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您当前位置:首页 >> C/C++编程C/C++编程

日期:2024-05-01 11:05

Assignment 3 Pet Adoption Center Management System (PACMS)


In this assignment, we will make use of the C++ concepts learned in the lectures:

binary search tree (BST)and hashing to create a database system to manage pets

for adoption. Using this system the user is be able to see the list of different pets

available for adoption, each with several attributes such as species, age, health

condition, vaccination status, special needs, etc. The user can sort and filter the

options based on different criteria, similar to lab 1 exercise.

Code overview

You are provided the following files in the skeleton code:

● adoptionCenter.h/.cpp

● animal.h/.cpp

● bst.h/.cpp

● datatypes.h/.cpp

● randomAnimalGenerator.h/.cpp

● main.cpp/main_test.cpp

This section will give a brief description of the classes, in the order you will need to


IMPORTANT: After reading the overview of classes, please refer to this example to

understand how the adoption center manages 4 different binary search trees at

once, as well as how the BSTs should handle different cases of element


Data Types

The files datatypes.h and datatypes.cpp define data structures that provide a

comprehensive way to represent animal information in the adoption center system.

struct Species {

std::string name;

std::string breed;


struct HealthCondition {

std::string description;

unsigned int severity;


struct VaccinationStatus {

std::string vaccineHashTable[VACCINE_TABLE_SIZE];

unsigned int numVaccines;


void addVaccine(const std::string& v);

bool hasVaccine(const std::string& v) const;

unsigned int getTotalHashValue() const;


These structures represent information about animal species, health conditions, and

vaccination status.

Structure: Species

● This structure defines a way to store information about an animal's species. It

has two members:

○ name: A string containing the animal's species name (e.g., "Cat",


○ breed: A string containing the animal's breed (e.g., "Siamese",

"Labrador Retriever"), or "N/A" if breed is not applicable.

Structure: HealthCondition

● This structure defines a way to represent an animal's health condition. It has

two members:

○ description: A string describing the animal's health condition (e.g.,

"Healthy", "Fair", "Poor").

○ severity: A value between 0 (no severity) and 1000 (most severe)

representing the severity of the health condition.

● A constant NORMAL_HEALTH is defined with a description of "Healthy" and a

severity of 0, used as a default health condition for animals.

Structure: VaccinationStatus

● This structure defines a way to manage an animal's vaccination records. It

has three members:

○ vaccineHashTable[VACCINE_TABLE_SIZE]: An array of strings

with a fixed size (VACCINE_TABLE_SIZE) to store vaccine names

using a hash table approach.

○ numVaccines: An unsigned integer variable keeping track of the

number of vaccines currently stored in the hash table.

● The structure has member functions for managing the hash table:

○ addVaccine(const std::string& v): Adds a new vaccine name

(v) to the vaccination records.

○ hasVaccine(const std::string& v) const: Checks if a

specific vaccine (v) is present in the vaccination records.

○ getTotalHashValue() const: Calculates a value representing the

vaccination record of this animal for comparison.


The files animal.h and animal.cpp define a class representing pets in the system,

allowing for detailed information storage and manipulation.

class Animal {


unsigned int id;

Species species;

unsigned int age;

HealthCondition healthCondition;

VaccinationStatus vaccineStatus;

std::string specialNeeds;



unsigned int id, const Species& s, unsigned int a,

const HealthCondition& h = NORMAL_HEALTH,

const VaccinationStatus& v = VaccinationStatus(),

const std::string& n = ""

): id(id), species(s), age(a), healthCondition(h),

vaccineStatus(v), specialNeeds(n) {}

Animal(const Animal&) = delete;

Animal& operator=(const Animal&) = delete;

unsigned int getID() const { return id; }

std::string getSpecies() const { return species.name +

" (" + species.breed + ")"; }

unsigned int getAge() const { return age; }

const HealthCondition& getHealthCondition() const {

return healthCondition; }

const VaccinationStatus& getVaccinationStatus() const

{ return vaccineStatus; }

std::string getSpecialNeeds() const { return

specialNeeds; }

void incrementAge() { ++age; }

void setHealthCondition(const HealthCondition& h) {

healthCondition = h; }

void setSpecialNeeds(const std::string& n) {

specialNeeds = n; }

void addVaccine(const std::string& v) {

vaccineStatus.addVaccine(v); }

void display(unsigned int& ignoreCount, unsigned int&

displayCount) const;


The class Animal represents an animal in the adoption center system. It stores

information about the animal and provides methods to access and modify its data. It

has already been fully implemented for you.

Member Variables (Private)

● id: An unsigned integer variable that holds a unique identifier for the animal.

● species: An object of type Species that stores information about the animal's

species, including breed.

● age: An unsigned integer variable that keeps track of the animal's age.

● healthCondition: An object of type HealthCondition that represents the

animal's current health status.

● vaccineStatus: An object of type VaccinationStatus that stores the animal's

vaccination records.

● specialNeeds: A string variable that can hold information about any special

needs the animal might have.

Constructor (Public)

The Animal class has a single constructor that initializes an animal object with the

following properties:

● id: The unique identifier for the animal (required).

