[Research Project (Marketing)]
Module Assessments Breakdown
● This module requires independent work from the study in designing research
questions and research methodology, collecting and analysing data and presenting research in a variety of format.
● Students gets one-to-one support from the supervisor in their research journey.
Mode |
Brief Description |
Length |
Research Plan |
Research Plan/Proposal |
2000 words (+/- 10%) |
Dissertation Poster |
Poster |
A1/A4 size |
Dissertation |
Dissertation |
7500 words (+/- 10%) |
In the following, each of these assessments is explained in detail.
Assessments 1 - Research Plan/Proposal
Link to Module Learning Outcomes
This assessment is linked to the following learning outcomes:
1. Be able to select a suitable topic and research question(s) for investigation in the management field.
2. Investigate and address a research question in a systematic and appropriate fashion.
3. Design research project and methods for collecting information.
• Word count: 2000 words (+/- 10%).
• The word count excludes bibliography and tables and figures.
• Use Harvard style referencing
● E-submissions of a word document.
Marking Criteria
● Marks within the ranges set out below are used to differentiate work within the particular criteria indicated for the range of marks.
● The criteria stated are indicative, and good work relative to one aspect of a criterion may compensate for less good work relative to another aspect of that criterion.
Dimension (Weight %) |
Mark Band |
Mark Band Descriptor |
Introduction/ Background (20%) |
17-20 |
Comprehensive/detailed knowledge of topic with areas of specialisation is depth and awareness of provisional nature of knowledge, clearly links to the research problem and research gap |
14-16 |
Reasonable knowledge of topic and an awareness of a variety of ideas/contexts/frame-works |
11-13 |
Has given a factual and/or conceptual knowledge base and appropriate terminology |
8-10 |
Evidence of limited knowledge of topic and some use of appropriate terminology |
0- 7 |
Lacks evidence of knowledge relevant to the topic and/or significantly misuses terminology |
Research Question (20%) |
17-20 |
Very clear and precise question or topic, highly relevant to understanding of management, title clear and fully explanatory of research question, topic interesting and likely to be manageable within constraints of time. |
14-16 |
Clear and well-stated research question or topic, interesting and relevant for understanding of management, adequately described by title. |
11-13 |
Research question stated imprecisely, relevance to management not clear or not fully justified, title imprecise, topic may be too basic or too ambitious. |
8-10 |
Research question difficult to identify, little relevance to management, title does not describe research adequately, topic likely to be too basic or too ambitious. |
0- 7 |
No obvious research question or topic, not relevant to management, title confusing, topic clearly too basic or too ambitious. |
Theory and Literature (20%) |
17-20 |
Theory clearly stated and fully relevant to research question. Literature review clearly structured and shows full awareness of prior research and relevant materials. Citations and references consistently in proper form. |
14-16 |
Theory clearly stated and relevant to research question. Literature review well- structured and shows awareness of prior research and relevant materials, though some less relevant material may be referred to. Citations and references almost all in proper form. |
11-13 |
Theory stated imprecisely, relevance to research question not clear. Literature review somewhat unstructured, prior research covered only at basic level, some irrelevant material included. Some inaccuracies in citation and referencing. |
8-10 |
Little relevant theoretical basis. Unstructured literature review with significant gaps. Citation and referencing haphazard, with some citations unreferenced. |
0- 7 |
No theoretical basis (and no explanation for omission). Literature coverage very rudimentary,with clear gaps. Citation and referencing unsystematic or omitted. |
Research Method (20%) |
17-20 |
Research method fully appropriate to research question and clearly explained. |
14-16 |
Research method appropriate (though not necessarily best method) and clearly explained. |
11-13 |
Research method relevant for research question though explanation unclear. |
8-10 |
Research method possibly relevant for research question, explanation and justification vague. |
0- 7 |
Research method inappropriate for research question, explanation missing or confusing. |
Overall Assessment (20%) |
17-20 |
Very promising research proposal, very well structured, clearly written and presented in professional manner, giving a coherent and integrated impression of planned research. |
14-16 |
Very good research proposal, well-structured and presented - proposal may not be fully integrated. |
11-13 |
Satisfactory research proposal - some elements may be vague, inconsistent and/or impractical. |
8-10 |
Acceptable proposal overall, though with significant gaps and/or issues of practicality. |
0- 7 |
Unacceptable proposal. There are crucial omissions and/or confusions, making the proposed research unlikely to be feasible. |
Interpreting Marks
• You can interpret your mark using this table.
Assessments 2 - Dissertation Poster
Link to Module Learning Outcomes
This assessment is specifically linked to the following learning outcome:
• Collect, describe and analyse a relevant set of qualitative or quantitative data, in the case of empirically-based projects.
• Feedback from the proposal is feed-forwarded to the poster.
• E-submission of a PDF file.
Interpreting Marks
• You can interpret your mark using this table.
Assessments 3 - Dissertation
Link to Module Learning Outcomes
This assessment is linked to the following learning outcomes:
1. Be able to select a suitable topic and research question(s) for investigation in the management field.
2. Investigate and address a research question in a systematic and appropriate fashion.
3. Design research project and methods for collecting information.
4. Collect, describe and analyse a relevant set of qualitative or quantitative data, in the case of empirically-based projects.
5. Communicating research in diverse ways.
• Feedback from the dissertation poster is feed forwarded to the dissertation.
• Word count: 7500 (+/- 10%)
• The word count excludes bibliography and tables and figures.
• Use Harvard style referencing
● E-submission of word document
Indicative Marking Criteria
● Here are the indicative detailed marking criteria.
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