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日期:2018-07-11 08:26

CE4703: Computer Software 3 Marked Exercise

CE4703 Marked Exercise

1 Overview

The task is to implement a user-defined data type plus related functions.

This programming project is to be undertaken in groups of three to five students

- please add your groups to the “Wiki” section of the module’s SULIS page.

Make sure to distribute your code over suitable files. Source code must be properly

formatted and commented. Projects must compile (using gcc) and run on

Ubunut Linux. Solutions are to be submitted via SULIS as a single tar archive

(please make sure before submission that all required files are inside the tar

archive - if you archive is incomplete, you will loose significant marks).

Deadline for submission of your project solution is Friday of week 12 (24.11.2017).

Provide an data type for a polynomial of arbitrary order, i.e. your ADT should be

able to store the coefficients of a polynomial of the form anx

n+. . .+a2x


where the order/degree n of the polynomial is determined at run-time (and can

be modified at run-time). To facilitate arbitrary order of the polynomial, store

all the coefficients in a dynamic data structure such as a dynamic array

or a linked list. Solution based on static arrays or variable length arrays (VLA)

will incur a heavy penalty (obtained marks will be downgraded by factor 0.33).

Hint: In order to simplify the operations on polynomials, you should store all

coefficients from a0 to an, i.e. the stored coefficients of the polynomial x

4 + 3.1x


are a4 = 1, a3 = 0, a2 = 3.1, a1 = 0, a0 = 0.

Provide at least the following operations:

• create/delete a polynomial

• add/subtract two polynomials

• multiplication/division by a double

• normalise polynomial (coefficient of highest order term = 1)

• return order of polynomial (the highest power with coefficient 6= 0)

• print polynomial

Please follow the instructions in the Design section closely.

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CE4703: Computer Software 3 Marked Exercise

2 Design

• Design a data type for your polynomial - i.e. decide on how you plan to

store polynomials.

• For each operations, write down a specifications as discussed in the Seven

Steps of Systematic Program Construction.

• Then decide how the user will see your operations and write down function

prototypes (function declarations) for all operations.

• For each operation, develop an algorithm in pseudo-code, test it (desktop

testing) and repeat this until you are happy that your algorithm is working


• Implement each operation in the C programming language.

• Once your data type and all functions are implemented, design a test mainfunction

(in a separate file) to verify that your implementation complies

with your specification. Keep in mind, that testing is a destructive process,

i.e. the tester does his best to break the program. If the tester cannot cause

your program to crash on purpose, you can be confident, that a user will

not crash your program by accident. Pay particular attention to border

cases and illegal values for parameter.

• You must provide your own Makefile (this must be written by yourself -

no IDE generated Makefile will be accepted). Your Makefile must have the

following features:

– Use separate targets for compilation and linking.

– Use at least one make file variable.

– Provide a “clean” target that removes temporary files, object files and

executables created by this Makefile.

– Does not use any implicit rules.

– Running make without a target should compile & link your application

and also automatically execute your application.

3 Deadline & Marking

This project is worth 20% of the module.The Deadline for the project is Friday

of week 12 (24.11.2017). In general, all group members will receive same marks - if

any member is not contributing, please contact me asap (marks may be reduced).

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CE4703: Computer Software 3 Marked Exercise

Please submit your solution as a single tar archive via the SULIS page (only one

submission per group is needed). To create a tar archive, use the command tar

cvf projectArchive.tar projectFolder, where projectArchive is the name

you want to give to your archive and projectFolder is the directory that contains

all your deliverables (you can enter “man tar” to read information about tar -

press ’q’ to quit). Please make sure:

• not to compress you archive, as this sometimes causes problem when extracting

(do not use the ’z’ option or similar).

• you are using tar and no other archieve tool.

• you are using a “.tar” extension.

• your archieve contains all deliverables - I cannot accept any modifications

to your submission after the deadline.

A complete solution includes the following:

1. A text document containing an explanation of your designed data type,

your specification and your pseudo-code for all operations.

2. Well formatted and documented source code - distributed over suitable files

- that implements the project.

3. A test main function that tests all the operations on your data type.

4. A Makefile used to compile the application (as outlined in the design section)

The marking scheme for this project is as follows:

Data Type explanation: 3

Pseudo-Code for all operations. 4

Well formatted source code for your data type and all operations

(distributed over suitable files)


Test Main Function 4

Makefile 2


Insufficient comments: Up to -30%

Poor code format: Up to -30%

Poor file structure Up to -15%

Not using dynamic dynamic data structure -67%

Bad coding style (e.g. using goto or global variables) Up to -50%

Total 20

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