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日期:2019-10-25 09:08

CS 550 Operating Systems, Fall 2019

Programming Project 2

Out: 9/29/2019, SUN

Due date: 10/19/2019, SAT 23:59:59

There are two parts in this programming project. The coding accounts for 80 points of the project.

The demo Q&A takes the other 20 points.

1 Baseline source code

Please make sure you read this whole section, as well as the grading guidelines (Section 5), before

going to the following link at the end of this section.

• Go to the link at the end of this section to accept the assignment. If you were in a team for

the last project, you will be assigned to the same team this time. Otherwise you will need

to join a team according to the instruction listed in the PROJ1 specification.

• Sometimes the import process may take a long time. Do not click the “Cancel” button,

which will lead to an empty repository. You can just close the page and come back later.

If you have clicked the “Cancel” button or it already took really long (e.g., more than two

hours), contact the instructor and the TAs so we can delete your repository, and you can

click the assignment link to import again.

• Once the import process finishes, you can clone or download the repository into your computer

and start working

Assignment link: https://classroom.github.com/g/xyVC3NdR


2 PART I: race condition after fork() (20 points)

As we discussed in class, after a fork(), either the parent process or the child process can be

scheduled to run first. Some OSes schedule the parent to run first most often, while others allow

the child to run first mostly. As you will see, the xv6 OS by default schedules the parents to run

first after fork()s mostly. In this part, you will change this race condition to allow the child

process to run first mostly after a fork().

2.1 The test driver program and the expected outputs

The baseline code has included a test driver program fork rc test that allows you to check

the race condition after a fork(). The program is implemented in fork rc test.c. In the

program, the parent process repeatedly calls fork(). After fork(), the parent process prints

string a “parent” when it gets the, and the child process prints a string “child” and exits.

The program takes one argument to indicate whether parent-first or child-first policy is adopted.

Here is the usage of the program

$ fork_rc_test

Usage: fork_rc_test 0|1

0: Parent is scheduled to run most often

1: Child is scheduled to run most often

When calling the program using ”fork rc test 0”, the parent-policy (the default) is used, and

you will see output like:

$ fork_rc_test 0

Setting parent as the fork winner ...

Trial 0: parent! child!

Trial 1: parent! child!

Trial 2: parent! child!

Trial 3: paren child! t!

Trial 4: parent! child!

Trial 5: child! parent!


Trial 45: parent! child!

Trial 46: parent! child!

Trial 47: parent! child!

Trial 48: child! parent!

Trial 49: parent! child!

When calling the program using ”fork rc test 1”, the child-first (the one you’re gonna implement)

is used. If things are done correctly, here is what the expected output of the test driver

program look like:

$ fork_rc_test 1

Setting child as the fork winner ...

Trial 0: child! parent!

Trial 1: child! parent!

Trial 2: child! parent!

Trial 3: child! parent!


Trial 4: parent! child!

Trial 5: child! parent!


Trial 45: child! parent!

Trial 46: parent! child!

Trial 47: child! parent!

Trial 48: child! parent!

Trial 49: child! parent!

2.2 What to do

(1) Figure out what to do to change the race condition to child-first after a fork.

(2) Write a system call that can control whether parent-first or child-first policy is used.

(3) Implement a user space wrapper function for the above system call, and declare it in “user.h”.

This wrapper function’s prototype should be

void fork_winner(int winner);

This function takes one argument: if the argument is 0 (i.e., fork winner(0)), the parentpolicy

(xv6 default) is used; if this argument is 1 (i.e., fork winner(1)), the child-first

policy (the one you implemented) is used.

Note: for the proper compilation of the base code, the fork rc test program has a stub

implementation for the wrapper function above. Remember to comment it out after developing

your own solution.

Tips: understanding the code for fork and CPU scheduling is the key part. The actual code

that changes the race condition (excluding the system-call-related code) can be less than 3 LOC.


3 PART II: priority-based CPU scheduling (60 points)

The default scheduler of xv6 adopts a round-robin (RR) policy. In this part, you are going to

implement a simple priority-based policy.

3.1 The priority-based policy

The policy has 3 priorities (-1, 0, and 1), with 1 being the highest, -1 being the lowest, and 0

being the default. The rules are simple:

• The process with the highest priority always gets the CPU.

• If there are multiple processes with the same priority, RR is used.

• Every process created has a default priority of 0.

You neither need to break the queue into multiple, nor consider things like priority boost or time


3.2 The test driver program

To help you implement and debug, a scheduling tracing functionality has been added to the base

code. When this tracing functionality is enabled, the kernel prints the PID of the currently running

process every time before the CPU is transferred back to the scheduler in the timer interrupt

handler. With this scheduling tracing functionality, you can see the sequence of processes that the

scheduler schedules.

A system call (sys enable sched trace()) and its corresponding user space wrapper

function (void enable sched trace(int)) have been added in the base code to enable/disable

the scheduling tracing functionality. A call of “enable sched trace(1)” will enable the

tracing, and a call of “enable sched trace(0)” will disable it.