● species: A const reference to a Species object specifying the animal's

species and breed (required).

● age: The animal's age (required).

● healthCondition: The animal's initial health condition (optional, defaults to

NORMAL_HEALTH if not provided).

● vaccineStatus: The animal's initial vaccination status (optional, defaults to

an empty VaccinationStatus object if not provided).

● specialNeeds: Any special needs of the animal (optional, defaults to an

empty string if not provided).

Additionally, the copy constructor and assignment operator are deleted, prohibiting

the creation of Animal copy objects.

Member Functions (Public)

The Animal class provides various functions to access and modify the animal's


● get[...]() const: Accessor functions to retrieve the animal's data.

● incrementAge(): This function increments the animal's age by one.

● setHealthCondition(const HealthCondition& h): This function

allows updating the animal's health condition with a new HealthCondition


● setSpecialNeeds(const std::string& n): This function allows

setting any special needs for the animal as a string.

● addVaccine(const std::string& v): This function adds a new vaccine

(represented by a string v) to the animal's vaccination records stored in the

VaccinationStatus object.

● display(unsigned int& ignoreCount, unsigned int&

displayCount) const: A provided function for displaying an Animal.

Parameters are used to show the animals in different pages.

○ ignoreCount: If this value is non-zero, decrement it without printing

the Animal.

○ displayCount: If this value is zero, do nothing. Otherwise, print the

Animal and decrement it.

Binary Search Tree (BST)

The files bst.h and bst.cpp defines data structures and provide the foundation for

organizing and managing animal data in the adoption center system.

Since the adoption system should eventually be able to sort and display the pets

using different criteria, we would like to use Binary Search Tree (BST) data structure

to support the sorting algorithm. This BST is implemented in a similar way to the

lecture notes version, with one important change: The value data type T is replaced

with a linked-list of Animal pointers. This allows two important things:

● The BST can support storing multiple values with the same sorting criteria

(e.g. animals with the same age).

● We can have multiple BSTs pointing to the same Animal objects, differing only

in the sorting order of the animals.

The following section describes each data type required to implement the BST:

Structure: Filter

struct Filter {

std::string speciesFilter {""};

std::string healthFilter {""};

std::string vaccineFilter[VACCINE_TABLE_SIZE] {};

bool match(const Animal& a) const;


● This structure defines a filter object used to narrow down the search for

animals. It contains three members:

○ speciesFilter: A string of terms the animals' species name may

contain (e.g., searching for "dog" should match all animals with species

name "Dog").

○ healthFilter: A similar search term as above, for the health

condition description.

○ vaccineFilter: An array of vaccine names that the animals should

contain. By default all entries are empty strings.

● The struct contains one member function match() that returns true if the

Animal parameter matches with the filter values. For example, consider an

Animal with species name "Cat (British Shorthair)", age 20, health condition

"Very poor", having taken 3 vaccines: "FPV", "FCV", "FIP". A Filter with the

values speciesFilter = "cat short", healthFilter = "Poor",

and vaccineFilter = {"FCV", "FPV"} will return true for the animal


Structure: AnimalLLnode (Linked List Node)

struct AnimalLLnode {

const Animal* animal;

AnimalLLnode* next;

AnimalLLnode(const Animal* a, AnimalLLnode* next =

nullptr): animal(a), next(next) {}

~AnimalLLnode() = default;

void print(unsigned int& ignoreCount, unsigned int&

displayCount, const Filter& filter) const;


● This structure defines a node for a linked list. It stores:

○ animal: A pointer to a constant Animal object.

○ next: A pointer to the next node in the linked list. If there are no more

nodes, this points to nullptr.

● The destructor of this struct is default, since we do not want to delete the

Animal object in this struct (similar to lab 3).

● The struct contains one member function print() for printing all animals in

this linked list, if they match with the provided Filter.

Structure: BSTnode (Binary Search Tree Node)

struct BSTnode {

AnimalLLnode* head;

BST left;

BST right;

BSTnode(const Animal* a, const AnimalComparator c) :

head(new AnimalLLnode(a, nullptr)), left(c), right(c) { }

BSTnode(const BSTnode&) = delete;

BSTnode& operator=(const BSTnode&) = delete;


void addAnimal(const Animal* a);

void removeAnimal(const Animal* a);


● This structure defines a node in a Binary Search Tree (BST). It stores:

○ head: A pointer to an AnimalLLnode, the head of a linked list

containing animals with the same sorting criteria.

○ left: A BST object representing the left subtree.

○ right: A BST object representing the right subtree.

● Similar to Animal, the copy constructor and assignment operator are deleted

to disable copying.

● The destructor will need to perform deallocation of all nodes in the linked list.

● addAnimal(const Animal* a) and removeAnimal(const Animal*

a) are member functions to add or remove Animals in the linked list.


typedef int (*AnimalComparator)(const Animal*, const Animal*);

This is a function pointer type. An object of type AnimalComparator is actually a

function that has 2 parameters of type const Animal*, and returns an int

representing comparison between 2 animals.

