HW1 – Configuring Basic Router Settings with IOS CLI
What to turn in:
1. Paste screenshots to this document of all the commands you use to answer all the questions.
2. Turn in this document with your answers.
3. Turn in your Packet Tracer File
4. The recording posted on Canvas will be a big help and a starting point for this assignment.
Addressing Table
Device |
Interface |
IP Address |
Subnet Mask |
Default Gateway |
R1 |
G0/0 | | |
N/A |
G0/1 | | |
N/A |
PC-A |
NIC | | | |
PC-B |
NIC | | | |
Part 1: Set Up the Topology and Initialize Devices
· Cable equipment to match the network topology.
· Initialize and restart the router and switch.
Part 2: Configure Devices and Verify Connectivity
· Assign static IPv4 information to the PC interfaces.
· Configure basic router settings.
· Verify network connectivity.
Part 3: Display Router Information
· Interpret the output from the startup configuration.
· Interpret the output from the routing table.
· Verify the status of the interfaces.
Required Resources
· 1 Router (Cisco 1941)
· 1 Switch (Cisco 2960)
· 2 PCs
· Ethernet cables as shown in the topology.
Set Up the Topology and Initialize Devices
Cable the network as shown in the topology.
Attach the devices as shown in the topology diagram, and cable as necessary.
Power on all the devices in the topology.
Initialize and reload the router and switch.
Configure Devices and Verify Connectivity
Configure the PC interfaces.
Configure the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway settings on PC-A.
Configure the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway settings on PC-B.
Configure the router.
Console into the router and enable privileged EXEC mode.
Router> enable
Enter into global configuration mode.
Router# config terminal
Assign a device name to the router.
Router(config)# hostname R1
Disable DNS lookup to prevent the router from attempting to translate incorrectly entered commands as though they were hostnames.
R1(config)# no ip domain-lookup
Require that a minimum of 10 characters be used for all passwords.
R1(config)# security passwords min-length 10
Besides setting a minimum length, list other ways to strengthen passwords.
Assign IST12345 as the privileged EXEC encrypted password.
R1(config)# enable secret IST12345
Assign ISTconpass as the console password, establish a timeout, enable login, and add the logging synchronous command.
R1(config)# line con 0
R1(config-line)# password ciscoconpass
R1(config-line)# exec-timeout 5 0
R1(config-line)# login
R1(config-line)# exit
For the exec-timeout command, what do the 5 and 0 represent?
Assign ciscovtypass as the vty password, establish a timeout, enable login, and add the logging synchronous command.
R1(config)# line vty 0 4
R1(config-line)# password ciscovtypass
R1(config-line)# login
R1(config-line)# exit
Encrypt the clear text passwords.
R1(config)# service password-encryption
Create a banner that warns anyone accessing the device that unauthorized access is prohibited.
R1(config)# banner motd #Unauthorized access prohibited!#
Configure an IP address and interface description. Activate both interfaces on the router.
R1(config)# int g0/0
R1(config-if)# description Connection to PC-B
R1(config-if)# ip address
R1(config-if)# no shutdown
R1(config-if)# exit
R1(config)# exit
Configure an IP address and interface description for g0/1. Activate the interface on the router.
Save the running configuration to the startup configuration file.
R1# copy running-config startup-config
Destination filename [startup-config]?
Building configuration...
What would be the result of reloading the router prior to completing the copy running-config startup-config command?
Verify network connectivity.
Ping PC-B from a command prompt on PC-A.
Were the pings successful?
Display Router Information
In Part 3, you will use show commands from an SSH session to retrieve information from the router.
Display the startup configuration.
Use the show startup-config command on the router to answer the following questions.
How are passwords presented in the output?
Use the show startup-config
What is the result of using this command?
Display the routing table on the router.
Use the show ip route command on the router to answer the following questions.
What code is used in the routing table to indicate a directly connected network?
How many route entries are coded with a C code in the routing table?
Display a summary list of the interfaces on the router.
Use the show ip interface brief command on the router to answer the following question.
What command changed the status of the Gigabit Ethernet ports from administratively down to up?
1. In researching a network connectivity issue, a technician suspects that an interface was not enabled. What show command could the technician use to troubleshoot this issue?
2. In researching a network connectivity issue, a technician suspects that an interface was assigned an incorrect subnet mask. What show command could the technician use to troubleshoot this issue?
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