Due: Sunday, November 3, 11pm
The final step in planning your trip is to investigate various aspects of waves in your area. The quality of waves at any given break depends on a large number of factors and it is perfectly reasonable to say that any two waves at the same break are never the same. The factors affecting wave quality include swell characteristics (captured in the directional wave spectrum), how far the swell has traveled before making it to shore, wave refraction (depends on wave period), tide (near shore refraction and shoaling), and local winds.
In this assignment you will focus on a few of these factors and you will apply some of the material from lectures and the reading to conduct a rudimentary analysis of swell propagation to refraction. This analysis will complement your work from last week but will be more specific in terms of the time scale and spatial scale. There are three activities: 1) construct a swell window for your surf destination, 2) locate the most likely area where storms will be located during your visit and estimate approximate wind speeds; 3) estimate wave characteristics that will develop from a given wind speed, and based on those characteristics how long it will take the swell from the storm to reach your destination; and 4) investigate the bathymetry and develop a rough idea about near shore refraction and how it will influence the swell.
I. Constructing a swell window: In the previous assignments you have been researching a general stretch of coastline near the random point you were given at the beginning of the quarter. In this assignment you need to focus on a particular break. Some of you will have a “Wannasurf” named break near you but others will have to pick a particular break based on the coastal structure and bathymetry that is visible from satellite imagery. You can also make your choice based on whether you prefer rocky point breaks or less structured but less hazardous beach break. In the last part of this assignment you will have to analyze wave refraction so you may want to consider that aspect in selecting your break. Once you have selected a particular break, follow the instructions below to find the swell window and visualize it in Google Earth.
(1) Surf break coordinates: Open Google Earth and locate the surf break you want to analyze. You can find the latitude and longitude coordinates for the break in two ways: 1) click on the yellow thumbtack in the menu bar, and then drag the thumbtack until it is directly on your break; or 2) hold the cursor over the break and the coordinates will be shown at the bottom of the Google Earth window. The coordinates will be expressed in degrees, minutes, seconds. Write them down on a piece of paper or copy and paste them into a text document.
Example: If you do this for Campus Point, you will find coordinates as latitude 34o 24′ 16.69”N and longitude 119o 50′ 39.16”W.
(2) Coordinates for obstructions to wave energy: Zoom out so that you can see your surf break’s location relative to major surrounding land masses or islands that will block energy from reaching your break. Imagine a line in the ocean from your break that is tangent to (or just touches) the land mass at a single point. Record the latitude and longitude at that point of tangency. Repeat that exercise for the northernmost extent of exposure and the southernmost extent of exposure so that you have found two pairs of coordinates.
Example: For Campus Point’s western swell window you would select one point near Point Concep- tion (34o 26′ 30.90”N,120o 27′ 7.63”W) and another point tangent to the north side of San Miguel Island ( 34o 3′ 42.19”N, 120o 25′ 16.52”W).
(3) Calculate bearing: Open to the GPS Visualizer ( Use the tool to Calculate the great circle distance between two points by entering your the coordinates for you your break as Lat1,Lon1 and for one of the tangency points from the step above for Lat2,Lon2 Click on the distance button Distance-> and the tool will return a bearing and a distance. Write down (or copy) the bearing and then scroll down to the Find the coordinates at a given distance and bearing tool. Enter the coordinates for your break as the starting Lat, Lon, enter 8000 for the distance, and paste the heading in the Bearing box, then click the arrow to calculate. On the right side of the tool the is a button labelled Draw Map and a pulldown menu for output format. Set output format to google earth and the click on Draw Map. It will open up a new page with the option to download a KML file. Save it to your disk. Now repeat the same steps for the other point (if you started with the northern obstruction then repeat for the southern) so that you have saved bearings and two KMZ files. Go to Google Earth (or reopen it if you closed it), navigate to the KMZ files and double-click them and they will open in GE.
