Problem 1. Pogo-Hopper
Overus Park, a transportation manufacturer, and Jandias, an
electronics manufacturer, collaborated to launch the new PogoHopper.
They launched two kinds of Pogo-Hopper: 1) Fibo Pogo-Hopper
and 2) Seq Pogo-Hopper. These two Pogo-Hoppers can bounce
up when a user uses. Every time the user uses the Pogo-Hopper in
a row, the user can travel more distance. Details of how far the
Pogo-Hopper can travel are described below.
A. Fibo Pogo-Hopper
For the first use, the user can travel 3 meters.
For the second use, the user can travel 2 more meters. (Total 5 meters.)
For the n-th (n > 2) use, the user can travel (n-2)th total traveled distance.
ex) When n=3, the user travels total 8 meters. When n=4, the user travels total 13 meters.
Now you can know that the total distance of the Fibo Pogo-Hopper can travel follows
the Fibonacci sequence (3, 5, 8, 13, 21 …).
B. Seq Pogo-Hopper
For the n-th use, the user can travel 3n-2 meters.
ex) When n=4, the user travels total 24 meters (1+4+7+12).
For the both Pogo-Hoppers, when the user press the reset button, the distance that the PogoHopper
can travel will reset to n=1.
You bought both kinds of Pogo-Hoppers, and you want to travel total x meters with those PogoHoppers.
What you have to do is for given input x (meters), count how many combinations can be
made for given conditions (which given below).
1) Use only Fibo Pogo-Hopper with one reset
2) Use only Seq Pogo-Hopper with one reset
3) Use Fibo Pogo-Hopper first, and then use Seq Pogo-Hopper
ex) x = 13 (meters)
For condition 1, two combinations are possible.
Use the Fibo Pogo-Hopper 2 times to move 5m, then use 3 times to move 8m.
Use the Fibo Pogo-Hopper 3 times to move 8m, then use 2 times to move 5m.
(Use the Fibo Pogo-Hopper 4 times to move 13m is impossible, you should reset it once.)
For condition 2, two combinations are possible.
Use the Seq Pogo-Hopper 1 time to move 1m, then use 3 times to move 12m.
Use the Seq Pogo-Hopper 3 times to move 12m, then use 1 time to move 1m.
For condition 1, one combination is possible.
Use the Fibo Pogo-Hopper 3 times to move 8m, then use the Seq Pogo-Hopper 2 times
to move 5m.
Thus, total 5 combinations are possible. (Print only the total combination, refer ‘console
Scoring Criteria
10 scores per test case. (Total Score = 100)
Console Output
Problem 2. STARBUGS (Number sequence queue)
Make a program for STARTBUGS that takes an order from one or more customers and
displays serving messages as in FCFS (First-Come-First-Serve).
STARBUGS has below menus.
1. Americano 2. Latte 3. Caffe Mocha 4. Tea
The program receives an order as a number sequence of the menu.
Ex) 1132: Two Americanos, and one caffe mocha, and one latte.
0(zero)s are used for separating customers.
Ex1) 442012: We have two customers. One orders two teas and one latte, and the other
orders one Americano and one latte.
Ex2) 4402012: We have three customers with various orders.
You must implement two functions, checkOrder() and processQ().
Int checkOrder(int queue)
Description: Make sure the order input (number sequence) is appropriate. If it is
incorrect, it must be entered again.
Input: An integer value queue. It is user-typed input representing an order. As
explained above, this number sequence should be consist of numbers only
between 1-4 (including 0 in the sequence is okay as it acts as separator). We
assume input number sequence (order) is a positive integer (bigger than 0 and
smaller than integer max value; <2,147,483,647).
Output: An integer value len. Length of the order. It will be used in function
prcoessQ. Ex) If your input is 1230332, len is 7.
void processQ(int queue, int order_len)
Description: After taking an appropriate order input, extract each order from the
left-most digit(namely, de-queue from the number sequence queue) to the right
most one. For each extraction, increase the count of the corresponding menu.
Input: Two integer values queue and order_len. The queue is an order you typed
which is confirmed as an appropriate one and order_len is return value of the
function checkOrder().
Output: Print each customer’s order sequentially.
Your order? : 1230232022
Okay. please wait.(ret=10)
serv_queue: 1230232022
Thank you, Customer (1). Here is your Americano(1), Latte(1), Caffe Mocha(1), Tea(0).
Thank you, Customer (2). Here is your Americano(0), Latte(2), Caffe Mocha(1), Tea(0).
Thank you, Customer (3). Here is your Americano(0), Latte(2), Caffe Mocha(0), Tea(0).
