ICTWEB411National unit(s) title:Create a mark-up language document to specification
Develop complex cascading style sheets
Produce basic client-side script for dynamic web pages
RMIT Program code:C5341RMIT Course code:COSC 7365C Create a mark-up language document to specification
COSC7367C Develop complex cascading style sheets
COSC7366C Produce basic client-side script for dynamic web pages
Use this version for students to provide details of the assessment criteria
Section A - Assessment Information
Duration and/or due date:Week 8
Task instructions
You are required to complete two assessments. You must successfully complete all sections of each assessment tasks to be deemed competent in this unit.
Assessment 1 - Individual Website Project
This assessment contains three parts. You are required to complete part 1 and 2 at the due date and continue working on the project and submit the final (part 3) at the nominate due date. For this assessment, you are required to develop a dynamic four-page Website using the latest standards in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Your Website will be uploaded to a Web hosting server and tested in different browsers. A presentation/interview is conducted at the end of the submission.
Part 1 – HTML5
Project website pages with all project/site contents, e.g. text, images. All pages must be validated.
A storyboard which feature the design of the website pages.
Part 2 – CSS
All project/website pages must be styled with CSS accordingly to the design. All CSS files must be validated.
Part 3 - Four Page Website
A four-page Website with a menu, text, images, table and forms styled with CSS. The Website must contain JavaScript functions as dynamic components of the website. It should be uploaded to a Web server.
An interview is required at the submission.
Late submissions of work required for any stage of this assessment will be eligible for grading at CAG (Competency Achieved) level only.
For this assessment task you are required to develop a website using the latest standards in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. The website should be designed and developed for a business (real or simulation). For example: local small business, company own by your family, friends. Previous year students’ project website can be found on Canvas under Resources.
Aim / Purpose:
Students will develop skills in:
•Design and create a website using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript without the automated generation of code.
•Communicate with end users to determine document structure; design features and styles; workplace instructions and other technical documents.
•Validate the HTML pages and the single CSS page against World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards in variety of browsers.
Part 1 (Due date: refer to the weekly schedule)
At least two linked pages with contents include text, images, etc. In this submission, you must:
•Create a website containing HTML5 pages (at least two in this submission, 4-6 pages for the entire website).
•Communicate with end users to determine document (html page) structure; design features and styles; workplace instructions and other technical documents.
•Create/draw a storyboard (layout position, section, and sizing) and convert this to a HTML template for the website pages.
•Screen captures of websites used for design inspiration.
•Include the following elements:
oHeader & footer
oNavigation, list (ordered or unordered), links
oSection, headings, paragraphs, DIVs
•Validate all HTML pages and CSS against World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) standards.
Part 2 (Due date: refer to the weekly schedule)
As a carry-on and continue work from part 1, your second submission must contain minimum 4, maximum 6 pages website with a menu, text, images, table and forms styled with CSS. Your website must be tested in different browsers. In this submission, you must:
•Create a website containing at least FOUR HTML5 pages.
•Include the following elements:
oHeader & footer
oNavigation, list (ordered or unordered), links (internal & external including “mailto”)
oSection, headings, paragraphs, DIVs, id, class
oImages, font, color, background
oBlock, inline, sizing, border, padding, margin
otable, form, nested navigation, background image
oCSS 3 syntax and styles
oPosition (include absolute), float
oDesign the necessary dynamic component on the pages
•Create CSS external style sheet(s) to style the web pages.
•All HTML pages and CSS must be validated and free of error (fix all errors; submission with validation error will be required for resubmission).
Part 3 (Due date: refer to the weekly schedule)
This is the last submission of your completed website. You must submit all html pages, at least one CSS file, and at least three JavaScript components (on the page or as a separate .js file). Your submission must include all the requirements listed above as well as the following additional requirements:
•Create the dynamic web pages with at least three JavaScript and/or Jquery (embedded or separate file) components for the entire website.
•Trouble shoot problems and document HTML & CSS validation screen and comments.
•Document JavaScript problems and testing.
•Different browser testing screen captures & comments.
•Include at least three of the following features/functions in the JavaScript
oSlide show
oForm field(s) validation
oFunctions with parameters (include selection and repetition)
oJS animations
oOthers (e.g. map)
•For this submission you will be asked to demonstrate your understanding of the website
•Late submissions of work required for this part of the assessment will be eligible for grading at CAG (Competency Achieved) level only.
•If a student is deemed to have copied work, RMIT academic discipline procedures will apply.
Please Note:
The assessment will be only partly based on your submission on canvas. You will also need to demonstrate an understanding of the project submission (by answering questions related to your submission asked by your teacher).
Conditions for assessment
•This is an individual submission
RMIT Electronic Submission of work for assessment
I declare that in submitting all work for this assessment I have read, understood and agree to the content and expectations of the Assessment declaration
Instructions on submitting your project/portfolio/report
Zip all your files (including document files) and submit the zipped file on Canvas.
Transfer your completed web site (files) to the RMIT Jupiter server. Provide the URL in your submission to your teacher.
Equipment/resources students must supply:Equipment/resources to be provided by RMIT or the workplace:
•Can use any drawing tools to design and draw storyboard.
•Laptop/computer and internet access.•Assessment tool templates
•RMIT Google account for Google drive access
•Learning management system, email or other online system for students to submit their assessments
Section B - Assessment Guide
Below is a checklist for how this assessment task will be judged as satisfactory or not satisfactory.
Criteria for assessment
Requirement Demonstrated
YES/NO/CommentsResubmission Outcomes (if applicable)
Create and complete the website with validated error-free HTML5 pages and CSS style sheet(s).
Trouble shoot problems and document HTML & CSS validation screen and comments.
Include the following HTML and CSS elements:
•Header & footer
•Navigation, list (ordered or unordered)
•Section, headings, paragraphs, DIVs, id, class
•Images, font, color, background
•Block, inline, sizing, border, padding, margin, background image
•table, form, Position (include absolute), float
•CSS 3 syntax and styles
•Style navigation properties (link, hover, active, visited)
Design the necessary dynamic component on the pages (Hint: use CSS properties, e.g. hide and show; shadow; change size; animation etc.).
Submit assessment on time via required submission methods.
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