CSC3002: Introduction to Computer Science
Assignment 4
There are FOUR questions included in Assignment 4. Please find the zip file of the QT project for
Assignment 4 in the BB system. Please refer to the test program in “.cpp” for each question to
implement your programs and test them accordingly. Question 1 & 2
Design and implement a class called StrArray (a dynamic array of std::string) that implements
the following methods:
Part 1: • The default constructor is already given. • A destructor that frees any allocated heap storage allocated. • A method get(k) that returns the element at position k. If k is outside the vector bounds, get
should call error with an appropriate message. • A method set(k, value) that assigns value to the element at position k. As with get, the set
method should call error if k is out of bounds. Part 2: • A method grow() to increase the capacity of the array
• A method push_back() to add a new element to the array; • A method operator[](n) to get the element at the given index n. You must make sure that string’s constructor and destructors are called correctly and the
memory usage is correct. Two sample tests are provided in the code. Very important hints:
You should use ::operator new(size) to allocate an area of uninitialized memory. You should use ::operator delete(ptr) to deallocate the memory area created by ::operator
To construct an element in a uninitialized memory area, you should use placement new:
new (pointer_to_position) std::string (value);
You should use std::destroy to destroy elements within the memory area without
deallocating the memory. To move elements from original place to a new uninitialized area, you can use
std::uninitialized_move(original_start, original_end, new_start);
The above functions are included in <new> and <memory>
Question 3
If you search the web for fractal designs, you will find many intricate wonders beyond the Koch
snowflake illustrated in this chapter. One is the H-fractal, in which the repeated pattern is shaped
like an elongated letter H that fits inside a square. Thus, the order-0 H-fractal looks like this:
To create the order-1 fractal, all you do is add four new H-fractals—each half the original size—at
each open end of the order-0 fractal, like this:
To create the order-2 fractal, you just add even smaller H-fractals (again half the size of the
fractal to which they connect) to each of the open endpoints. This process gives rise to the
following order-2 fractal:
Write a recursive function
drawHFractal(GWindow & gw, double x, double y, double size, int order);
where x and y are the coordinates of the center of the H-fractal, size specifies the width and the
height, and order indicates the order of the fractal. As an example, the main program
int main() {
GWindow gw;
double xc = gw.getWidth() / 2;
double yc = gw.getHeight() / 2;
drawHFractal(gw, xc, yc, 100, 3);
return 0;
would draw an order-3 H-fractal at the center of the graphics window, like this:
Question 4
The game of tic-tac-toe (or naughts and crosses) is played by two players who take turns placing
Xs and Os in a 3×3 grid that looks like this:
The object of the game is to line up three of your own symbols in a row, horizontally, vertically, or
diagonally. In the following game, for example, X has won the game by completing three in a row
across the top:
If the board fills up without anyone completing a row, the game is a draw, which is called a cat’s
game in tic-tac-toe. Write a program that uses the minimax algorithm to play a perfect game of tic-tac-toe. Figure 1 shows a sample run against a particularly inept player. Notice this is a small project, you can reuse the definitions in the given template or write a
new one; Make sure to fill the the PROVIDED_TEST part in `tictactoe.cpp` so that we can start
your game.
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