Class: BST (Binary Search Tree)

class BST {


BSTnode* root;

const AnimalComparator comparator;

BSTnode*& findMinNode();


BST(const AnimalComparator comparator): root(nullptr),

comparator(comparator) {}


bool isEmpty() const { return root == nullptr; }

void insert(const Animal*);

void remove(const Animal*);

void print(unsigned int& ignoreCount, unsigned int&

displayCount, const Filter& filter) const;


● This class represents a BST used to store and manage Animal objects. It has

3 private data members and member functions:

○ root: A pointer to the root node of the BST.

○ comparator: A function pointer to the AnimalComparator function for

comparing animals.

○ findMinNode(): Returns a pointer reference to the BSTnode with the

minimum value.

● It also has public member functions for various BST operations:

○ isEmpty(): Checks if the BST is empty.

○ insert(const Animal*): Inserts a new animal object into the BST.

○ remove(const Animal*): Removes an animal object from the BST.

○ A print() function similar to AnimalLLnode for displaying animals in


Adoption Center

The files adoptionCenter.h and adoptionCenter.cpp define and offers a structured

approach to managing animals in an adoption center.

enum SortCriteria {





ID // equals to number of criterias


class AdoptionCenter {


Animal** animals;

unsigned int numAnimals;

BST sortedAnimals[ID];



AdoptionCenter(const AdoptionCenter&) = delete;

AdoptionCenter& operator=(const AdoptionCenter&) =



void addAnimal(Animal* a);

bool removeAnimal(unsigned int id);

void incrementAge();

void setAnimalHealthCondition(unsigned int id, const

HealthCondition& h);

void addAnimalVaccine(unsigned int id, const

std::string& v);

void setAnimalSpecialNeeds(unsigned int id, const

std::string& n);

void display(unsigned int start, unsigned int stop,

const Filter& filter, SortCriteria criteria = ID) const;

void displayPetVaccines(unsigned int id) const;


This code defines a class named AdoptionCenter that manages the operations of an

animal adoption center. An additional enum is defined representing the different

sorting criterias of the animals.

Enumeration: SortCriteria

● This enumeration defines constants representing different criteria for sorting

animals. These include:

○ NAME: Sort by animal's species name (including breed).

○ AGE: Sort by animal's age.

○ HEALTH: Sort by animal's health condition.

○ VACCINE: Sort by animal's vaccination status.

○ ID: Sort by animal's unique identifier. Also used as the number of

sorting criterias (other than ID).

Member Variables (Private)

● animals: A dynamic-length array of dynamic Animal objects.

● numAnimals: An unsigned integer variable that keeps track of the number of

animals currently in the center.

● sortedAnimals[ID]: An array of BST (Binary Search Tree) objects, one for

each unique SortCriteria (except ID). Each BST should be initialized with the

comparison function corresponding to its sorting criteria. They contain

pointers to the Animals stored in the dynamic array.

Constructors and Destructor (Public)

● AdoptionCenter(): Default constructor, used to initialize an

AdoptionCenter object with default values.

● ~AdoptionCenter(): Destructor, used to clean up any memory allocated by

the AdoptionCenter object when it goes out of scope.

● Copy constructor and assignment operator are deleted to prevent copying.

Member Functions (Public)

The AdoptionCenter class provides several functions to manage the animals and

display information about them.

● addAnimal(Animal* a): Add a new animal (pointed to by a) to the center's

collection. It updates animals and numAnimals, as well as all BSTs,


● removeAnimal(unsigned int id): Remove an animal from the center

based on its ID. It returns a boolean value indicating success (true) or failure

(false) to remove the animal. Data members are also updated accordingly.

● incrementAge(): Increment the age of all animals in the center by one unit

(day, month, year - depending on the implementation).

● setAnimalHealthCondition(unsigned int id, const

HealthCondition& h): Set the health condition of a specific animal

(identified by ID) based on a HealthCondition object.

● addAnimalVaccine(unsigned int id, const std::string& v):

Add a new vaccine (represented by a string v) to the medical history of a

specific animal (identified by ID).

● setAnimalSpecialNeeds(unsigned int id, const std::string&

n): Set any special needs of a specific animal (identified by ID) as a string (n).

● display(unsigned int start, unsigned int stop, const

Filter& filter, SortCriteria criteria = ID) const: Display

information about animals in the center. It takes several parameters:

○ start, stop: Indices of animals to display, in order to show animals in


○ filter: A reference to a Filter object that allows filtering animals

based on certain search terms.

○ criteria: An optional parameter specifying the criteria to sort the

animals by before displaying them. The default sorting criteria is animal


● For criterias other than ID, the function utilizes the BSTs to efficiently traverse

and display animals based on the provided sorting criteria.

● displayPetVaccines(unsigned int id) const: Display the full

information about an animal's vaccine history.


These files are provided for you to simulate adding several animals to the system.

The random number generator is seeded to ensure consistent output between runs,

both on your machine and on ZINC.


The main code used in the sample program. To compile with this file, run make in the

terminal, which will generate PA3.exe. You can play with it and compare the

behaviour with the sample program.


Similar to PA1 and PA2, the testing program is provided. Run make test in the

terminal, which will generate PA3_test.exe, execute the program and type a number

from 1 to 50 to run the test case and compare with the output files.

