Project 2
penn-sh: We Sell Seashells
Midway upon the journey of our life
I found myself within a forest dark,
For the straightforward path had been lost
Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
This is an individual assignment. You may use code you wrote for Project 1, but never use any code
from other sources. If you are caught using code from previous semesters, or any sources from public code
repositories, your will receive ZERO for this assignment, and will be sent to the Office of Student Conduct
where there will be additional sanctions imposed by the university.
As described in Project 1, a shell is a simple loop that prompts, executes, and waits. In this assignment,
you will implement a shell named penn-sh. It will have 2 additional features: redirection and two-stage
pipeline. You may reuse any code from the previous assignment, as long as you wrote it. You will only
use the functions specified in this project handout.
This is a large and complex assignment. It will take you more than a coffee-fueled night to complete, so
start early and work regularly. Modular programming will be your best friend in this project! Work in
parts and divide-and-conquer. Do not try to complete everything at once; get one thing working before
moving onto the next. Divide the work up such that each part gracefully integrates with the other.
Additionally, going over the man pages in detail will save you a lot of debug time. Read it carefully
and write sample programs to learn how each of the system calls functions under a variety of situations.
Experimenting with small simple programs will cement your understanding of the system calls and how
they are used. Also using version control can help save you from potential catastrophes.
Moreover, you are highly encouraged to utilize Ed Discussion to discuss the project with classmates and
TAs. Before asking the question, please search in Ed Discussion to see if there are any similar questions
asked before. If you plan to ask about your code/implementation, please consider filling in the following
template to make the communication efficient. We are here to help you and make sure you get the most
out of the course!
penn-sh CIT 595 - Project 2
• GitHub URL:
• Description of Question:
• Expected Behavior:
• Observed Behavior:
1 Difference from Project 1
Before getting into the gritty details, here are some upfront difference from the previous assignment that
you should keep in mind.
1.1 No time-limitation argument
First, there is no longer a time-limit on program execution. In fact, you will not use the alarm(2)
system call at all. Thus, penn-sh should run without any argument as follows:
1.2 Command Line Input
Second, your shell must handle program command line arguments. We have provided a command line
parser for you, token-shell.tar. In the tar-ball you’ll find a parser, tokenizer.c, a header file,
tokenizer.h, and a sample program, token-shell.c. The tokenizer functions similar to strtok(3),
and you may use it freely. See the provided example program for more details on its functionality. While
the tokenizer calls functions unspecified in the specification, you may not use them elsewhere
in your shell.
1.3 Execution
In the previous assignment, you were only allowed to use execve(2), but in this assignment, you will
need to more easily access the programs on the system. As such, we will allow you to use execvp(3).
execvp(3) differs from execve(2) in two ways. First, execvp(3) will use the PATH environment
variable to locate the program to be executed. That means the user of your shell will no longer need to
provide a full path to the executable. Instead, the name of the executable command is enough. Second,
execvp(3) does not provide a means to set the environment. As a result of the first difference, instead
of using
penn-shredder# /bin/cat
Now you can type in "cat" to run the cat command.
penn-sh> cat
penn-sh CIT 595 - Project 2
1.4 Terminal Signals
The shell’s behavior of terminal signals remains unchanged from project 1: it should never exit due
to the delivery of SIGINT (generated by Ctrl-C) from the terminal. It should only exit due to the
delivery of EOF (generated by Ctrl-D). For child processes started from penn-sh, they should respond
to Ctrl-C by following their default behavior on SIGINT. Notice that in this project we will implement
pipeline, which means there may be 2 child processes running concurrently. In this case, both of them
should respond to the terminal signals with their default behavior. For example:
penn-sh> ^C
penn-sh> sleep 100 | sleep 200
2 Project Milestones and Submission
2.1 Part 2A: Redirection
Each program has three standard file descriptors: standard output, input, and error. Normally, standard
output and error are written to the terminal and standard input is read from terminal. One shell feature
is the ability to redirect the standard file descriptors to (or from) files. A user requests a redirection by
employing < and > symbols. Their usage is best demonstrated by an example. Consider this command
line input:
penn-sh> head -c 1024 /dev/urandom > random.txt
The head program will read the first 1024 bytes from /dev/urandom which would normally be written
to standard output. However, the > symbol indicates to redirect standard output to the file random.txt,
and a file named random.txt is created with the random 1024 bytes written to it.
In a similar way, standard input can be redirected:
penn-sh> cat < /proc/cpuinfo
processor : 0
vendor_id : GenuineIntel
cpu family : 6
It is also possible to combine redirections. The command below copies /proc/cpuinfo to a file in the
current working directory named cpuinfo:
penn-sh> cat < /proc/cpuinfo > cpuinfo
The order of the redirections symbols does not matter.
