Assignment 1 – Spring 2019 Page 1
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
School of Software
31927 - Applications Development with .NET
32998 - .NET Applications Development
Due date Monday 11:59pm, 16th September 2019
Demonstrations Required in the lab/tutorial session
Marks 35% of the total marks for this subject
Submission Complete project folder zip (Code, solution files, etc.), any
instructions to run the program in a text file
Submit to UTS Online assignment submission
Note: This assignment is individual work.
This assessment requires you to develop a Simple Bank Management Systems using C#.
Bank account details, user data, banking transactions etc. are to be stored in files. It has
to be a C# console application. The specification/requirements are detailed in the rest
of the document.
Students need to submit the complete project folder in zip format, which will have the
complete C# code, solution file, data files etc. required to run/test the program. Any
special instructions required to run the code has to be provided in a text file.
Assignment Objectives
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate competence in the following skills.
Ensure firm understanding of the .Net framework, C# basic and syntax
Understand how the .NET framework implements OO concepts and the implications
this has for new language design
Array and string manipulation
Creating custom classes and methods in C#
File operations and handing in C#
Creating interactive console applications
Create good OO design.
Assignment 1 – Spring 2019 Page 2
In this assignment you need to develop a menu driven Simple Bank Management Systems
using C#. Bank account details, user data, banking transactions etc. should be stored/saved
in files. The components/menu items that should be in the screen/console are described
below, but you are free to add more options as appropriate based on your application
design. It should be a console app.
1. Login Menu:
Functionality: Provide secured access to the banking system.
Input fields required:
- Username : Display the typed characters as it is
- Password : Display “*” instead of the actual characters
Field checks required:
1. Username and Password to be cross checked with the valid
Credentials available in the file to store the login details (login.txt)
2. Username should be unique
Display appropriate error message if the credentials are invalid and allow to re-enter the values.
2. Main Menu:
Functionality: Used to navigate through the system using certain options related to common banking
Menu item required:
1. Create a new account: To create a new account and store it in the respective account file
2. Search for an account: Search for an account using account number
3. Deposit: Deposit money in a valid account
4. Withdraw: Withdraw a valid amount for an account
5. A/C statement: Display account statement for a valid account number
6. Delete account: Delete the account
7. Exit: Exit from the application or return back to the login screen
8. Ask user to select an item number(1-7) from the menu
(See sample screen)
Field checks required:
- The item number selected should be an integer
- Check for a valid input (1-7) else return back to the menu without any error.
- Check for a non-integer input and return back to the menu without any error.
3. Create a new account:
Functionality: Create a new account in the banking system
Input fields required:
- First Name : Text field
- Last Name: Text field
- Address: Text field
- Phone: Integer
- Email: Text field
Field checks required:
1. Phone: Integer, should not be more than 10 characters
2. Email: Check if the entered string has “@” (required), “”,
“”, and “” in the domain (optional)
If the information was correct in the input fields:
a. Create a file with the name <account_number>.txt and save all
the information in a proper format, which makes it easy to retrieve.
Sample Console Screen for login:
Sample screen for Main Menu
Sample screen for Account Creation:
Sample screen after account creation:
Assignment 1 – Spring 2019 Page 3
b. Generate a unique account number (6-8 digits) and display it.
c. Email the account details to the email ID provided.
d. Return to the Main menu upon-key press.
4. Search for an account:
Functionality: Search for a valid account and display the account details
if an account is found
Input fields required:
- Account Number: integer
Field checks required:
1. Account number: Integer, should not more than 10 characters.
If an invalid account number is provided, appropriate error message
should be provide, with an option to re-enter/check another account.
If the account number is valid, display the account details similar to
as shown in the sample screen.
Once the search is complete, return to the Main Menu.
5. Deposit:
Functionality: Search for a valid account and deposit the provided amount
in the account.
Input fields required:
- Account Number: integer
Field checks required:
1. Account Number: Integer, should not more than 10 characters.
If an invalid account number is provided, appropriate error message
should be display, with an option to re-enter/check another account.
If the account number is valid allow user to enter the amount to deposit.
Update the account balance and update the information in the files for the
account. Once the deposit is successful, return to the Main Menu.
Sample screen for account search
Sample screen for invalid account
Sample screen for valid account
Sample screen for Deposit option:
Sample screen for deposit
Sample screen for account not
found error.