End of Code overview


Task 1: Datatypes

In this part, you will implement the member functions of VaccinationStatus in


Task 1.1:


Default VaccinationStatus constructor, which should initialize the

vaccineHashTable array to all empty strings, and numVaccines to 0.

Task 1.2:

void VaccinationStatus::addVaccine(const string& v)

Add a vaccine to the hash table, following the quadratic probing open addressing


● If the table is not at least half empty, output error message and return.

● Else, calculate the input string's equivalent key: k = sumStringChars(v),

where sumStringCharsis a provided helper function.

● Probe into the hash table using key k, hash function hash(k) = k %

VACCINE_TABLE_SIZE, and the quadratic probing formula.

○ If the same string as v is found, output error message and return, as

the hash table does not support duplicate values.

○ Else, if an empty string is found, set it to v and return.

Task 1.3:

bool VaccinationStatus::hasVaccine(const string& v) const

Check if vaccine v is stored in the hash table. Follow the same steps as above to

probe into the hash table, and return true if the string exists in the table.

Task 2: BST Helper Structs

In this part, you will implement the Filter, AnimalLLnode and BSTnode structs in

bst.cpp, which will be needed when implementing the BST in task 3.

Task 2.1:

bool Filter::match(const Animal& a) const

Return true if the Animal a matches with the filter strings:

● The string representing the animal's species (e.g. "Cat (British Shorthair)")

contains any of the words in speciesFilter. You may use the provided

helper function containAnyWords.

● The string describing the animal's health condition (e.g. "Healthy") contains

any of the words in healthFilter.

● The animal's vaccination record contains all of the vaccines in

vaccineFilter. The array contains some strings representing the vaccines

to filter, while the remaining entries are empty strings.

Task 2.2:

void AnimalLLnode::print(unsigned int& ignoreCount, unsigned

int& displayCount, const Filter& filter) const

Print the whole linked list of Animals (that matches the print counts and the filter),

starting from the current node as the head. You need to implement this function such

that the list of animals is printed in increasing ID order (Hint: task 2.4 should ensure

the linked list is in decreasing ID order).

Task 2.3:


Deallocate the linked list in the BSTnode.

Task 2.4:

void BSTnode::addAnimal(const Animal* a)

Add an Animal to the current linked list, such that the sequence of animals is in

decreasing ID order. In other words, the ID of node is larger than the ID of


Task 2.5:

void BSTnode::removeAnimal(const Animal* a)

Remove an Animal from the current linked list.

● If the animal is not found, do nothing.

● If the linked list is empty after removing, head should be set to nullptr.

Task 3: BST

In this part, you will implement the member functions of BST in bst.cpp. As

mentioned, this class is implemented similar to the lecture notes example, with 2 key


● The value data is replaced with a linked list of Animals. This means we cannot

simply "assign" or "copy" pointer values between nodes, especially during

item removal, and you need to ensure there is no runtime errors such as

memory leak, double deletion or accessing memory that was already deleted.

● Comparison between Animals is done using the comparator data member.

This is a function that compares two Animals (via their pointers), a and b, and

returns an int value:

○ The return value is negative if a < b.

○ The return value equals 0 if a == b.

○ The return value is positive if a > b.

Task 3.1:


Deallocate dynamic memory in the BST.

Task 3.2:

BSTnode*& BST::findMinNode()

Return a reference to the BSTnode* pointing to the node with the lowest value. This

is similar to the lecture notes example's find_min() function, but the return value

is the node itself.

Note: This function is optional and will not be tested. However, it is recommended

that you implement this function to be used in task 3.4. Alternatively, you are free to

implement task 3.4 without using this function.

Task 3.3:

void BST::insert(const Animal* a)

Insert an animal to the BST. Note that unlike the lecture notes example, if a node

with the "same" value already exists, this animal should be added to its linked list.

Task 3.4:

void BST::remove(const Animal* a)

Remove an animal from the BST. The steps are similar to the lecture notes with a

few differences:

● If the node with the "same" value is found, remove it from the linked list.

● If the linked list becomes empty, the BSTnode needs to be removed from the

BST. This means:

○ If this node has 2 children, "move" the linked list from the

minimum-value node of the right BST to the current node, and remove

the old minimum-value node from the right BST.

○ Else, remove and deallocate this node similar to the lecture example.

Task 3.5:

void BST::print(unsigned int& ignoreCount, unsigned int&

displayCount, const Filter& filter) const

Print all animals in the BST (that matches the print counts and the filter) in increasing

"value" order.

Task 4: AdoptionCenter

For the final part, you will implement the class AdoptionCenter in


Task 4.1:


Initialize an empty AdoptionCenter with no animals. More specifically:

● Set animals to nullptr.

● Set numAnimals to 0.

● Initialize the sortedAnimals BSTs, which require a parameter of type

AnimalComparator. This can be achieved by supplying a lambda function

with the correct parameters and return value.

The sorting method for each BST:

● NAME: Sort by species name, in increasing lexicographic order. For example,

"Bird" is before "Cat".

