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日期:2024-06-19 10:09

The University of New South Wales

COMP4337/9337 Securing Fixed and Wireless Networks

Assignment specifications for T2 2024 (24T2)

Version 1.0

1. Change Log

v1.0: Released on 17th June 2024

o Draft specifications

2. Due dates:

Final report/code/demo video submission: 1700 Hrs Friday 2nd August 2024

3. Goal and learning objectives

For this assignment, your task is to implement a hybrid digital contact tracing protocol called “DIMY: Did

I Meet You”. You should implement various components of the protocol by following the specifications

listed in this document, and reading the reference document listed under the section references to

understand the scope and working of the DIMY protocol. You can use multiple processes/threads/virtual

machines running on one laptop/desktop (with Linux OS) to setup the implementation environment.

3.1 Learning Objectives

On completing this assignment, you will gain sufficient expertise in the following skills:

1. Understanding and implementing several security mechanism for privacy-preserving, secret

sharing, key exchange and confidentiality such as Diffie-Hellman key exchange, Shamir Secret

Sharing, Hashing and Bloom Filters. ?

2. Learning how UDP/TCP socket-based communications take place.

3. Integration of various technologies to achieve Confidentiality, Integrity and Privacy.

4. Experience in implementing a real protocol.

4. Assignment Specifications

Updates to the assignment, including any corrections and clarifications, will be posted on the

course website at WebCMS. Please make sure that you check the course website regularly for


This section gives detailed specifications of the assignment.

4.1 COVID-19 and Contact Tracing

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed many aspects of everyone’s way of life. One of

the characteristics of COVID-19 is its airborne transmission, which makes it highly contagious. Moreover,

a person infected with COVID-19 can be asymptomatic, thus spreading the virus without showing any

symptoms. Anyone who comes into a close contact (within 2m for at least 15 min) with an infected person

is at a high risk of contracting the coronavirus.

Digital contact tracing applications aim to establish the close contacts of an infected person so that they

may be tested/isolated to break the chain of infection. The digital contact tracing app is typically composed

of two main entities, the smartphones acting as clients and a back-end server. In this model, the

smartphones of two individuals with tracing apps installed would exchange some random identification

code (this identification code does not reveal any sensitive information about their actual identities) when

they are in close proximity. The back-end is typically maintained by health organisations (or the

government), and once a person is diagnosed with COVID-19, they can opt to share the local list of

contacts stored on their smartphone with the back-end server to identify at-risk users. Digital contact

tracing apps are not meant to replace the traditional manual contact tracing processes, rather, these have

been designed to supplement the contact tracing process.

4.2 DIMY Digital Contact Tracing Protocol.

Download the reference paper [1] and read through it to understand various components of the DIMY

protocol. Briefly, devices participating in DIMY periodically generate random ephemeral identifiers.

These identifiers are used in the Diffie-Hellman key exchange to establish a secret key representing the

encounter between two devices that come in contact with each other. After generating their ephemeral

identifiers, devices employ the “k-out-of-n” secret sharing scheme to produce n secret shares of the

ephemeral identifiers. Devices now broadcast these secret shares, at the rate of one share per minute,

through advertisement messages. A device can reconstruct the ephemeral identifiers advertised from

another device, if it has stayed in this device’s communication range for at least k minutes.

After the ephemeral identifier is re-constructed, DIMY adopts Bloom filters to store the relevant contact

information. Each device maintains a Daily Bloom Filter (DBF) and inserts all the constructed encounter

identifiers in the DBF created for that day. The encounter identifier is deleted as soon as it has been

inserted in the Bloom filter. Devices maintain DBF on a 21 days rotation basis, identified as the incubation

period for COVID-19. DBFs older than 21 days automatically get deleted.