Example: For Campus Point’s northern extent I entered ( 34o 3′ 42.19”N, 120o 25′ 16.52”W) for Lat1, Lon1 and Point Conception (34o 26′ 30.90”N,120o 27′ 7.63”W) for Lat2, Lon2 as shown below.
The northernmost bearing of swells that will directly reach Campus Point is 274 .424o. Using the campus point coordinate and the bearing, I create a line on that bearing stretching 8000km.
After repeating the exercise for the San Miguel Island southern boundary of the swell window, I find that the western swell window for Campus Point is approximately (234o , 274o ) and I can display the result by opening the saved KMZ files in Google Earth.
For Part I you should include in your write-up: 1) coordinates of the surf spot, 2) coordinates of the northernmost boundary, 3) coordinates of the southernmost boundary, 4) northern and southern bearings, and 5) a screen shot of the swell window from Google Earth.
II. Storm → Wind Speed: In the last assignment you should have selected a month when you plan to make your surf trip. Now you will look more closely at the storm generation area that should feed swells towards your surf destination and speculating about the wind speed for a hypothetical storm. Follow the steps below.
(1) Long term trends in wind speed: After creating the swell windows in the previous activity, the next step is to assess the potential for storms within the window during the season you plan to visit. Go to the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP), Atmospheric Variables Plotting Page (http: //
You will see an interface that allows you to select a date range, variable, analysis level, plot type, and map domain. For the date range enter the first date and last date for your trip but with the year set to 2016. For example if you plan to visit some time in August, then enter 20160801 as the start date and 20160831 as the end date. For the Map Domain select “Custom” and “Cylindrical Equidistant” projection. Set the values for lowest lat, highest lat, western-most longitude, and eastern-most longitude to define a box that contains you surf destination and the swell window. If you are in the southern hemisphere then the lowest lat should not be set below -60. For the other parameters select Which variable= “Vector Winds”; Analysis level= “Surface/Other”; Plot type= “Climatology”; and Shading Type= “Shaded w/overlying Contours” .
Click on “Create Plot” and a new page will open with your plot. The vector wind plot contains the long-run average wind speed (meters per second) and direction (indicated by arrows) for the date range you selected.
(2) Hypothetical storm: Use the plot and the swell windows to get a rough idea of the windspeeds and directions
within the swell window. The long run averages will not reflect the wind speeds that can be achieved in a specific storm but will indicate where storms and strong winds are most likely to occur. Select a latitude and longitude coordinate within the swell window where you think storms might occur during your visit and how fast your expect the winds will blow in this hypothetical storm. To get a sense of the variation that is possible you can use the Atmospheric Variables Plotting Page again, but instead of selecting “Climatology” for the plot type select “Mean” . The plot will then show only the average values for the exact date range in a single year, instead of the long run average over multiple years. By varying the individual year you will see how each year varies from the long run average.
Example: Continuing the example from above focusing on Campus Point, I selected the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude range (shown below) that contains the swell window.
The long run average indicates that for the end of December (25th to 31st) there is a large pocket of weak (<2 m/s) winds near 30oN that sits off the coast of California between 125oW to 140oW. But further west, near 30oN and 160oW, a belt of moderate winds dips into the Campus Point swell window with winds speeds averaging 3.5-4m/s. The winds are just barely inside the swell window and they are still quite weak.
By changing from long run averages (“Climatology”) to analysis of single years, it was possible to find larger storms that dipped into the swell window. One example is shown below and represents a storm that may have generated one of the recent swells. Notice that in the same area, 30oN and 160oW, identified as promising from the long run averages there is a large area (fetch) with wind speeds of between 14-15m/s. For my hypothetical storm I will have it centered at 30oN and 160oW with 14m/s winds.
III. Winds → Waves: After the previous activity you will have selected hypothetical coordinates for a storm and a wind speed. From the wind speed we can develop estimates of significant wave height (H1/3) and wave period (T). Given those quantities we can estimate the wave speed (c), the group speed (cg ), and given the distance to the storm we can estimate when waves from the storm will reach your surf destination.
