CSI4109 Assignment #2
Due: Mar 28th 12:59pm
Mandatory Access Control (MAC)
In this homework assignment, you will implement the read-down, write-up mandatory access control policy discussed in class. Specifically, you will write a command-line tool called mac , which, together with setuid / setgid functionalities in Linux, is used as a mechanism to implement this policy.
• This command line tool mac will be owned by the user root and the group root , and be given the permissions: 6755 , where the setuid , setgid , and executable bit are set as follows.
-rwsr-sr-x 1 root root 18K Mar 14 21:04 mac |
• Objects: There are four documents (a document for each security classification level) that are pro-
tected by the mandatory access control policy: top_secret.data , secret.data , confidential.data , and unclassified.data . These four files are classified as TOP_SECRET , SECRET , CONFIDENTIAL ,
and UNCLASSIFIED , respectively. These four files will be (i) pre-created, (ii) owned by the user root and the group root , and (iii) given the permissions: 0640 as follows.
-rw-r----- 1 root root 20 Mar 14 16:01 secret.data -rw-r----- 1 root root 24 Mar 14 21:15 top_secret.data -rw-r----- 1 root root 26 Mar 14 21:15 unclassified.data -rw-r----- 1 root root 26 Mar 14 21:15 confidential.data |
Note that the owners and permissions of these files must stay the same at all times.
• Subjects: All non-root users in the system are considered as subjects. Security clearance levels of subjects are specified in a file called mac.policy , which is owned by the user root and the group root , and given the permissions: 0640 as follows.
-rw-r----- 1 root root 23 Mar 14 21:17 mac.policy |
mac.policy will be pre-created and written in the following format:
Remember that subjects whose access is controlled by our policy are non-root users; that is, the command line tool mac will be executed by a non-root user whose primary group is the same as the name of that user. (e.g., the user david and the group david ) This effectively prevents subjects from reading or manipulating the data files directly; this requires accesses to the data files be always mediated by the program mac .
• Dropping the root privilege: During the execution of mac , drop the root privilege when you do not need it anymore, by changing the effective uid and gid of the process. (Hint: Use the following functions: seteuid , getuid , setegid , and getgid .)
• Logging: After dropping your root privilege, append the command line arguments followed by a newline character to the per-user log file named
$ ./mac read secret.data $ cat david.log read secret.data $ ./mac write secret.data TEST_INPUT $ cat david.log read secret.data write secret.data |
If the log file doesn’t exist for the given user, it must be created before appending. Once created, this file must at all times be owned by the executing non- root user and group, and be given the permissions: 0640 . You can assume that the user has the permission to create a file in its current working directory. (Hint: Use the following functions: getpwuid and umask .)
Interface. All variable inputs to the program (e.g.,
You must implement the following command-line interface:
./mac read |
reads and prints the content of the document file (e.g., top_secret.data ) followed by a newline character on standard output, if and only if (i) the security clearance level for the executing user is specified in mac.policy , and (ii) our read-down confidentiality policy allows it. Otherwise, print ACCESS DENIED , followed by a newline character. You can assume that
./mac write |
appends followed by a newline character to the file
Example. With david:SECRET written in the mac.policy file:
$ whoami david $ sudo cat mac.policy david:SECRET |
Running the program as follows:
./mac read secret.data |
• will produce the following output on standard output:
./david.log looks like:
read secret.data |
And running the program again as follows:
./mac read confidential.data |
• will produce the following output on standard output:
read secret.data read confidential.data |
And running the program again as follows:
./mac read top_secret.data |
• will produce the following output on standard output:
read secret.data read confidential.data read top_secret.data |
• Your program must work on Ubuntu 22.04 64-bit with the default packages installed. In addition to the default packages, the following packages for languages are also installed:
– C ( gcc )
– Rust and Cargo ( rustc and cargo ) with selection of crates pre-installed for you in the grading environment. If you are using Rust, provided Cargo.toml should not be modified.
Again, you’re probably better off if you setup a virtual machine to work on the course assignments early on. You can use VirtualBox, a free and open-source VM monitor software. Or, if you are using MS Windows, you may want to use WSL (WSL version 2 is recommended.) (Ubuntu 22.04 on Microsoft Store).
Submission Instructions. Submit on LearnUs (ys.learnus.org) your source code, along with a Makefile and README . When the command make is run, the Makefile must create your exe- cutable, called mac , on the same directory as your Makefile and README . These files must not be included in any subdirectory. Note that we may invoke make multiple times, and it needs to work every single time. After creating mac , we will change its owner and owning group, as well as permissions, as specified above. We will also create the data files as well as the policy file, and change their owner and owning group and permissions as specified above. Your README file must be plain text and should contain your name, student ID, and a description of how your program works. Your submission can be zipped, if required; your submission will be unzipped once before grading. However, the directory structure described above still apply.
Grading Rubric
• All required files exist, and make successfully creates an executable file mac . (2 pts)
• Produces a log file in a correct format. (1 pt)
• The log file’s owner/group owner/permissions are correct at all times. (2 pts)
• Read accesses are correctly controlled. (3 pts)
• Write accesses are correctly controlled. (2 pts)
Note: It is your responsibility to comply with the specification as well as our grading environment. You can request regrading for minor problems (e.g., issues caused by using different environments),but they will result in deductions of 1 or more points.
Late policy: 1 pt deduction for every 3 hours that is late. This means that late submission up to 3 hours get one point deduction, 6 hours two point deduction, and so on.
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