The baseline code has a simple test driver program schdtest to illustrate how to use the

above scheduling tracing functionality. The program is implemented in schdtest.c. In the

program, the parent process first enables the scheduling tracing, and forks a child process. Then

both the parent and the child preform some busy computation, and child’s computation roughly

take three times of parent’s. When you run this program, you will see outputs like:

7 - 8 - 7 - 8 - 7 - 8 - 7 - 8 - 7 - 8 -

7 - 8 - 7 - 8 - 7 - 8 - 7 - 8 - 7 - 8 -

7 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 -

8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 - 8 -

8 - 8 - 8 - 8 -

where 7 is the PID of the parent process and 9 is the PID of the child process. From the output

we can see that out of the 44 scheduling decisions, the parent was scheduled 11 times, and the

child was scheduled 33 times, which matches the behavior of the code (i.e., child runs 3 times long

as the parent does).

You will need to replace the example test code in schdtest.c with your own test code to

properly test your scheduler implementation.


3.3 The test cases

When grading, we will be testing the following four test cases:

• Set the scheduling policy to the default, fork processes, and check the process scheduling

output. (The only thing you need to do to pass the test case is correctly implementing

the system call and the corresponding user space wrapper function that set the type of


• Set the scheduling policy to priority-based, fork processes and set priority for the processes

such that each priority has one process, and check the process scheduling output. The correct

output should be that the processes are scheduled sequentially according to their priorities.

• Set the scheduling policy to priority-based, fork processes and set priority for the processes

such that each priority has multiple processes, and check the process scheduling output. The

correct output should be that the processes with different priorities are scheduled sequentially

according to their priorities, and processes with the same priority are scheduled in a roundrobin


• Set the scheduling policy to priority-based, fork processes and set priority for the processes

such that each priority has multiple processes. After the processes with the top two priorities

finish executing, a new process with the highest priority (i.e., priority 1) is created. The

correct output should be that, in addition to the correct output similar to the previous test

case, the new process should be scheduled to run before the remaining processes, which have

the lowest priority.

3.4 What to do

(1) Implement the functionality that allows user program to set the type of scheduling policy.

• Write a system call that can control whether the default policy (RR) is used or the

priority-based policy is used.

• Write the corresponding system call user space wrapper function, and declare it in

“user.h”. The wrapper function’s prototype should be:

void set_sched(int);

This user-level wrapper function takes one integer argument: If the argument is 0, the

default policy is adopted. If the argument is 1, the priority-based policy is used.

(2) Implement the functionality that allows user program to set the priority of a process.

• Write a system call to set the priority of a given process.

• Write the corresponding system call user space wrapper function, and declare it in

“user.h”. The wrapper function’s prototype should be:

void set_priority(int pid, int priority);

This user-level wrapper function takes two argument. The first argument is the pid of

the process whose priority is being set. The second argument is the new priority.


(3) Implement the priority-based scheduling policy, and design your test code to test your implementation.

You do not need to submit your test code.

Note: Your implementation should keep the patch that fixes the always-100% CPU utilization

problem. If your code causes the problem to re-occur, 10 points off (see the 4th point in the

“Grading” section for details).

4 Submit your work

A submission link be available on the MyCourses website. Once your team’s code in your

GitHub private repository is ready for grading, at least one member of your team will

need submit a file named “DONE”, which minimally contains names and B-numbers

of your team members, to that link. Additionally, you can include the following info in this


• The status of your implementation (especially, if not fully complete).

• A description of how your code works, if that is not completely clear by reading the code

(note that this should not be necessary, ideally your code should be self-documenting).

• Possibly a log of test cases which work and which don’t work.

• Any other material you believe is relevant to the grading of your project.

Suggestion: Test your code thoroughly on a CS machine before submitting.

5 Grading

The following are the general grading guidelines for this and all future projects.

(1) The code in your repository will not be graded until a “DONE” file is submitted

to MyCourses.

(2) The submission time of the “DONE” file shown on the MC system will be used to determine

if your submission is on time or to calculate the number of late days. Late penalty is 10% of

the points scored for each of the first two days late, and 20% for each of the days thereafter.

(3) The naming of your team should follow the guideline stated at the beginning of this document,

otherwise 10 points off.

(4) If you are to compile and run the xv6 system on the department’s remote cluster, remember

to use baseline xv6 source code provided by our GitHub classroom. Compiling and running

xv6 source code downloaded elsewhere can cause 100% CPU utilization on QEMU.

Removing the patch code from the baseline code will also cause the same problem. So make

sure you understand the code before deleting them.

If you are reported by the system administrator to be running QEMU with 100% CPU utilization

on QEMU, 10 points off.


(5) If the submitted patch cannot successfully patched to the baseline source code, or the patched

code does not compile:

1 TA will try to fix the problem (for no more than 3 minutes);

2 if (problem solved)

3 1%-10% points off (based on how complex the fix is, TA’s discretion);

4 else

5 TA may contact the student by email or schedule a demo to fix the problem;

6 if (problem solved)

7 11%-20% points off (based on how complex the fix is, TA’s discretion);

8 else

9 All points off;

So in the case that TA contacts you to fix a problem, please respond to TA’s email promptly

or show up at the demo appointment on time; otherwise the line 9 above will be effective.

(6) If the code is not working as required in the project spec, the TA should take points based on

the assigned full points of the task and the actual problem.

(7) Lastly but not the least, stick to the collaboration policy stated in the syllabus: you may

discuss with you fellow students, but code should absolutely be kept private. Any kind of

cheating will result in zero point on the project, and further reporting.


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