(1) Winds → Wave Energy Spectra → Wave Period: As discussed in lecture, a fixed wind speed blowing over a large area (fetch) and for a long duration will transfer energy into the ocean until the equilibrium wave energy spectrum results. There are different theories and mathematical expression that have been developed to describe the energy transfer and equilibrium spectrum. An early theory is due to Pierson and Moskowitz (1964). The mathematical expression that fit their observational data from the North Atlantic describes the wave energy spectra (S) as:
where ω is the wave frequency in radians (ω = 2πf), g is acceleration from gravity (9.8ms2 ),α and β are parameters estimated from observations, and ωo = g/U19 . The last term includes U19 , the wind speed measured in meters per second at 19.5 meters above the sea surface.
We can use the equation to estimate the wave spectra associated with a wind speed as shown below.
While the curves might look complicated, the equation simplifies if we are only interested in estimating peak period or significant wave height. Peak wave period is simply T = 0.7500696U10 , where U10 is the surface wind speed in meters per second. Significant wave height is only slightly more complicated, H1/3 = 0.22 g/U 2 10 . These equations are plotted in the figure below.
Using the equation for peak wave period and significant wave height (or using the figure above to look up approximate values), you can translate wind speed to wave period and height. As discussed in lecture, the wave group speed in deep water can be written as a function of wave period, cg = c/2 = 2/1.56T = 0.78T. You can use the GPS Visualizer site again to calculate the distance from the storm to your surf break. Once you have the distance (in meters), you can solve for the time; cg = t/d → t = cg/d . The equation will give you time in seconds which you can convert to hours by dividing by 3600.
Example: Using the the GPS Visualizer, the distance from Campus Point (34o3 ′42.19”N, 120o25′16.52”W) to the hypothetical storm (30oN,160oW) is 3,792.836 km or 3,792,836m. The peak period from a wind speed of 14 m/s is estimated as 0.7500696 × 14 = 10.50097 seconds. Wave group speed can then be estimated as cg = 0.78 × 10.50097 = 8.190757 m/s. Waves from the hypothetical storm are estimated to reach Campus Point in 8.190757/3,792,836 = 463, 063 seconds, or 3600/463,063 ≈ 129 hours or roughly 5 days.
We can also estimate the significant wave height as the waves move away from the storm as 0.22 9.8/142 = 4.4 meters or roughly 14 feet. The waves are coming a long distance and wave heights will decay along the way. When the waves reach Campus Point they will be less than 14 feet.
IV. Wave refraction (near shore): The last step is to assess the bathymetry and refractive tendencies near shore for your surf break. Bathymetric data is for near shore environments is difficult to find and there are no easy online applications to draw wave rays or visualize wave refraction. While it is not that complicated (you would use Snell’s Law), it would require a good deal of calculating and work with protractors. Instead I would like you to make a more casual visual interpretation of your break based on the swell direction (you can figure this out using the GPS Visualizer site) and the shoreline and underwater features that are visible using Google Earth. You can save a detailed picture of the break from Google Earth, print it and then draw on it (or or annotate it in Preview, Paint etc.) to indicate how you expect wave energy will either dissipate (convex refraction) or increase (concave refraction) as the swell arrives at your break. After you finish marking it up, you can take a picture of it or scan it to create a digital file to include in your synthesis.
• The goal of this assignment is a little different than the others. I am trying to get all of you to engage and think more deeply about the lecture material on storms and waves. You need to write a report that covers each activity on this assignment. Some results will be graphical (swell window,wind climate,bathymetry) and other results will be calculations (characteristics of the waves from a hypothetical storm, how fast will the swell travel, when will it arrive). For the graphical results you should include an interpretation. For the calculations you should show your work.
• This assignment will not require references.
• There is no minimum page count on this assignment.
• Include a header on the report with your name, perm number, and your section (day / time). Upload the file to the Geography 20 GauchoSpace site. There is a link that says: “Click here to upload Assignment 4.” Click on the link and follow the instructions. Contact your TA if you have any questions.
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