Option 1: Memory Game against the computer
Option 1: Memory Game against the computer
Table of Contents
GUI Design
Implement Step #1: Initialization
Implementation Step #2: The Game Play
Implementation Step #3: Development of the Graphical User Interface
Implementation Step #4: Integrate the Game Play and the GUI
The following structure stores the actual game state.
The variable activeplayer indicates which player is on the move.
The variable array buttonstate[] indicates whether a button is still active (clickable) or not; buttons become
inactive when one player identified a valid pair.
The variable array buttonpair[] stores at every index the index of the respective pair index.
The variable array attempt[] indicates whether no, one or two buttons are clicked. When one button is licked the
respective symbol on the button is shown. When two buttons are clicked, the symbols on both buttons are shown
and a timeout timer is started. Once, this timeout timer elapses both symbols are hidden again.
The variable scores[] manages the actual scores of the player and the computer.
GUI Design
The following images sketch a possible design of the GUI using the Gtk4 library. The sketch below shows:
a headerbar with a New Game to the left and a program title.
the main content area consists of a sidebar and a game play area; the sidebar shows the two players (e.g. using
avatar images) and their score (e.g. using a label).
the game play area consists of N buttons in a squared arrangement that have different states.
#define N 64
struct state {
unsigned int activeplayer; // 0 ... gameplay is not active
// 1 ... player is on the move
// 2 ... computer is on the move
unsigned int buttonstate[N]; // 0 ... button is "active" [default init]
// 1 ... button is "inactive"
unsigned int buttonpair[N]; // at every index store the pair index
unsigned int attempt[2]; // [-1, -1] ... no button is clicked [default init]
// [42, -1] ... button #42 is clicked
// [42, 24] ... buttons #42 and #24 are clicked
unsigned int scores[2]; // score[0] ... score of player
// score[1] ... score of computer
Option 1: Memory Game against the computer
Score: 1
Score: 0
New Game Memory Game x
Game Over
Quit New Game
Player: 42
New Game
When the user presses the New Game button, the game play shall be initialized (see below) and started.
Game Play Area
The game play area consists of N buttons organized in a squared matrix layout. Buttons can be active (default after
initialization) or inactive (whenever a player finds a matching pair).
When a player is on the move he can press a button that will reveal the image beneath it.
When the player presses another button, the image beneath the second button will be revealed too and a timer fires.
When the timer expires:
1. The buttons will be set to inactive (when a pair is found) and the score of the player will be increased.
a. As long as there are active buttons the player can try another pair.
b. The game is over when no more buttons are in the state active. In this case a Game Over dialog shall show up.
The latter shall show the final scores and allow to quit the game or start over with a new one.
2. In case the buttons do not match up, they will simply be hidden and the other player gets the turn (by setting the
variable activeplayer ).
Implement Step #1: Initialization
Write a function init() that clears and initializes the state structure (see above). This initialization is done once the
New Game button is pressed or when the program starts.
Program Start
The buttonstate[] , attempt[] and scores[] variables shall be initialized.
New Game Button
Pressing the New Game button will start a new game.
Option 1: Memory Game against the computer
The buttonpair[] array needs to be initialized first. To do so, for example, pick two random numbers in the range
[0,N-1] - let’s say 42 and 24 ( buttonpair[24] := 42 , buttonpair[42] := 24 ). Now, again pick two random
numbers in the same range excluding all values picked before. Similarly, initialize the respective buttonpair[]
indices - repeat this until the entire array is filled.
Once, all elements are initialized the active player shall be set to the player using the activeplayer variable.
Implementation Step #2: The Game Play
Now implement the game play by writing a player() , a computer() and a check() function. Possible code
sequences are sketched below:
PSTART: read num1 <- in the range [0,N-1]
check button[num1] == active
if NO
update the state.attempt
read num2 <- in the range [0,N-1]
if num2 == num1
check button[num2] == active
if NO
update the state.attempt
invoke: query = check()
if (query == match)
increase player score
if there is still an active button
output state.scores
END program
clear state.attempt
CSTART: get two random numbers in range [0,N-1]
update the state.attempt
invoke: query = check()
if (query == match)
increase computer score
if there is still an active button
output state.scores
END program
clear state.attempt
Option 1: Memory Game against the computer
check if state.attempt matches buttonpair
if YES
return match
return no match
The above computer() program logic is trivial and and doesn’t remember old tries. Furthermore,
the approach doesn’t implement any sort of strategy. You are free to add these …
Implementation Step #3: Development of the Graphical UserInterface
As a next step implement the graphical user interface (GUI) code for the game play using Gtk4. To do so start off with
small demo programs.
Checkout the example code in the program gtk4-demo available on your Linux computer - if not
you’ll need to install it.
A program to implement the code for a headerbar.
A program to implement the sidebar that loads images and/or labels.
A program to play with some button states.
A program that implements a custom dialog.
Once, these smaller programs are working integrate them to a GUI program as outlined above.
You may download some free icons from the internet or, for example, make use of some flag icons
found here.
Implementation Step #4: Integrate the Game Play and the GUI
Now add and modify the functions init() , player() , computer() and check() to be used from within the
callback functions of the buttons and integrate them with the GUI code.
Note, you will need to add some functionalities, e.g. an indication whether the player or the computer is active. This
can be done, e.g., by toggling between colored and grayed avatar images depending on the state.activeplayer
Finally, test and optimize your code.
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