● AGE: Sort by age, in increasing order.

● HEALTH: Sort by health condition severity, in increasing order.

● VACCINE: Sort by vaccine status total hash value, in increasing order.

Task 4.2:


Deallocate dynamic memory in the AdoptionCenter.

Task 4.3:

void AdoptionCenter::addAnimal(Animal* a)

Add an animal to the dynamic array by increasing the array size by 1, assign the new

Animal to the end of the array, and increment numAnimals accordingly. Then, add

the animal to all of the BSTs.

Task 4.4:

bool AdoptionCenter::removeAnimal(unsigned int id)

Remove the animal with the specified ID from the AdoptionCenter.

● If the ID does not exist, the function should do nothing.

● Otherwise, if the animal with the specified ID is found:

○ Remove it from the dynamic array. Reduce the dynamic array size by 1

and decrement numAnimals accordingly.

○ Remove it from all of the BSTs.

○ Deallocate the Animal object.

Finally, return true if an animal was successfully removed from the AdoptionCenter.

Task 4.5:

void AdoptionCenter::incrementAge()

Increment the age of all existing Animals by 1.

Note: The BST sorted by age does not need to be re-sorted.

Task 4.6:

void AdoptionCenter::setAnimalHealthCondition(unsigned int id,

const HealthCondition& h)

Find the animal with the specified ID and set its HealthCondition accordingly.

● If the ID does not exist, do nothing.

● Else, make sure the BST sorted by health severity remains sorted.

Task 4.7:

void AdoptionCenter::addAnimalVaccine(unsigned int id, const

string& v)

Add a vaccine to the animal with the specified ID. This is implemented in a similar

way to the above function.

Task 4.8:

void AdoptionCenter::setAnimalSpecialNeeds(unsigned int id,

const std::string& n)

Modify the special needs of the animal with the specified ID. This is implemented in a

similar way to the above function, but there is no need to modify any BSTs.

End of Tasks

Compile & Test


Compile the main program by running make. The main program is a simulation of the

user interface of the adoption system, where the user can view, sort, filter available

animals. There are also admin options to modify the list of animals. The available

options are briefly described in the program prompt:

1. View available pets. Pets are displayed in pages.

1. Information displayed for each pet: ID, Species (Breed), Age, Health

condition, Number of vaccines taken (Total hash value), Special needs.

2. While in the display menu, type < or > to move between pages. Type

any other character to exit.

2. Change the current filter (default: no filter).

1. The user may select the option to enter a string used for filtering

species name or health description.

2. The user may also add or remove vaccine names from the filter's

vaccine list.

3. Change the sorting order (default: ID).

4. Change the number of animals displayed per page (default: 20)

5. Display the full list of vaccines an animal has taken by providing its ID.

6. Admin options:

1. Add an animal to the database. The admin user types the information

of the animal as prompted.

2. Remove an animal from the database by providing its ID.

3. Increment the age of all animals.

4. Change an animal's health condition (description and severity).

5. Add a vaccine to an animal.

6. Change an animal's special needs description.

Note: If you type the wrong input type (e.g. the program expects an int, but a string

was entered instead), the program may encounter infinite loop. This is not relevant to

the tasks, you just need to pay attention when typing the input.

Example output:

Welcome to the Pet Adoption Center Management System.

Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = None; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: ID)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 20)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



