ECT 362 – Project 1: Risk Analysis
Assigned 1/29/202426 Due 2/9/2024at the beginning of class on Isidore
Assignment Instructions
You must provide all turn in work in a typed form (like using word).
This assignment must be completed electronically.
Use the following format for file naming: ECT362_SP24_PRJx
Example: ECT362_SP24_PRJ1_Weisenberger_Richard.docx
Turn in a typed document including the following header:
Due is a completed design document, full code section (.cpp file), and library file (.h file)
Include the sections given in the report format after the problem statement.
Be sure to submit your source code or .cpp (and library or .h) file not your project file (.sln).
You must provide all turn in work in a typed form (like using word). All flow charts shall be in a professional manor (created in a tool such as powerpoint) if required.
The instructor will not accept files via email.
You need to provide the following file(s) turned in electronically:
Design Document: Formatted Below as a word document “.docx” see me for other formats
Source Code File: Formatted according to C programming standards and design template taught in class
Header File: Formatted according to C programming standards and design template taught in class
Be sure to provide the following information on file for all turned in work.
Name: (Last Name first then first name)
Assignment: Project 1: Risk Analysis
Class: ECT 362 Concepts and Applications of Computer Operating Systems
Term: Spring 2024
Background: “Risk Analysis”
What is a Risk Analysis?
A risk analysis can be done using a Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA). A FEMA is a highly structured, systematic techniques for failure analysis. It is often the first step of a system reliability study. It involves reviewing as many components, assemblies, and subsystems as possible to identify failure modes, and their causes and effects. For each component, the failure modes and their resulting effects are recorded in a specific FMEA worksheet.
For each component the probability of the failure and severity of the consequences of that failure is determined.
It is necessary to look at the cause of a failure mode and the likelihood of occurrence probability (P). This can be done by analysis, calculations / FEM, looking at similar items or processes and the failure modes that have been documented for them in the past. A failure mode is given a Probability Ranking, given in the Probability table, Table 1.
Probability (P) Rating Meaning |
A |
Extremely Unlikely (Virtually impossible or No known occurrences on similar products or processes, with many running hours) |
B |
Remote (relatively few failures) |
C |
Occasional (occasional failures) |
D |
Reasonably Possible (repeated failures) |
E |
Frequent (failure is almost inevitable) |
Table 1
Determine the Severity for the worst-case scenario adverse end effect (state). It is convenient to write these effects down in terms of what the user might see or experience in terms of functional failures. Each end effect is given a Severity number (S) from I (no effect) to VI (catastrophic), based on cost and/or loss of life or quality of life, given in the Severity Table, , Table 2.
Severity (S) Rating Meaning |
I |
No relevant effect on reliability or safety |
II |
Very minor, no damage, no injuries, only results in a maintenance action |
Minor, low damage, light injuries (affects very little of the system) |
IV |
Moderate, moderate damage, injuries possible (mostly financial damage) |
V |
Critical (causes a loss of primary function; severe damage, severe injuries, max 1 possible death ) |
VI |
Catastrophic (inoperative; unsafe operation or possible multiple deaths) |
Table 2
Risk is the combination of Probability and Severity. This may influence the end effect probability of failure or the worst-case effect Severity. Risk levels can be selected based on a Risk Matrix, shown in the risk matrix table, Table 3.
Risk Matrix |
Severity |
I |
II |
IV |
V |
VI |
Probability |
A |
Low |
Low |
Low |
Low |
Moderate |
High |
B |
Low |
Low |
Low |
Moderate |
High |
Unacceptable |
C |
Low |
Low |
Moderate |
Moderate |
High |
Unacceptable |
D |
Low |
Moderate |
Moderate |
High |
Unacceptable |
Unacceptable |
E |
Moderate |
Moderate |
High |
Unacceptable |
Unacceptable |
Unacceptable |
Table 3
An engineer needs to perform. a risk analysis on driving to work in his high-performance race car. He has identified 5 failure modes: Automobile Crash, Tire Failure, Fuel Depletion, Drive Train Failure, Nagging Spouse Causing Headache and loss of desire to use the automobile. These failure modes have severity and probability of consequences given in the table below.
Failure Mode |
Severity |
Probability |
Risk |
Automobile Crash |
VI - Catastrophic, inoperative, possible multiple deaths |
B - Remote |
Unacceptable |
Tire Failure |
III - Minor, low damage, light injuries, system affectly very little |
C - Occasional (Likely to occur at least once in its life) |
Moderate |
Fuel Depletion |
II - Very Minor, no damage/injuries, only results in needing more fuel |
E - Frequent (Failure Inevitable) |
Moderate |
Drive Train Failure |
IV - Moderate, moderate damge to primary function (mostly financial) |
C - Occasional (Likely to occur at least once in its life) |
Moderate |
Nagging Spouse |
I - No relevant effect on reliability or safety (only headache) |
D - Reasonably Possible (repeated failures) |
Low |
Problem Statement: “Risk Analysis”
Develop a program determines the risk of a failure of given processes. The user will tell the algorithm how many failure modes that that he/she wishes to perform. a risk analysis on or quit. For each failure mode the algorithm will ask for the probability of occurrence and severity of consequence based on the rules given in Background: “Risk Analysis” section. Based on the probability and severity it will determine its risk.
To receive full credit:
Your algorithm must validate all user inputs for accuracy to ensure the risk analysis is performed correctly. Your algorithm must use functions to allow for a stepwise refinement and reduce repetitious operations, these functions shall be stored in a custom library (header or .h) file. Your program must store an array of data structures representing each failure mode and its associated data (severity, probability, and risk). The max number of failure modes are 10. Assume the user is new to your program and does not know the
levels to the probability and severity tables, give these definitions. Your program shall give instructions for each input. For each failure mode your algorithm must display probability of occurrence (rating and
meaning), Severity (rating and meaning), and Risk Level. This data must be written to a file: Failure mode, probability of occurrence (rating and meaning), Severity (rating and meaning), and Risk Level
Report Format
Use the following page to develop a design document template. Make your design document professional.
All flow charts should be written using Visio, Excel, power point, etc. Your document should have a Title Page; Body including: Requirements, Specification, Architecture, Code sections, Test and Debug, Maintenance;
Grade sheet.
Title Page to the Design Document
Your title page must include the following information:
Title: Title of the program includes a descriptive name with assignment number
Name: (Last Name first then first name Separated by a comma)
Filename: ECT362_SP24_PRJx
Source Code: ECT362_SP24_PRJx
Assignment: Project x
Class: ECT 362 Operating Systems
Term: Spring 2024
Body of the Design Document
Requirements analysis
What requirements are required to develop your algorithm?
(Restate in your own words what the problem has given as for requirements and include any you wish to add)
What Inputs and Outputs does the system provide?
Outputs: Inputs:
Process of algorithm. Provide any assumptions you made.
(Explain the design of your algorithm.)
Provide All formulas used and what each formula does in your algorithm.
(Give a breakdown of equations and any development process you did you create them)
Software architecture
Provide Flow Chart on the process to make your algorithm.
Provide Pseudocode on the process to make your algorithm.
Code solution
(Screen capture or copy code in this section, this will aid for instructor commenting purposes as well)
Test and Debug
How will you test your completed program to ensure the desired output is achieved?
What code Maintenance Steps are required (conjecture is fine here not graded)
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