For the back-end, DIMY utilises blockchain to satisfy the immutable and decentralised storage

requirement. Once a user is diagnosed with COVID-19, they can volunteer to upload their encounter

information to the blockchain. Health Authorities (HA) then generate an authorisation access token from

the blockchain that is passed on to the device owner. The user’s device combines 21 DBFs into one Contact

Bloom Filter (CBF) and uploads this filter to the blockchain. The blockchain stores the uploaded CBF as

a transaction inside a block (in-chain storage) and appends the block to the chain.

Daily, the app will query the blockchain to perform risk-analysis, checking whether the user has come in

close contact with any person diagnosed positive. A device combines all of the locally stored DBFs (the

maximum number is limited to 21) in a single Bloom filter called the Query Bloom Filter (QBF). The

QBF is part of the query that gets uploaded to the blockchain. The blockchain matches the QBF with CBF

stored as a transaction in the blockchain and returns “matched” or “not matched” as a response. If the

response from the blockchain is negative, the device deletes its QBF. Conversely, if the user is found to

be at-risk, the user is notified, and the QBF is stored separately for further verification by HA in the follow

up manual contact tracing process.

4.3 Implementation Details

In this assignment, you will implement the DIMY protocol with a few modified parameters.

Note that in this specification, the term ‘node’ refers to an instance of the DIMY protocol implementation

(client) running on your laptop/desktop. Your main front-end program should be named Dimy.py. Note

that you also need to implement the backend centralised server that should run on your laptop/desktop.

Your backend server code should be named DimyServer.py.

This assignment specification has been modified to use TCP/IP protocol stack-based message passing

instead of BLE communication. It also uses different parameters as compared with the original

specifications listed in reference paper [1]. This is to cut down the development, testing and demo time

for the assignment. The marking guidelines appear at the end of the assignment specifications and are

provided to indicate the distribution of the marks for each component of the assignment.

Assignment Specification

We will follow most of the original specifications from the reference paper [1] except the changes that are

listed in this section. There are three major differences: 1) We will employ UDP/TCP socket-based

message passing between the nodes instead of using BLE communication. 2) We use different parameters

values described in detail later in this section. 3) You are required to implement a simple centralised server

acting as the back-end server instead of the Blockchain proposed in the reference paper. For details, please

go through the subsection on the backend server.

In DIMY protocol, each node performs the following steps to broadcast and register a shared secret key

representing an encounter with other another node in close proximity. We have listed these in form of

tasks you will be assessed on.

Task 1: Generate a 32-Byte Ephemeral ID (EphID) after every 15 sec. Note that the reference paper

proposed a 16-Byte EphID due to limitation on the size of a Bluetooth message broadcast.

Task 2: Prepare n chunks of the EphID by using k-out-of-n Shamir Secret Sharing mechanism. For this

implementation, we use the values of k and n to be 3 and 5 respectively.

Task 3: Broadcast these n shares @ 1 unique share per 3 seconds. For this implementation, you are not

required to use Bluetooth message advertisement, rather you can use simple UDP broadcasting to advertise

these shares. Also, you do not need to implement the simultaneous advertisement of EphIDs proposed in

the reference paper [1].

Task 3a: Implement a message drop mechanism that drops a message which is ready to be transmitted

with probability 0.5. This should be implemented at the sender. Hint: generate a random number between

0 and 1. If this number is less than 0.5, don’t transmit that message (chunk).

Task 4: A receiver can reconstruct the advertised EphID, after it has successfully received at least k shares

out of the n shares being advertised. This means that if the nodes have remained in contact for at least 9

seconds and received >= 3 shares of the same EphID, it can reconstruct the EphID. Verify the re-

constructed EphID by taking hash and comparing with the hash advertised in the chunks.

Task 5: The node proceeds with applying Diffie-Hellman key exchange mechanism to arrive at the secret

Encounter ID (EncID).

Task 6: A node, after successfully constructing the EncID, will encode EncID into a Bloom filter called

Daily Bloom Filter (DBF), and delete the EncID.