0 Bird (Budgerigar) 14 Healthy 0 (0 )

1 Cat (Persian) 19 Fair 0 (0 )

2 Cat (British Shorthair) 29 Healthy 3 (3735 )

4 Bird (Green-Cheeked Conure) 19 Healthy 1 (880 )

5 Rabbit (N/A) 14 Healthy 1 (1128 )

6 Reptiles (Ball Python) 9 Very poor 0 (0 )

7 Rabbit (Flemish Giant) 13 Healthy 4 (25348)

9 Rabbit (N/A) 20 Poor 5 (28400)

10 Reptiles (King Snakes) 7 Healthy 3 (9825 )

11 Reptiles (Crested Gecko) 13 Healthy 3 (12756)

12 Dog (Daschund) 2 Healthy 2 (5160 )

14 Reptiles (King Snakes) 19 Very poor 0 (0 )

15 Cat (Maine Coon) 9 Healthy 1 (598 )

16 Reptiles (King Snakes) 8 Healthy 0 (0 )

17 Bird (Cockatiel) 18 Poor 3 (7722 )

19 Reptiles (Corn Snakes) 14 Healthy 2 (4432 )

20 Cat (N/A) 25 Healthy 3 (3462 )

21 Reptiles (Corn Snakes) 15 Healthy 0 (0 )

22 Rabbit (Dwarf Hotot) 19 Healthy 3 (4959 )

24 Bird (Parrotlet) 29 Very poor 0 (0 )



Page 1

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



25 Cat (Siamese) 22 Healthy 1 (223 )

26 Reptiles (Leopard Gecko) 28 Healthy 2 (4460 )

27 Bird (Cockatiel) 4 Healthy 1 (1384 )

29 Rabbit (Dwarf Hotot) 22 Healthy 1 (1287 )

30 Rabbit (Rex) 9 Healthy 4 (16520)

31 Rabbit (Flemish Giant) 2 Healthy 0 (0 )

32 Cat (Siamese) 19 Bad 5 (14295)

34 Bird (N/A) 10 Healthy 3 (10719)

35 Reptiles (Crested Gecko) 10 Healthy 0 (0 ) Ear cleaning (infected)

36 Dog (Golden Retriever) 25 Very poor 3 (12975)

37 Cat (British Shorthair) 29 Healthy 3 (3147 )

39 Bird (Canary Finch) 0 Healthy 4 (15000)

40 Dog (Bulldog) 4 Healthy 4 (21468)

41 Bird (Hahn's Macaw) 17 Healthy 0 (0 ) Wound cleaning

42 Cat (Maine Coon) 20 Critical 3 (7167 )

44 Bird (Hahn's Macaw) 27 Poor 2 (5282 )

45 Dog (Bulldog) 18 Healthy 4 (19780)

46 Rabbit (English Lop) 23 Poor 4 (16288)

47 Reptiles (Hamster) 4 Critical 3 (16623)

49 Dog (Beagle) 9 Healthy 2 (6250 )



Page 2

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



50 Reptiles (Ball Python) 19 Healthy 0 (0 )

51 Dog (German Shepherd Dog) 6 Healthy 4 (16736)

52 Reptiles (Guinea pig) 18 Healthy 1 (1032 )

54 Bird (Green-Cheeked Conure) 9 Healthy 3 (9069 )

55 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 16 Healthy 1 (2030 )

56 Rabbit (N/A) 28 Healthy 1 (1287 )

57 Rabbit (Dutch) 28 Healthy 0 (0 )

59 Dog (Bulldog) 3 Healthy 2 (1822 )

60 Rabbit (English Angora) 28 Healthy 2 (4172 ) Antibacterial medicine

61 Bird (Cockatoo) 12 Healthy 0 (0 ) Ear cleaning (infected)

62 Cat (Siamese) 10 Healthy 5 (19615)

64 Cat (Maine Coon) 7 Healthy 4 (7008 )

65 Dog (Bulldog) 14 Healthy 4 (19996)

66 Cat (Ragdoll) 24 Healthy 4 (17852)

67 Reptiles (Guinea pig) 7 Healthy 0 (0 )

69 Dog (German Shepherd Dog) 0 Healthy 0 (0 )

70 Rabbit (Dutch) 8 Healthy 4 (23424) Hand feeding

71 Reptiles (Crested Gecko) 2 Healthy 2 (2810 )

72 Cat (Ragdoll) 8 Bad 0 (0 ) Antibacterial medicine

74 Reptiles (Crested Gecko) 20 Healthy 0 (0 )



Page 3

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = None; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: ID)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 20)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: )

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: )

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Enter filter string:


Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: Cat)

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: )

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Current vaccines in filter:

Enter vaccine name:


Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: Cat)

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: )

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = Cat; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: FPV)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: ID)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 20)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Choose criteria to sort the pets:

0: Species Name

1: Age

2: Health Condition

3: Vaccination Status

4: ID


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = Cat; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: FPV)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Age)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 20)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



697 Cat (Persian) 0 Critical 5 (11935)

156 Cat (Scottish Fold) 1 Healthy 5 (14305)

234 Cat (Siamese) 3 Very poor 5 (19130)

190 Cat (Siamese) 6 Healthy 5 (19130)

64 Cat (Maine Coon) 7 Healthy 4 (7008 )

598 Cat (Scottish Fold) 7 Healthy 2 (918 )

602 Cat (Siamese) 7 Healthy 4 (13352)

441 Cat (N/A) 8 Healthy 5 (9875 )

359 Cat (British Shorthair) 9 Healthy 5 (13780) Hand feeding

332 Cat (N/A) 10 Healthy 4 (10496)

459 Cat (Persian) 11 Healthy 3 (3462 )

675 Cat (British Shorthair) 11 Healthy 5 (8575 )

111 Cat (British Shorthair) 15 Healthy 4 (5580 )

678 Cat (British Shorthair) 17 Healthy 5 (5695 )

352 Cat (Siamese) 18 Fair 5 (20130)

481 Cat (Bengal) 18 Healthy 5 (12485)

516 Cat (Siamese) 19 Healthy 5 (13785) Wound cleaning

582 Cat (Siamese) 20 Healthy 5 (25365)

523 Cat (Siamese) 22 Very poor 2 (918 )

91 Cat (Ragdoll) 23 Healthy 3 (3189 )



Page 1

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



526 Cat (British Shorthair) 24 Healthy 2 (5552 )

20 Cat (N/A) 25 Healthy 3 (3462 )

157 Cat (Bengal) 25 Healthy 5 (17805)

519 Cat (Scottish Fold) 25 Healthy 4 (10136)

245 Cat (Persian) 26 Healthy 4 (8636 )



Page 2

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = Cat; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: FPV)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Age)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 20)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Enter animal ID to query:



Bordetella bronchiseptica




Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = Cat; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: FPV)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Age)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 20)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: Cat)

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: )

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Enter filter string:


Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: dog)

