Operating Systems COMP 310 – ECSE 427 McGill University
Vybihal Assignment #4 Page 1 of 6
Assignment #4
File System
Due: April 15, 2019 at 23:55 on myCourses
Labs 7 and 8 will provide some background for this assignment.
The question is presented from a Linux point of view using the computer science server mimi.cs.mcgill.ca, which you can
reach remotely using ssh or putty from your laptop (see lab 1). If you do this assignment from an MS Windows machine,
then make sure to provide the DLL libraries your program uses (if any) so that the TA can run it from their MS Windows
machine. It is not the TA’s responsibility to make your program run. The TAs will not debug your program.
You must write this assignment in the C Programming language. Use modular programming techniques.
Build your assignment #4 using your solution from Assignment #3 or the official solution posted on myCourses.
Building a File System
A file system is composed of three primary things: the data structures that are created on the disk to represent abstract
concepts like directories and files. The driver(s) that instruct the machine to read and write data from/to the disk. The
higher-level OS software that schedules disk requests from processes. In the OS, many processes can run at the same
time requesting access to the disk. The I/O Scheduler controls these requests by ordering them in a queue using a
semaphore. The I/O Scheduler also manages the slowness of the device with buffers. A process does not have direct
access to the data on disk. Instead the OS uses indirect pointers to private OS data structures to apply rules. For
example, “many programs can access the same file at the same time for reading, but only one program can access a file
for writing or appending”. If a program had direct access to a file, then the programmer would have to implement the
code to adhere to this rule.
The following steps will add to your OS some of the capabilities outlined above:
The following bullets outline the contents of the DISK_driver.c and DISK_driver.h files. The “Functions” section lists
all the function. The “Data structures” section describe all the private data structures. The “Notes” section describes
how the functions work. Make sure to read the “Notes” section to understand what is going on.
o // initialize all global data structure and variables
void initIO();
o // create & format partition, return success (1) or failure (0)
int partition(char *name, int blocksize, int totalblocks);
o // load FAT & create buffer_block, return success / failure
int mount(char *name);
o // find filename or creates file if it does not exist, returns file’s FAT index
int openfile(char *name);
o // using the file FAT index number, load buffer with data from blockID
int readBlock(int file);
o // return block data as string from buffer_block
char *returnBlock()
o // sensitive to block size, write data to disk at blockID
int writeBlock(int file, char *data);
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Data structures:
o The Partition Table structure
struct PARTITION {
int total_blocks;
int block_size;
} partition;
The PARTITION structure records information about the format of the partition. A disk partition is
composed of two areas: the partition header and the partition data area. The partition header contains
the PARTITION structure and the FAT structure (described next). When a partition is created information
about the format of the partition is recorded at the beginning of the partition, followed by the directory
tree (FAT), and finally the largest section is the partition data area where all the files are stored. In our
example, total_blocks records the number of blocks available in the partition data area. The integer
block_size records the byte size of a block. For example, if total_blocks is 10 and block_size is 5, then
the total number of bytes in the partition data area is 50 bytes (divided into 10 blocks). A byte will be
represented as a character in our simulation. The structures PARTITION and FAT are fixed size. On disk,
the format looks as follows, PARTITION : FAT : BLOCKS, where the colon means concatenation, and the
world BLOCKS refers to “partition data area”.
This is a private structure but global within DISK_driver.c.
o The File Allocation Table structure
struct FAT {
char *filename;
int file_length;
int blockPtrs[10];
int current_location;
} fat[20];
The file allocation table (FAT) can store a maximum of 20 files. It is a private structure but global within
DISK_driver.c. The field filename is the name of a file in the partition. The field file_length is the
length of the file in number of blocks. Each block is equal to block_size bytes (char). The array
blockPtrs[] are the pointers to the blocks in the partition populated with data from this file. These
pointers are block numbers. The field current_location is a pointer to the current read/write
location of the file in block number. It is initialized to -1 when not used.
o The block buffer
char * block_buffer;
FILE *fp[5];
The block_buffer is malloced to the correct size when the partition() function is called. The
block_size parameter is used in the malloc operation. The array fp[] contains all the system wide
open file pointers. These are private structures. They are global data structures within DISK_Driver.c.
