PHIL 185 Final Podcast Project
Spring 2024
Proposal Due: Friday, April 12th by 11:59 PM on Canvas (under “Assignments –> Final Project Proposal”)
Final Project Due: May 3rd by 11:59 PM on Canvas (under “Assignments -> Final Podcast Project”)
Assignment Description:
For your final project, you will be asked to create a 15- to 20-minute podcast episode. In these podcasts, you will begin by choosing a sonic phenomenon of your choice. You will then offer a brief introduction to your chosen topic, providing clear and concise background information for your listeners. Then, you will engage with some of the concepts, themes, and terms we have learned about this semester, creating an original argument and explaining how these concepts/themes play out in your chosen topic. Your podcast will serve as a critical analysis of your sonic phenomenon. What you choose to engage with from class is up to you; however, you must reference at least one text, idea, or thinker from our course. Your podcast will thus introduce listeners to key concepts and conversations in the ethics and philosophy of sound. You may create your podcast on your own, or by using Emory’s Podcast Studio. Podcast Studio reservations can be made here. Podcasts should be submitted on Canvas as MP3 or MP4 files.
You are welcome to invite guests or conduct interviews on your podcast. You are also welcome to play brief recordings, though I suggest sticking with original recordings or public domain music/sounds given copyright laws. More information on audio copyright can be found here, here, and here.
Your podcast should include:
● A name for your podcast
● An introduction (including a sound effect or song, the show’s name, your name, and a brief introduction to what the episode will be about)
● An analysis of your chosen topic using concepts, theories, and/or questions from class
● A works cited page of any material you reference and cite (to be submitted along with the audio file)
Before submitting your final project, you will be asked to submit a one-page, single-spaced proposal (12-point font, Times New Roman, 1” margins) outlining your planned topic and argument. In these proposals, you should describe: 1) the sonic topic you will focus on, 2) the course concepts/questions you plan to use in discussing that topic, and 3) an outline of the general structure of your podcast. These proposals will be due on April 12th by 11:59 PM on Canvas and I will provide feedback/support on them.
Your podcasts will be graded on:
● Clearly introducing your sonic topic of choice
● Clearly articulating (and defending) your own argument about the topic
● Connecting your topic to concepts, theories, or questions from class
● Defining any and all terms and concepts used from class
● Including a name and introduction for your podcast
● Including a works cited sheet to be turned in together with your podcast file
● Speaking clearly and concisely
Assistance and Support:
Before the final project, we will tour the Podcast Studio together with a library support representative. While making your podcasts, you are strongly encouraged to contact library support if issues/questions arise. A user guide for using Emory’s equipment is available online as well as in-person in the studios. For a refresher on equipment training, schedule here.
Potential Script. Outline:
● Episode Opening (2 minutes): Includes opening music, title of podcast and introducing speaker(s)
● Introduction (5 minutes): Introduce topic, provide brief background, explain sonic elements and relevance to philosophy of sound/ethics
● Analysis (10 minutes): Critical analysis of topic using themes, terms, and concepts from class, directly engaging with class content, drawing connections to information discussed in introduction
● Concluding Thoughts (3 minutes): Explain importance of connections made, why argument matters for chosen topic/the ethics and philosophy of sound more broadly, recommended sources for further investigation
Grading Rubric
Excellent |
Good |
Needs Improvement |
Unsatisfactory |
Exegesis/ Introducing Sonic Topic of Choice (5 points) |
Thoroughly researched phenomenon of choice; provides concise, clear, and detailed background on topic |
Well-researched on phenomenon of choice; provides mostly clear background, though missing some details or conciseness |
Poorly researched phenomenon of choice; does not provide clear background on topic, is not concise in delivery |
Does not provide background on topic of choice; does not introduce listeners to topic with any detail |
Course Connections/ Original Argument (5 points) |
Accurately and convincingly connects topic to themes, concepts, or questions discussed in class; clearly explains class concepts and terms; makes original connection that educates listeners |
Makes connection to course themes, concepts, or questions discussed in class; mostly explains terms and concepts; mostly convincing with some errors |
Struggles to make accurate and convincing connection to course material; struggles to clearly explain terms and concepts; does not attribute ideas to texts and figures from class |
Does not make connections to class materials; fails to attribute ideas and concepts to class texts and figures; does not offer an original connection or idea |
Articulating Original Argument/ Claim (4 points) |
Creative and original content; makes unique and compelling argument about topic of choice; uses accurate and exciting information and materials |
Pretty original argument and content; mostly accurate information and mostly compelling delivery of argument |
Argument is not particularly original or exciting; errors in factual information about topic; does not engage with many materials |
Does not provide original argument or content; does not cite accurate information; does not engage with other source materials |
Communication and Editing (4 points) |
Delivery is well-rehearsed and thoughtful; clear planning in script; audio is edited smoothly, clearly, and removes ambient sound |
Delivery is strong with minor difficulties or interruptions; some moments of confusion; mostly clear audio and editing |
Ambient sound is strong, delivery is not well-rehearsed, and script. unclear; editing is poor and distracts from speech |
Audio is not edited; speech is clearly not rehearsed or prepared; difficult to pay attention or hear clearly |
Works Cited (2 points) |
Provides written bibliography of all works cited from class and from own research; cites materials accurately during podcast and attributes materials while quoting and paraphrasing during speech |
Provides written bibliography of all or most of works cited from class and own research; does not accurately cite or attribute all materials while speaking |
Provides written bibliography of cited works but misses significant portions; does not attribute works cited while quoting or paraphrasing throughout podcast |
Does not provide written bibliography of works cited; does not attribute works cited while quoting or paraphrasing |
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