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: )

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Enter filter string:


Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: dog)

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: Healthy)

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Current vaccines in filter:


Enter vaccine name:


Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: dog)

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: Healthy)

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = dog; Health Condition = Healthy; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Age)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 20)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Choose criteria to sort the pets:

0: Species Name

1: Age

2: Health Condition

3: Vaccination Status

4: ID


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = dog; Health Condition = Healthy; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Species Name)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 20)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Enter number of pets to display:


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = dog; Health Condition = Healthy; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Species Name)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 15)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



49 Dog (Beagle) 9 Healthy 2 (6250 )

76 Dog (Beagle) 22 Healthy 3 (16038) Wound cleaning

85 Dog (Beagle) 10 Healthy 3 (9906 )

159 Dog (Beagle) 7 Healthy 0 (0 )

216 Dog (Beagle) 17 Healthy 5 (37730)

297 Dog (Beagle) 28 Healthy 2 (5408 )

372 Dog (Beagle) 7 Healthy 4 (29144)

439 Dog (Beagle) 20 Healthy 2 (4484 )

452 Dog (Beagle) 2 Healthy 2 (7090 )

469 Dog (Beagle) 25 Healthy 2 (7348 )

621 Dog (Beagle) 7 Healthy 3 (10758)

691 Dog (Beagle) 24 Healthy 4 (27600)

40 Dog (Bulldog) 4 Healthy 4 (21468)

45 Dog (Bulldog) 18 Healthy 4 (19780)

59 Dog (Bulldog) 3 Healthy 2 (1822 )



Page 1

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



65 Dog (Bulldog) 14 Healthy 4 (19996)

139 Dog (Bulldog) 25 Healthy 0 (0 )

187 Dog (Bulldog) 15 Healthy 1 (1141 )

196 Dog (Bulldog) 1 Healthy 0 (0 )

360 Dog (Bulldog) 16 Healthy 3 (14754)

401 Dog (Bulldog) 18 Healthy 4 (15412)

576 Dog (Bulldog) 13 Healthy 4 (23552)

637 Dog (Bulldog) 3 Healthy 0 (0 )

651 Dog (Bulldog) 8 Healthy 0 (0 )

12 Dog (Daschund) 2 Healthy 2 (5160 )

601 Dog (Daschund) 3 Healthy 2 (4320 )

611 Dog (Daschund) 20 Healthy 0 (0 )

690 Dog (Daschund) 21 Healthy 4 (22420)

90 Dog (French Bulldog) 2 Healthy 3 (16482)

144 Dog (French Bulldog) 0 Healthy 4 (24368) Hand feeding



Page 2

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = dog; Health Condition = Healthy; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Species Name)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 15)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Admin panel:

1. Add animal

2. Remove animal

3. Increment all animals' ages

4. Change animal's health condition

5. Add vaccine to animal

6. Change animal's special needs

7. Exit


Enter animal species name:


Enter animal breed:


Enter animal age:


Enter animal's health severity (an int value from 0 [normal] to 1000 [bad]):


Enter animal's health condition description:


Enter animal's taken vaccines, one by one (press Enter to finish):


Enter animal's special needs, if any:

Admin panel:

1. Add animal

2. Remove animal

3. Increment all animals' ages

4. Change animal's health condition

5. Add vaccine to animal

6. Change animal's special needs

7. Exit


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = dog; Health Condition = Healthy; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Species Name)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 15)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: dog)

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: Healthy)

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Enter filter string:


Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: us)

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: Healthy)

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Enter filter string:

Filter settings:

1. Set species search terms (current filter: us)

2. Set health condition search terms (current filter: )

3. Add vaccine to filter

4. Remove vaccine from filter

5. Exit


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = us; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Species Name)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 15)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Choose criteria to sort the pets:

0: Species Name

1: Age

2: Health Condition

3: Vaccination Status

4: ID


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = us; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Health Condition)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 15)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



55 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 16 Healthy 1 (2030 )

104 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 15 Healthy 5 (35110) Eye cleaning (infected)

109 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 10 Healthy 1 (1174 )

122 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 19 Healthy 1 (1418 )

136 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 18 Healthy 3 (10389) Ear cleaning (infected)

175 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 0 Healthy 1 (2022 )

176 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 5 Healthy 0 (0 )

195 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 4 Healthy 0 (0 )

209 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 19 Healthy 4 (25188)

212 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 13 Healthy 2 (7186 )

261 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 18 Healthy 4 (27888)

277 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 2 Healthy 5 (39460)

280 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 13 Healthy 5 (31445)

301 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 5 Healthy 3 (9063 )

407 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 9 Healthy 5 (34195)



Page 1

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



415 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 10 Healthy 0 (0 )

434 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 21 Healthy 0 (0 )

440 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 3 Healthy 4 (26452)

444 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 4 Healthy 4 (20328)

455 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 9 Healthy 4 (18720)

460 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 8 Healthy 0 (0 )

471 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 26 Healthy 1 (1056 )

492 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 16 Healthy 2 (4480 )

502 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 28 Healthy 1 (1384 )

524 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 6 Healthy 0 (0 )

