Assessment Summary
Assessment title
Assessment 2 - Online Scenario Case Presentation
Due Date
Week 6
Presentation and script. to be submitted to Turnitin Monday 30th September 11pm
Presentations – Tuesday 1st October to Thursday 3rd October (inclusive)
Specific date and time selected by students in W3 of term (after census)
20 minutes
(15 minutes presentation + 5 minutes question and answer with the assessor)
Weighting 60%
Submission Live online assessment – assessment link will be provided
Unit Learning Outcomes
You will demonstrate the following Unit Learning Outcomes on the successful completion of this task:
ULO 2: Synthesise complex patient data to inform. their surgical journey
ULO 4: Reflect critically on theory and professional practice to plan the safe care of complex surgical patients
Task Description
Students are to deliver an online case presentation with a question-and-answer segment from the marker related to a case study assigned to the students early in the term. The breakdown of the time for the presentation is 15 minutes for a presentation from the student addressing specified areas within their assigned case study, and 5 minutes to answer questions from the marker relating to a surgical journey (not specific to the assigned patient). These questions will be randomly assigned by the markers on the day. The questions will not be released to students prior to their assessment time,and they will not be the same questions for every case or every student (questions will be selected from a pool at random on the day).
This assessment will run in week 6 of term from 8amon Tuesday 1st October, to 6pm Thursday 3rd October – inclusive. Students will need to submit their presentation and script. to Turnitin for similarity and artificial intelligence checking by Monday 30th September at 11pm. The individual presentation times will be selected by students via a Google Doc in week 3 of term following census. The assessment will begin to bring the concepts of the whole surgical journey together, as they have been covered in modules 1-5.
At the start of the term, students will be allocated a case study, which can be found in the assessment tasks and submissionstab.
The case study is:
1. Erica Carlisle – 73-year-old female having a laparoscopiccholecystectomy
In the assigned case study folder, students will find information relating to their patient, and they will be required to present, to the marker, on their understanding of the patient’scondition and their needs in relation to their surgical journey.
Students are encouraged to complete the modules each week as they progress through the unit, as this will build their understanding of the surgical environments covered in the case studies and equip them to answer the questions posed by the marker following their case presentations.
The focus of Clinical Nursing 1 is to follow the journey of an elective surgical patient from admission to discharge, and cover their care through a variety of surgical environments in between. This assessment starts to bring the whole journey together from admission to the care provided on the surgical ward following their procedure.
This task allows students to demonstrate the understanding they have gained of this journey, from the perspective of presenting their case to their marker, but also by answering a variety of questions on the surgical journey posed at random by their marker. It allows students to apply critical thinking to the patient’s scenarios and to plan safe care in the context of these complicated surgical presentations.
This task primarily encompasses modules 2-5 (inclusive); however, concepts from module 1 will also be included from a care perspective (no medication calculations).
This task also links back to the SCU graduate attributes. In particular, this task relates to GA 1 – intellectual rigour (a commitment to excellence in all scholarly and intellectual activities, including critical judgement), GA 2 – creativity (an ability to develop creative and effective responses to intellectual, professional and social challenges, GA 4 – knowledge of a discipline (command of a discipline to enable a smooth transition and contribution to professional and community settings), and GA 5 – lifelong learning (the ability to be responsive to change, to be inquiring and reflective in practice, through information literacy and autonomous, self-managed learning.
Task Instructions
• Early in the term, students will be assigned to a case study
• In the assessment tasks and submissionstab, students will find the information related to their case within a folder
• Students will access the assessment via the Assessment Tasks and Submissionstab → Task 2
– Online Presentation → Case Study Link (link will be related to their assigned case)
• The student must use PowerPoint to create their presentations
• The student is required to submit the script. they will use for the presentation, including in- text referencing. The references do not need to be referred to during the presentation. The script. will be embedded within the PowerPoint presentation and submitted together to Turnitin as a PDF
• The PowerPoint presentation and student script. of their presentation should be submitted through Turnitin by Monday 30th September at 11 pm – as the presentation and script. will be checked for similarity matching and use of artificial intelligence, which is not permitted in this assessment
• The presentation MUST contain a reference list with a minimum of 6 relevant academic sources used in the presentation – this can be included in the script. or as the final slide of the PowerPoint
• There is no specific formatting required for the script. It needs to include everything intended to be presented.
• In week 3 of term, following census and the stabilisation of student numbers, students will be able to select an individual time for their assessment on a Google Doc sheet. This will be found in the assessment tasks and submissionstab for assessment 2
• The day before the assessment, students will be provided with a schedule that will show
which virtual “room” they are assigned to – this will be presented to students in an announcement on Blackboard, via an email push notification, and the updated schedule with links will also be placed in the Assessment 2 folder
• At the top of their assigned day, under the room number, will be a link to a Zoom meeting
• This link will take students to their assigned marker’s virtual presentation room, where they will arrive in the virtual waiting room
• The student is then asked to check that they are in the correct room
• The student will then be admitted into their markers room when the marker is ready for them – we may be running late given the number of students to present, so please be patient
• Students will be given a minute to load their presentation, before the tutor will start the timer for their assigned time
• Students will start the assessment with a 15-minute presentation specific to their assigned case study
• Following the presentation, 5 minutes will be assigned for the marker to ask questions
related to the general surgical journey – these questions will be randomly assigned by the marker from a pool on the day
• The presentations start at 8amon Tuesday 1st October and end at 6pm on Thursday 3rd October
• The assessment is worth 60% of the weighted grade for the unit
• We ask students to arrive in their virtual waiting rooms at least 15 minutes before their assigned time – PLEASE PRACTICE USING ZOOM PRIOR TO ASSESSMENT DAY
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