The command below is equivalent to the previous one:
penn-sh> cat > cpuinfo < /proc/cpuinfo
If the standard output redirection file doesn’t exist, it should be created. Otherwise, it should be truncated
and the new contents should be written to it from the very beginning. For example,
penn-sh CIT 595 - Project 2
penn-sh> echo Hello > output
penn-sh> cat output
penn-sh> echo Hi > output
penn-sh> cat output
Alternatively, if the standard input file does not exist, an error should be reported. Check the 2.1.2
Redirection Errors for more detail.
You are not required to implement the append functionality (>>) or the redirection of STDERR.
2.1.1 The dup2(2) and open(2) system calls
To perform redirection, you will use the dup2(2) and open(2) system calls. The dup2(2) system call
duplicates a file descriptor onto another, and the open(2) system call will open a new file, returning
a file descriptor. Here is a simple example of their usage (without error checking). More details can be
found in the function man pages.
new_stdout = open("new_stdout", O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CREAT, 0644);
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Helloooo, World!!!!",9);
This code snippet will open a file named new_stdout with the mode “write only”, “truncate it if it’s not
empty”, “create it if it doesn’t exist”. If it is a new file, the mask is set to 0644 (that’s octcal), which gives
the user permissions to read and write that file. Next, the new file descriptor is duped onto the current
standard output file descriptor, and all subsequent writes to standard output will actually be written to
new_stdout instead.
2.1.2 Redirection Errors
If a user provides invalid redirections, your shell should report errors. This could be because there are
contradictory redirections of the same standard file descriptor, or because an open failed. Regardless of
the error, your shell should gracefully handle and report user input errors.
To be clear, for this command:
penn-sh> cat > out < in
If currently there is no "in" file in the directory, cat will fail to open it. Thus, it will print error information:
penn-sh> cat > out < in
Invalid standard input redirect: No such file or directory
Note that the "No Such file or directory" error message above was printed using perror(3).
However, If we had created the "in" file, then the above a valid redirection:
penn-sh> touch in
penn-sh> cat > out < in
penn-sh CIT 595 - Project 2
Whereas bash in Linux handles both multiple input redirections and multiple output redirections, for our
project, they are considered as an incorrect input. For example,
penn-sh> ls > out1 > out2
Invalid: Multiple standard output redirects
penn-sh> cat < in1 < in2
Invalid: Multiple standard input redirects or redirect in invalid location
Specifically, a valid input can only have a maximum of one input and one output redirection. However,
be sure to gracefully handle invalid inputs; don’t allow the shell to crash or perform undefined behavior.
For the error message, you must include the "invalid" keyword to pass the auto-grader.
2.1.3 Submission
Develop your code in the Git repository we assigned to you in project 1. However, create a brand new
directory called project2a, and put all your code there. When you are done, check in and push your code
to the repository. You should only check in source files, Makefile but not binary or object files.
Separately, create a tar-ball of your submission. This can be done by going to the directory above project
1, and then typing in the Linux command “tar zcvf project2a.tar.gz project2a”. Upload this
tar-ball onto the Canvas submission site for project 2. The submission of this tar ball will trigger execution
of an auto-grader. We encourage you to start the project early so that you can validate your output against
our auto-grader.
2.2 Part 2B: Two-Stage Pipeline
Pipes are another form of redirection, but instead of redirecting to a file, a pipe connects the standard
output of one program to the standard input of another. Again, this is best demonstrated via example.
penn-sh> head -c 128 /dev/urandom | base64
Like before, the head program will read the specified number of random bytes from /dev/urandom, but
instead of redirecting the output to a file, it is piped to the base64 program. In this assignment you
are required to implement a two-stage pipeline, i.e., one process can pipe output to the input of
another process. A good example of a two-stage pipeline would be:
penn-sh> echo I have one brain > test
penn-sh> cat test | grep brain
I have one brain
In the above example, we use echo to create the file test and write the sentence "I have one brain" to
it. For the two-level pipeline command, the output of the cat (i.e. the content in "test"), is sent to the
grep command, which prints out the sentence that contains the word "brain".
Notice that when we pipeline 2 commands, they actually run concurrently. The reason why it looks like
the cat command runs first and then grep command begin running, is because grep is waiting for the
input generated by cat. If we take the following command:
penn-sh> sleep 5 | sleep 5
It should only sleep for 5 seconds instead of 10 seconds.
penn-sh CIT 595 - Project 2
2.2.1 pipe(2) System Call
A pipe is a special unidirectional file descriptor with a single read end and a single write end. To generate
a pipe, you will employ the pipe(2) system call which will return two file descriptors, one for reading
and one for writing. You will then dup2(2) each end to the standard input and output of the respective
programs in the pipeline. Be sure to close the file descriptor that is unused both in parent and child
process. Otherwise your pipe will not work. The manual page for pipe(2) is very helpful.
