INFO20003 Semester 1, 2024
Assignment 2: SQL
Due: 6:00pm Friday, 26th April 2024
Weighting: 10% of your total assessment
Conference Track-r
Conference Track-ris a platform you’re creating to help keep track of academic conferencesandpaper submissions.
An academic conference is an event in which researchers present their findings and hear about the latest work within their research area. Researchers can submit their research papers to conferences, where high-quality papers are accepted for presentation.
Conference event
For each conference event, the system records its details, that are – name (e.g., International Conference on Data Engineering), occurrence number (e.g., 22, which means it’s the 22nd occurrence of the International Conference on Data Engineering), location (e.g., Melbourne, Australia) of the conference, the start date, and the enddate of the conference. The location and dates of a conference may/will differ for each occurrence.
Each conference has at least one ‘track’ (e.g, the ‘Conference on data engineering’ might have a ‘relational databases’ track type). Each track is associated with the following information: the name of the track, and paper submission guideline (as a text description of maximum 500 characters). Each track is associated with exactly one conference. The tracks / guidelines of a track can be different for different occurrences of the conference.
Each track has at least one ‘session’. Each session has a session name (e.g., ‘Indexing’), start date and time, end date and time, and is associated with the number of accepted papers to be presented in that session.
For each researcher, the system records the researcher’s name and a unique email address. The system also stores the research supervision relations of the researchers. Each researcher can have any number of supervisors, where each supervisor is also a researcher. A researcher can supervise any number of other researchers. For each supervision relation, the system stores the start and enddate of the supervision (e.g. “Farhana Choudhury and Renata Borovica-Gajic supervised Timothy Hermanto between 01/01/2020 and 31/12/2022”). If the supervision is ongoing, the end date is unpopulated.
We also record which conferences (if any) a researcher has attended.
The system maintains the information of the papers that are submitted to the conferences: unique ID, title, abstract, and the authors. There can be one or more authors of a paper, where each author is a researcher. A paper is submitted (only once) to a particular track of a conference. Each track of a conference can have any number of papers submitted to it.
Papers must be reviewed to be presented at a conference. After the reviewing process, a paper can be either rejected or accepted to that track. For each rejected paper, the reasons for rejection (as a text description of maximum 100 characters) is stored. Each accepted paper is assigned a start page number and an end page number (a note as the explanation of the page numbers - conferences publish a booklet called conference proceedings, where the start and endpage numbers of each accepted paper stored in the system correspond to the page numbers in that conference proceeding). The accepted papers are assigned to sessions (at least one session), where the paper can be presented and discussed. Each session has at least one paper assigned to it. Each paper assigned to a particular session will be presented by one of the authors. A researcher can present any number of papers on the same session or different sessions. For the given paper presentation, the system captures the presenter, the paper and the session.
The Data Model
Fig 1: The physical ER model of Conference Track-r database.
Assignment 2 Setup
A dataset is provided which you can use when developing your solutions. To set up the dataset, download the file conference_2024.sql from the Assignment link on Canvas and run it in Workbench. This script creates the database tables and populates them with data. Note that this dataset is provided for you to experiment with, but it is not the same dataset as what your queries will be tested against (the schema will stay the same, but the data itself may be different). This means when designing your queries you must consideredge cases even if they are not represented in this particular data set, and should not hardcode information like IDs into your queries.
The script. is designed to run against your account on the Engineering IT server ( If you want to install the schema on your own MySQL Server installation, uncomment the lines at the beginning of the script.
Δ. Do NOT disable only_full_group_by mode when completing this assignment. This mode is the default, and is turned on in all default installs of MySQL workbench. You can check whether it is turned on using the command “SELECT @@sql_mode;”. The command should return a string containing “ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY” or “ANSI”. When testing, our test server WILL have this mode turned on, and if your query fails due to this, you will lose marks.
The SQL tasks
In this section are listed 10 questions for you to answer. Write one (single) SQL statement per question. Subqueries and nesting are allowed within a single SQL statement
Δ. In general, we care more about correctness than constructing the ‘most efficient’ query (computationally, or in terms of number of characters/lines). However, you maybe penalized for writing overly complicated SQL statements (e.gthe query is 2-3x longer than required, using superfluous joins, etc), using very poor formatting, using very poor alias naming, or other decisions that make it hard for us to read/understand what you’retrying to do when marking!
Δ. DO NOT USE VIEWS (or ‘WITH’ statements/common table expressions) to answer questions.
