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日期:2019-04-18 09:56

PAiC++ April 10, 2019

Assignment 4 : Boggle Game

The Game of Boggle

The Boggle board is a 4x4 grid onto which you shake and randomly distribute 16 dice. These

6-sided dice have letters rather than numbers on the faces, creating a grid of letters from which

you can form words. In the original version, the players all start together and write down all

the words they can find by tracing by a path through adjoining letters. Two letters adjoin if

they are next to each other horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. There are up to eight letters

adjoining a cube. A letter can only be used once in the word. When time is called, duplicates

are removed from the players' lists and the players receive points for their remaining words

based on the word lengths.

This part of Assignment 4 isto write a program that plays a fun, graphical rendition of this

little charmer, adapted to allow the human and machine to play one another. As you can see

from the screen shot above, the computer basically trounces all over you, but it's fun to play


The main focus of this part of the assignment is designing and implementing the recursive

algorithms required to find and verify words that appear in the Boggle board. This problem is

larger than any of the four problems appearing in Assignment 3, so don’t be lulled into

thinking it can be done in one sitting.

PAiC++ Assignment


How's this going to work?

You will read the letter cubes in from a file and shake the cubes up and lay them out on

the board graphically. The human player gets to go first (nothing like trying to give yourself

the advantage). The player proceeds to enter, one at a time, each word that she finds. Your

program is to verify that the word meets the minimum length requirement (which is 4),

has not been guessed before, is a legal word in the English language, and can, in fact, be

formed from the dice on the board. If so, the letters forming the word are highlighted, the

word is added to the player's word list, and she is awarded points according to the word's length.

The player indicates that she is done entering words by hitting a lone extra carriage

return. At this point, the computer gets to take a turn. The computer player searches

through the board looking for words that the player didn't find and award itself points for

finding all of them. The computer typically beats the player mercilessly, but the player is

free to try again, you should play as many games as you want before exiting. Each time

you repeat this entire process.

The Dice

The letters in Boggle are not simply chosen at random. Instead, the letter cubes are

designed in such a way that common letters come up more often and it is easier to get a

good mix of vowels and consonants. To recreate this, we give you a text file that contains

descriptions of the actual sixteen dice used in Boggle. (We’ve also included a file for the 5 x

5 version of Boggle, but that’s completely optional and you don’t need to build the 5 x 5

version if you don’t want to.) Each die description is a single line of 6 letters; they are not

separated by spaces. For example, the 4 x 4 file might look something like this:

AAEEGN // 4 x 4 version Boggle board, detailed in cubes16.txt



// 13 more lines follow this one

AAAFRS // 5 x 5 version Boggle board, detailed in cubes25.txt



// 22 more lines follow this one

During initialization, you read the cubes files and store it into a suitable data structure for

subsequent use. At the beginning of each game, "shake" the board cubes. There are two

different random aspects to consider. First, the cubes themselves need to be shuffled so

that the same cube is not always in the same location on the board. Second, a random

side from each cube needs to be chosen to be the letter facing up.

To rearrange the cubes on the board, you should use the following shuffling algorithm,

presented here in pseudo-code form:

Copy the constant array into a vector vec so you can

modify it. Shuffle vec using the following approach:

for (int i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++) {

Choose a random index r between i and the last element position,

inclusive. Swap the element at positions i and r .


PAiC++ Assignment


Fill the Boggle grid by choosing the elements of vec in order.

This code makes sure that the cubes are arranged randomly in the grid. Choosing a

random side to put face-up is straightforward. Put these two together and you can shake

the cubes into many different board combinations.

Alternatively, the user can choose to enter a custom board configuration. In this case,

you still use your same board data structure. The only difference is where the letters come

from. The user enters a string of characters, representing the cubes from left to right, top

to bottom. Verify that this string is long enough to fill the board and re-prompt if it is too

short. If it’s too long, just ignore the ones you don’t need. You do not need to verify that

the entered characters are legal letters.

Once your initialization is complete, you’re ready to implement the two types of recursive

search: one for the user, and one for the computer.

There are two distinct types of recursion happening here. For the user, you search for a

specific word and stop as soon as you find it. For the computer, you are searching for all words.

