CMPT 214: Programming Principles and Practice
Midterm Examination (Take-Home)
Due November 7, 2020 by 11:59pm, Absolutely No Extensions
This exam consists of 7 pages containing a total of 2 questions worth a total of 40 marks.
Exam Rules
This is a take-home exam. Here’s what this means for the purposes of this exam:
• The exam is an individual effort.
• You may not discuss any details of this exam with anyone else, whether they are registered in the
class or not.
• You may consult any official CMPT 214 class materials, such as the textbook, exercises, exercise
solutions, assignments, assignment solutions.
• You may use a calculator, you may use a dictionary.
• You may use a C compiler.
• You may ask questions of the course instructors (see below).
• You may not consult any other resources beyond those mentioned above, including any Internet
resources, or other people that are not course instructors, on any matter related to the exam. Exceptions:
you may use the internet to gain access to a C compiler (e.g. tuxworld, or online compiler)
for the purpose of compiling and testing your code, and you may use an online dictionary for the
purpose of looking up the meaning of a word.
• tl;dr: you may consult official CMPT course materials, but otherwise you must treat this exam like
you are in an invigilated exam room, discussing the exam with nobody else, and not consulting
internet resources.
Submitting Your Exam
The completed exam is to be submitted to Canvas. The submission page is in the same place that assignment
submissions are found. Follow the Assignments link on the left menu, and click on the Mid-term
Exam assignment. Submit your exam in the same way you have submitted your previous programming
• As always, only .zip archives containing your submitted files will be accepted (no .rar, no .7zip,
• Multiple submissions are permitted until the deadline, but only the most recent submission will
be graded. Download your submissions after uploading to double check it contains everything
needed. Leave yourself time to do this!
• You are solely responsible for ensuring that all files are correctly submitted.
• At the end of this document is a Hand-in Checklist that tells you exactly what to submit.
Asking Questions
• Do not post questions about the exam in any public place. This includes Canvas discussions and
• Again, treat the asking of questions as if you are in an invigilated exam room and can only privately
ask an instructor.
• If you have a question about the wording of a question, or clarification about what a question is
asking you to do, send a single email addressed to both course instructors:
Your question will be answered by the next available instructor.
• We will answer questions from the time the exam is released until 6pm on Saturday, November
7 (about 6 hours before the deadline). Start early, so you can ask questions early. Do not expect
replies after 6pm, Saturday, Nov. 7.
Academic Honesty
Breaching the above rules of the take-home exam is academic misconduct. Any evidence of academic misconduct
on this exam will be pursued to the fullest extent possible through formal academic misconduct
hearings. This means that the Office of the Dean will be informed immediately, no informal resolution
option will be given, and you will need to appear before the hearing board. You do not want to be before
the hearing board.
This exam is an individual undertaking – cheating on an exam is considered serious academic misconduct
by the university and can be met with disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion.
By submitting your exam solutions to Canvas, you are affirming that the submitted work is entirely your
Grading Rubric
The grading rubric is the same for all questions on this exam. You may view the grading rubric on the
exam’s submission page on Canvas.
Hint: If you get a compiler warning when -Wall and -Wextra are turned on, this is a strong sign that there is an
error in your program, despite the fact that the compiler is able to compile it. Warnings mean that the compiler thinks
you might have done something you didn’t intend, but that the code it encountered is syntactically and semantically
valid, and so it is able to compile the program anyway. Programs that compile with warnings are likely to lose
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Exam Questions
Question 1 (20 points):
The dread pirate, Tractor Jack, is obsessed with loot. He is known for looting wheat, barley, and
several other grains all along the banks of the Saskatchewan River (allegedly — allegations have not
been proven in court). In his downtime, Jack loves video games, and wants to try writing his own.
For practice, he wants to write some code to generate some random loot, but he wants the loot to be
different from the usual boring grains he loots when he is working. The loot for his game will be that
of a fantasy role-playing game. Since pirates always make their crew do all the work, he’s demanded
that you do his practice for him.
Jack has already gotten a start on writing his loot generator. Let’s have a look at what Jack has
provided us.
Provided file: items.h
At the top of items.h you’ll see the definition of a structure that is given the type name Loot. A
Loot item holds information about one randomly generated loot item. The Loot structure has three
base_type_name: A pointer to the first element of a character array that holds the string that is name
of the base type of the loot item.
name: A pointer to the first element of a character array that holds the string that is name of the loot
item. The name of an loot item is generated randomly from three components: a prefix, the item’s
base type name, and a suffix. These three components are all strings. A randomly chosen prefix,
a randomly chosen base type name, and a randomly chosen suffix, are concatenated together into
a single string to form the item’s name.
rarity: An unsigned integer with value between 0 and 3 (inclusive) that indicates the rarity of the
item with 0 being the most common and 3 being the least common.
