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您当前位置:首页 >> Web作业Web作业

日期:2019-11-16 09:03

COMP 2406 – F19 – A4 Due Friday, November 22nd at 11:59 PM

Assignment 4 Trivia Quiz Builder

Submit a single zip file called assignment4.zip. Your submission MUST contain a

package.json file that allows your assignment to be built using npm install. You should

not include the node_modules folder or database files in your submission. You may

assume that the TA will have the Mongo.db daemon running and that the TA will have run

database-initializer.js before running your server.

This assignment has 100 marks. Read the marking scheme posted on cuLearn for details.

Assignment Background

In this assignment, you will implement a trivia quiz creation server. Your assignment must use

MongoDB for storage of all question and quiz data.

To get started, download the database-initializer.js file from cuLearn into the directory you will

do your assignment. Initialize your project using npm init. Ensure the MongoDB Node.js driver

is installed in your assignment directory by running npm install mongodb. Now run the

database-initializer.js file using Node.js while the MongoDB daemon is also running on your

computer, and it will initialize a database called ‘a4’ with a collection called ‘questions’ that

contains the same 500 trivia questions that were used in Assignment #3. If you need to reset

your questions collection at any point in time, you can re-run this file to return the ‘questions’

collection to its original state.

Several of the routes for the server you will develop must support query parameters. For this

assignment, you may assume that the query parameter values your server receives will be of

the correct type. For example, if the specification indicates the value will be an integer, you can

assume that you will always get a value that can be converted to an integer.

Before starting your design for the assignment, you are encouraged to read through the entire

specification. It is possible that later parts will inform your design decisions and, by preparing in

advance, you can avoid having to significantly refactor your code as you progress through the


Assignment Requirements

Your server must support the following routes:

GET: /questions, /questions/:qID, /createquiz, /quizzes, /quiz/:quizID

POST: /quizzes

COMP 2406 – F19 – A4 Due Friday, November 22nd at 11:59 PM


The details that follow explain the specific functionality that your application must support for

each of these routes.

GET /questions: This route will be used to query the questions in the server’s database. This

route must be capable of returning either JSON or HTML, depending on the content type

specified in the Accept header of the request. For each request, the response may contain up to

25 matching questions. Simply return the first 25 matching questions or all of the matching

questions if there are less than 25. There is no need to implement a limit query parameter or

any sort of pagination for HTML results. The route must support the following two query


1. category: a string that should be compared to the category field within the supplied

question objects. Note that this is different from the category_id field that was used

in Assignment #3. If the category parameter is not specified, you should match

questions of any category.

2. difficulty: a string that should be compared to the difficulty field within the

supplied question objects. Note that this is different from the difficulty_id field

that was used in Assignment #3. If no difficulty parameter is specified, you should

match questions of any difficulty.

If JSON data is requested, the response should be a JSON string containing the key

"questions" with the associated value being an array of the matching question objects.

If HTML data is requested, you must use a templating engine to render an HTML page

containing the results. This HTML page should contain the matching questions. For each

question, there should be a link to that specific question resource on the server (e.g.,

/questions/someQuestionId) and the text of the link should be the question’s question text.

GET /questions/:qID: This parameterized route will be used to retrieve a single question with

the unique ID qID from the server. This route must be capable of returning either JSON or

HTML, depending on the content type specified in the Accept header of the request. If JSON is

requested, your server should return the JSON representation of the question object. If HTML is

requested, your server must use a template engine to render an HTML page containing the

question’s data. At minimum, this HTML page must have the question text, category text,

difficulty text, correct answer, and incorrect answers. If the supplied question ID does not exist

on the server, you should return an HTTP status of 404 with an error message.

GET /createquiz: This route represents the page that will be used to perform quiz creation. This

route should only return HTML. The HTML can be served from a static file or generated using a

template engine. You will also need to write client-side Javascript to achieve the functionality

requirements of this page. The requirements of this page are described below.

1. The page must have an input field to specify the quiz creator’s name.

2. The page must have an input field to specify the quiz’s tags. This will be a list of

keywords to describe the quiz, separated by spaces. For example, the string

COMP 2406 – F19 – A4 Due Friday, November 22nd at 11:59 PM


“science technology computers” would represent the three tags: science, technology,

and computers.

3. The page must have a list of questions that are currently part of the quiz. This list will

initially be blank. For each question currently in the quiz, the entry for that question in

the list should be a link to that specific question resource on the server, which should

open in a new window (use the link attribute target="_blank" to accomplish this),

and the text of the link should be the question’s question text. Additionally, there

must be a way for the user to select questions that are currently part of the quiz and

remove them. This could involve a remove button beside each question, a checkbox

beside each question combined with a remove button (as in earlier to-do list

tutorials), or some other method.

4. A “Save Quiz” button. When this button is clicked, the data on the page should first

be validated to ensure the following: that there is a creator name (i.e., it is not blank),

there is at least one tag, and there is at least one question in the quiz. If any of those

conditions are not met, an alert should be displayed indicating what needs to be

changed. Otherwise, the quiz data should be sent to the server using a POST

request to the /quizzes route. If the new quiz is successfully created on the server,

the client should be redirected to the URL representing the newly created quiz


5. A 'Search/Add Questions' section that will allow the user to browse possible

questions from the server and add them to the quiz. This section must have two

drop-down lists to filter questions based on category and difficulty. These drop-down

lists must contain all possible categories and difficulties based on the questions

stored on the server. The values in these drop-down lists should not be hard-coded.