1. Find the total number of attended researchers each conference had. Your query should return results of the form (ConferenceID, ResearcherAttendedCount). (1 mark)
2. Find the rejected paper with the shortest RejectionReason. Assume there are no ties (i.e., only one paper has the shortest rejection reason). Your query should return results of the form. (PaperID, RejectionReason, LengthRejectionReason). HINT: use the “LENGTH()” function. (1 mark)
3. List all conferences that have 5 or more papers submitted across all tracks. Your query should return results of the form. (ConferenceID, PapersCount). (1 mark)
4. We’ll say that going to a ‘unique’ conference means attending a conference with a name which is different to every other conference you’ve attended before. E.g. if last year, you went to the 60th occurrence of a conference named “SIGCSE”, and then this year you goto the 61st occurrence of a conference named “SIGCSE”, then you have been to only one ‘unique’ conference. Find the researcher that has the most number of unique conferences attended. If there are ties, you must return all researchers with the equal highest count. Your query should return results of the form (ResearcherEmail, DistinctConferencesCount), with one row per researcher in case of a tie. (2 marks)
5. Find all researchers who attended one or more conferences which ran only on days before 01/01/2024 but have not attended any other conferences which ran on days that were on or after that date (essentially, we are looking for researchers who stopped attending conferences from 01/01/2024). Your query should return results of the form (ResearcherEmail). (2 marks)
6. Find researchers who have authored (at least) as many rejected papers as they have accepted papers. Your query should return results of the form (ResearcherEmail, RejectedPapersCount, AcceptedPapersCount). (2 marks)
7. Find how much time (in minutes) is allocated per presentation for each session. You may assume all sessions have at least one presentation, that all time in a session is used only for presentations (there are no other activities in a session), and that all presentations from a given session receive an equal amount of time. Round the minutes DOWN to the nearest whole minute. Your query should return results of the form (SessionID, MinutesPerPresentation). HINT: use the “TIMESTAMPDIFF()” function. (2 marks)
E.g. If a session started at 1:00pm,finished at 2:00pm, and there were 3 presentations in that session, then there are 20 minutes allocated per presentation for that session.
8. Find any researchers who have presented ALL of the accepted papers that they’ve ever authored, at least once. Your query should return results of the form. (ResearcherEmail, presentedPaperCount), where presentedPaperCount is the number of distinct papers presented. Hint: Consider that a paper might have been presented multiple times … (3 marks)
9. We’ll say that researcher A has “Influenced” researcher B if A has supervised B, OR A has supervised researcher C, where Chas “Influenced” B (note this is a recursive definition). The “Depth” of an influences relationship is the number of intermediate researchers between the influence and the influencer +1 (see example). You can assume that there are no “Influenced” relationships with a “Depth” greater than 3. Find all influenced-influencer pairs, and their depths. If there are multiple possible depths, you should return the smallest (see example). Your query should return results of the form. (InfluencerResearcherEmail, InfluencedResearcherEmail, Depth). (3 marks)
E.g.: Consider the Supervisors table with data as shown:
Supervisor |
Supervisee |
Andrew |
Bob |
Andrew |
Cathy |
Bob |
Cathy |
Bob |
David |
David |
Eve |
Fred |
Eve |
Then the following is a list of who has been influenced by whom (depth in square brackets):
- Andrew has influenced (Bob[1], Cathy[1], David[2], Eve[3])
o Note the depth for Cathy is ‘1’: even though there is an influences relationship Andrew -> Bob -> Cathy, but this has a depth of 2; the shortest path / smallest depth is used.
- Bob has influenced (Cathy[1], David[1], Eve[2])
- Cathy has influenced ()
- David has influenced (Eve[1])
- Eve has influenced ()
- Fred has influenced (Eve[1])
10. Find all conferences where the number of researchers who attended dropped from one Occurrence to the next. Your query should return results of the form (ConferenceName, PrevOccurenceNumber, PrevAttendanceCount, NextOccurenceNumber, NextAttendanceCount) (3 marks)
E.g.: Consider the Conference table (+ derived number of attendees from the Attended table) data as shown:
ConferenceID |
Name |
Occurrence number |
Number of attendees (derived) |
1 |
1 |
100 |
2 |
2 |
100 |
3 |
1 |
52 |
4 |
2 |
52 |
5 |
3 |
98 |
Then the query would return:
ConferenceName |
PrevOccurrence |
PrevAttendanceCount |
NextOccurrence |
NextAttendanceCount |
2 |
100 |
3 |
98 |
SQL Response Formatting Requirements
To help us mark your assignment queries as quickly/accurately as possible, please ensure that:
1. Your query returns the projected attributes in the same order as given in the question, and does not include additional columns.
E.g., if the question asks ‘return as (userId, name)’, then:
• DO: “SELECT userId, name …”
• Δ. DON’T: “SELECT name, userId…”
You can, however, rename/name the columns to whatever you’d like using `AS`, only the order matters.
2. Do NOT use “databaseName.tableName” format.
• DO: “SELECT userId FROM users…”
• Δ. DON’T: “SELECT userId FROM coltonc.users …”.
Note that you can use tableName.columnName format, like
3. Ensure that you are using single quotes( ‘ ) for strings
Double quotes should only be used for table names (but you shouldn’t need to do this since we don’t have spaces in our table names)
• DO: …WHERE name = ‘bob’
• Δ.DON’T: …WHERE name = “bob” …
4. Do NOT delete the special comment markers in the SQL template file.
These include (where X is the question number):
These help us mark your assignment!
5. Comments are optional, but will help tutors to understand your code!
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