Task 7: A DBF will store all EncIDs representing encounters faced during a 90-second period. A new

DBF is initiated after the 90-second period and each node stores at most 6 DBFs. DBF that is older than

9 min from the current time is deleted from the node’s storage. Note that in original specifications DBF

stores a day worth of EncIDs, but for this demo we will use DBF to store EncIDs received in 90-second


Task 8: Every 9 minutes, a node combines all the available DBFs into another Bloom Filter called Query

Bloom Filter (QBF).

Task 9: Each node sends this QBF to the backend server, to check whether it has come in close contact

with someone who has been diagnosed positive with COVID-19. The node will receive the result of

matching performed at the back-end server. The result is displayed to inform the user. You are required

to use TCP for this communication between the node and the back-end server.

Task 10: A user who is diagnosed positive with COVID-19, can choose to upload their close contacts to

the backend server. It combines all available DBF’s into a single Contact Bloom Filter (CBF) and uploads

the CBF to the backend server. Once a node uploads a CBF, it stops generating the QBFs. The node will

receive a confirmation that the upload has been successful.

Task 11: This task performs simple security analysis of your implementation of the DIMY protocol.

A) List all the security mechanism proposed in the DIMY protocol and explain what purpose each of the

mechanism serves.

B) There are two types of communications in the DIMY protocol: i) Nodes communicate with each other

using UDP broadcasts. ii) Nodes communicate with the backend server using the TCP protocol. Create an

attacker node by modifying your implementation of the DIMY frontend. This code is named Attacker.py.

Assume that this node can receive all of the UDP broadcasts from other legitimate nodes. Think of one

attack that can be launched by this attacker node. Implement this attack and show how this attack affects

the DIMY nodes.

C) Now focus on the communication of nodes with the backend server. Again, think of one attack that can

be launched by the attacker node assuming the communication is not encrypted and the attacker node can

listen to any node communicating with the backend server. Explain how this attack affects the working of

the DIMY protocol. Note that you do not need to implement this 2nd type of attack on communication with

the backend server.

D) Finally, suggest measures (if possible) that can be implemented to prevent the attacks you identified in

B and C above for both types of communications.


o Your front-end implementation should work in the debugging mode displaying messages sent and

received, operations performed and state of Bloom filters in the terminal to illustrate that it is

working correctly.

o Use UDP message broadcasting to implement send and receive functionality.

o DBF, QBF and CBF are all of size 100KB and use 3 hashes for encoding.

o You are required to run the assignment with three nodes running the DIMY frontend (plus the

attacker node in Task 11) and one back-end server.

Back-end Server

Your client implementation interacts with a backend-server to send CBF/QBF and receive the results for

the risk analysis performed at the back-end. Note that, you are not required to use a blockchain-based

implementation, rather, you can use a simple centralised server to interact with the front-end.

The backend server program is deployed in your laptop or desktop machine using TCP port No


You can provide the information regarding IP address and port No of the backend server to your

front-end client program through command line arguments. For example, Dimy.py 55000, where server is running on IP and port No 55000 or you

can opt to hard code this information at the front-end.

The nodes establish a new TCP connection with the back-end server to transfer CBF/QBF to the

server and receive the results of the queries.

The back-end server stores all the received CBFs and can perform matching for each QBF

received from devices. It informs the node that has uploaded the QBF about the result of

matching, matched or not matched. If there is no CBF available, the back-end returns not


5. Additional Notes

Groups: You are expected to work in groups composed of maximum two students. Use the same

groups that you have formed for the labs.

Use Python to implement this assignment.

You are required to develop and test the implementation on your own laptop/desktop instead of using

the CSE login servers.

You are free to design your own format for messages exchanged between the nodes and the back-end

server. Just make sure your front-end and back-end programs can handle these messages appropriately.

You are encouraged to use the course discussion forum on Ed to ask questions and to discuss different

approaches to solve any issues faced during the implementation. However, you should not post any

code fragments on the forum.

6. Assignment Submission

You need to submit a report, your source code and a demo video. Only one member of the Group is

required to do the submission. Put the details of the group members in each document.

