Fundamentals of Programming
Mini Project
1 Instructions
• Form a group of 3 to 4 students per team.
• Include your team members’ Names and Student ID as comments in
the program.
• Include in the report a list of responsibilities and tasks of each team
member in the peer review evaluation form.
• Submit the deliverables to Blackboard before the deadline, otherwise
late penalties will apply.
• The group assignment will contribute to your overall coursework marks.
2 Deliverables
Your team is required to submit the following items:
• Written report
• Peer review evaluation form
• Source code
• Video recording of a presentation (5–10 minutes at resolution between
480–720 px in mp4, mkv, or mov format)
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2.1 Written Report
Submit a written report in English, between 1000 to 2000 words, which
contains the following items:
• Introduction
• Discussion on the program, code design, and software testing
• Conclusion
• Appendix
– Flowcharts
– Pseudocode
– Source code
2.2 Source Code
Submit the source code in files with the suitable file extensions.
2.3 Marking Scheme
• Written report, presentation, and peer review evaluation form = 10%
• Source code = 10%
Academic Misconduct Notice
PSB Academy takes cases of academic misconduct involving plagiarism and
cheating very seriously. Plagiarism is taking work made by someone else as
your own. Academic cheating is subverting the coursework or examination
process for your own benefit.
Students are required to conduct themselves honourably in their academic
work. Any evidence of plagiarism will be penalised, which is not limited to
the student receiving a failing grade. Refer to the latest Student Handbook
regarding the issue of Academic Misconduct.
3 Problem
In this assignment, your team is required to develop a basic Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software program using C language. The CRM
program should have the following features:
1. Contact Management
2. Sales Data
3. Sales Analytics
4. Sales Reports
• The user interface (UI) for the program can be text-based. Graphics is
not required.
• The Contact Management feature should allow the CRM user to
enter and store the customer’s information in an external text file. The
recommended layout of the customers’ contact information is given
1. Customer ID
2. Customer name
3. Customer telephone number
4. Customer email address
• The Sales Data feature should allow the CRM user to write data to an
external text file with the following data categories in the format below.
Note, total sales = sales quantity × sales price. The recommended
layout of the customers’ sales information is given below.
1. Customer ID
2. Salesperson name
3. Sales item
4. Year of sale
5. Month of sale
6. Sales quantity of item
7. Sales price of item
8. Total sales of item
• The Sales Analytics feature should allow the CRM user to analyse
the sales data with two data categories (quantity, price, total sales)
at a time using any suitable statistical data analysis methods, such
as linear regression, quadratic regression, and many more. There is a
need to analyse the performance of salespersons by their sales data:
quantity of items sold or item price or total sales achieved. When
the CRM program outputs the results from the data analytics, the
CRM program does not have to explain the meaning behind the results.
However, the results presented in the Sales Analytics feature must be
easy to interpret and understand.
Sales analytics on the sales data should be limited to:
– Quantity vs Price
– Quantity vs Total Sales
– Price vs Total Sales
• The Sales Reports feature should allow the CRM user to view the
Sales Analytics results on the terminal screen or text file. Any other
report on different aspects of the sales data may be presented as well.
The design and format is up to your team to decide.
Marking Scheme
Table 1: Marking scheme for written report
No Item Poor Average Good
1 Report contained sections and page numbers 0-1 2-3 4-5
2 Discussion on software design (functions, variables, etc.) 0-5 6-10 11-15
3 Discussion on algorithm applied in software 0-5 6-10 11-15
4 Design documents was provided (pseudocode, flowchart, etc.) 0-2 3-6 7-10
5 All functions were tested with proof of correctness 0-2 3-6 7-10
6 Report written in English with no spelling and grammatical errors 0-2 3-6 7-10
7 Appendices contained supporting materials 0-2 3-6 7-10
8 Peer review evaluation form 0 0 5
9 Presentation (with/without slides included) 0-7 8-15 16-20
Total 100
Table 2: Marking scheme for source code
No Item Poor Average Good
1 Source code compiled without any problems 0-2 3-6 7-10
2 Source code ran without any errors 0-2 3-6 7-10
3 Source code displayed expected result 0-2 3-6 7-10
4 Source code contained suitable comments 0-2 3-6 7-10
5 Important tasks were organised as functions 0-2 3-6 7-10
6 Function calls contained appropriate input and/or output parameters 0-2 3-6 7-10
7 Functions calls were declared from main() 0-2 3-6 7-10
8 Most variables were declared as local variables 0-2 3-6 7-10
9 Appropriate library functions or user-defined functions were used 0-2 3-6 7-10
10 Code stored in multiple source and header files used in project 0-2 3-6 7-10
Total 100
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