FIT 5003 Software Security
Environment Setup
In this unit, hands-on labs and assignments will be conducted on a dedicated virtual
machine image. You are strongly suggested to follow the guidelines to set up your own
hands-on environment before doing your assignments and labs. The environment
includes the virtual machine software, e.g., VirtualBox and Linux (Ubuntu 16.04), with
which you can work on the assignments and labs using your own personal computers.
Getting familiar with them is critical.
Virtual Machine Software:
VirtualBox is recommended for the assignment in this unit, which is open-source and
completely free. It can be downloaded at
We note that other virtual machine software like VMware Player and Parallels Desktop
are also compatible to use.
Go to the download page shown as below and choose the appropriate installation
package according to your host operating system:
For MAC users, please select VirtualBox for OS X hosts. Please note that this lab setup
will not work with MAC computers with M1 Chips.
Operating System:
Modified SEED Ubuntu16.04 VM (32-bit): This VM was built in June 2019.
Download the image from one of the following servers:
o Google Drive:
o Cloudstor:
FIT 5003 Software Security
2022 S1
Most of the necessary tools, software, and libraries for the hands-on assignments have
been installed in this pre-built VM image. They are “libnet1, libnet1-dev, libpcat-dev,
libpcap-dev, libattr1-dev, vim, apache2, php5, libapache2-mod-php5, mysql-server,
wireshark, bind9, nmap, netwox/netwag, openjdk-6-jdk, snort, xpdf, vsftpd, telnetd, zsh,
ssh, dpkg-dev, openssl.”
User Manual of the Pre-built Ubuntu 16.04 VM:
We use a MAC as the setup example. You can host the Ubuntu image using VirtualBox
by performing the following steps:
1. Install VirtualBox player using the downloaded installer.
2. Lunch VirtualBox player.
3. Extract the Ubuntu image from the .zip file to your hard drive.
4. Launch the Ubuntu image from VirtualBox by clicking “New”:
You should see a screen similar to the following:
Name the VM, select the type as Linux (Ubuntu 32-bit) and then continue.
Default memory 1024MB RAM is enough.
Select the extracted Ubuntu image “SEEDUbuntu16.04.vmdk”:
Now, click the “start” button:
Now, the login screen of Ubuntu should appear.
Login using the following account
User name: seed
Password: dees
[The root password is: seedubuntu]
Click the “Dash Home” icon on the left corner and search “Terminal” to open a
command prompt window. All of the commands mentioned in the assignments will be
typed (or copied) into this command prompt.
Please ignore and cancel all the OS update popped up to make sure the compatibility of
installed libraries and tools in our assignments.
Creating a shared folder between your host machine and Ubuntu virtual
machine in VirtualBox
Accessing your host machine’s files from Ubuntu VM is useful when you already have
existing applications/ programming files and want to run them on the virtual machine.
FIT 5003 Software Security
2022 S1
The following example presents how to create a shared folder between Mac OS as a
host machine and Seed Ubuntu virtual machine. If you are using other host operating
systems, the instruction should be the same.
1. Create “sharedFolder” folder in your host machine and put your applications/ files
into the folder. For testing purposes, you can simply create “hello.txt” text file in the
2. Mounting the folder to your Ubuntu VM.
3. Then select the “Shared Folders” and click on “Add a new Shared”
4. Then point to your “sharedFolder” folder created in Step 1.
FIT 5003 Software Security
2022 S1
5. Then check on “Auto-mount” then click Ok.
Note: if you can see the option for “Make Permanent” (as in the following
screenshot), please also tick it.
6. Add current user “seed” to the shared group of the virtual machine.
● Start your Ubuntu VM and login with user “seed” and password “dees”
● Click “Dash Home” icon on the left corner and search “Terminal”
● In the terminal window, type
sudo adduser seed vboxsf
then confirm the password with “dees”
FIT 5003 Software Security
2022 S1
7. Reboot your Ubuntu VM. This step is important to make setting changes
8. Then you can see the shared folder from Home Folder>Computer>media
FIT 5003 Software Security
2022 S1
Reference Links:
Commonly used UNIX commands:
*Please direct your questions to our tutors.
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