The report (AssignmentReport.pdf see details in Section 7) should include the group ID, members name

and zIDs, and an assignment diary that details weekly tasks performed by each group members. Add a

note about how to run your program detailing the steps required to compile/run your submitted code.

Moreover, describe your method used for implementing the specified tasks, and issues faced along with

their adopted solutions. For task 11, explain how the attacker node can launch your selected attacks on the

DIMY protocol.

You will demonstrate your assignment with a video. The video should be a screen recording showing

running of each step of the assignment. We recommend you run each process in a separate terminal, so

that you can capture the interaction between different terminals on the same screen. You must include

each of the following segments against Tasks 1 – 11. You can store the video on a file sharing site (keep

video private and unlisted) and share the link in the report.

You are also required to submit your source code (e.g., submit Dimy.py, DimyServer.py and Attacker.py)

used in the demonstration. The demonstration video carries 15 marks, while the report and code will be

marked out of 5, for a total of 20 marks.

For code submission, please ensure that you use the mandated file name. Your main program should be

named Dimy.py. You may of course have additional helper files.

Note that in the following table “show” means a screen recording of the terminal windows.

Task Segment Description Marks

Task 1 Segment 1 Show the generation of the EphID at the client nodes. 0.5

Task 2

Segment 2 Show that 5 shares of the EphIDs are generated at each node. 0.5

Task 3/3a Segment 3-A Show the sending of the shares @ 1 share per 3 seconds over UDP while

incorporating the drop mechanism.


Segment 3-B Show the receiving of shares broadcast by the other nodes. 0.5

Segment 3-C Show that you are keeping track of number of shares received for each

EphID. Discard if you receive less than k shares.


Task 4 Segment 4-A Show the nodes attempting re-construction of EphID when these have

received at least 3 shares.


Segment 4-B Show the nodes verifying the re-constructed EphID by taking the hash

of re-constructed EphID and comparing with the hash value received in

the advertisement.


Task 5 Segment 5-A Show the nodes computing the shared secret EncID by using Diffie-

Hellman key exchange mechanism.


Segment 5-B Show that a pair of nodes have arrived at the same EncID value. 0.5

Task 6 Segment 6 Show that the nodes are encoding EncID into the DBF and deleting the



Task 7 Segment 7-A Show that the nodes are encoding multiple EncIDs into the same DBF

and show the state of the DBF after each addition.


Segment 7-B Show that a new DBF gets created for the nodes after every 90 seconds.

A node can only store maximum of 6 DBFs.


Task 8 Segment 8 Show that after every 9 minutes, the nodes combine all the available

DBFs into a single QBF.


Task 9 Segment 9 Show that a node can combine the available DBF into a CBF and upload

the CBF to the back-end server.


Task 10 Segment 10-


Show that the nodes send the QBF to the back-end server. 0.5

Segment 10-


Show that the nodes are able to receive the result of risk analysis back

from the back-end server. Show the result for a successful as well as an

unsuccessful match.


Segment 10-


Show the terminal for the back-end server performing the QBF-CBF

matching operation for risk analysis.


Task 11 Segment 11-


Explain the purpose of each of the security mechanism employed in the

DIMY protocol.


Segment 11-


Show the attacker node launching your selected attack on the inter-

node communication in the implementation setup.


Segment 11-


Explain how the attacker node can possibly launch your selected attack

on the communication between nodes and the backend server.


Segment 11-


Discuss the countermeasures that can be taken to mitigate the effects

of the attacks described in Segments 11-A and 11-B.


Important notes

? Assignment to be submitted by give.?

? Late submission penalty will be applied as follows:

o 5% reduction in obtained marks per day after the deadline ??

o 6 or more days after deadline: NOT accepted ?

NOTE: The above penalty is applied to your obtained marks. For example, if you submit your final

assignment deliverables 1 day late and your score in the assignment is 15/20, then your final mark will be

15 – 0.75 (5% penalty) = 14.25.

