere in terms of its radius:

The output of the function must be a double. If the input value is negative, the function should

return 0.0.

Function prototype declaration:

double Volume(int radius)


You cannot assume the input is positive. If the input is negative, you must return 0.0.

The math library is not available to you, so you cannot use the pow() function.

You may use the provided value for PI:

double PI = 3.141592654;


printf("Volume = %f\n", Volume(10));

printf("Volume = %f\n", Volume(123));

printf("Volume = %f\n", Volume(-5));

Expected output:

Volume = 4188.790205

Volume = 7794781.463028

Volume = 0.000000

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 10 - C Project

Task Three: “How do you like them apples?” (9 marks)

You are running a new café on campus, where students pre-order their meals the night before.

Students receive complimentary apples with their meals, and every morning you purchase the

apples you need for the day from the fruit shop. Apples come in boxes, and the number of

apples in each box varies depending on the season. You must purchase enough boxes so that no

student misses out, but you don’t want to purchase more boxes than you need.

Every student must receive exactly one apple, unless it is the last day of the week in which case

every student receives exactly two apples. Any apples that were remaining from the previous

day can be reused today so do not need to be purchased. For this task, you must write a function

that takes four integer inputs: the number of students, whether or not it is the last day of the week

(either 0 or 1), the number of apples remaining from the previous day that can therefore be

reused, and the number of apples being sold per box at the fruit shop. You can assume that none

of these inputs will be negative values. Your function must return the minimum number of

boxes you need to purchase today so that no student misses out. This function should be called

AppleBoxesNeeded(). You can assume that the input value applesPerBox is at least 1.

Function prototype declaration:

int AppleBoxesNeeded(int numStudents, int lastDayOfWeek,

int remainingApples, int applesPerBox);


printf("Boxes = %d \n", AppleBoxesNeeded(47, 1, 5, 8));

printf("Boxes = %d \n", AppleBoxesNeeded(13, 1, 6, 10));

printf("Boxes = %d \n", AppleBoxesNeeded(21, 0, 0, 10));

Expected output:

Boxes = 12

Boxes = 2

Boxes = 3

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 11 - C Project

Task Four: “Prime time” (9 marks)

Define a function called PrimeBelow() that is passed one integer input representing an upper

bound. The function must return the largest prime number that is less than this upper bound. As

the smallest prime number is 2, if the input to the function is 2 or less, the function should return

-1 to indicate an error.

Function prototype declaration:

int PrimeBelow(int upper)


You cannot assume the input is greater than 2. If the input to the function is 2 or less,

then you must return -1.


printf("Prime = %d\n", PrimeBelow(10));

printf("Prime = %d\n", PrimeBelow(47));

printf("Prime = %d\n", PrimeBelow(2));

Expected output:

Prime = 7

Prime = 43

Prime = -1

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 12 - C Project

Task Five: “Sum of them” (9 marks)

Write a function that is passed four inputs: an array of integers, the number of elements in the

array, a low value and a high value. The function should calculate and return the sum of every

element in the array that is between low and high (inclusive). In other words, you must calculate

the sum of all values in the array that are greater than or equal to the value of low and less than

or equal to the value of high. Any value that falls outside of that range should be ignored when

you calculate the sum.

Function prototype declaration:

int SumInRange(int *values, int numValues, int low,

int high)


You can assume that there will be at least one element in the input array and that the

value of low will be less than or equal to the value of high.


int numbers[11] = {-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5};

int result1, result2, result3;

result1 = SumInRange(numbers, 11, 0, 100);

result2 = SumInRange(numbers, 11, -2, 2);

result3 = SumInRange(numbers, 11, -4, -4);

printf("%d %d %d \n", result1, result2, result3);

Expected output:

15 0 -4

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 13 - C Project

Task Six: “Another dimension” (9 marks)

A matrix, or two-dimensional grid of numbers, can be represented using a one-dimensional array

where all of the values in the matrix are listed one row after another. For this task, you must

write a function which takes as input a one-dimensional array (representing a matrix) along with

the number of rows and columns in the matrix. You must calculate the row and column position

of the largest value in the matrix. The last two inputs to the function are pointers into which you

should store this result. You can assume the number of elements provided in the first input

match the given dimensions of the matrix, and that any input array will have at least one element

and a unique maximum value (i.e. there won’t be two values which are both the largest).

Function prototype declaration:

void PositionOfMaximum(int *values, int rows, int cols,

int *row, int *col);


int maxRow, maxCol;

int values[15] =


PositionOfMaximum(values, 5, 3, &maxRow, &maxCol);

printf("Maximum is at row: %d and col: %d", maxRow,


Expected output:

Maximum is at row: 2 and col: 0

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 14 - C Project

Task Seven: “Capital importance” (9 marks)

A phrase consists of a sequence of words which are separated by one or more space characters.

