Critical Reflective Essay
Assessment 1, MGMT 211, S2, 2024 (30% of final course grade)
Due date: 18th August, 11:59pm via Canvas
Reflective essay of 2500 words (excluding reference list) and submitted as a Word document. Please see below for the assignment brief.
1. Write a critical reflective essay using content from three course topics that have interested or intrigued you and relate that content to you and your own experiences.
2. Examine how relevant concepts and theory on the topics explain and/or contradict your own organisational experiences (you can use any organisational context e.g., university, work,
sports organisations, religious institutions, clubs, school, etc).
3. You should be showcasing your understanding of the topic content as well as your critical reflective thinking and learning skills by completing a full reflective cycle as per Gibbs'
model of reflection.
Gibbs' reflective cycle provides a systematic approach in examining experiences to aid active
learning and it has six stages (description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusions, and action
plan). You should demonstrate these stages in your critical essay - not with/as headings though. More
details on Gibbs' model is available here ( toolkit/reflecting-on-experience/gibbs-reflective-cycle) .
Other helpful resources include the University of Auckland's Learning Hub (reflective thinking and writing) ( , reflective essays in Business
and Economics (
assessment-samples/business-and-economics/buseco-reflective-essay), and a straightforward guide to effective reflective writing ( .
· The reflective essay is based on the assumption that learning becomes more meaningful when new information (ideas, theories/concepts, frameworks) is explored through the lens of personal perspectives and experience.
· You are being asked to think about your own learning in relation to the topics
(theory/concepts, frameworks) covered in weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5 by completing a full reflective cycle. You should only select content covered in those weeks.
· Completing a full reflective cycle requires that you analyse past organisational experiences, reflect on present learning, and discuss influence on future actions using a critical perspective.
· Your essay should help you to identify and question your own assumptions and behaviour in workplace situations and develop relevant insights into your potential future roles.
· Becoming critically self-reflective also requires close examination of your interactions, reflexes, and understandings from multiple perspectives. It may help, for example, to identify silent voices in a scenario (what is not said) or to draw on differing theoretical perspectives in your analysis.
· You must use academic sources (from course materials and your own research - published,
peer reviewed journal articles) to support, challenge, or extend your own reflections. It is expected that you have a minimum of 10 academic sources.
· This, of course, means that you need to have in-text citations and a reference list in the correct APA 7th edition format. It will be a fatal error if either or both of these are omitted from your
reflective essay. APA style advice can be found here ( .
· We are looking at the quality and depth of your critical reflection, your academic writing and referencing skills, as well as your own learning from the course through your insights and application of the course content.
Formatting and submission:
· Your assignment must be submitted as a WORD (doc or docx) file on the assignment page on CANVAS by 19th August 2024, 11:59pm.
· Your full name and student ID number should be placed in the header of each page and page
numbers in the footer. Pages can be aligned left or justified, and 1.5 line spacing should be used. Note, 2500 words +/- 10%.
· Please use easy-to-read fonts and font sizes like Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman - all at 12pt size; or Verdana (11pt size).
. All submissions will be checked through the Turnitin.
Learning outcomes to be met:
1. Be able to select and apply academic theories and perspectives appropriately to a diverse range of organisational contexts (Capability 3.2, 4.2 and 5.1).
2. Identify and critically analyse organisational experiences and situations using theoretical
frameworks, to determine appropriate managerial responses and recommendations(Capability 3.1, 4.1 and 5.1).
3. Evaluate and reflect on the applicability of theory to personal experiences, to identify opportunities for future development and to develop reflective thinking and writing skills (Capability 3.1 and 4.1).
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