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日期:2019-12-01 09:18

Project Part 6 Working Procedures

1. Module to be imported

For the message box to work, another module has to be imported into the program. It is the function

messagebox which comes from the tkinter module. The import statement should be at the beginning

of the program together with other import statements.

from tkinter import messagebox

2. Function new_board()

Initialize a new variable to record the number of attempts by the player. Its value will be increased

by one each time the “O.K.” is clicked. This variable has to be declared as global variable using the

global statement because it will be used in other functions, e.g. the function check_result().

global chosen_image, guess_image, select_image, attempt

attempt = 0

3. Function check_result()

a) This function was created from project part 5. When the “O.K.” button is clicked, this function

will be carried out.

b) The first statement in this function is the global statement to declare that three variables are

global variables. One is the variable for number of attempts, the second one is the variable to hold

the number of images selected and the last one is the list variable for the 3 guess images.

global attempt, select_image, guess_image

c) The content of the variable for number of attempts will be increased by one to indicate the

updated number of attempts.

attempt +=1

d) The variable to hold the number of images selected will be initialized again (e.g. -1) so that it is

ready for the next attempt of guess.

select_image = -1

e) Move the three images under the text “Guess” to the corresponding row of attempt. This is done

by replacing the 3 blank Label widgets with 3 Label widgets with images.

i) In project part 5, you have a list variable “guess_image” for 3 images guess which will be

represented by the numbers 0 to 7. You should make use of this list variable to represent the

images to be shown in the Label widgets. It is indicated as image_button[y] in the statement

below. It is because we have used variables to represent images as image_button[y] where y

is the image numbers from 0 to 7. You may refer to those Button widgets in the function


ii) The number y will come from one of the content of the list variable guess_image and it will

be represent by guess_image[0] for the content of the first element. Then, you can use the

assignment statement y = guess_image[0] to get the first number from the list variable

guess_image and use it as the index number in the image_button.

iii) The variable for number of attempts will be used as the row index in the grid layout so that

the 3 Label widgets with images could be positioned correctly on the game board. The ? in

the row attribute is the starting row to show the first set of guess images. If you start to show

the first set of the 3 guess images in row 4, then ? will be 3 because index number starts

from 0. The # in the column attribute is column to show the first guess image.

iv) A for-loop is used to place the 3 Label widgets with images on the game board. The relief

attribute creates a button effect for the image labels.

for x in range(3):

y = guess_image[x]

Label(main_window, relief=RAISED, image= image_button[y]).grid(row=attempt+?,


f) After the three images are moved to the row of attempt, you have to reset the following widgets.

i) The Label widget under “Selected image” will be reset to without any image. You should

use a new Label widget to replace the old one.

ii) The “O.K.” Button widget will be disabled. You should use a new Button widget to replace

the old one.

iii) The three Budget widgets under the text “Guess” will be reset to without any image. You

should use 3 new Button widgets to replace the old ones.

g) The list variable” guess_image” to hold the three guess images have to be initialized again (e.g. -

1) so that it is ready for the next attempt of guess.

guess_image=[-1, -1, -1]

h) If the number of attempts reached 10 times, a new function show_chosen_image() will be

executed. At the same time, a message window will pop up to congratulate the player.

if attempt == 10:


messagebox.showinfo('Mastermind', 'Game over!! You have reached the maximum attempt of 10 times!')

4. Function show_chosen_image()

a) This new function will show the 3 chosen images at the top under the text “Result” and at the

same time, disabled all the Button widgets. It is written as a separate new function because it will

be re-use again if the player makes a correct guess of the 3 images, i.e. the player wins the game.

b) There are 3 jobs for this function. For-loop may be used to accomplish the task.

i) Use 3 Label widgets with images to show the 3 chosen images at the top under the text

“Result”. You should use 3 new Label widgets with images to replace the old ones.

ii) Disabled the 8 Button widgets under the text “Images available” using the attribute

state=DISABLED. You should use 8 new Button widgets to replace the old ones.

iii) Disabled the 3 Button widgets under the text “Guess”. You should use 3 new Button

widgets to replace the old ones.

5. Others

a) By making use of the message box, you may display error message in two situations:

i) When the “Image selected” Label widget is empty (i.e. without image), the buttons under

“Guess images” are clicked. This is an error which can be shown by:

messagebox.showerror('Error', 'No image selected!')

ii) When two buttons under “Guess images” carry the same image, you try to choose the same

image for the third button. This is also an error that all the 3 guess images cannot be the


messagebox.showwarning('Warning', 'Triplicate image!')

b) These two statements should be placed in the functions guess_image_1() to guess_image_3()

using if…elif…else statements as:

def guess_image_1():

if condition1:

messagebox.showerror('Error', 'No color selected!')

elif condition2:

messagebox.showwarning('Warning', 'Triplicate color!')


statement to assign the content from the variable select_image to the list variable guess_image

statement to show the Button widget with image

if condition3:

statements to activate the O.K. button


c) In the codes above, the text in bold are to be replaced by appropriate expressions or statements.

When the 3 images are

filled up under the text

“Guess”, the “O.K.”

button can be clicked.

After the “O.K.” button is

clicked, the “O.K.” button

becomes disabled. The 3

buttons under the text

“Guess” and the label

under “Selected image”

are reset without images.

After the “O.K.” button

is clicked, the 3 images

from the “Guess” row

are copied to the row of


After 10 attempts, the

row of “Result” shows

the 3 chosen images.

The 8 images buttons

under “Images

available” become


After 10 attempts, the 3

buttons under “Guess”

become disabled.

Program Structure

a) Up to now, the structure of the program is:

b) The flow of functions is:

Import statements

(3 statements)

Functions definition

(14 functions)

Main body of program

Function calling statements

(2 statements)

Variable definition statements

(9 statements)

Window definition statements

(5 statements)


8 functions for the

“Images available”




3 functions for the

“Guess” buttons

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