The remainder of the items.h consists of static declarations of four pointer arrays, where each element
of each array is a pointer to a string. Also defined along with the pointer arrays are macros that give
the length of each pointer array. The arrays are:
prefixes: This pointer array stores strings that are potential item prefixes. The prefix component of
the name of a randomly generated loot item is chosen from among the strings referenced in this
base_types: This pointer array stores strings that are potential base type names for randomly generated
loot items. A base type name component of the name for a randomly generated loot item is
chosen from among the strings referenced in this array.
suffixes: This pointer array stores strings that are potential suffixes for randomly generated loot
items. The suffix component of the name for a randomly generated loot item is chosen from
among the strings referenced in this array.
rarity: This pointer array stores strings that are names of the rarity levels 0 through 3. If k is a rarity
level between 0 and 3, then the name of that rarity level may be obtained by writing rarity[k].
Provided module: randomindex.h, randomindex.c
The randomindex module provides you with random numbers for selecting random item name pre-
fixes, base type names, and suffixes. randomindex.h contains a prototype for one function that
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is implemented in randomindex.c. It is not necessary for you to understand how the functions
randomindex.c work, in fact you should never need to look at randomindex.c, though you will need
to compile it into your program.
All you need to do is look at randomindex.h and see how to call the function prototyped there. The
function provided by the randomindex module is called random_index(). It’s prototype is:
unsigned int random_index ( unsigned int n );
It takes an unsigned integer n as an argument, and returns a random number between 0 and n − 1.
You can use the random_index() function to obtain a random index into the prefixes, base_types
and suffixes arrays to obtain random name components for randomly generated Loot items.
Your Tasks
Complete the following tasks. In completing these tasks you may not modify randomindex.c or
randomindex.h at all. You may not modify any of the existing code in items.h but you may add
additional code to items.h.
(a) Create a new file, items.c to go along with the provided items.h to form a program module.
(b) In items.c write a function called create_random_loot_list that takes as a parameter a positive
integer N and returns a pointer to the first element of a new dynamically allocated array of
N randomly generated Loot structures. The name of each Loot structure must be randomly
generated by selecting a random prefix, base type name, and rarity, and concatenating them with
appropriate spacing. The base_type_name member of each Loot structure should be the same
base type name randomly chosen to form part of the item’s name member. The rarity of each Loot
item should be a randomly generated number between 0 and 3 (inclusive).
(c) In items.c write a function called print_loot() that takes as a parameter a pointer to a structure
of type Loot. This function should print a description of the item to the console in the following
< name > , < rarity_name > < base_type_name >
Where <name> is the name member of the Loot item, <rarity_name> is the name of the rarity level
corresponding to the rarity member of the Loot item (you can look up the rarity name in the
rarity pointer array in items.h), and <base_type_name> is the base_type_name member of the
Loot item. This function should return nothing.
As an example, if the name of the item is Firey Axe of Danger Sense, the base type name of
the item is Axe and the rarity of the item is 2, then print_loot should print:
Firey Axe of Danger Sense , Epic Axe
(d) In items.c write a function called destroy_random_loot that takes as a parameter a pointer to
the first element of a dynamically allocated array of Loot structures (i.e. a pointer returned by
create_random_loot_list) and frees all of the dynamically allocated memory used by the array
and its component elements. This function returns nothing.
(e) Create a new file called question1.c. In this file, write a main() function that uses the functions
in the items module to do the following:
• creates an array of five random Loot items;
• prints the descriptions of each of the randomly generated loot items;
• destroys (de-allocates) the array of randomly generated loot item.
Test your main() program compiling it together with the items and randomindex modules.
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Question 2 (20 points):
Shadow Moon is recruited by Wednesday to be his body guard, errand boy, and driver while they
travel around the United States of America. The purpose? It is all hush hush really. One of the rules
of the job Wednesday told Shadow was “no questions”. Despite the secrecy, this job did allow Shadow
to visit many cities by accompanying Wednesday around the country. In his notebook, Wednesday
took note of which cities he could directly fly to from a given city in case he and Shadow Moon had to
disappear quickly. Wednesday’s handwriting is terrible, so Shadow Moon thought storing the travel
log digitally would be easier to read.