534 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 2 Healthy 3 (13392)

574 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 6 Healthy 4 (17336)

591 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 19 Healthy 1 (1412 )

624 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 20 Healthy 4 (17236)

635 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 12 Healthy 2 (5096 )



Page 2

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



642 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 23 Healthy 3 (11961)

700 Mouse (N/A) 3 Fever 1 (880 )

679 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 11 Fair 0 (0 )

274 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 18 Poor 4 (20788)

666 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 4 Poor 0 (0 )



Page 3

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = us; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Health Condition)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 15)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


Admin panel:

1. Add animal

2. Remove animal

3. Increment all animals' ages

4. Change animal's health condition

5. Add vaccine to animal

6. Change animal's special needs

7. Exit


Admin panel:

1. Add animal

2. Remove animal

3. Increment all animals' ages

4. Change animal's health condition

5. Add vaccine to animal

6. Change animal's special needs

7. Exit


Enter animal ID to modify:


Enter animal's health severity (an int value from 0 [normal] to 1000 [bad]):


Admin panel:

1. Add animal

2. Remove animal

3. Increment all animals' ages

4. Change animal's health condition

5. Add vaccine to animal

6. Change animal's special needs

7. Exit


Enter animal ID to modify:


Enter vaccine name:


Admin panel:

1. Add animal

2. Remove animal

3. Increment all animals' ages

4. Change animal's health condition

5. Add vaccine to animal

6. Change animal's special needs

7. Exit


Enter animal ID to modify:


Enter vaccine name:


Admin panel:

1. Add animal

2. Remove animal

3. Increment all animals' ages

4. Change animal's health condition

5. Add vaccine to animal

6. Change animal's special needs

7. Exit


Enter animal ID to modify:


Enter new special needs description:


Admin panel:

1. Add animal

2. Remove animal

3. Increment all animals' ages

4. Change animal's health condition

5. Add vaccine to animal

6. Change animal's special needs

7. Exit


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = us; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Health Condition)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 15)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



55 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 17 Healthy 1 (2030 )

104 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 16 Healthy 5 (35110) Eye cleaning (infected)

109 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 11 Healthy 1 (1174 )

122 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 20 Healthy 1 (1418 )

136 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 19 Healthy 3 (10389) Ear cleaning (infected)

175 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 1 Healthy 1 (2022 )

176 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 6 Healthy 0 (0 )

195 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 5 Healthy 0 (0 )

209 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 20 Healthy 4 (25188)

212 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 14 Healthy 2 (7186 )

261 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 19 Healthy 4 (27888)

277 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 3 Healthy 5 (39460)

280 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 14 Healthy 5 (31445)

301 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 6 Healthy 3 (9063 )

407 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 10 Healthy 5 (34195)



Page 1

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



415 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 11 Healthy 0 (0 )

434 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 22 Healthy 0 (0 )

440 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 4 Healthy 4 (26452)

444 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 5 Healthy 4 (20328)

455 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 10 Healthy 4 (18720)

460 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 9 Healthy 0 (0 )

471 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 27 Healthy 1 (1056 )

492 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 17 Healthy 2 (4480 )

502 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 29 Healthy 1 (1384 )

524 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 7 Healthy 0 (0 )

534 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 3 Healthy 3 (13392)

574 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 7 Healthy 4 (17336)

591 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 20 Healthy 1 (1412 )

624 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 21 Healthy 4 (17236)

635 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 13 Healthy 2 (5096 )



Page 2

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


ID Species (Breed) Age Health Condi... Vaccines Taken Special Needs



642 Dog (Siberian Huskey) 24 Healthy 3 (11961)

700 Mouse (N/A) 4 Healthy 3 (9012 ) Hungry

679 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 12 Fair 0 (0 )

274 Bird (Eclectus Parrot) 19 Poor 4 (20788)

666 Reptiles (Russian Tortoise) 5 Poor 0 (0 )



Page 3

Enter < or > to go to previous or next page (enter anything else to exit)


Select your choice:

1. View available pets

2. Set filter (current filter: Species = us; Health Condition = None; Vaccines: None)

3. Change sort criteria (current criteria: Health Condition)

4. Change display count (current display amount: 15)

5. View pet's taken vaccines

6. Admin options

7. Exit



Similar to PA2, compile the test program with make test, run the program

PA3_test.exe and input the test case number from 1 to 50. Compare the output with

output/output{}.txt provided in the skeleton code. These are the same test cases

used on ZINC.

End of Compile & Test

Submission and Deadline

Deadline: 23:59:00 on May 10, 2024.

Compilation Requirement

It is required that your submissions can be compiled and run successfully in our

online autograder ZINC. If we cannot even compile your work, it won't be graded.

Therefore, for parts that you cannot finish, just put in dummy implementation so that

your whole program can be compiled for ZINC to grade the other parts that you have

done. Empty implementations can be like:

int SomeClass::SomeFunctionICannotFinishRightNow()


return 0;








Make sure you actually upload the correct version of your source files - we

only grade what you upload. Some students in the past submitted an empty file or

a wrong file or an exe file which is worth zero mark. So you must double-check the

file you have submitted.

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