2.2.2 Clean up zombies
With multiple processes executing at the same time, it is very likely that they terminate at different time.
For example,
penn-sh> sleep 1 | sleep 10
Here the first process terminates after 1 second, while the second needs 10 seconds. We need to ensure
that both processes terminate and have been waited before we print out the next prompt. Otherwise,
they will become zombies1
. In order to make sure processes are terminated or stopped, we need to use
the macros: For WIFEXITED(status) and WIFSIGNALED(status), we can check if the process is
terminated. Refer to the man page of wait(2) and waitpid(2) for more details.
2.2.3 Pipes and Redirections and Errors
It is possible to mix redirection symbols with pipes, however there are possible invalid inputs. For example:
penn-sh> cat /tmp/myfile > new_tmp | head > output
Invalid output redirection
makes no sense, as there are two directives for redirecting standard output of cat. However, the command
below is allowed because there are no overlapping redirections.
penn-sh> cat < pennshell | head > output
2.2.4 Submission
Develop your code in the Git repository we assigned to you in project 1. However, create a brand new
directory called project2b, and put all your code there. When you are done, check in and push your code
to the repository. You should only check in source files and Makefile but not binary or object files.
Separately, create a tar-ball of your submission. This can be done by going to the directory above project
2, and then typing in the Linux command “tar zcvf project2b.tar.gz project2b”. Upload this
tar-ball onto the Canvas submission site for project 2. As before, the submission of this tar ball will trigger
execution of an auto-grader.
1mmmm... brains!
penn-sh CIT 595 - Project 2
3 Guidelines
3.1 Error Handling
All system calls that you use will report errors via the return value. As a general rule, if the return value
is less than 0, then an error occurred and errno is set appropriately. You must check your error
conditions and include the key word "invalid" in the error output. For example:
if(fork() < 0)
perror("invalid fork")
To expedite the error checking process, we allow you to use perror(3) library function. Although you
are allowed to use perror, it does not imply you should report errors at an extreme verbosity. Instead,
try and strike a balance between sparse and verbose reporting.
3.2 Code Organization
Sane code organization is critical for all software. You code should adhere to DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself).
If you are writing code that is used in more than one place you should write a function or a macro.
Also you should organize the code in a reasonable way. It is not reasonable to have all your code in one
file. Take the time to break your code into modules/libraries that you can easily reference and include in
your build process.
3.3 Memory Errors
You are required to check your code for memory errors. This is not only a nontrivial task, but also an
extremely important one. Memory leaks will cause your computer to slowly run out of memory and may
cause programs to crash. Fortunately, there are very nice tools like Sanitizers and valgrind that is
available to help you. These two tools can help you identify leaks, but you still need to find and fix any
bugs that these tools locate. There is no guarantee it will find all memory errors in your code, especially
those that rely on user input!
4 Acceptable Library Functions
In this assignment you may use only the following system calls and library functions:
• execvp(3)
• fork(2)
• wait(2) or waitpid(2)
• read(2), write(2), printf(3), fprintf(3), and sprintf(3)
• signal(2) or sigaction(2)
• kill(2)
• exit(2) or exit(3)
penn-sh CIT 595 - Project 2
• dup2(2)
• pipe(2)
• open(2)
• close(2)
• malloc(3) or calloc(3)
• free(3)
• perror(3)
• atoi(3) and itoa()
• String.h
Using any other library function than those specified above will affect your grade on this assignment. If
you use the system(3) library function, you will receive a ZERO on this assignment.
5 Developing Your Code
We highly recommend you use the course-standardized virtual machine given by course staff
because all grading will be done on the course virtual machine. Please do not develop on OSX
as there are significant enough differences between OSX and Unix variants such as Ubuntu Linux. If
you decide to develop on a different machine anyway, you must compile and test your penn-sh on the
course-standardized virtual machine to ensure your penn-sh runs as you expect.
This is a large and complex assignment, using arcane and compactly documented APIs. We do not expect
you to be able to complete it without relying on some outside references. That said, we do expect you to
struggle a lot, which is how you will learn about systems programming, by doing things yourself.
Your programs will be graded on the course-standardized virtual machines, and must execute
as specified there. Although you may develop and test on your local machine, you should always test that
your program functions properly there.
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