KXO205 – Assignment 3
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Dynamic Web Development
AIEN-SHOU - 2019
Assignment 3: Dynamic Web Site Project
Due Date & Time: Friday, 6
th December 2019: 9:00pm (Shanghai-time)
Assignment weight: 30% (of Total Marks for the unit)
Submission: Via MyLO
Assignment Type: Group: 4 students in each group (minimum of 3). Students are free to choose who
they join with. Group sign-up is available from the Assessment page of the KXO205
MyLO site.
NOTE: Students who have not signed into a group by 9:00pm (Shanghai-time)
Wednesday, 27th November 2019, will be assigned into a group without consultation.
NOTE: Each contributing student within the group will receive the same mark,
however, active participation and equal contribution is required from each member
of the group. Students who are found to have not participated and / or equally
contributed to the assignment work will not be included in the group’s mark. If there
is an issue with a student not participating and / or contributing to your group,
please contact your lecturer.
Cover Sheet: The School requires that a group cover sheet listing the members of your group be
submitted with your assignment.
Task Description (Assignment Requirements)
In the third section of the KXO205 tutorials you have been working through the steps to develop the
WisdomPets project using Django.
As a group you are required to complete the three (3) Django tutorials so that the WisdomPets website is
fully operational and all functions work as described in the tutorials and lectures.
Please Note: The author of ‘Learning Django’ has provided a demonstration of an advanced
version of the WisdomPets project at: www.wisdompoets.com. There are features on the
author’s website that are not required for this assignment, and some features that are
required for the assignment are not included on the website – the KXO205 Django tutorials
and lectures are your guide to what is required, plus the requirements listed below.
The group is then required to make changes to their website as listed below:
• Change all references in the wisdompets website to the name: ‘Wisdom Pet Medicine’, to ‘<your
group’s> Pet Medicine’, for example, for group 99, the name of the website would be ‘Group 99 Pet
Medicine’ • Change the website’s logo to either one of your group’s own design, or a suitable one that your
group has found on the internet (the logo can also be hand-drawn, and a photo of it used)
KXO205 – Assignment 3 • Change the website’s main graphic to either one of your group’s own design, or a suitable one that
your group has found on the internet (the main graphic can be hand-drawn, and a photo of it used)
Group 99 Pet Medicine strives to blend the best in traditional and alternative medicine in the diagnosis and treatment of health conditions in companion
animals, including dogs, cats, birds, reptiles, rodents, and fish. We apply the latest healthcare technology, along with the wisdom garnered in the centuries
old tradition of veterinary medicine, to find the safest and most effective treatments and cures, while maintaining a caring relationship with our patients and
their guardians.
• Add a vaccine suitable for a pet to the list of Vaccines (your group can use the Internet to find an
appropriate vaccine not already listed) • Create three (3) ‘authentication and authorisation’ groups:
1. A ‘Management’ group that is authorised to do everything on the website
2. A ‘Supervisor’ group that can Add, Change, Delete, and View: Pets, Groups, Users, and
3. An ‘Employee’ group that can Add, Change, Delete, and View: Pets; and View: Users and
• Using your group’s website Administration page create a user account for each member of the
group – enrolling one (1) member of the group into each of the management groups, with the
fourth (4th) member not enrolled in a management group. (for teams with three (3) members, each
member should be in a management group)
• Fill in all details on the page for each of the users (names used must be the real names (in
pinyin) of each of the group members, but the other details can be made up)
• Give the group member in the Management group: Active, Staff status, and Superuser
status permissions • Give the group members in the Supervisor and Employee groups: Active, and Staff status
permissions • For each member of the group add two (2) pets with that group member as the submitter, filling in
all the details on the page (pet details can be made up) • For each of the members in the group change one (1) of the existing records of a pet, by replacing
the submitters’ name with the real name (in pinyin) of each member of the group (there should be
one (1) record of a pet for each member of the group that records them as the submitter)
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KXO205 – Assignment 3
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Submission of Assignment
The folder containing all the files of your group’s completed Django website is to be zipped into a single file,
and together with a Group Assignment Cover Sheet, submitted by the deadline shown above. Assignments
must be submitted electronically via MyLO (http://mylo.utas.edu.au). The zip file containing your group’s
website files is to be named using your group’s number using the following format: <group_number>.zip.
For example, Group 99, the file would be named: group99.zip
In submitting your group’s assignment, you are agreeing that you and each member of the group have
read the Plagiarism section below, and that your group’s assignment submission complies with the
assignment requirement that it is your group’s own work.
Mark Allocation
Your group’s submitted work for this assignment will be assessed against criteria that are related to the
learning outcomes for this unit. The table on the following pages indicates the criteria, and your work will
be judged against these performance standards.
Please refer to the unit outline and www.utas.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/231960/ExtensionPolicy.pdf
It is important that you are aware of the University’s policy on plagiarism.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating. It is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and
representing them as your own; for example, using an author's words without putting them in quotation
marks and citing the source, using an author's ideas without proper acknowledgment and citation or
copying another student’s work.
If you have any doubts about how to refer to the work of others in your assignments, please consult your
lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines, and the academic integrity resources on the web at:
The intentional copying of someone else’s work as one’s own is a serious offence punishable by penalties
that may range from a fine or deduction/cancellation of marks and, in the most serious of cases, to
exclusion from a unit, a course or the University. Details of penalties that can be imposed are available in
the Ordinance of Student Discipline – Part 3 Academic Misconduct, see:
The University reserves the right to submit assignments to plagiarism detection software, and might
then retain a copy of the assignment on its database for the purpose of future plagiarism checking.
Useful resources on academic integrity, including what it is and how to maintain it, are also available at:
Zip this folder
Rename it: group<groups’ number>.zip
Submit the zip file to MyLO
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