Shadow Moon wants to be able to query a city name and display the cities he can directly fly to from a
given city. Unfortunately, Shadow has no idea where to start with this and instead is hoping to recruit
you to help him by throwing his travel log at you!
Input File Format:
The first line of the input file contains two positive integers separated by a space:
• the first integer is N, the total number of entries (pairs of cities) in the travel log;
• the second integer, K, is the number of unique city names in the travel log.
Following the first line, the next K lines of the travel log each contain the name of one of the K unique
cities names:
where sourcecityX is the name of a city as a string that contains no spaces and is not longer than 30
Following this list of unique cities in the travel log is a list of N pairs of source and destination cities,
as follows:
sourcecity1 destinationcity1
sourcecity2 destinationcity2
sourcecity3 destinationcity3
sourcecityN destinationcityN
where sourcecityX and destinationcityX are names of cities as strings containing no spaces but are
separated by a single space. Every source and destination city name is one of the previously listed
unique city names. A city may appear more than once as a source or as a destination, but no city will
appear more than once as the destination for the same source city.
Moreover, no source city will have more than 6 different destinations.
A sample input file is provided called travel-log.txt, but your program must work for any input
file that follows the file format given above.
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Your Tasks
Complete the following tasks. In completing these tasks you may not modify travel-log.txt at all.
(a) Create a new file, question1.c.
(b) In question1.c design a data structure that will be used to store the contents of the input file.
Be sure to include comments explaining your data structure design — this is necessary for grading. The
design of the data structure is entirely up to you, but we recommend storing an array of elements
(of a type of your choosing) that each contain information about a different unique source city and
includes a reference to a data structure (also of your choosing) that stores a list of each city name
that is a possible destination from that source city. See Figure 1 for a conceptual representation
of our suggestion.
Exactly how you store the data and exactly what data you need store is for you to decide, but
you’ll be graded on the appropriateness of your decisions. You should read the rest of the tasks,
below, before designing your data storage so that you are aware of any requirements that must
be met, and can design the data storage so that it best supports fulfilling those requirements.
(c) In question1.c, write a function called read_cities that takes as a parameter a pointer to a file
that has been freshly opened for reading that contains a travel log as described in the “Input File
Format” section, above. This function must return a pointer to an instance of the data structure
you designed in part (b) that has been populated with the data from the travel log file.
It is in this function that you should ensure all relevant memory is allocated for your data structure
(hint: if you aren’t using dynamic memory allocation in some way, you’ve probably made some
bad choices).
You may write additional functions to support the operation of read_cities() if you choose.
(d) In question1.c, write a function called display_cities() that takes as a parameter a pointer
to a populated instance of the data structure you defined in part (b), and any other parameters
that you deem essential. This function should print out to the console each unique source city
followed by every destination city that can be flown to directly from it:
<src >: < dest > , < dest > ,
<src >: < dest > , < dest > , < dest > ,
<src >: < dest > ,
... ,
<src >: < dest > , < dest > , < dest > , < dest >, < dest > ,
Note that trailing commas at the end of an output line are acceptable.
The display_cities() function returns nothing.
You may write additional functions to support the operation of display_cities() if you choose.
(e) In question1.c write a function called destroy_data_structure() that takes as a parameter a
pointer to a data structure retruned by returned by read_cities and frees all of the dynamically
allocated memory used by all components of the data structure. This function returns nothing.
You may write additional functions to support the operation of destroy_data_structure() if
you choose.
(f) In question1.c write a main() function to:
• open the input file travel-log.txt for reading (you may hard-code the filename);
• call read_cities() to create a populated data structure structure;
• call display_cities() that displays the populated structure;
• destroy (de-allocates) the data structure by calling destroy_data_structure().
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Data about
source city
Data about
source city
Data about
source city
Data about
source city
List of destination cities
List of destination cities
List of destination cities
List of destination cities
Array of Elements
With Information about
Each Source City
Each array element refers to
a data structure that somehow
(your choice) stores a list of the
source city’s destination cities.
Figure 1: A conceptual idea of how the data should be organized. We suggest an array of data elements
(of a type that is your choice/design) that stores necessary information about each source city, including a
reference to a data structure (also of your choice/design) that stores a list of the destination cities for that
source city. Hint: the array elements might store other information about the source city, in addition to the list of
destination cities...
Hand-in Checklist
Your complete exam submission must consist of a .zip archive containing all of the following:
• Question 1:
randomindex.c (please hand in the provided file, unmodified)
randomindex.h (please hand in the provided file, unmodified)
• Question 2:
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