For this task, you must write a function which takes a single string as input representing a phrase,

and capitalises the first character in each word in the phrase. A word may be composed of

numeric, alphabetic or punctuation characters, but only lower case alphabetic characters (that is,

‘a’ - ‘z’) should be capitalised. You can assume the input string will have at least one character.

void Capitalise(char *phrase);


char song[1000] = "god of nations at thy feet";

char here[1000] = "The University of Auckland";

char also[1000] = "a,b,c 888 d!e!f";




printf("%s \n", song);

printf("%s \n", here);

printf("%s \n", also);

Expected output

God Of Nations At Thy Feet

The University Of Auckland

A,b,c 888 D!e!f

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 15 - C Project

Task Eight: “Unique” (9 marks)

Write a function that is passed two inputs: an array of integers, and the number of elements in the

array. The function should return the number of distinct (i.e. different) values that exist in the


Function prototype declaration:

int CountDistinct(int *values, int numValues)


You can assume that there will be at least one element in the input array.


int valuesA[10] = {1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2};

int valuesB[5] = {10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000};

int valuesC[7] = {10, 11, 12, 13, 12, 11, 10};

int result1, result2, result3;

result1 = CountDistinct(valuesA, 10);

result2 = CountDistinct(valuesB, 5);

result3 = CountDistinct(valuesC, 7);

printf("%d %d %d \n", result1, result2, result3);

Expected output:

3 5 4

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 16 - C Project

Task Nine: “Building consent” (9 marks)

You are the town planner for a new town called Squaresville, where property prices are out of

control due to the fact there is very little space. Every building has a perfectly square ground

area, however some buildings have larger areas than others. Anyone can submit plans for a new

building, and your job is to calculate how much ground area is going to be consumed by these

new buildings. However, not all submissions will be approved. If any two building plans

overlap or intersect then they will be denied and you can ignore them from your calculation of

the total area (in such cases, the builders will have to go to court to fight it out, and this process

could take years).

In this task, the ground area for a building is represented using the Square type. This is a

structure type which is composed of three fields: row, col and size. The “row” and “col” fields

represent the top-left position of the square and the “size” field represents the length of one of

the sides of the square.

For this task, you must write a function called ApprovedArea() which takes two inputs: an array

of type Square (where each element in the array represents the proposed ground area for one

building), and the number of elements in the array. Your function must calculate the total area of

all buildings in the array that will be approved. In other words, you should exclude from your

calculation of the total area any buildings which intersect or overlap with one another. You can

assume that for any given Square representing a building, the row and col fields will be positive

numbers, and the size field will be at least 1. You can also assume that the input array will have

at least one element.

int ApprovedArea(Square squares[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE],

int numSquares);

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 17 - C Project


Square squares[5];

squares[0].row = 200;

squares[0].col = 150;

squares[0].size = 100;

squares[1].row = 490;

squares[1].col = 490;

squares[1].size = 20;

squares[2].row = 20;

squares[2].col = 390;

squares[2].size = 200;

squares[3].row = 290;

squares[3].col = 240;

squares[3].size = 100;

squares[4].row = 195;

squares[4].col = 575;

squares[4].size = 10;

result = ApprovedArea(squares, 5);

printf("The valid area is %d \n", result);

Expected output:

The valid area is 400


Each building base is represented by a square,

where the “row” and “col” value indicate the

top left hand corner. It might help to think of

this as being positioned on a grid like the

example on the right - which shows a square

positioned at (2, 3) and with a “size” of 4.

Two squares will “overlap” or “intersect” if

any of the filled in grid pieces overlap.

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 18 - C Project

Task Ten: “Squash it” (9 marks)

Write a function to eliminate long sequences of consecutive characters in a word. Your function

should take two inputs. The first is the word itself (i.e. a string), and the second is the maximum

number of consecutive characters that are allowed to appear in the word - all consecutive

characters exceeding this maximum should be eliminated. Your function will not return an

output, but instead must modify the input word.

Function prototype declaration:

void Squash(char *word, int maximum)


You can assume that the input string will consist of at least one character (in addition to

the null terminating character). You can also assume that the value of maximum will be

greater than or equal to 0.


char word0[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] =

"LLLLeeeeeeerrrrrooooy Jeeeeeeenkkkins";

char word1[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] =

"Heeeeeelllllllooooooo wwwwwooorldddd";

char word2[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] =



char word4[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] = "Hello world";

char word5[MAX_ARRAY_SIZE] = "Hello world";

Squash(word0, 1);

Squash(word1, 2);

Squash(word2, 1);

Squash(word3, 5);

Squash(word4, 1);

Squash(word5, 0);

printf("0) (%s) \n", word0);

printf("1) (%s) \n", word1);

printf("2) (%s) \n", word2);

printf("3) (%s) \n", word3);

printf("4) (%s) \n", word4);

printf("5) (%s) \n", word5);

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 19 - C Project

Expected output:

0) (Leroy Jenkins)

1) (Heelloo wwoorldd)

2) (xyxyxyxyxyxyxy)


4) (Helo world)

5) ()? ?