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o The initIO() function initializes all the global data structures and variables to zero or null.
o The partition() function must be called first before any of the other functions in driver. All the
other functions depend on the existence of a partition. To simulate a partition, we will use a
subdirectory. The partition() function creates (mkdir) a directory called PARTITION (in caps)
(mkdir PARTITION) if one does not exist in the current directory. Within PARTITION create a file
having the char *name argument as its filename. Format the file as follows: the beginning of the file
contains the information from struct partition, and then the information from fat[20]
(initially empty information). It then appends the partition data area by writing total_blocks *
block_size number of ‘0’ (character zero) to the end of the file. If it is successful, then it returns 1
otherwise 0.
o The mount() function uses the char *name argument as the partition filename. It opens the
partition from directory PARTITION and loads the information from the partition into the global
structures partition and fat[]. This function will also malloc block_size bytes and assign that
to block_buffer. It returns 1 for success or 0 for fail.
o The openfile() function assumes fat[20] contains data. It searches for the string name argument
in the filename fields of fat[20]. If it finds the file, then FILE *fp[] is made to point to the first
block of the file and the index of the FAT cell is returned, otherwise it creates a new entry in the table
(leaving FILE *fp[] = NULL) and returns the FAT index to that new entry. If there are no available
cells in fp[], or there is no more space in the partition data area, or fat[20] is full, or some other
issue happened, it returns the value -1 to indicate an error occurred. To set FILE *fp[] you will
need to fopen() the partition and then fseek() to the block. You will also need another data
structure to remember which fp[] belongs to which fat[].
o The functions readBlock() and writeBlock() need the index number returned from
openfile() as the input parameter. These functions fail when an invalid index number is given. The
index number behaves like a pointer to the file. It tells the function where in the file we are currently at,
through fat[], and which file pointer to use, through fp[]. These functions are agnostic to the runtime
situation. They perform no system wide checking. They handle only immediate read and write
It is important to note that blockPtrs[] points to the actual blocks in the partition file where the
file data is stored. It is also important to note that current_location is used as an index for
In the case of readBlock() the current_location is used to load the block_buffer with the
data from the block, if not at end of file. It then increments the current_location integer and
returns success. If at end of file, then block_buffer does not change, and the function returns
In the case of writeBlock() the current_location is used to write the data argument into the
partition. This is a destructive block write, not a destructive file write. This means when a file has many
blocks and we write to a particular block, the data in that block is overwritten but the rest of the file is
not affected by that write. The fat[] is updated correctly, and current_location is incremented
to the next cell.
This is a contiguous file system. (For bonus points make this not contiguous – you have everything for
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You know when a block is not free because it is no longer initialized to ‘0’. Since we do not have a delete
command, this ‘0’ property always holds true.
The data stored in your partition is persistent. It is there every time you rerun your assignment.
Write a public function called char *IOscheduler(char *data, PCB *ptr, int cmd). You do
not need to implement a semaphore since our simulator does not run programs in parallel. You will need to
implement a queue as a circular array to handle up to 10 requests from exec programs. The queue must be
able to store the data, ptr, and cmd arguments. The argument cmd = 0 for a read and 1 for a write. The
argument data contains the information to write. The function IOscheduler() returns the data read. The
argument ptr tracks who this is for. You can write private helper functions.
As already eluded to from IOSCHEDULER.C, this assignment connects with the exec command you wrote in
assignment #3. You will create three addition commands for your scripting language. We will not implement a
full suite of file command, so our three commands will be limited in functionality.