Instead, they should be generated at runtime using the information from the server's

database. Below the drop-down lists, there must be a list of questions that match the

currently selected category and difficulty. If the selected item in either of the drop￾down menus changes, the list of questions must be updated to reflect the change.

You can use a request to your server's /questions route to retrieve matching

questions. For each question that matches the currently selected difficulty/category,

the entry for that question in the list should be a link to that specific question

resource on the server, which should open in a new window (using the link attribute

target="_blank"), and the text of the link should be the question’s question text.

Additionally, there must be a method for the user to select questions to add to the

quiz. This could involve an add button beside each question, a checkbox beside

each question combined with an add button (like the remove functionality in earlier

to-do list tutorials), or some other method. It should not be possible for the user to

add the same question to a quiz more than once. Note that some categories in the

dataset have the character ‘&’ within their text, which will cause issues if you try to

add the category string directly to a query string for a request (e.g., if making an

XMLHttpRequest to the /questions route). Use Javascript's

encodeURIComponent(string) function to encode the category string in URI format

before adding it to your query string.

COMP 2406 – F19 – A4 Due Friday, November 22nd at 11:59 PM


POST /quizzes: This route will be used to add a new quiz into the database. This route will

expect a JSON body containing the representation of a quiz (creator, tags, questions). Your

server must verify the information to ensure that: there is a creator name (i.e., it is not blank),

there is at least one tag, and that each question within the quiz is a valid question within the

database. If the quiz data is valid, a new quiz document should be inserted into the 'quizzes'

collection in the database. The server should respond in a way that will allow the client that

made the POST request to navigate to the newly created quiz resource (e.g., by sending back

the quiz's unique ID or by redirecting the client from the server-side). If the quiz data is invalid,

the response should include an HTTP status code and message describing the error.

GET /quizzes: This route will be used to query the quizzes in the server’s database. This route

must be capable of returning either JSON or HTML, depending on the content type specified in

the Accept header of the request. The route must support the following query parameters:

1. creator: a string that should be compared to the creator field of the quiz objects. If

no creator parameter is specified, your server should match any quiz creator's name.

If the parameter is specified, a quiz should match this query parameter if the value of

the query parameter can be found in the name of the quiz creator. The search should

also be done in a case-insensitive manner. So, for example, if a quiz's creator is

"Dave", this would match all the following values for the creator query parameter:

"da", "ave", "dave", "DAVE".

2. tag: a string that should be searched for within the set of tags for each quiz. If no tag

parameter is specified, a quiz should match regardless of its tags. If the tag

parameter is specified, a quiz should match this query parameter if any of the quiz's

tags match the given tag. The matching should be done in a case-insensitive manner

but should NOT perform partial matching like the creator parameter. So a tag query

parameter value of "dog" would match the tags "dog" and "DOG", but not "dogs".

Note that since a quiz can have many tags, you must check to see if the query

parameter value is equal to any of the tags of that quiz.

If JSON data is requested, the response should be a JSON string containing the key "quizzes"

with the associated value being an array of matching quiz objects.

If HTML data is requested, you must use a templating engine to render an HTML page

containing the results. This HTML page should contain a list of the matching quizzes. For each

quiz, there should be a link to that specific quiz resource on the server (e.g.,

/quizzes/someQuizId). The text of the link should contain the quiz creator's name and the set of

tags associated with that quiz.

GET /quiz/:quizID: This parameterized route will be used to retrieve a single quiz with the

unique ID quizID from the server. This route must be capable of returning either JSON or HTML,

depending on the content type specified in the Accept header of the request. If JSON is

requested, your server should return the JSON representation of the quiz object. This JSON

COMP 2406 – F19 – A4 Due Friday, November 22nd at 11:59 PM


data must contain, at minimum, the creator name, array of tags, and an array containing all the

question data for the quiz (i.e., not just the question IDs, but all of the data). If HTML is

requested, your server must use a template engine to render an HTML page containing the

quizzes data. At minimum, this HTML page must have the quiz creator's name, quiz tags, and a

list of the quiz questions. Each entry in the list of quiz questions should be a link to that specific

question resource on the server. The text of each link should contain the question's question

text. If an invalid ID is specified, a 404 error should be sent in response.

Code Quality and Documentation

Your code should be well-written and easy to understand. This includes providing clear

documentation explaining the purpose and function of pieces of your code. You should use

good variable/function names that make your code easier to read. You should do your best to

avoid unnecessary computation/communication and ensure that your code runs smoothly

throughout operation. You must also include a README.txt file that explains any design

decisions that you made and precise instructions for how to run/use your system.


Your zip file should contain all the resources required for your assignment to run. Your

submission MUST contain a package.json file that allows your assignment to be built using npm

install. You should not include the node_modules folder or database files in your submission.

The TA must be able to run your server and use the system by following instructions in the

README.txt file. You may assume that the TA will have the MongoDB daemon running and will

have run database-initializer.js before running your server.

Submit your assignment4.zip file to cuLearn.

Make sure you download the zip after submitting, verify the file contents, and verify that your

instructions are sufficient for installing/running your system.

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