7. Report

For the final deliverable, you have to submit a small report, AssignmentReport.pdf (no more than 4

pages) that must contain the following:

1. Assignment name, group ID and names/IDs for all group members.

2. A note on how to run your program detailing the steps required to compile /run your submitted code.

3. Executive summary that provides a brief introduction to the salient features in the assignment


4. A brief discussion of how you have implemented the DIMY protocol. Provide a list of features that

you have successfully implemented. In case you have not been able to get certain features of DIMY

working, you should also mention that in your report.

5. Discuss any design trade-offs considered and made. List what you consider is special about your

implementation. Describe possible improvements and extensions to your program and indicate how

you could realise them.

6. Indicate any segments of code that you have borrowed from the Web or other books.

7. Assignment Diary: Each group is also required to attach a 1-page assignment diary to the report. This

diary should maintain a weekly log of activities conducted by each group and should explicitly indicate

the part played by each team member in these activities. You may use any format (Gantt chart, table,

etc.) for maintaining the diary. The diary is not marked. However, if the diary is not submitted, a

penalty of 2 marks will be applied. Please attach the diary at the end of the report. Do not submit it as

a separate file. Unless specified otherwise, contribution from all members will be considered equal.

Any difficulty in working with team members must be reported to the tutor-in-charge at the earliest.

8. Plagiarism

You are to write all of the code for this assignment implementation yourself. All source codes are subject

to strict checks for plagiarism, via highly sophisticated plagiarism detection software for code as well as

the submitted report. These checks may include comparison with available code from Internet sites and

assignments from previous semesters. In addition, each submission will be checked against all other

submissions of the current semester. Do not post this assignment on forums where you can pay

programmers to write code for you. We will be monitoring such forums. Please note that we take this

matter quite seriously. The LIC will decide on appropriate penalty for detected cases of plagiarism. The

most likely penalty would be to reduce the assignment mark to ZERO and reported to the school

plagiarism register.

Forum use.

We are aware that a lot of learning takes place in student conversations, and don’t wish to discourage

those. You are free to discuss (and are in fact strongly encouraged to do so) generic issues relevant to the

assignment on the course forum. However, refrain from posting specific code-fragments or scripts on the

forum. Students will be heavily penalized for doing so. It is important, for both those helping others and

those being helped, not to provide/accept any programming language code in writing, as this is apt to be

used exactly as is, and lead to plagiarism penalties for both the supplier and the copier of the codes. It is

OK to borrow bits and pieces of code (not complete modules/functions) from sample code out on the Web

and in books. You MUST however acknowledge the source of any borrowed code. This means providing

a reference to a book or a URL where the code appears (as comments). Also indicate in your report the

portions of your code that were borrowed. Explain any modifications you have made (if any) to the

borrowed code.


[1] DIMY: Enabling Privacy-preserving Digital Contact Tracing,




1. Can we use available cryptographic libraries and modules? Yes, you can use any library to help

you with cryptographic primitives and you don’t need to implement algorithms from scratch.

2. Do we need to use libraries for Bloom filter implementation? No, you can design Bloom Filter by

setting bits with bitwise operations in a byte array to 1 or 0 to represent an element.

Report and Video:

1. Do we need to include code or terminal window screenshots in the report? No, the video will be

sufficient. Submit your code separately.

2. Can we shorten timer (Task 8) for the video presentation? No, but you can fast forward the


3. Is there a time limit for the video? No, but show only terminal windows with the process and no


4. Can we reduce amount of the information printed to the terminal? Yes, ensure your terminal

windows display the necessary information in a readable and neat manner. Some ideas to consider:

a. Segment 4-A: EpID reconstruction DONE. EphID: 033f69 " (print only the first 6 char of

the EphID)

b. Segment 7-B: A new DBF has been created from 3 encounters.

c. Segment 10-A: Sending the QBF to the back-end server...


1. Are both team members required to submit the assignment? No, only one student from your team

can submit, but remember to include zIDs of both members in your report.

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