STAT3057/STAT6057: Assignment 1
Semester 1, 2024
Total Marks: 45 (STAT3057), 50 (STAT6057)
The due date for this assignment is 5PM, FRIDAY 22 MARCH
NOTE: Question 5 should only be attempted by students enrolled in STAT6057.
Please submit your assignment by the required submission date via the assignment submission link that will be available on Wattle. Please submit your assignment as a single file.
This assignment involves the use of R for Questions 1 and 2. For questions that require the use of R, you are required to submit the R code that you use and the corresponding R output. Do not submit the R code and R output as separate files. Instead, just include the relevant R code and R output in your answers to the relevant questions.
Make sure to include all working out in your answers.
You will need to use data ‘Assign1Data2024.csv’ that has been placed on Wattle to answer Questions 1 and 2 in this assignment.
Run the code below. You may have to specify the correct path to Assign1Data2024.csv corresponding with where you have saved the file:
DataQ12 <- read.csv ("Assign1Data2024.csv")$x
QUESTION 1 (13 marks)
DataQ12 containts 500 losses (in $000s). You work as an analyst for an insurance company and you believe that the Burr distribution might be an appropriate model for the data in DataQ12. The Burr distribution is a skewed distribution family with three parameters λ, α and γ .
For the specific parametrisation that we are using, the CDF is:
F (x) = 1 −
where α > 0, λ > 0 and γ > 0.
a) (7 marks) Using R, calculate the method of percentiles estimates for the Burr parameters, based on the lower quartile, median and upper quartile. You should use the R function ‘quantile’ to find the quartiles and median of the data.
Rather than finding solutions algebraically, you should use R to estimate the Burr parameters. You can use R functions such as multiroot (in the package “rootSolve”) or nleqslv (in the package “nleqslv”). You may need to alter your starting parameters to find a correct solution.
b) (6 marks) Carry out a Chi-square goodness-of-fit test. Use R to generate the expected count, observed count, and the Chi-square test statistic. Use 25 equal-count bins based on the Burr distribution and parameter estimates from part (a). Calculate the p-value using R. What do you conclude about the goodness-of-fit?
QUESTION 2 (13 marks)
Your boss at the insurance company doesn’t believe that the Burr distribution provides a good fit, and she has asked you to also try to fit two other skewed distributions to the data DataQ12.
The distributions that you have been asked to try are: the Inverse Pareto distribution and the Inverse Gaussian distribution.
R functions for these distributions exist in the ‘actuar’ package. You will need to install this package and access the R functions for this question.
The R functions ‘dinvgauss’ and ‘pinvgauss’ in the ‘actuar’ library can be used to calculate the density and distribution respectively for the Inverse Gaussian distribution. The R functions ‘dinvpareto’ and ‘pinvpareto’ in the ‘actuar’ library can be used to calculate the density and distribution respectively for the Inverse Pareto distribution.
a) (4 marks)
i) Using R, obtain the maximum likelihood estimates for the Inverse Gaussian parameters: µ, ϕ . These parameters correspond with mean and dispersion, respectively, in the R functions ‘dinvgauss’ and ‘pinvgauss’.
ii) Using R, obtain the maximum likelihood estimates for the Inverse Pareto parameters: τ , θ . These parameters correspond with shape and scale, respectively, in the R functions ‘dinvpareto’ and ‘pinvpareto’.
Use the R function ‘optim()’ or ‘nlm()’ to find the MLE for parts (i) and (ii). You may need to vary the starting parameters to find suitable solutions.
b) (3 marks) Extract the hessian matrix from the MLE output for the Inverse Pareto, and use this to estimate 95% confidence intervals for the MLE parameters for the Inverse Pareto.
c) (6 marks) Carry out Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests for both the fitted Inverse Gaussian distribution, and for the fitted Inverse Pareto distribution from part (a).
Use R to generate the expected counts, observed counts, and the Chi-square test statistics. For this question, use the 25 bins that you have already derived from the Burr distribution from question 1)b) as the bins for both Chi-square tests for the Inverse Gaussian and Inverse Pareto.
Calculate the p-values using R. What do you conclude about the goodness-of-fit for each of these distributions?
QUESTION 3 (6 marks)
A variation of the standard Pareto distribution is the following distribution with three parameters which has PDF:
Γ(α + k)δα xk − 1
Γ(α)Γ(k) (δ + x)α+k
where x > 0.
Derive formulae for E(X) and Var(X) for this distribution. Show all your working. Do not use R for this question.
QUESTION 4 (13 marks)
Do not use R for this question.
a) (3 marks) Losses follow a distribution with density function:
f (x) = , where x > 1, 0 < α < ∞ .
A random sample of six losses was collected. Three of the losses had values 2, 5 and 12, and three of the losses exceeded the value 20. Calculate the maximum likelihood estimate of α .
b) (5 marks) A discrete probability distribution has the following properties:
• pk = c(1 + pk − 1 , for k = 1, 2, ...
• p0 = 0.15.
The distribution is a member of the (a,b,0) class of distributions.
Calculate c.
c) (5 marks) You have collected a sample of 25 losses:
Interval |
Observed number of losses |
(0, 3] (3, 7] (7, ∞ ) |
6 9 10 |
You assume that the losses follow a uniform distribution on (0,β).
Estimate β by minimising the function:j(3)=1 (Ej O j(−O)j )2 , where Ej is the expected number of losses
in the jth interval and Oj is the observed number of losses in the jth interval.
QUESTION 5 (5 marks)
You should only attempt question 5 if you are enrolled in STAT6057.
A risk has a loss amount that is Weibull distributed with parameters θ = 450 and γ = 0.9 (the parametrisation is that used in lectures).
An insurance product covers the risk with a policy excess of 250. An alternative insurance product replaces the policy excess with a coinsurance arrangement, where α is the proportion of the loss paid by the insurer under the coinsurance arrangement.
Calculate α, so that the expected payment (per loss) by the insurer remains the same under both the original and alternative insurance product.
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