Assignment 1 – Spring 2019 Page 4
6. Withdrawal:
Functionality: Search for a valid account and withdraw the provided
amount from the account.
Input fields required:
- Account Number: integer
Field checks required:
1. Account number: Integer, should not more than 10 characters.
If an invalid account number is provided, appropriate error message
should be displayed, with an option to re-enter/check another account.
If the account number is valid allow user to enter the amount to withdraw.
If the withdrawal amount is less the balance, display appropriate error
message. Update the account balance after withdrawal and in the files
for the account. Once the withdrawal is successful, return to the Main Menu.
7. Account Statement:
Functionality: Search for a valid account, display and email the
statement to the email address provided in the account.
Input field required:
- Account Number: integer
Field checks required:
1. Account number: Integer, should not more than 10 characters.
If an invalid account number is provided, appropriate error message
should be displayed, with an option to re-enter/check another account.
If the account number is valid: display the account statement with last
five transactions. Email the statement to the user based on the preference.
Once the statement is successfully generated, return to the Main Menu.
8. Delete an Account
Functionality: Search for a valid account, display the account details, and
delete an account.
Input field required:
- Account Number: integer
Field checks required:
1. Account Number: Integer, should not more than 10 characters.
If an invalid account number is provided, appropriate error message
should be displayed, with an option to re-enter/check another account.
If the account number is valid: display the account details and delete the
account based on the user preference. Return to the main menu upon
9. Exit in Main Menu:
Functionality: exit from the simple banking system program.
Sample screen for withdraw option
Sample screen for successful
Sample screen for statement option
Sample screen for statement display
Sample screen for delete account
Sample screen after delete operation
Assignment 1 – Spring 2019 Page 5
Additional requirements:
1. All login related data to be stored in the login.txt
2. All user account data to be stored in the <account_number>.txt file. There should be one file
per account in the system. E.g: 100001.txt
3. The console should be interactive and easy to use without any errors.
Note: The sample console screens provided are just for reference only.
Additional Information:
Assessment Submission
You must upload a zip file of the C# project folder, data files and the solution file to UTS Online. This
must be done by the Due Date. You may submit as many times as you like until the due date. The final
submission you make is the one that will be marked. If you have not uploaded your zip file within 5 days
of the Due Date, or it cannot be run in the lab, then your assignment will receive a zero mark.
PLEASE NOTE 1: It is your responsibility to make sure you have thoroughly tested your program to
make sure it is working correctly.
PLEASE NOTE 2: Your final submission to UTS Online is the one that is marked. It does not matter if
earlier submissions were working; they will be ignored. Download your submission from UTS Online
and test it thoroughly in your assigned laboratory.
Return of Assessed Assignment
It is expected that marks will be made available 2 weeks after the submission via UTS Online. You will be
given a copy of the marking sheet showing a breakdown of the marks if needed/requested.
If you have a problem such as illness which will affect your assignment submission contact the
subject coordinator as soon as possible.
Dr. Nabin Sharma
Room: CB11.07.124
Phone: 9514 1835
If you have a question about the assignment, please post it to the UTS Online forum for this subject
so that everyone can see the response.
If serious problems are discovered in assignment specification the class will be informed via an
announcement on UTS Online. It is your responsibility to make sure you frequently check UTS Online.
PLEASE NOTE : If the answer to your questions can be found directly in any of the following
subject outline
UTS Online FAQ
UTS Online discussion board
You will be directed to these locations rather than given a direct answer.
Assignment 1 – Spring 2019 Page 6
Extensions and Special Consideration
In alignment with Faculty policies, assignments that are submitted after the Due Date will lose 10% of the
received grade for each day, or part thereof, that the assignment is late. Assignments will not be accepted
after 5 days after the Due Date.
When, due to extenuating circumstances, you are unable to submit or present an assessment task on time,
please contact your subject coordinator before the assessment task is due to discuss an extension.
Extensions may be granted up to a maximum of 5 days (120 hours). In all cases you should have extensions
confirmed in writing.
If you believe your performance in an assessment item or exam has been adversely affected by
circumstances beyond your control, such as a serious illness, loss or bereavement, hardship, trauma, or
exceptional employment demands, you may be eligible to apply for Special Consideration
Academic Standards and Late Penalties
Please refer to subject outline.
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