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日期:2020-12-04 09:22

In this assignment, you are going to do a “mini-research” on k-nearest neighbor search algorithms,for

data points stored in a structure called the grid index. A grid index partitions the 2D space into equalsized

squares called grids, and data points are stored in the grid. Given a query point q(x, y), our goal

is to find the k-nearest neighbors of q by using the grid index.

Part 1: Grid index construction

(1) Data pre-processing

a. Prepare a dataset with attributes ([latitude], [longitude], [location id]), which contains spatial

points called [location id], with 2D coordinates ([latitude], [longitude]). To obtain this dataset, please

download loc-gowalla_totalCheckins.txt.gz from the above URL to your local folder, and

decompress it. There is a total of 6,442,892 tuples, and we only need the 3rd, the 4th, and the 5


columns (i.e., [latitude], [longitude], [location id]).

b. Please check that the minimum and maximum longitude and latitude values are as follows:

x_min=-90.0, x_max=90.0, y_min=-176.3, y_max=177.5.

(Let us call this maxBox for convenience).

c. Data deduplication: There can be points in the dataset with the same locations but with different

location ids. Here we only keep one such id. Hence, please delete the lines whose locations are same

(longitude and latitude value), and only keep the one with the smallest location id. Note that the nodes

with error coordinates should also be deleted, e.g., the nodes whose latitude is bigger than 400.

2) Next, divide the space defined by maxBox into n * n equal-sized rectangles called cells. For each

data point p, assign p to the corresponding cell such that p’s coordinates are located within it. For each

cell, you can access all the points and their associated information (e.g., their coordinates) associated

with that cell. Notice that if p is located on boundaries but not on maxBox, then it should belong to the

cell on its left or its top. An example of a 10*10 grid is given below, with red points as data points, and

blue point as the query point q.

3) Save the index to a file named “index_path” as illustrated below.


[Example: in cell (0,0), two points with IDs a.id and b.id have coordinates (a.x, a.y) and (b.x, b.y)]

Part 2: k-nearest neighbors search (knn_grid)

1) Design a main-memory-based data structure to store the data points in Part 1. Specifically, loadthe

disk file “index_path” (Part 1 (3)) to this data structure. Your data structure should be able to contain

all the data in “index_path”.

2) Given a query point q, please implement procedure knn_grid to find the k nearest neighbors of q

from the data structure in Part 2 (1) efficiently. Please use the following steps for an efficient


a. Find the cell e that contains q. For each point p in e (if any), find the k-nearest neighbors of q by

computing the Euclidean distance of q and p. Keep track of the k-NN set, and let t be the k-th largest

distance in the k-NN set.

b. Progressively access the cells layered around e


, and for each such cell c,

i) compute dlow(c), which is the smallest distance from q;

ii) if dlow(c)>t, skip the cell (explain why is this possible in the report);

iii) otherwise access all points in c, compute their distances to q, and update k-NN.

c. Once the algorithm prunes an entire layer of cells, or finishes examining all the cells, report the query

results. (Explain why pruning an entire layer of cells is sufficient to terminate the algorithm).

Part 3: Performance evaluation and report

1) Implement knn_linear_scan: this is a simple approach that solves the k-NN problem based on a

linear scan (called knn_linear_scan in the code templates). It scans the points one by one in the original

order from the dataset, and report the k nearest neighbors, without the help of the grid index.

2) Perform the following experiments: (Hint: you can combine part c and d into one graph.)

a. Generate 100 random query points within maxBox.

b. Plot a line graph to show the time of loading “index_path” to the main memory, the following value

of n: 10, 50, 100, 150, 200.

c. Plot two line graphs by reporting the average execution times of knn_grid and knn_linear_scan for

the query points generated in (a), against the following value of n: 10, 50, 100, 150, 200. For knn_grid,

DO NOT consider the time for loading “index_path” to the main memory.

d. Plot two line graphs by reporting the average execution times of knn_grid and knn_linear_scan for

the query points generated in (a), against the following value of k=1, 2,.., 10. For knn_grid, DO NOT

consider the time for loading “index_path” to the main memory.

Please write down your experiment environments (e.g., machine used, CPU speed, disk speed, main

memory sizes). Then, for the graphs in 2(b)-(d) above, write down a paragraph to explain in detail

1 Here ‘layered’ means accessing the cells around e in ascending order by the distance to e. For example, the cells

in green will be accessed first, then those in yellow, pink, blue and finally those in orange.


about your observations about the trends (e.g., why does the running time of knn_grid increases with

n? How many times is knn_grid faster than knn_linear_scan?

How to evaluate: Given a random q contained in maxBox, you should run knn_linear_scan and

knn_grid and compare them. Your program will output the ids of k-NN, with input q.x (double), q.y

(double), k (integer) and n(integer). To make it simple, we will use the following threshold to evaluate

your program. q.x∈(-90.0, 90), q.y∈(-176.3, 177.5), k∈[1, 1000], n∈[10, 100]. This part is fixed in the

code templates given to you.

Part 4:

● knn_grid_fast: Is it possible to improve the performance of knn_grid? For example, we can

implement a priority queue to keep track of the top-k candidates in the knn_grid algorithm.

Explain which part of knn_grid needs to be changed. Compare your results with

knn_linear_scan and knn_grid based on the experiments in Part 3. Do you have any even

brighter idea?

● knn_grid_compress: Is it possible to reduce the space needed by knn_grid? Propose a scheme

that is more space-economical than knn_grid, with a data structure smaller than the one used

by knn_grid, and write down your new scheme in the report. Show why it is smaller (e.g., by

analyzing its complexity and in the experiments). Also, compare knn_grid_compress with

knn_linear_scan and knn_grid according to Part 3.

● knn_grid_disk: Given a limited main memory buffer, implement a disk-based grid index

scheme (called knn_grid_disk). The grid index file is organized in disk blocks, which are only

fetched to the main memory if they are needed. Also, if the buffer is full, develop a page

replacement policy to swap the pages between the main memory and the disk. Write down your

scheme in the report in detail. Also, perform comparison of knn_grid_disk with

knn_linear_scan and knn_grid according to Part 3.

● knn_R_tree: Implement k-NN search with an R-tree, and compare its performance with

knn_linear_scan and knn_grid, according to Part 3.

Please submit two files:

1) A PDF file, containing your report.

2) A zip file, containing a folder of C++ codes.

3) A readme file to tell us how to compile and run your program.

Note: each of your k-NN subroutines should input q.x (double), q.y (double), k (integer) and n(integer),

and output the ids of the k-NN points.

No need for the index or dataset generated. No external libraries used.

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