Scoring Criteria
25 scores per test case. (Total Score = 100)
Problem 3. Earth
When we travel abroad, we need to think about the departure time and arrival time. There is a
time difference (the difference between time zones), so it is possible that the arrival time is earlier
than the departure time. For many reasons include the above case, it is important to check the
arrival time exactly. We want to calculate the arrival time including a season when we know the
departure time, departure position, and arrival position.
Most of the condition is the same as our actual Earth. But to simplify the calculation, we assume
some additional condition below:
[a, b] means range from a to b, inclusive (including a and b).
1. Position is given with latitude and longitude
A. Latitude
i. Integer in range [-89, -1] or [1, 89]
ii. Positive latitudes are for the northern hemisphere and negative latitudes are for
the southern one.
B. Longitude
i. Integer in range [-165, 165] with step 15 (-165, -150, -135, …, 150, 165)
ii. Each 15-degree difference of longitude cause a time gap of 1 hour
iii. International Date Line is a straight line at longitude 180 degree
2. Time consists of year, month, day, hour, and season
A. Year, month, day
i. Same as our earth (should consider leap year)
ii. Year is in range [1900, 2500]
B. Hour
i. Integer in range [0, 23]
C. Season
i. For the northern hemisphere,
1. Spring: [Start of March, End of May]
2. Summer: [Start of June, End of August]
3. Autumn: [Start of September, End of November]
4. Winter: [Start of December, End of February]
ii. Southern hemisphere is opposite to the northern one. (Spring to Autumn, Summer
to Winter, and vice versa)
3. Flight time
A. Unit is the hour
B. Integer in range [0, 7200]
At the first line, the latitude and longitude of departure position d_lat and d_lon are given, separated
by one space.
At the second line, the year, month, day, and hour of the departure time d_year, d_month, d_day,
d_hour are given, separated by one space.
At the third line, the flight time in hours f_time is given.
At the fourth line, the latitude and longitude of arrival position a_lat and a_lon are given.
Input restriction: (all the input match this restriction is guaranteed)
All input is integer value without unit
d_lat, d_lon, d_year, d_month, d_day, d_hour, f_time, a_lat, a_lon follows the above condition
For example, the input is like below.
Print the arrival time with season, following the below format:
Arrive at YYYY/MM/DD H o’clock, and it is the SEASON.
YYYY is arrival year with four digits with leading zeros, MM is arrival month with two digits with
leading zeros, DD is arrival date with two digits with leading zeros, H is arrival hour with 24 hour
format(0 to 23) without leading zero. SEASON is the season of the arrival position at arrival time,
and should be one of ‘spring’, ‘summer’, ‘autumn’, and ‘winter’.
For example, you should print like below.
Arrive at 2020/07/01 6 o’clock, and it is the winter.
Arrive at 2500/09/14 18 o’clock, and it is the autumn.
Arrive at 1996/02/29 0 o’clock, and it is the spring.
Run Example:
Output Arrive at 2000/05/10 6 o’clock, and it is the spring.
In this case, think about the case the flight from Seoul, Korea to Los Angeles. Seoul is at +37
degrees latitude and +135 degrees longitude, and Los Angeles is at +34 degrees latitude and -120
degrees longitude. And the total flight times is 13 hours.
Let us think about the time of the departure at Los Angeles first. The difference of longitude is -
255 degree; it means time gap is -255 / 15 = - 17 hours. Therefore, the time of Los Angeles when
the airplane departure is 2000/05/09 17 o’clock while Seoul is 2000/05/10 10 o’clock.
Then when the airplane arrives in Los Angeles, it will be 13 hours which is total flight time. Adding
13 hours to 2000/05/09 17 o’clock, it will be 2000/05/10 6 o’clock. Los Angeles is in the northern
hemisphere and it is May, the season is spring. Therefore, we should print “Arrive at 2000/05/10 6
o’clock, and it is the spring.”
Example 2:
Output Arrive at 2020/03/03 0 o'clock, and it is the spring.
In this case, think about the case of the flight just staying in Seoul for 74 hours. Seoul is at +37
degrees latitude and +135 degrees longitude. We should figure out the time after 74 hours from
2020/02/28 22 o’clock. Keep in mind that 2020 is a leap year, so the last date of February is 29, not
24 hours later will be February 29 22:00, 48 hours later is March 1 22:00, 72 hours later is March
2 22:00, 74 hours later is March 3 0:00. And it is the northern hemisphere and in March, the season
will be spring. Therefore, we should print “Arrive at 2020/03/03 0 o’clock, and it is the spring.”
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