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 20 - C Project


Warning messages

You should ensure that there are no warning messages produced by the compiler (using the /W4

option from the VS Developer Command Prompt).

REQUIRED: Compile with Visual Studio before submission

Even if you haven’t completed all of the tasks, your code must compile successfully. You will

get some credit for partially completed tasks if the expected output matches the output produced

by your function. If your code does not compile, your project mark will be 0.

You may use any modern C environment to develop your solution, however prior to submission

you must check that your code compiles and runs successfully using the Visual Studio Developer

Command Prompt. This is not optional - it is a requirement for you to check this. During

marking, if there is an error that is due to the environment you have used, and you failed to check

this using the Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt, you will receive 0 marks for the

project. Please adhere to this requirement.

In summary, before you submit your work for marking:

STEP 1: Create an empty folder on disk

STEP 2: Copy just the source files for this project (the summer_2019.c and

test_summer_2019.c source files and the unedited summer_2019.h header file) into

this empty folder

STEP 3: Open a Visual Studio Developer Command Prompt window (as described in Lab 7)

and change the current directory to the folder that contains these files

STEP 4: Compile the program using the command line tool, with the warning level on 4:

cl /W4 *.c

If there are warnings for code you have written, you should fix them. You should

not submit code that generates any warnings.

Do not submit code that does not compile!

ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 21 - C Project

Style marking - components (10 marks)

To be eligible to earn full marks for style, you will need to have completed *at least half* of the

ten required functions. Even if you have not completed all of the ten functions, you should still

leave the templates of all ten functions in your submitted file (do not delete any of the ten

functions from the template that was provided to you). The following provides a brief

description of what style components will be assessed:

Comments (5 marks):

Read the description of what is required on Page 7 of the project document. You must write a

comment for each of the required functions you have implemented at the very top of the function

definition (by replacing the placeholder comment: "Your comment goes here" in the template file

provided to you). Each function's comment should describe (in your own words) the problem

that the function is solving, and (also in your own words) the approach that you took to solve the

function. The expectation is that this comment will be a short paragraph, consisting of at least

several sentences (written in your own words) that would serve as useful documentation for

someone who wanted to understand what your code is all about. You are welcome to also

include short comments within the function body, however you should avoid "over-commenting"

the code body - this marks it hard to read.

Indentation (2 marks):

Your code should be indented consistently and laid out neatly. There are many examples in the

coursebook (particularly at the end of each lecture) that you can refer to here, as well as

examples on page 3. There is also a brief style guide on page 4. It is recommended that you

follow these style guidelines, however if you strongly prefer a different style (such as placing the

opening brace for an if statement on a new line, which differs from the advice on page 4 under

the heading "Braces for other blocks of code") then that is fine - as long as you apply that style

consistently throughout your source file. You should also lay out your code neatly - for example,

do not place blank lines between every single line of code, but rather separate short "blocks" of

code (lines that are related) with a single blank line.

Helper functions (3 marks):

You should define at least two "helper" functions, and call these functions from one or more of

the required functions. All of the helper function definitions should appear at the top of your

source file (where the comment "HELPER FUNCTIONS" appears in the template file provided

to you) so that it is easy for your marker to locate them. You should apply the same style

elements to these helper functions - that is, they must begin with a comment describing the

purpose of the function - and you should also mention which of the required functions make use

of each helper function. A good reason to define a helper function is to reduce the complexity of

one of the required functions - particularly if the code would otherwise be particularly long. A

good "rule of thumb" (derived from Google's style conventions for C-based code) is that if the

length of a function exceeds about 40 lines of code then you should think carefully about

whether a helper function could be used to reduce this length. Your marker will not be counting

your lines of code exactly, so this 40-line rule is not a strict limit, but should serve as a useful


ENGGEN 131, Summer School, 2019 - 22 - C Project

The final word

This project is an assessed piece of coursework, and it is essential that the work you submit

reflects what you are capable of doing. You must not copy any source code for this project and

submit it as your own work. You must also not allow anyone to copy your work. All

submissions for this project will be checked, and any cases of copying/plagiarism will be dealt

with severely. We really hope there are no issues this semester in ENGGEN131, as it is a painful

process for everyone involved, so please be sensible!

Ask yourself:

have I written the source code for this project myself?

If the answer is “no”, then please talk to us before the projects are marked.

Ask yourself:

have I given anyone access to the source code

that I have written for this project?

If the answer is “yes”, then please talk to us before the projects are marked.

Once the projects have been marked it is too late.

There is more information regarding The University of Auckland’s policies on academic honesty

and plagiarism here:


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