Assignment 2 - Algorithms on Directed
You task is to code a small collection of graph algorithms:
Shortest paths.
DAG testing.
DAG Hamiltonian path testing.
Connected component search.
Strongly connected component search.
Topological Sort.
These will use the directed graph from assignment 1 (or rather, a modified,
definitely working version of it).
The Code
You are provided with a number of C++ files, the one you will be assessed on is
directed_graph_algorithms.cpp. The six methods present in the skeleton are
the entry point for the tests. To support this there is a directed_graph.hpp file,
which includes a fully working implementation of a directed graph. Note that it is
somewhat different from the assignment 1 specification, so make sure you
familiarise yourself with it. You are also provided with a main.cpp to do any
testing you like. The run button will compile and execute main.cpp, the submit
button will run graph_algorithms.cpp against the tests.
You may modify any of these files as you see fit, as long as the tests still execute,
apart from adding additional libraries, though you have an extended collection of
libraries compared to assignment 1.
As with the first assignment, you should be able to complete the assignment
within the graph_algorithms.cpp file (though you are not restricted to this), but
you will likely need to add extra functions, perhaps extra classes, so on and so
In a folder you can also view the testing code. This is not the copy that is
executed, it's just there for your edification. If any bugs or mistakes in the tests
are discovered, the actual tests may be altered, so the code here should only be
taken as a guide (hopefully a good guide, but nonetheless).
The Algorithms
As mentioned in the overview, you are to implement six graph based algorithms.
In rough order of difficulty, they are:
1. Shortest paths.
2. DAG testing.
3. DAG Hamiltonian path testing.
4. Topological Sort.
5. Connected component search.
6. Strongly connected component search.
This ordering may vary quite a bit, depending on how you approach the problems
however, so take some time to think carefully how you will solve each one. As
these are described in the lectures, I will not add additional clutter here about
their function or details (but you can of course as questions).
Functionality will be marked exclusively by the tests, and constitutes 70% of the
total mark (note that the marks for the tests add up to 70 - so they give you the
percentage you will get as well).
Design will be marked in your Week 12 tutorial by your tutor and constitutes 20%
of the total mark. It does not depend on the functionality of your code. You may
be asked questions by your tutor to help them test your understanding of your
code. It will be marked qualitatively against the following rubric:
Pass The code shows basic understanding of how to employ data
structures to achieve a goal. The design should avoid unnecessary
data structures and should make reasonable use of
iteration and recursion when appropriate.
Credit The design shows a solid understanding of data structures and
demonstrate effective use of control structures to achieve the
program’s goals.
Distinction The design shows a high degree of understanding of how to
use data structures to achieve a goal efficiently, and demonstrate
some evidence that the design does not use unnecessary
resources. The design should be clean and efficient.
High Distinction The design demonstrates a high degree of understanding
data structures and how to efficiently employ them to build
algorithms that not only meet technical goals, but support
maintenance and future development.
Style will also be marked in your Week 12 tutorial by your tutor and constitutes
10% of the total mark. It will be marked qualitatively against the following rubric:
Pass The code mostly uses some formatting standard and is somewhat
Credit The code adheres well to a formatting standard and variables
are well named.
Distinction At least as well formatted as for Credit standards, along with
sufficient inline commenting to explain the code.
High Distinction Excellent formatting and variable naming. Excellent,
employed comments that explain the code without just
repeating the code.
Marking Schedule
All being well, assuming you submit before the deadline and attend your Week 12
tutorial (in the class you are actually enrolled in - exceptions will only be made for
cases where attendance at your enrolled tutorial is impossible), we aim to return
the marks for the assignment within a week of the tutorial. However, we reserve
the right to delay this schedule should technical problems arise.
You will submit your work with the "submit" button on Ed. No other submissions
will be accepted. You are welcome to develop your code elsewhere, if that suits
your workflow, but remember it must compile and run on Ed. We are using the
g++ compiler set to C++17 standard for this assessment. However code that
compiles with clang++ should also work with g++ (unless you're doing something
weird - so check first!).
Due Date
The assignment is due before midnight (11:59PM) on the Sunday of Week 11,
which should be the 31st of May.
Plagiarism Checking
All code will be checked for student misconduct and plagiarism using specialised
code similarity detection software.
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