RMIN 4000 – Extra Credit Assignment
Due Date: 30 April 2024
Summary: You will write up a detailed summary of the history of insurance regulation in the United States. I am asking that you provide historical context, summaries of the court cases/laws discussed in class, and developments within the insurance regulation space. I expect you to do your research individually, provide citations, and adhere to the rubric.
· Discuss the historical context and implications of the following:
o Paul v Virginia
o United States v South-Easter Underwriters Association
o McCarran-Ferguson Act
· Formatting:
o APA citations
o Times New Roman font in size 12
o 1-inch margins
o Cover page that includes your name, your contact information, the class name, the professor’s name, the title of this paper (your choice in the title’s name), and an executive summary/abstract as to what the paper details
o Number your pages
o Turn in the assignment in a .docx format (Word document)
· Things to consider:
o There is no word count or page minimum/maximum requirement
o Work that exceeds the requirements of the rubric will be awarded extra points appropriately
o Cited sources are meant to be from primary sources
o This is an individual assignment, and working with a group or using AI text generators is prohibited for this assignment and will result in the assignment being placed under review per the Academic Honesty section in the syllabus
6 |
4 |
2 |
0 |
Formatting/Legibility |
No spelling mistakes, formatting issues, and/or legibility issues |
A few spelling mistakes, formatting issues, and/or legibility issues |
A noticeable number of spelling mistakes, formatting issues, and/or legibility issues |
There are so many spelling mistakes, formatting issues, and/or legibility issues that the paper cannot be read |
Content |
The paper discusses the required topics and provides adequate historical context |
The paper discusses the required topics and provides insufficient historical context |
The paper discusses some of the required topics and provides insufficient historical context |
The paper discusses a few of the required topics and provides insufficient historical context |
Citations |
The paper was written using appropriate citations |
The paper was written using a mix of appropriate and poor citations |
The paper was written using poor citation |
The paper was written not using citations |
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