Mount partitionName number_of_blocks block_size
The command mount uses the partition() and mount() functions. If a partition already exists
with the name provided then the existing partition is mounted, otherwise the provided arguments are
used to create and mount the new partition. All the arguments are required.
Write filename [a bunch of words]
The command write checks to see if filename is open. If it is already open then [bunch of
words] is written to the file (as defined in the driver), otherwise it opens the file and then write to it
(as defined in the driver). The [bunch of words] is a series of words separated by spaces with the
open square bracket preceding the words and the close square bracket terminating the output.
Read filename variable
The command read checks to see if filename is open. If it is already open then it reads from the file
(as defined in the driver), otherwise it opens the file and then reads from it (as defined in the driver).
The string that is returned is assigned to the variable. The variable uses the set command.
Program termination is like in assignment 3. Remember the partitions are persistent. When your program
terminates the TA will be able to see those files.
Testing your kernel:
The TAs will use and modify the provided text file to test your kernel. This text file will contain the same tests
from assignment 3. You can also use this file to test your kernel or you can test it the old fashion way by typing
input from the keyboard. To use the provided text file, you will need to run your program from the OS
command line as follows:
$ ./mykernel < testfile.txt
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Each line from testfile.txt will be used as input for each prompt your program displays to the user. Instead of
typing the input from the keyboard the program will take the next line from the file testfile.txt as the keyboard
When testfile.txt is exhausted of input the shell command line prompt is displayed to the user (unless testfile.txt
had a quit command, in that case mykernel terminates).
Make sure your program works in the above way.
Your assignment has a due date plus four late days. If you choose to submit your assignment during the late days, then
your grade will NOT be reduced by -5% per day. Submit your assignment to the assignment #4 submission box in
myCourses. You need to submit the following:
Make sure to ZIP your assignment submission into a single file called ass4.zip
A README.TXT file stating what OS you used: mimi.cs.mcgill.ca or MS Windows and any other special
instructions you think the TA needs to know to run your program.
Your version of TESTFILE.TXT. This will be you telling the TA that you know for sure that your program can at
least do the following. The TA will run your program with this file and they will also run it with their own version
of the file.
Submit all the .c file described in the assignment (you may want to create .h files, if so, please hand those in as
Submit the executable (compiled on the appropriate machine).
If you used MS Windows and you used a DLL then upload those as well.
You must submit your own work. You can speak to each other for help but copied code will be handled as to McGill
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Your assignment is graded out of 26 points and it will follow this rubric:
The student is responsible to provide a working solution for every requirement.
The TA grades each requirement proportionally. This means, if the requirement is only 40% correct (for
instance), then the student receives only 40% of the points assigned to that requirement.
Your program must run to be graded. If it does not run, then the student receives zero for the entire assignment.
If your program only runs partially or sometimes, you should still hand it in. You will receive partial points.
The TA looks at your source code only if the program runs (correctly or not). The TA looks at your code to verify
that you (A) implemented the requirement as requested, and (B) to check if the submission was copied.
Mark breakdown:
o 1 point - Source file names. The TA must verify that the student created the specified source files as the
only source files in the application. In addition, the source files must be populated with at least what
was specified in the assignment description for each file. The student is permitted to supply additional
helper functions as they see fit, if it does not hinder the assignment requirements.
o 1 point - Modular programming. If the student wrote their application using modular programming
techniques as described in lab 2 (or seen from another course) then they receive these points.
o 1 point - The student’s compiled program must be named mykernel2.
o 1 point – A fully working assignment 4.
o 10 points – DISK_driver.c – 1 point for each function and data structure/global variable
o 4 point – Ioscheduler.c
o 2 points – The mount command
o 2 point – The read command
o 2 points – The write command
o 2 points - Program can be tested with the TESTFILE.TXT file
4 points for non-contiguous file system (add that to your readme file so TA notices)
You have two weeks for this assignment. Please use that time to your advantage.
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