While you may be tempted to try and integrate the two so they work as a single type of

recursion, this is not a good idea for two reasons. One is that your program will get very messy

trying to integrate the two, as they are not algorithms that can be unified well. The other is that

we want you to get practice with both types. Because of this, we explicitly require that you

implement two separate recursive functions, one for the human player's turn (searching for a

specific word) and for the computer’s turn (exhaustive search for all words).

The human player's turn

After the board is displayed, the player gets a chance to enter all the words she can find on

the board. Your program must read in a list of words until the user signals the end of the list

by typing a blank line. As the user enters each word, your program must check the following


That the word is at least four letters long.

That it is defined in the lexicon as a legal word.

That it occurs legally on the board (i.e., it is composed of adjoining letters such that

no board position is used more than once).

That it has not already been included in the user’s word list.

If any of these conditions fail, you should tell the user about it and not give any score for

the word. If, however, the word satisfies all these conditions, you should add it to the user’s

word list and update their score appropriately. In addition, you should use the facilities

provided by the gboggle.h interface to highlight the word. Because you don’t want the

highlight to remain on the screen indefinitely, you should highlight the letters in the word,

pause for about a second using the Pause function in the extended graphics library, and then

go back and remove the highlights from the letters in the word.

Word length determines point value: 1 point for the word itself and 1 additional point for

every letter over the minimum. Since the minimum word length is 4, "boot" gets 1 point,

"smack" gets 2, and "frazzled" gets 5. The functions in the gboggle module will help you to

display the player word lists and track the scoring. The player enters a lone carriage return

PAiC++ Assignment


(blank line) when done entering words.

The computer's turn

On the computer’s turn, your job is to find all of the words that the human player missed

by recursively searching the board for words beginning at each square on the board. In this

phase, the same conditions apply as on the user’s turn, plus the additional restriction that the

computer is not allowed to count any of the words already found.

As with any exponential search algorithm, it is important to limit the search as much as you

can to ensure that the process can be completed in a reasonable time. One of the most

important strategies is to recognize when you are going down a dead end so you can

abandon it. For example, if you have built a path starting with the prefix "zx", you can use

the Lexicon's containsPrefix method to determine that there are no English words beginning

with that prefix. So, you can stop right there and move on to more promising combinations.

If you miss this optimization, you'll find yourself taking long coffee breaks while the computer

is busy checking out non-existent words like "zxgub", "zxaep", etc. Not what you want.

The gboggle module

As mentioned before, we have written all the fancy graphics functions for you. The

functions from the gboggle.h interface are used to manage the appearance of the game on the

display screen. It includes functions for initializing the display, labeling the cubes with letters,

highlighting cubes to indicate that they are part of a word, and displaying words found by

each player. Read the interface file (in the starter folder) to learn how to use the exported

functions. The implementation is provided to you in source form so you can extend this code

in your own novel ways.

Solution strategies

In a project of this complexity, it is important that you get an early start and work

consistently toward your goal. To be sure that you’re making progress, it also helps to divide

up the work into manageable pieces, each of which has identifiable milestones. Here's a suggested plan of attack that breaks the problem down into the following five phases:

Task 1—Dice reading, board drawing, dice shaking. Design your data structure for

the dice and board. It will help to group related data into sensible structures rather

than pass a dozen parameters around. You should not use any global variables in this

program. Read the dice file and store the dice. Create your shuffling routine. Use the

gboggle routines to draw the starting board. Add an option for the user to specify a

particular board configuration. Note that gboggle isn’t object-oriented like previous

graphics libraries. That’s simply because the interface was defined before we

introduced the GWindow class, and we didn’t want to change the interface just

because the implementation changed. It’s been working too well as is.

Task 2—User's turn (except for finding words on the board). Write the loop that

allows the user to enter her words. Reject words that have already been entered or that

don't meet the minimum word length or that aren't in the lexicon. Do not assume there

is any upper limit on the number of words that may be found by the user. Put the

PAiC++ Assignment


gboggle functions to work for you adding words to the graphical display and keeping

score. At this point, the words the user enters may or may not be possible to form on

the board, that's coming up next.

Task 3—Find a given word on the board. Now you will go to test your recursive

talents in verifying that the user's words can actually be formed from the board.

Remember that a valid word must obey the neighbor and non-duplication rules.

