2021 COMP3222 Lab 3 Requirements, Marking Guide and Additional Notes
Don’t forget to attend one of our 3x two-/three-hour weekly drop-in sessions during the week
the lab is scheduled to get help, but please come prepared to get the most out of it.
As explained for Lab 1, please ensure that you target the correct FPGA device and import the
correct pin assignment file for your board before implementing your design.
There are 5 marks available for completing Lab 3. You are required to complete and submit solutions
for Parts II (Steps 1 – 3), IV and V. You are encouraged to complete Parts I and III as well, but we will
not mark your solutions for these parts. We will award up to 1 mark for each correct solution to Parts II
(Steps 1 – 3), IV and V, as specified in the Lab 3 exercise sheet. In addition, we will award up to 1
mark for your paper design for Part V, as specified below, and award up to 1 mark overall for your
coding style.
To assist with your completion of the lab, project archives containing VHDL file stubs and simulation
waveforms for Parts II (Steps 1 – 3) and IV have been provided in the Lab 3 section of the course
website. To help streamline our testing of your solutions, please don’t edit the ENTITY
description of any VHDL designs we have provided you with other than to select the
appropriate LEDs for your board.
Part II
You are required to submit a project archive for Steps 1 – 3 of Part II. A project archive
containing a VHDL code stub for Part II and a simple vector waveform file have been
provided in the Lab 3 section of the course website. Complete the VHDL design as specified
and provide a comprehensive set of input tests in the vector waveform file you submit.
Create a new project in a new directory to complete Steps 4 – 6 of Part II but do not submit
your solutions to these steps.
Part III
Use File → Open… to open your VHDL code for the gated D-latch from Part II Step 1 within
the project for Part III. Use File → Save as… to save this D-latch code within your project for
Part III. Your D latch code from Part II can then be declared as a COMPONENT in the signal
declaration section of your ARCHITECTURE for Part III. Instantiate two instances of your D-
latch in the body of your ARCHITECTURE for Part III
Part IV
You are required to submit a project archive for your solution to Part IV. A project archive
containing a VHDL code stub for Part IV and the vector waveform file illustrated in Figure 6
have been provided in the Lab 3 section of the course website. Complete the VHDL design as
specified and confirm the simulation output before archiving your project for submission.
Part V
Prepare and submit a neat copy of a diagram for your circuit of Part V similar in level of detail
to those you prepared for Lab 2. Include connections to the switches, push buttons, hex
displays and LEDs. Clearly mark the bit widths of all signals.
You are also required to submit a project archive of your solution to Part V.
Note: the pin assignments files for both DE boards assign the rightmost push buttons to KEY0
and the push button to its left to KEY1.
Hint: you will need to include an 8-bit register (a bank of 8 flip-flops) with asynchronous reset
for this design.
Coding style
Apart from correctness, the guiding principle for code style in COMP3222 is understandability and
maintainability. Up to ONE mark will be awarded for your coding style on all three assessable parts of
the lab. Points to be taken into account include:
Adherence to the lab specifications
Alignment between your paper designs and your code
Appropriate decomposition of a design into sub-components
Correct VHDL use, including appropriate use of behavioural statements and component
Use of meaningful names for entities, architectures, signals and labels
Proper indentation
1. Create a Project → Archive for Parts II (Steps 1 – 3), IV and V of Lab 3 – use meaningful
names to distinguish each project archive. Include your surname, student number, lab and
part number in the archive name e.g. Diessel-3002283-L03P5.qar
2. Create a PDF or JPEG file of the paper design for Parts V. Use the same naming convention
as above, but append -design.pdf or -design.jpg
e.g. Diessel-3002283-L03P5-design.pdf
3. Create a zip file including the above 4 files and submit it using the Make Submission tab on
the Lab 3 additional guidelines and questions link of the course website. Submissions are
due at 23:59 on 11 October, 2021.
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