Project - Matrix Processing Core Design
Matrix calculation is one of the fundamental mathematic calculations commonly used in advanced signal processing algorithms for a wide range of applications, such as satellite navigation systems, complex control systems and etc. In order to implement such advanced signal processing algorithms on an FPGA based embedded system, we need to use VHDL to design a matrix processing core for a Xilinx FPGA device.
In this project, you are asked to develop a synthesisable matrix processing core, which is able to do matrix multiplication (Fig. 1) for matrixes with the size of 16 x 16 and an 8-bit signed integer for each element of the input matrixes (A, B and C), and then implement the core on an AMD FPGA device with your choice. You are required to use behavioural simulation to verify your matrix processing core.
Fig. 1 Matrix Multiplication
The Matrix processing Core as shown inFig. 2mainly consists of two MACs (Multiply-
Accumulate) three input buffers (InputBufferA, InputBufferB and InputBufferC), one temporary buffer (TempBuffer) and one output buffer (OutputBufferD). All these five buffers are simple dual- port block memories with part A for write and port B for read, which are created by using Xilinx core generator. Those three input buffers have the same size of 256 x 8 bits, which are used to receive the data for matrix A, matrix B and matrix C, respectively. The temporary buffer stores the results of the 1st matrix multiplication (Ax B). The output buffer has a size of 256 x 56 bits, which is for the results of the 2nd matrix calculation. The data organisation of these four buffers is shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 2 Matrix Processing Core
Fig. 3 Buffer Data Organisation
Write/Read timing requirements are shown in Fig. 4andFig. 5, respectively. In order to write a data to a particular address of the dual-port RAM, the valid data and address to be written must be presented at the signals, ‘dina’ and ‘addra’ at the rising edge of the clock with ‘1’ for signal ‘wea’ at the same rising edge. From the read operation, the address to be read must be presented at signal, ‘addrb’ at the rising edge of the clock with ‘1’ for signal ‘enb’ at the same rising edge. The read data will be available at signal ‘doutb’ just after the rising edge.
Fig. 4 Timing for Write Operation to the Dual-Port RAM
Fig. 5 Timing for Read Operation to the Dual-Port RAM
Design a synthesisable matrix processing core and its testbench.
The specific design requirements are as follows:
. To facilitate the assessment of your matrix processing core design, you must use the following entity declaration for the top level design.
-- Required entity declaration
entity IntMatProCore is
Reset, Clock, WriteEnable:in std_logic;
-- BufferSel: "00" for input buffer A, "01" for input buffer B, "10" for input buffer C
BufferSel: in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
WriteAddress: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
WriteData: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
ReadAddress: in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
ReadEnable: in std_logic;
ReadData: out std_logic_vector (55 downto 0);
DataReady: out std_logic
end IntMatProCore;
. In the testbench, you must use VHDL file I/O to read the data for three input matrixes from three input text files (inputA.txt, inputB.txt and inputC.txt) and then feed them to the design. Once the matrix calculation is completed, you must readout the results from the output buffer, compared with the output data (outputD_matlab.txt) from your Matlab model and write output data from your VHDL simulation and the comparison results into an output text file (outputD.txt). Please refer to the reference design provided.
. The testbench must produce all the input signals and the simulation waveforms must show how the data of the matrixes A/B/C are written into the input buffers and how the matrix calculation results are read out from the output buffer.
. The description of interface signals:
Signal |
Description |
Reset |
Synchronous reset, active high, to reset the matrix multiplier core. Whenever issued, it lasts 10 cycles. |
Clock |
The global clock signal for the matrix multiplier core. |
WriteEnable |
Active high, to enable write the data of matrixes A and B into the input buffers, InputBufferA and InputBufferB, respectively. ‘BufferSel ’ will design which input buffer will be written. |
BufferSel |
"00" for input buffer A, "01" for input buffer B, "10" for input buffer C. |
WriteAddress |
Write address signal for InputBufferA/B/C. |
WriteData |
Data signal for matrixes A/B/C. ‘BufferSel’ will decide which data should be presented at ‘WriteData’ . |
ReadAddress |
Read address signal of the outputbuffer, OutputBufferD. |
ReadEnable |
Active high, to enable read operation for the outputbuffer. |
ReadData |
Whenever the ReadEnable signal is high at the rising edge of the Clock, the data in the output buffer pointed by ReadAddress at the same rising edge will appear at ReadData immediately after the same rising edge. |
DataReady |
Active high, to indicate that the matrix calculation results have been written into the output buffer and are ready for reading out from part B of the output buffer. DataReady must last one cycle. |
To get your VHDL project design started easily, a synthesisable matrix multiplier core design is
provided as a reference design (Fig. 6/Fig. 7), which is able to domatric multiplication for matrixes with the size of 4 x 4 and an 8-bit signed integer for each element of the input matrixes (A and B).
The data buffers will be organised as Fig. 8.
Fig. 6 Matrix Multiplication
Fig. 7 Matrix Multiplier Core
Fig. 8 Memory buffer organisation for the matrix multiplier core
The project design tools is Vivado WebPACK 2018.3 and ModelSim 10.6c (Optional)
The VHDL project must be submitted on Moodle by 3:00pm, Tuesday, 7th May 2024. The
submission must have a single zip file with a name of student name_student ID.zip, which includes the following:
. A word file - 10-page project report
. VHDL source codes
. Matlab codes
. inputA.txt, inputB.txt, inputC.txt - Input test data generated from your Matlab model
. outputD_matlab.txt - Output test data generated from your Matlab model
. outputD.txt - Output data produced from your VHDL testbench and the comparison result between the output data from your Matlab model and the output data from your VHDL simulation
. Any other relevant files
. Entire Vivado project folder for your VHDL project design
The marking scheme of the VHDL project is as follows:
. Design, Implementation and Verification (50%): It assesses:
o Matlab Model with signed integers
o VHDL code compilation
o Behavioural simulation
o Synthesis
o Coding quality
o Design efficiency
. 10-page report (50%): It should cover:
o Part 1
. Current FPGA technology review (up to 2 pages)
o Part 2
. Description of project design
. Simulation including a few simulation waveforms to justify your design verification
. Project discussion including the reason why you have chosen a particular FPGA device for your design
. Conclusions
. Further work
NOTE: A penalty of 5% per working day will be imposed for the late submission.
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