You should search the board recursively, trying to find a legal formation of the

user's word. This recursion is what you might call a "fail-fast" recursion, as soon

as you realize you can't form the word starting at a position, you need to move

on to the next position. Reject any word that cannot be formed from the letters

currently on the board. Use the highlighting function from gboggle to temporarily

draw attention to the letters in the word once you have verified it can be formed

on the board.

Task 4—Find all the words on the board (computer's turn). Now it's time to

implement the killer computer player. Your computer player will make

mincemeat of the paltry human player by traversing the board and finding every

word the user missed. This recursion is an exhaustive search, so you will

completely explore all positions on the board hunting for possible words. This

phase is where the most difficult applications of recursion come into play. It is

easy to get lost in the recursive decomposition and you should think carefully

about how to proceed. Be sure to use the Lexicon’s prefix search to abandon

searches down dead-end paths.

Task 5—Loop to play many games, add polish. Once you can successfully play

one game, it's a snap to allow the user can play as many games as she likes. Finish

off the little details. Make sure you gracefully handle all user input. Add sounds, if

you're up for it. Note that adding sounds isnot a requirement for the assignment.

Requirements and suggestions

Here are a few details about our expectations for your solutions:

Words should be considered case insensitively: PEACE is the same as peace.

The program contains two recursive searches: one to find a specific word entered by

the human player and another to search the board exhaustively for the computer’s

turn. They are somewhat similar, and you may be tempted to try to integrate the two

into one combined function. In general, we applaud this instinct to unify similar

code. However, we need to tell you that it doesn’t play out well in this one case.

There are enough differences between the two that they don’t combine cleanly and

the unified code is actually made worse, not better, as a result. Given the tricky

nature of recursion, you should focus on writing exceptionally clean code that clearly

communicates its algorithm and thus can be easily maintained and debugged. An

important goal for this assignment is that you to learn how to employ these two

different varieties of recursion into the context of a larger program, and we expect you

to do so by writing two separate recursive searches.

Our solution is about 250 lines of code (not counting comments) and is

decomposed into about 30 functions.

This is the first large program you’re required to write in the course (we’ll say that the

Life assignment is relatively medium in size). Getting to a working solution isan

PAiC++ Assignment


excellent indication that you’re on top of the technical challenges. This program is

also an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to good style. Your program

should show thoughtful choices, be cleanly decomposed, be easily readable, and

contain appropriate comments. If you view style only as an afterthought—a

rearrangement after the fact to clean things up—you’ll have missed a huge part of the

benefit, which is that paying careful attention to design from the beginning results in

code that is faster to write, is more likely be functionally correct, is easier to debug

and modify, and requires far fewer comments.

A little more challenge: fun extras and extension ideas

As with most assignments, Boggle has many opportunities for extension. The following

list may give you some ideas but is in no sense definitive. Use your imagination!

Make the Q a useful letter. Because the Q is largely useless unless it is adjacent to

a U, the commercial version of Boggle prints Qu together on a single face of the

cube. You get to use both letters together—a strategy that not only makes the Q more

playable but also allows you to increase your score because the combination counts

as two letters.

Embellish the program with better graphics. The current game merely highlights

the word; the words might be clearer if it also drew lines or arrows marking the


Use the mouse to trace the word on the board. The extended graphics library

allows you to read the location of the mouse and determine whether the button is

pressed. You can use these functions to allow the user to assemble a word by clicking

or dragging through the letter cubes.

Add sound. Just for fun, there is a random smattering of sound files provided with the

project you can sprinkle about to liven up the game. Here sound.h header file exports

the function PlayNamedSound, which allows you to play a sound from a file. There

is another exported function SetSoundOn that gives you a global control for enabling

or disabling sound to avoid annoying your long-suffering roommate during your late

night coding marathons. Take a look in the res folder of the starter project to see the

various sound files we’ve put together.

Accessing files

On the class web site, there is a folder of starter files which contains these files:

boggle.cpp Source file for your Boggle game implementation.

gboggle.cpp Source file which implements the gboggle interface.

gboggle.h Interface file for the gboggle module.

cubes16.txt Data file containing the boggle cubes for a 4 x 4 board.

cubes25.txt Data file containing the boggle cubes for a 5 x 5 board.

(This one is completely optional.)

EnglishWords.txt Data file containing a large word list for the lexicon in text


res Directory of resource which contains cubes file, sound files

and EnglishWords.txt

BoggleDemo Directory of working program that illustrates how the game

is played.

PAiC++ Assignment

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